


Aktuelle Ausschreibung:


Vacuum-Ultraviolet (VUV) spectroscopy at low-temperature plasmas


Vacuum-Ultraviolet (VUV) photons with wavelengths below 200 nm stem from resonant transitions of plasma species and are thus present in any low-temperature plasma (LTP), such as fusion edge plasmas, source plasmas of neutral beam injection (NBI) systems as well as plasmas used for gas conversion and material processing. The radiation leads to high-energetic photon fluxes onto surfaces and, as an LTP diagnostic, gives access to fundamental plasma processes. The devices need to be operated in vacuum and intensity or flux calibration is a complex task. We offer a PhD position on performing VUV spectroscopy with several different devices (from high to low spectral resolution) at several low-temperature plasmas aiming at intensity calibrated spectra for photon flux quantification and plasma-physical interpretation via collisional-radiative models.



Informationen hierzu sowie zu evtl. weiteren Arbeiten erhalten Sie bei Dr. Roland Friedl und Prof. Dr. Ursel Fantz.


Laufende Dissertationen:

? Work function of ceasiated surfaces under high vacuum conditions
? M.Sc. Nikolas Klose
? Plasma assisted catalysis for nitrogen fixation
? M.Sc. Vinzenz Wolf

Completed Ph.D. Theses:


? Measurement of the atomic hydrogen density in negative ion sources by TALIF
? Dr. Frederik Merk, Februar 2023
? Influence of particle and photon fluxes of hydrogen plasmas on the work function of caesiated surfaces
? Dr. Adrian Heiler, Dezember 2022
? Quantification of VUV photon and particle fluxes in low pressure plasmas for surface treatment
gef?rdert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, FR 3881/1-1)
? Dr. Caecilia Fr?hler-Bachus, November 2022
? Development of a predictive self-consistent ?uid model for optimizing inductive RF coupling of powerful negative hydrogen ion sources
? Dr. Dominikus Zielke, June 2021
? Spectroscopic investigation of a high pressure CO2 microwave discharge
? Dr. Federico D'Isa, 2020
? Correlation between plasma and beam properties at the ELISE test facility
? Dr. Isabella Mario, 2020


Application of a 3D Monte Carlo PIC code for modelling the particle extraction from the large area negative ion source ELISE
? Dr. Mauricio Montellano, Mai 2019


Work function of caesiated surfaces in H2/D2 low temperature plasmas correlated with negative ion formation
? Dr. Sofia Cristofaro, September 2018
? Efficiency of RF plasma generation for fusion relevant ion sources
? Dr. David Rauner, Juni 2018
? Optimization of Cs Dynamics in Large and Powerful RF Sources for Negative Hydrogen Ions
? Dr. Alessandro Mimo, Februar 2018
? Quantification of Neutral Beam Driven Current and the effect of radial fast ion transport in ASDEX Upgrade
? Dr. David Rittich, Dezember 2017
? Investigations on Cs-free alternative materials for negative hydrogen ion formation
? Dr. Uwe Kurutz, September 2016
? Characteristics and Dynamics of the Boundary Layer in RF-driven Sources for Negative Hydrogen Ions
? Dr. Christian Wimmer, Juni 2014
? Reconstruction of Negative Hydrogen Ion Beam Properties from Beamline Diagnostics
? Dr. Benjamin Ruf, Juni 2014
? Experimental investigations on the caesium dynamics in H2/D2 low temperature plasmas
? Dr. Roland Friedl, August 2013
? Spectroscopic Investigation of Indium Halides as Substitutes of Mercury in Low Pressure Discharges for Lighting Applications
? Dr. Stefan Briefi, Dezember 2011
? Verifikation von optischen Diagnostikmethoden an H2/D2 - Plasmen
? Dr. Stephan Dietrich, April 2010
? Experiments and Simulations for the Dynamics of Cesium in Negative Hydrogen Ion Sources for ITER N-NBI
? Dr. Raphael Gutser, M?rz 2010
? Profile der Plasmaparameter und Dichte negativer Wasserstoffionen mittels Laserdetachment in HF-angeregten Ionenquellen
? Dr. Sina Christ-Koch, Dezember 2007
? Cavity-Ringdown-Spektroskopie an Wasserstoff-Niederdruckplasmen
? Dr. Markus Berger, Juli 2006
? Investigations on Spectroscopic Diagnostic of High-Z Elements in Fusion Plasmas
? Dr. Thomas Pütterich, November 2005
? Chemische Erosion verschiedener Kohlenstoff-Materialien durch Wasserstoff-Isotope in Niederdruckplasmen
? Dr. Patrick Starke, Januar 2005
? Berechnung von Teilchendichten für die Diagnostik an Niederdruckplasmen
? Dr. Dirk Wünderlich, September 2004
? Modelling and Optimisation of Future Energy Systems using Spatial and Temporal methods
? Dr. Markus Biberacher, Juni 2004
? Untersuchung urbaner Energiesysteme insbesondere am Beispiel Augsburg
? Dr. Stephan Richter, M?rz 2004
? Untersuchung und Interpretation der Molekülstrahlung von Wasserstoff und Deuterium in Niederdruckplasmen
? Dr. Bernd Heger, Januar 2002
? Transportuntersuchungen im ?bergangsbereich von Einschlu?regimen in ASDEX Upgrade
? Dr. Hans Meister, Oktober 2000
? Untersuchungen zur chemischen Erosion von Kohlenstoff durch Wasserstoffisotope
? Dr. Hermann Paulin, April 2000
? Heliumtransport in der Plasmarandschicht an ASDEX Upgrade
? Dr. Wolfgang Ullrich, Dezember 1999
