


Prof. Dr. Manfred Albrecht

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997


Martin Stiehl, Stephan Wust, Nataliia Schmidt, Tobias Dannegger, Johannes Seyd, Marco Berritta, Peter M. Oppeneer, Manfred Albrecht, Ulrich Nowak und Martin Aeschlimann
All-optical switching in Cr- and Mn-doped L?1 0 FePt thin films

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Yannik Kunz, Matthias Kü?, Michael Schneider, Moritz Geilen, Philipp Pirro, Manfred Albrecht und Mathias Weiler
Coherent surface acoustic wave–spin wave interactions detected by micro-focused Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy

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Mariam Hassan, Sabri Koraltan, Aladin Ullrich, Florian Bruckner, Rostyslav O. Serha, Khrystyna V. Levchenko, Gaspare Varvaro, Nikolai S. Kiselev, Michael Heigl, Claas Abert, Dieter Suess und Manfred Albrecht
Dipolar skyrmions and antiskyrmions of arbitrary topological charge at room temperature

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Tim Titze, Sabri Koraltan, Timo Schmidt, Marcel M?ller, Florian Bruckner, Claas Abert, Dieter Suess, Claus Ropers, Daniel Steil, Manfred Albrecht und Stefan Mathias
Laser‐induced real‐space topology control of spin wave resonances

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Apoorva Sharma, Oana T. Ciubotariu, Patrick Matthes, Shun Okano, Vitaly Zviagin, Jana Kalbá?ová, Sibylle Gemming, Cameliu Himcinschi, Marius Grundmann, Dietrich R. T. Zahn, Manfred Albrecht und Georgeta Salvan
Optical and magneto‐optical properties of pulsed laser‐deposited thulium iron garnet thin films

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Shan Abraham Sam, Johannes Seyd, Aladin Ullrich, Florian Jung, Felix Gro?, Michal Krupiński, Manfred Albrecht und Senoy Thomas
Size-dependent bistability of magnetic states in soft magnetic cap arrays

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Amit Chanda, Christian Holzmann, Noah Schulz, Aladin Ullrich, Derick DeTellem, Manfred Albrecht, Miela Gross, Caroline A. Ross, Dario A. Arena, Manh-Huong Phan und Hariharan Srikanth
Temperature evolution of magnon propagation length in Tm3Fe5O12 thin films: roles of magnetic anisotropy and Gilbert damping

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Amit Chanda, Christian Holzmann, Noah Schulz, David Stein, Manfred Albrecht, Manh-Huong Phan und Hariharan Srikanth
Thermally generated magnonic spin currents in a polycrystalline gadolinium iron garnet thin film with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy

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Matthias Kü?, Stephan Glamsch, Andreas H?rner und Manfred Albrecht
Wide-band nonreciprocal transmission of surface acoustic waves in synthetic antiferromagnets

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Mariam Hassan, Sara Laureti, Christian Rinaldi, Federico Fagiani, Gianni Barucca, Annamaria Gerardino, Nataliia Schmidt, Mario Fix, Manfred Albrecht und Gaspare Varvaro
Co/Pd-based spin-valves with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy on flexible substrates: direct deposition vs transfer-and-bonding approaches

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Sabri Koraltan, Claas Abert, Florian Bruckner, Michael Heigl, Manfred Albrecht und Dieter Suess
Generation and annihilation of skyrmions and antiskyrmions in magnetic heterostructures

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Matthias Kü?, Stephan Glamsch, Yannik Kunz, Andreas H?rner, Mathias Weiler und Manfred Albrecht
Giant surface acoustic wave nonreciprocity with low magnetoacoustic insertion loss in CoFeB/Ru/CoFeB synthetic antiferromagnets

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Christian Holzmann und Manfred Albrecht
Iron garnet thin films for applications in magnonics and spintronics

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Matthias Kü?, Mariam Hassan, Y. Kunz, Andreas H?rner, M. Weiler und Manfred Albrecht
Nonreciprocal magnetoacoustic waves in synthetic antiferromagnets with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction

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Matthias Kü?, Mariam Hassan, Y. Kunz, Andreas H?rner, M. Weiler und Manfred Albrecht
Nonreciprocal transmission of magnetoacoustic waves in compensated synthetic antiferromagnets

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Matthias Kü?, Manfred Albrecht und Mathias Weiler
Chiral magnetoacoustics

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Robert Schneider, Mario Fix, Jannis Bensmann, Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos, Manfred Albrecht und Rudolf Bratschitsch
Composition-dependent ultrafast THz emission of spintronic CoFe/Pt thin films

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Adriano Verna, Paola Alippi, Francesco Offi, Gianni Barucca, Gaspare Varvaro, Elisabetta Agostinelli, Manfred Albrecht, Bogdan Rutkowski, Alessandro Ruocco, Daniele Paoloni, Manuel Valvidares und Sara Laureti
Disclosing the nature of asymmetric interface magnetism in Co/Pt multilayers

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Correction at https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsami.2c06943

Nataliia Y. Schmidt, Sukhrob Abdulazhanov, Jan Michali?ka, Julian Hintermayr, Ond?ej Man, Ond?ej Caha, Michal Urbánek und Manfred Albrecht
Effect of Gd addition on the structural and magnetic properties of L10-FePt alloy thin films

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M. Kü?, F. Porrati, Andreas H?rner, M. Weiler, Manfred Albrecht, M. Huth und Achim Wixforth
Forward volume magnetoacoustic spin wave excitation with micron-scale spatial resolution

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Benjamin Carey, Nils Kolja Wessling, Paul Steeger, Christoph Klusmann, Robert Schneider, Mario Fix, Robert Schmidt, Manfred Albrecht, Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos, Rudolf Bratschitsch und Ashish Arora
High‐performance broadband Faraday rotation spectroscopy of 2D materials and thin magnetic films

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Rahil Hosseinifar, Evangelos Golias, Ivar Kumberg, Quentin Guillet, Karl Frischmuth, Sangeeta Thakur, Mario Fix, Manfred Albrecht, Florian Kronast und Wolfgang Kuch
Influence of magnetic domain walls on all-optical magnetic toggle switching in a ferrimagnetic GdFe film

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Clemens Mühlenhoff, Michal Krupinski, Arkadiusz Zarzycki und Manfred Albrecht
Magnetoresistive effects in Co/Pt-based perpendicular synthetic antiferromagnets

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I. A. Vladymyrskyi, Y. Mamchur, O. V. Dubikovskyi, S. M. Voloshko, Aladin Baldur Bernd Ullrich und Manfred Albrecht
Phase composition and magnetic properties of post-annealed asymmetric Pt/Fe/Pt/Au/Fe thin films

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Wolfgang Kreuzpaintner, Andreas Schmehl, Alexander Book, Thomas Mairoser, Jingfan Ye, Birgit Wiedemann, Sina Mayr, Jean-Fran?ois Moulin, Jochen Stahn, Dustin A. Gilbert, Henrik Gabold, Zahra Inanloo-Maranloo, Michael Heigl, Sergey Masalovich, Robert Georgii, Manfred Albrecht, Jochen Mannhart und Peter B?ni
Reflectometry with polarized neutrons on in situ grown thin films

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Christian Holzmann, Aladin Ullrich, Oana-Tereza Ciubotariu und Manfred Albrecht
Stress-induced magnetic properties of gadolinium iron garnet nanoscale-thin films: implications for spintronic devices

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Aladin Baldur Bernd Ullrich, Mohammad Mostafizar Rahman, Ahmed Azhar, Michael Kühn und Manfred Albrecht
Synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles by decomposition of iron-oleate: influence of the heating rate on the particle size

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Amit Chanda, Noah Schulz, Christian Holzmann, Johannes Seyd, Manfred Albrecht, Manh-Huong Phan und Hariharan Srikanth
Thermal generation of spin current and magnon propagation length in compensated ferrimagnetic Gd?Fe?O?? thin films

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Mariam Hassan, Sara Laureti, Christian Rinaldi, Federico Fagiani, Gianni Barucca, Francesca Casoli, Alessio Mezzi, Eleonora Bolli, Saulius Kaciulis, Mario Fix, Aladin Baldur Bernd Ullrich, Manfred Albrecht und Gaspare Varvaro
Thin-film heterostructures based on Co/Ni synthetic antiferromagnets on polymer tapes: toward sustainable flexible spintronics

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Michal Krupiński, Julian Hintermayr, Pawel Sobieszczyk und Manfred Albrecht
Control of magnetic properties in ferrimagnetic GdFe and TbFe thin films by He+ and Ne+ irradiation

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Ruslan Salikhov, Fabian Samad, Benny B?hm, Sebastian Schneider, Darius Pohl, Bernd Rellinghaus, Aladin Baldur Bernd Ullrich, Manfred Albrecht, Jürgen Lindner, Nikolai S. Kiselev und Olav Hellwig
Control of stripe-domain-wall magnetization in multilayers featuring perpendicular magnetic anisotropy

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Michael Heigl, Sabri Koraltan, Marek Vaňatka, Robert Kraft, Claas Abert, Christoph Vogler, Anna Semisalova, Ping Che, Aladin Baldur Bernd Ullrich, Timo Schmidt, Julian Hintermayr, Dirk Grundler, Michael Farle, Michal Urbánek, Dieter Suess und Manfred Albrecht
Dipolar-stabilized first and second-order antiskyrmions in ferrimagnetic multilayers

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Sri Sai Phani Kanth Arekapudi, Benny B?hm, Lakshmi Ramasubramanian, Fabian Ganss, Peter Heinig, Sven Stienen, Ciarán Fowley, Kilian Lenz, Alina M. Deac, Manfred Albrecht und Olav Hellwig
Direct imaging of distorted vortex structures and magnetic vortex annihilation processes in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic disk structures

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Charles Weiss, René Hübner, Martin Saunders, Anna Semisalova, Jonathan Ehrler, Nataliia Schmidt, Johannes Seyd, Manfred Albrecht, Shadab Anwar, Jürgen Lindner, Kay Potzger und Mikhail Kostylev
Effects of hydrogen absorption on magnetism in Ni80Fe20/Y/Pd trilayers

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Michael Heigl, Chayangkoon Mangkornkarn, Aladin Baldur Bernd Ullrich, Michal Krupiński und Manfred Albrecht
Enhanced annealing stability of ferrimagnetic Tb/FeCo multilayers

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Lukas Wetterau, Claas Abert, Dieter Suess, Manfred Albrecht und Bernd Witzigmann
Extended micromagnetic model for the detection of superparamagnetic labels using a GMR vortex sensor

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Pavlo Makushko, Eduardo Sergio Oliveros Mata, Gilbert Santiago Ca?ón Bermúdez, Mariam Hassan, Sara Laureti, Christian Rinaldi, Federico Fagiani, Gianni Barucca, Nataliia Schmidt, Yevhen Zabila, Tobias Kosub, Rico Illing, Oleksii Volkov, Igor Vladymyrskyi, Jürgen Fassbender, Manfred Albrecht, Gaspare Varvaro und Denys Makarov
Flexible magnetoreceptor with tunable intrinsic logic for on‐skin touchless human‐machine interfaces

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Sri Sai Phani Kanth Arekapudi, Daniel Bülz, Fabian Ganss, Fabian Samad, Chen Luo, Dietrich R. T. Zahn, Kilian Lenz, Georgeta Salvan, Manfred Albrecht und Olav Hellwig
Highly tunable magnetic and magnetotransport properties of exchange coupled ferromagnet/antiferromagnet-based heterostructures

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M. N. Shamis, N. Y. Schmidt, T. I. Verbytska, P. V. Makushko, G. Beddies, Manfred Albrecht und Yu. N. Makogon
L10 phase formation in FePd thin films induced by H2 during annealing

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Matthias Kü?, Michael Heigl, L. Flacke, Andreas H?rner, M. Weiler, Achim Wixforth und Manfred Albrecht
Nonreciprocal magnetoacoustic waves in dipolar-coupled ferromagnetic bilayers

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M. Hassan, S. Laureti, C. Rinaldi, F. Fagiani, S. Varotto, G. Barucca, N. Y. Schmidt, G. Varvaro und Manfred Albrecht
Perpendicularly magnetized Co/Pd-based magneto-resistive heterostructures on flexible substrates

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Amit Chanda, Christian Holzmann, Noah Schulz, Johannes Seyd, Manfred Albrecht, Manh‐Huong Phan und Hari Srikanth
Scaling of the thermally induced sign inversion of longitudinal spin seebeck effect in a compensated ferrimagnet: role of magnetic anisotropy

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S. I. Konorev, R. Kozubski, Manfred Albrecht und I. A. Vladymyrskyi
Self-diffusion of Fe and Pt in L1-ordered FePt: molecular dynamics simulation

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Anna Eichler-Volf, Yara Alsaadawi, Fernando Vazquez Luna, Qaiser Ali Khan, Simon Stierle, Chi Xu, Michael Heigl, Zahra Fekri, Shengqiang Zhou, Peter Zahn, Manfred Albrecht, Martin Steinhart und Artur Erbe
Sensitivity of PS/CoPd Janus particles to an external magnetic field

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Clemens Muehlenhoff, Christoph Vogler, Wolfgang Raberg, Dieter Suess und Manfred Albrecht
Spin-canting effects in GMR sensors with wide dynamic field range

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Julian Hintermayr, Aladin Ullrich und Manfred Albrecht
Structure and magnetic properties of ferrimagnetic [Gd/Fe]n multilayer and GdxFe100?x thin films

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Matthias Kü?, Michael Heigl, L. Flacke, Andreas Hefele, Andreas H?rner, M. Weiler, Manfred Albrecht und Achim Wixforth
Symmetry of the magnetoelastic interaction of Rayleigh and Shear horizontal magnetoacoustic waves in nickel thin films on LiTaO3

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Sergey Zayko, Ofer Kfir, Michael Heigl, Michael Lohmann, Murat Sivis, Manfred Albrecht und Claus Ropers
Ultrafast high-harmonic nanoscopy of magnetization dynamics

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Gabi Steinbach, Michael Schreiber, Dennis Nissen, Manfred Albrecht, Sibylle Gemming und Artur Erbe
Anisotropy of colloidal components propels field-activated stirrers and movers

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P. V. Makushko, M. N. Shamis, N. Y. Schmidt, I. E. Kotenko, S. Gulyas, G. L. Katona, T. I. Verbytska, D. L. Beke, Manfred Albrecht und Iu M. Makogon
Formation of ordered L10-FePt phase in FePt–Ag thin films

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T. Hache, M. Vaňatka, L. Flaj?man, T. Weinhold, T. Hula, O. Ciubotariu, Manfred Albrecht, B. Arkook, I. Barsukov, L. Fallarino, O. Hellwig, J. Fassbender, M. Urbánek und H. Schultheiss
Freestanding positionable microwave-antenna device for magneto-optical spectroscopy experiments

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Christoph Vogler, Michael Heigl, Andrada-Oana Mandru, Birgit Hebler, Miguel Marioni, Hans Josef Hug, Manfred Albrecht und Dieter Suess
Hysteresis-free magnetization reversal of exchange-coupled bilayers with finite magnetic anisotropy

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Sina Mayr, Jingfan Ye, Jochen Stahn, Birgit Knoblich, Oliver Klein, Dustin A. Gilbert, Manfred Albrecht, Amitesh Paul, Peter B?ni und Wolfgang Kreuzpaintner
Indications for Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction at the Pd/Fe interface studied by in situ polarized neutron reflectometry

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Nataliia Y. Schmidt, Ritwik Mondal, Andreas Donges, Julian Hintermayr, Chen Luo, Hanjo Ryll, Florin Radu, László Szunyogh, Ulrich Nowak und Manfred Albrecht
L10-ordered(Fe100?xCrx)Pt thin films: phase formation, morphology, and spin structure

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Michael Heigl, R. Wendler, S. D. Haugg und Manfred Albrecht
Magnetic properties of Co/Ni-based multilayers with Pd and Pt insertion layers

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Lukas Wetterau, Claas Abert, Dieter Suess, Manfred Albrecht und Bernd Witzigmann
Micromagnetic simulations of submicron vortex structures for the detection of superparamagnetic labels

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Michael Heigl, Christoph Vogler, Andrada-Oana Mandru, Xue Zhao, Hans Josef Hug, Dieter Suess und Manfred Albrecht
Microscopic origin of magnetization reversal in nanoscale exchange-coupled ferri/ferromagnetic bilayers: implications for high energy density permanent magnets and spintronic devices

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J. Seyd, I. Pilottek, N. Y. Schmidt, O. Caha, M. Urbánek und Manfred Albrecht
Mn3Ge-based tetragonal Heusler alloy thin films with addition of Ni, Pt, and Pd

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Matthias Kü?, Michael Heigl, L. Flacke, Andreas H?rner, M. Weiler, Manfred Albrecht und Achim Wixforth
Nonreciprocal Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya magnetoacoustic waves

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Marc Erik Lindorf, K. A. Mazzio, J. Pflaum, K. Nielsch, Wolfgang Brütting und Manfred Albrecht
Organic-based thermoelectrics

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Andrada-Oana Mandru, O?uz Y?ld?r?m, Miguel A. Marioni, Hartmut Rohrmann, Michael Heigl, Oana-Tereza Ciubotariu, Marcos Penedo, Xue Zhao, Hans J. Hug und Manfred Albrecht
Pervasive artifacts revealed from magnetometry measurements of rare earth-transition metal thin films

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Mario Fix, Robert Schneider, Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos, Rudolf Bratschitsch und Manfred Albrecht
Spin valves as magnetically switchable spintronic THz emitters

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I. O. Kruhlov, O. V. Shamis, N. Y. Schmidt, M. V. Karpets, S. Gulyas, E. Hadjixenophontos, A. P. Burmak, S. I. Sidorenko, G. L. Katona, G. Schmitz, Manfred Albrecht und I. A. Vladymyrskyi
Structural phase transformations in annealed Pt/Mn/Fe trilayers

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I.O. Kruhlov, O.V. Shamis, N.Y. Schmidt, S. Gulyas, R. Lawitzki, A.P. Burmak, S.I. Konorev, G.L. Katona, G. Schmitz, Manfred Albrecht und I.A. Vladymyrskyi
Thermally-induced phase transitions in Pt/Tb/Fe trilayers

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Mario Fix, Robert Schneider, Jannis Bensmann, Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos, Rudolf Bratschitsch und Manfred Albrecht
Thermomagnetic control of spintronic THz emission enabled by ferrimagnets

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Yuting Liu, Ute Bierbrauer, Cinja Seick, Sebastian T. Weber, Moritz Hofherr, Natallia Y. Schmidt, Manfred Albrecht, Daniel Steil, Stefan Mathias, Hans Christian Schneider, Baerbel Rethfeld, Benjamin Stadtmüller und Martin Aeschlimann
Ultrafast magnetization dynamics of Mn-doped L10 FePt with spatial inhomogeneity

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Cassidy Berk, Fabian Ganss, Mike Jaris, Manfred Albrecht und Holger Schmidt
All-optical multipulse pump-probe method for selective control of magnetization precessions in magnetic multilayers

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P. B. Aravind, Michael Heigl, M. Fix, F. Gro?, J. Gr?fe, A. Mary, C. R. Rajgowrav, Michal Krupiński, M. Marsza?ek, S. Thomas, M. R. Anantharaman und Manfred Albrecht
Bistability of magnetic states in Fe-Pd nanocap arrays

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G. Varvaro, S. Laureti, D. Peddis, M. Hassan, G. Barucca, P. Mengucci, A. Gerardino, E. Giovine, O. Lik, D. Nissen und Manfred Albrecht
Co/Pd-Based synthetic antiferromagnetic thin films on Au/resist underlayers: towards biomedical applications

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Dmitri Leo Mesoza Cordova, Shannon Sanaya Fender, Taryn Meiko Kam, Johannes Seyd, Manfred Albrecht, Ping Lu, Robert Fischer und David C. Johnson
Designed synthesis and structure–property relationships of kinetically stable [(PbSe)1+δ]m(VSe2)1 (m = 1, 2, 3, 4) heterostructures

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P. V. Makushko, M. Yu. Verbytska, M. N. Shamis, T. I. Verbytska, G. Beddies, N. Y. Safonova, Manfred Albrecht und Iu. M. Makogon
Effect of initial stress/strain state on the L10 phase formation of FePt in FePt/Au/FePt trilayers

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Gabi Steinbach, Michael Schreiber, Dennis Nissen, Manfred Albrecht, Ekaterina Novak, Pedro A. Sánchez, Sofia S. Kantorovich, Sibylle Gemming und Artur Erbe
Field-responsive colloidal assemblies defined by magnetic anisotropy

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Michal Krupiński, Rantej Bali, Dmitriy Mitin, Pawel Sobieszczyk, Jakub Gregor-Pawlowski, Arkadiusz Zarzycki, Roman B?ttger, Manfred Albrecht, Kay Potzger und Marta Marsza?ek
Ion induced ferromagnetism combined with self-assembly for large area magnetic modulation of thin films

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J. Hintermayr, N. Y. Safonova, Aladin Baldur Bernd Ullrich und Manfred Albrecht
Magnetic properties and structure of Gd-implanted L10 FePt thin films

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O. V. Shamis, Nataliia Safonova, M. M. Voron, A. P. Burmak, S. I. Sidorenko, G. L. Katona, S. Gulyas, D. L. Beke, Manfred Albrecht und I. A. Vladymyrskyi
Phase transformations in Pt/Fe bilayers during post annealing probed by resistometry

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Susanne Wolff, Sarah Roscher, Felix Timmermann, Marcus V. Daniel, Florian Speck, Martina Wanke, Manfred Albrecht und Thomas Seyller
Quasi‐freestanding graphene on SiC(0001) by Ar‐mediated intercalation of antimony: a route toward intercalation of high‐vapor‐pressure elements

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Robert Schneider, Mario Fix, Jannis Bensmann, Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos, Manfred Albrecht und Rudolf Bratschitsch
Spintronic GdFe/Pt THz emitters

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Oana Ciubotariu, Anna Semisalova, Kilian Lenz und Manfred Albrecht
Strain-induced perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and Gilbert damping of Tm3Fe5O12 thin films

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N. Y. Schmidt, S. Laureti, F. Radu, H. Ryll, C. Luo, F. d'Acapito, S. Tripathi, Eberhard Goering, D. Weller und Manfred Albrecht
Structural and magnetic properties of FePt-Tb alloy thin films

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C. Berk, F. Ganss, M. Jaris, Manfred Albrecht und H. Schmidt
All-optical measurement of interlayer exchange coupling in Fe/Pt/FePt thin films

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D. Mitin, M. Wachs, N.Y. Safonova, O. Klein und Manfred Albrecht
Exchange coupled L10 FeCuPt/Fe heterostructures: magnetic properties and reversal behavior at elevated temperatures

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M. Hofherr, S. Moretti, J. Shim, S. H?user, Nataliia Y. Safonova, M. Stiehl, A. Ali, S. Sakshath, J. W. Kim, D. H. Kim, H. J. Kim, J. I. Hong, H. C. Kapteyn, M. M. Murnane, M. Cinchetti, D. Steil, S. Mathias, Benjamin Stadtmüller, Manfred Albrecht, D. E. Kim, U. Nowak und M. Aeschlimann
Induced versus intrinsic magnetic moments in ultrafast magnetization dynamics

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D. Mitin, A. Kovacs, T. Schrefl, A. Ehresmann, D. Holzinger und Manfred Albrecht
Magnetic properties of artificially designed magnetic stray field landscapes in laterally confined exchange-bias layers

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Robert Schneider, Mario Fix, Richard Heming, Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos, Manfred Albrecht und Rudolf Bratschitsch
Magnetic-Field-Dependent THz Emission of Spintronic TbFe/Pt Layers

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Patrick Thoma, Manuel Monecke, Oana-Maria Buja, Dmytro Solonenko, Roxana Dudric, Oana-Tereza Ciubotariu, Manfred Albrecht, Iosif G. Deac, Romulus Tetean, Dietrich R.T. Zahn und Georgeta Salvan
Polycrystalline La 1-x Sr x MnO 3 films on silicon: influence of post-deposition annealing on structural, (magneto-)optical, and (magneto-)electrical properties

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Patrick Thoma, Manuel Monecke, Oana-Maria Buja, Dmytro Solonenko, Roxana Dudric, Oana-Tereza Ciubotariu, Manfred Albrecht, Iosif G. Deac, Romulus Tetean, Dietrich R. T. Zahn und Georgeta Salvan
Polycrystalline La1-xSrxMnO3 films on silicon: influence of post-deposition annealing on structural, (magneto-)optical, and (magneto-)electrical properties

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Manuel Fohler, Stefanie Fr?mmel, Michael Schneider, Bastian Pfau, Christian M. Günther, Martin Hennecke, Erik Guehrs, Laura Shemilt, Durgamadhab Mishra, Dirk Berger, S?ren Selve, Dmitriy Mitin, Manfred Albrecht und Stefan Eisebitt
A general approach to obtain soft x-ray transparency for thin films grown on bulk substrates

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B. Hebler, P. Reinhardt, G. L. Katona, O. Hellwig und Manfred Albrecht
Double exchange bias in ferrimagnetic heterostructures

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Jan Kisielewski, Iosif Sveklo, Zbigniew Kurant, Dmitriy Mitin, Manfred Albrecht, Andrzej Wawro und Andrzej Maziewski
Femtosecond laser pulse-induced perpendicular magnetization in co ultrathin films with diverse surroundings

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N. Y. Safonova, M. Riepp, O. Klein und Manfred Albrecht
Magnetic and structural properties of RTA-processed L10 FePt-Mn thin films

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Michal Krupiński, D. Mitin, A. Zarzycki, A. Szkudlarek, M. Giersig, Manfred Albrecht und M. Marsza?ek
Magnetic transition from dot to antidot regime in large area Co/Pd nanopatterned arrays with perpendicular magnetization

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Henning Huckfeldt, Alexander Gaul, Nicolas David Müglich, Dennis Holzinger, Dennis Nissen, Manfred Albrecht, Daniel Emmrich, André Beyer, Armin G?lzh?user und Arno Ehresmann
Modification of the saturation magnetization of exchange bias thin film systems upon light-ion bombardment

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Ofer Kfir, Sergey Zayko, Christina Nolte, Murat Sivis, Marcel M?ller, Birgit Hebler, Sri Sai Phani Kanth Arekapudi, Daniel Steil, Sascha Sch?fer, Manfred Albrecht, Oren Cohen, Stefan Mathias und Claus Ropers
Nanoscale magnetic imaging using circularly polarized high-harmonic radiation

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Y. Yahagi, C. Berk, Birgit Hebler, S. Dhuey, S. Cabrini, Manfred Albrecht und H. Schmidt
Optical measurement of damping in nanomagnet arrays using magnetoelastically driven resonances

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D. K. Ball, S. Günther, M. Fritzsche, K. Lenz, G. Varvaro, S. Laureti, D. Makarov, A. Mücklich, S. Facsko, Manfred Albrecht und J. Fassbender
Out-of-plane magnetized cone-shaped magnetic nanoshells

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Y. Wang, T. Tran, P. Surendran, I. Herrera, A. Balcytis, D. Nissen, Manfred Albrecht, A. Sidorov und P. Hannaford
Trapping ultracold atoms in a sub-micron-period triangular magnetic lattice

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G. Steinbach, Dennis Nissen, Manfred Albrecht, E. Novak, P. A. Sánchez, S. S. Kantorovich, S. Gemming und A. Erbe
Bistable self-assembly in homogeneous colloidal systems for flexible modular architectures

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P. Matthes und Manfred Albrecht
Corrosion resistance of pseudo-spin-valve systems: Pd vs. Ta capping layers

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M. Lonsky, S. Heinz, M. V. Daniel, Manfred Albrecht und J. Müller
Electronic transport in thermoelectric YbzCo4Sb12 skutterudite thin films studied by resistance noise spectroscopy

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Dennis Nissen, O. Klein, P. Matthes und Manfred Albrecht
Exchange-biased Py/CoO vortex structures: magnetization reversal, cooling-field dependence, and training

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Birgit Hebler, Alexander Hassdenteufel, Patrick Reinhardt, Helmut Karl und Manfred Albrecht
Ferrimagnetic Tb–Fe alloy thin films: composition and thickness dependence of magnetic Properties and all-optical switching

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Peter Richter, Paul N. Plassmeyer, Julia Harzdorf, Tobias Rüffer, Heinrich Lang, Jana Kalbacova, Nathanael J?hrmann, Steffen Schulze, Michael Hietschold, Sri Sai Phani Kanth Arekapudi, Manfred Albrecht, Dietrich R.T. Zahn, Catherine J. Page und Georgeta Salvan
High quality magnetic oxide thin films prepared via aqueous solution processing

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B. Hebler, S. B?ttger, Dennis Nissen, R. Abrudan, F. Radu und Manfred Albrecht
Influence of the Fe-Co ratio on the exchange coupling in TbFeCo/[Co/Pt] heterostructures

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Dieter Weller, Gregory Parker, Oleksandr Mosendz, Andreas Lyberatos, Dmitriy Mitin, Nataliia Y. Safonova und Manfred Albrecht
Review Article: FePt heat assisted magnetic recording media

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D. Mitin, M. Grobis und Manfred Albrecht
Scanning magnetoresistive microscopy: an advanced characterization tool for magnetic nanosystems

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Marc Erik Lindorf, H. Rohrmann, G. Span, S. Raoux, J. Jordan-Sweet und Manfred Albrecht
Structural and thermoelectric properties of SiGe/Al multilayer systems during metal induced crystallization

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Harald Oezelt, Alexander Kovacs, Johann Fischbacher, Patrick Matthes, Eugenie Kirk, Phillip Wohlhüter, Laura Jane Heyderman, Manfred Albrecht und Thomas Schrefl
Switching field distribution of exchange coupled ferri-/ferromagnetic composite bit patterned media

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Marco Esters, Andreas Liebig, Jeffrey J. Ditto, Matthias Falmbigl, Manfred Albrecht und David C. Johnson
Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of crystallographically aligned CuCr2Se4 thin films

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M. V. Daniel, Marc Erik Lindorf und Manfred Albrecht
Thermoelectric properties of skutterudite CoSb3 thin films

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Martin St?rk, Frank Schlickeiser, Dennis Nissen, Birgit Hebler, Philipp Graus, Denise Hinzke, Elke Scheer, Paul Leiderer, Mikhail Fonin, Manfred Albrecht, Ulrich Nowak und Johannes Boneberg
Controlling the magnetic structure of Co/Pd thin films by direct laser interference patterning

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G. L. Katona, N. Y. Safonova, F. Ganss, D. Mitin, I. A. Vladymyrskyi, S. I. Sidorenko, Iu N. Makogon, G. Beddies, Manfred Albrecht und D. L. Beke
Diffusion and solid state reactions in Fe/Ag/Pt and FePt/Ag thin-film systems

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Marc Erik Lindorf, H. Rohrmann, G. Span und Manfred Albrecht
Effect of percolation on structural and electrical properties of MIC processed SiGe/Al multilayers

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N. Peranio, O. Eibl, S. B??ler, K. Nielsch, B. Klobes, R. P. Hermann, M. Daniel, Manfred Albrecht, H. G?rlitz, V. Pacheco, N. Bedoya-Martínez, A. Hashibon und C. Els?sser
From thermoelectric bulk to nanomaterials: current progress for Bi2Te3and CoSb3

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Alexander Hassdenteufel, Johannes Schmidt, Christian Schubert, Birgit Hebler, Manfred Helm, Manfred Albrecht und Rudolf Bratschitsch
Low-remanence criterion for helicity-dependent all-optical magnetic switching in ferrimagnets

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I. A. Vladymyrskyi, A. E. Gafarov, A. P. Burmak, S. I. Sidorenko, G. L. Katona, N. Y. Safonova, F. Ganss, G. Beddies, Manfred Albrecht, Yu N. Makogon und D. L. Beke
Low-temperature formation of the FePt phase in the presence of an intermediate Au layer in Pt?/Au?/Fe thin films

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Dennis Nissen, Dmitriy Mitin, O. Klein, S. S. P. K. Arekapudi, S. Thomas, M-Y. Im, P. Fischer und Manfred Albrecht
Magnetic coupling of vortices in a two-dimensional lattice

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Anika Schlenhoff, Philipp Lindner, Johannes Friedlein, Stefan Krause, Roland Wiesendanger, Michael Weinl, Matthias Schreck und Manfred Albrecht
Magnetic nano-skyrmion lattice observed in a Si-wafer-based multilayer system

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A. Hassdenteufel, C. Schubert, P. Reinhardt, P. Richter, M. Fronk, D. R. T. Zahn, R. Bratschitsch, G. Salvan und Manfred Albrecht
Magneto-optical response of ferrimagnetic Tb-Fe thin films in the visible and ultraviolet range

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Patrick Matthes, Sri Sai Phani Kanth Arekapudi, Felix Timmermann und Manfred Albrecht
Magnetotransport properties of perpendicular [Pt/Co]/Cu/[Co/Pt] pseudo-spin-valves

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Harald Oezelt, Alexander Kovacs, Phillip Wohlhüter, Eugenie Kirk, Dennis Nissen, Patrick Matthes, Laura Jane Heyderman, Manfred Albrecht und Thomas Schrefl
Micromagnetic simulation of exchange coupled ferri-/ferromagnetic composite in bit patterned media

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Harald Oezelt, Alexander Kovacs, Franz Reichel, Johann Fischbacher, Simon Bance, Markus Gusenbauer, Christian Schubert, Manfred Albrecht und Thomas Schrefl
Micromagnetic simulation of exchange coupled ferri-/ferromagnetic heterostructures

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Marc Erik Lindorf, H. Rohrmann, G.L. Katona, D.L. Beke, H.-F. Pernau und Manfred Albrecht
Nanostructured SiGe thin films obtained through MIC processing

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P. Matthes und Manfred Albrecht
Pseudo spin valve thin films with crossed magnetic anisotropies

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A. Polit, D. Makarov, C. Brombacher, Michal Krupiński, M. Perzanowski, Y. Zabila, Manfred Albrecht und M. Marsza?ek
Structural and magnetic properties of Cu-alloyed FePd films

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M. V. Daniel, L. Hammerschmidt, C. Schmidt, F. Timmermann, J. Franke, N. J?hrmann, M. Hietschold, D. C. Johnson, B. Paulus und Manfred Albrecht
Structural and thermoelectric properties of FeSb3 skutterudite thin films

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M. V. Daniel, C. Brombacher, G. Beddies, N. J?hrmann, M. Hietschold, D. C. Johnson, Z. Aabdin, N. Peranio, O. Eibl und Manfred Albrecht
Structural properties of thermoelectric CoSb3 skutterudite thin films prepared by molecular beam deposition

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M. V. Daniel, D. C. Johnson, G. L. Katona, D. L. Beke und Manfred Albrecht
Structural properties of thermoelectric skutterudite FexCo1-xSb3 gradient films fabricated by modulated elemental reactant method

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I. Herrera, Y. Wang, P. Michaux, D. Nissen, P. Surendran, S. Juodkazis, S. Whitlock, R. J. McLean, A. Sidorov, Manfred Albrecht und P. Hannaford
Sub-micron period lattice structures of magnetic microtraps for ultracold atoms on an atom chip

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M.V. Daniel, M. Friedemann, J. Franke und Manfred Albrecht
Thermal stability of thermoelectric CoSb3 skutterudite thin films

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Peter Robaschik, M. Fronk, M. Toader, S. Klyatskaya, F. Ganss, P. F. Siles, Oliver G. Schmidt, Manfred Albrecht, M. Hietschold, M. Ruben, D. R. T. Zahn und G. Salvan
Tuning the magneto-optical response of TbPc2 single molecule magnets by the choice of the substrate

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Alexander Hassdenteufel, Christian Schubert, Birgit Hebler, Helmut Schultheiss, Jürgen Fassbender, Manfred Albrecht und Rudolf Bratschitsch
All-optical helicity dependent magnetic switching in Tb-Fe thin films with a MHz laser oscillator

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C. Schubert, A. Hassdenteufel, P. Matthes, J. Schmidt, M. Helm, R. Bratschitsch und Manfred Albrecht
All-optical helicity dependent magnetic switching in an artificial zero moment magnet

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Lija K. Joy, S. Shanmukharao Samatham, Senoy Thomas, V. Ganesan, Salim Al-Harthi, A. Liebig, Manfred Albrecht und M. R. Anantharaman
Colossal thermoelectric power in charge ordered lanthanum calcium manganites (La0.5Ca0.5MnO3)

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A. Hassdenteufel, C. Schubert, J. Schmidt, P. Richter, D. R. T. Zahn, G. Salvan, M. Helm, R. Bratschitsch und Manfred Albrecht
Dependence of all-optical magnetic switching on the sublattice magnetization orientation in Tb-Fe thin films

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Chuan He, Marcus Daniel, Martin Grossmann, Oliver Ristow, Delia Brick, Martin Schubert, Manfred Albrecht und Thomas Dekorsy
Dynamics of coherent acoustic phonons in thin films ofCoSb3and partially filled YbxCo4Sb12 skutterudites

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S. Laureti, C. Brombacher, D. Makarov, Manfred Albrecht, D. Peddis, G. Varvaro und F. D'Acapito
EXAFS investigation of the role of Cu on the chemical order and lattice distortion in L10Fe–Pt–Cu thin films

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Wen Li, Michael Fronk, Manfred Albrecht, Mechthild Franke, Dietrich R. T. Zahn und Georgeta Salvan
Field-dependent magneto-optical Kerr effect spectroscopy applied to the magnetic component diagnosis of a rubrene/Ni system

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I. A. Vladymyrskyi, M. V. Karpets, G. L. Katona, D. L. Beke, S. I. Sidorenko, T. Nagata, T. Nabatame, T. Chikyow, F. Ganss, G. Beddies, Manfred Albrecht und I. M. Makogon
Influence of the substrate choice on the L10phase formation of post-annealed Pt/Fe and Pt/Ag/Fe thin films

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Isabel Berthold, Mathias Müller, Sascha Kl?tzer, Robby Ebert, Senoy Thomas, Patrick Matthes, Manfred Albrecht und Horst Exner
Investigation of selective realignment of the preferred magnetic direction in spin-valve layer stacks using laser radiation

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Oliver Schmitt, Daniel Steil, Sabine Alebrand, Fabian Ganss, Michel Hehn, Stéphane Mangin, Manfred Albrecht, Stefan Mathias, Mirko Cinchetti und Martin Aeschlimann
Kerr and Faraday microscope for space- and time-resolved studies

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D. K. Ball, K. Lenz, M. Fritzsche, G. Varvaro, S. Günther, P. Krone, D. Makarov, A. Mücklich, S. Facsko, J. Fassbender und Manfred Albrecht
Magnetic properties of granular CoCrPt:SiO2thin films deposited on GaSb nanocones

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Jehyun Lee, Denys Makarov, Christoph Brombacher, Barbara Dymerska, Dieter Suess, Manfred Albrecht und Josef Fidler
Scaling dependence and tailoring of the pinning field in FePt-based exchange coupled composite media

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D. Mitin, D. Nissen, P. Sch?dlich, S. S. P. K. Arekapudi und Manfred Albrecht
Single vortex core recording in a magnetic vortex lattice

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S. Thomas, D. Nissen und Manfred Albrecht
Temperature dependent magnetization reversal of exchange biased magnetic vortices in IrMn/Fe microcaps

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R. Rückriem, T. Schrefl und Manfred Albrecht
Ultra-fast magnetic vortex core reversal by a local field pulse

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Johannes Kimling, Judith Kimling, R. B. Wilson, Birgit Hebler, Manfred Albrecht und David G. Cahill
Ultrafast demagnetization of FePt:Cu thin films and the role of magnetic heat capacity

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Vasily V. Temnov, Christoph Klieber, Keith A. Nelson, Tim Thomay, Vanessa Knittel, Alfred Leitenstorfer, Denys Makarov, Manfred Albrecht und Rudolf Bratschitsch
Femtosecond nonlinear ultrasonics in gold probed with ultrashort surface plasmons

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G. L. Katona, I. A. Vladymyrskyi, I. M. Makogon, S. I. Sidorenko, F. Kristály, L. Daróczi, A. Csik, A. Liebig, G. Beddies, Manfred Albrecht und D. L. Beke
Grain boundary diffusion induced reaction layer formation in Fe/Pt thin films

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Mireille Maret, Fabiola Liscio, Denys Makarov, Béatrice Doisneau-Cottignies, Fabian Ganss, Jean-Michel Missiaen und Manfred Albrecht
Growth temperature effect on the structure of CoPt islands on NaCl(001) studied by grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering

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I. A. Vladymyrskyi, M. V. Karpets, F. Ganss, G. L. Katona, D. L. Beke, S. I. Sidorenko, T. Nagata, T. Nabatame, T. Chikyow, G. Beddies, Manfred Albrecht und Iu. M. Makogon
Influence of the annealing atmosphere on the structural properties of FePt thin films

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C. Schubert, B. Hebler, H. Schletter, A. Liebig, M. Daniel, R. Abrudan, F. Radu und Manfred Albrecht
Interfacial exchange coupling in Fe-Tb/[Co/Pt] heterostructures

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Georgeta Salvan, Peter Robaschik, Michael Fronk, Steve Müller, Thomas Waechtler, Stefan E. Schulz, Robert Mothes, Heinrich Lang, Christian Schubert, Senoy Thomas, Manfred Albrecht und Dietrich R.T. Zahn
Magneto-optical Kerr effect studies of Cu2O/nickel heterostructures

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Philipp Tonndorf, Robert Schmidt, Philipp B?ttger, Xiao Zhang, Janna B?rner, Andreas Liebig, Manfred Albrecht, Christian Kloc, Ovidiu Gordan, Dietrich R. T. Zahn, Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos und Rudolf Bratschitsch
Photoluminescence emission and Raman response of monolayer MoS2, MoSe2, and WSe2

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V. Neu, C. Schulze, M. Faustini, J. Lee, D. Makarov, D. Suess, S.-K. Kim, D. Grosso, L. Schultz und Manfred Albrecht
Probing the energy barriers and magnetization reversal processes of nanoperforated membrane based percolated media

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Manfred Albrecht und Christoph Brombacher
Rapid thermal annealing of FePt thin films

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R. Brandt, R. Rückriem, D. A. Gilbert, F. Ganss, T. Senn, Kai Liu, Manfred Albrecht und H. Schmidt
Size-dependent magnetization switching characteristics and spin wave modes of FePt nanostructures

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O.P. Pavlova, T.I. Verbitska, I.A. Vladymyrskyi, S.I. Sidorenko, G.L. Katona, D.L. Beke, G. Beddies, Manfred Albrecht und I.M. Makogon
Structural and magnetic properties of annealed FePt/Ag/FePt thin films

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G. Varvaro, A.M. Testa, E. Agostinelli, D. Fiorani, S. Laureti, F. Springer, C. Brombacher, Manfred Albrecht, L. Del Bianco, G. Barucca, P. Mengucci und D. Rinaldi
Study of microstructure and magnetization reversal mechanism in?granular CoCrPt:SiO2 films of variable thickness

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S. Thomas, M. Uhlig, U. Wiedwald, L. Han, P. Ziemann und Manfred Albrecht
Super spin-glass state and exchange bias in Fe/CoO hybrid nanostructures

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Alexander Hassdenteufel, Birgit Hebler, Christian Schubert, Andreas Liebig, Martin Teich, Manfred Helm, Martin Aeschlimann, Manfred Albrecht und Rudolf Bratschitsch
Thermally assisted all-optical helicity dependent magnetic switching in amorphous Fe100-xTbxalloy films

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M. Maret, C. Brombacher, P. Matthes, D. Makarov, N. Boudet und Manfred Albrecht
Anomalous x-ray diffraction measurements of long-range order in (001)-texturedL10FePtCu thin films

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Michael Fronk, Christian Schubert, Francisc Haidu, Camelia Scarlat, Kathrin Dorr, Manfred Albrecht, Dietrich R. T. Zahn und Georgeta Salvan
Characterization of organic thin films on ferromagnetic substrates by spectroscopic ellipsometry and magneto-optical Kerr effect Spectroscopy

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C. Brombacher, C. Schubert, M. Daniel, A. Liebig, G. Beddies, T. Schumann, W. Skorupa, J. Donges, S. H?berlein und Manfred Albrecht
Chemical ordering of FePt films using millisecond flash-lamp annealing

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Sascha Dietrich, Sudeshna Chandra, Colin Georgi, Senoy Thomas, Denys Makarov, Steffen Schulze, Michael Hietschold, Manfred Albrecht, Dhirendra Bahadur und Heinrich Lang
Design, characterization and magnetic properties of Fe3O4-nanoparticle arrays coated with PEGylated-dendrimers

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S. Thomas, G. Pookat, S. S. Nair, M. Daniel, B. Dymerska, A. Liebig, S. H. Al-Harthi, R. V. Ramanujan, M. R. Anantharaman, J. Fidler und Manfred Albrecht
Exchange bias effect in partially oxidized amorphous Fe–Ni–B based metallic glass nanostructures

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C. Brombacher, H. Schletter, M. Daniel, P. Matthes, N. J?hrmann, M. Maret, D. Makarov, M. Hietschold und Manfred Albrecht
FePtCu alloy thin films: Morphology, L10 chemical ordering, and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy

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R. Brandt, F. Ganss, T. Senn, M. Daniel, Manfred Albrecht und H. Schmidt
Frequency tuning the ultrafast magnetization dynamics of FexPt100-x alloys

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Sascha Hermann, Steffen Schulze, Ramona Ecke, Andreas Liebig, Philipp Schaefer, Dietrich R.T. Zahn, Manfred Albrecht, Michael Hietschold, Stefan E. Schulz und Thomas Gessner
Growth of carbon nanotube forests between a bi-metallic catalyst layer and a SiO2 substrate to form a self-assembled carbon–metal heterostructure

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R. Brandt, S. Tibus, F. Springer, J. Fassbender, H. Rohrmann, Manfred Albrecht und H. Schmidt
Influence of intergranular exchange coupling on the magnetization dynamics of CoCrPt:SiO2 granular media

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M. Daniel, M. Friedemann, N. J?hrmann, A. Liebig, J. Donges, M. Hietschold, G. Beddies und Manfred Albrecht
Influence of the substrate thermal expansion coefficient on the morphology and elastic stress of CoSb3thin films

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Manfred Albrecht
Magnetic films on nanoparticle arrays

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Robert Streubel, Denys Makarov, Florian Kronast, Volodymyr Kravchuk, Manfred Albrecht und Oliver G. Schmidt
Magnetic vortices on closely packed spherically curved surfaces

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R. Rückriem, P. Krone, T. Schrefl und Manfred Albrecht
Spin dynamics of magnetic nanostructures investigated by micromagnetic simulations

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R. Brandt, F. Ganss, R. Rückriem, T. Senn, C. Brombacher, P. Krone, Manfred Albrecht und H. Schmidt
Three-dimensional shape dependence of spin-wave modes in single FePt nanomagnets

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Ulf Wiedwald, Felix Haering, Stefan Nau, Carsten Schulze, Herbert Schletter, Denys Makarov, Alfred Plettl, Karsten Kuepper, Manfred Albrecht, Johannes Boneberg und Paul Ziemann
Tuning the properties of magnetic thin films by interaction with periodic nanostructures

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H. J. Richter, O. Hellwig, S. Florez, C. Brombacher und Manfred Albrecht
Anisotropy measurements of FePt thin films

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Jehyun Lee, Christoph Brombacher, Josef Fidler, Barbara Dymerska, Dieter Suess und Manfred Albrecht
Contribution of the easy axis orientation, anisotropy distribution and dot size on the switching field distribution of bit patterned media

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P. Krone, D. Makarov, T. Schrefl und Manfred Albrecht
Correlation of magnetic anisotropy distributions in layered exchange coupled composite bit patterned media

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T. N. Narayanan, A. P. Reena Mary, P. K. Anas Swalih, D. Sakthi Kumar, D. Makarov, Manfred Albrecht, Jayesh Puthumana, Abdulaziz Anas und M. R. Anantharaman
Enhanced bio-compatibility of ferrofluids of self-assembled superparamagnetic iron oxide-silica core–shell nanoparticles

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C. Brombacher, C. Schubert, K. Neupert, M. Kehr, J. Donges und Manfred Albrecht
Influence of annealing time on structural and magnetic properties of rapid thermally annealed FePt films

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Tobias Kosub, Denys Makarov, Herbert Schletter, Michael Hietschold und Manfred Albrecht
Interplay between the antiferromagnetic spin configuration and the exchange bias effect in [Pt/Co]8/CoO/Co3Pt trilayers

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A. T. McCallum, P. Krone, F. Springer, C. Brombacher, Manfred Albrecht, E. Dobisz, M. Grobis, D. Weller und O. Hellwig
L10 FePt based exchange coupled composite bit patterned films

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C. Brombacher, M. Grobis, J. Lee, J. Fidler, T. Eriksson, T. Werner, O. Hellwig und Manfred Albrecht
L10FePtCu bit patterned media

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P. Krone, Manfred Albrecht und T. Schrefl
Micromagnetic simulation of ferromagnetic resonance of perpendicular granular media: influence of the intergranular exchange on the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert damping constant

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Mireille Maret, Fabiola Liscio, Denys Makarov, Jean-Paul Simon, Yves Gauthier und Manfred Albrecht
Morphology of epitaxial magnetic alloy nanostructures grown on WSe2(0001) studied by grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering

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F. Springer, O. Hellwig, E. Dobisz, Manfred Albrecht und M. Grobis
Probing the time-dependent switching probability of individual patterned magnetic islands

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Michael Grobis, Carsten Schulze, Marco Faustini, David Grosso, Olav Hellwig, Denys Makarov und Manfred Albrecht
Recording study of percolated perpendicular media

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T. Kosub, C. Schubert, H. Schletter, M. Daniel, M. Hietschold, V. Neu, M. Maret, D. Makarov und Manfred Albrecht
Coercivity enhancement in exchange biased CoO/Co3Pt bilayers

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S. Sagar, V. Ganesan, P. A. Joy, Senoy Thomas, A. Liebig, Manfred Albrecht und M. R. Anantharaman
Colossal thermoelectric power in Gd-Sr manganites

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T. C. Ulbrich, C. Bran, D. Makarov, O. Hellwig, J. D. Risner-Jamtgaard, D. Yaney, H. Rohrmann, V. Neu und Manfred Albrecht
Effect of magnetic coupling on the magnetization reversal in arrays of magnetic nanocaps

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P. Krone, D. Makarov, T. Schrefl und Manfred Albrecht
Exchange coupled composite bit patterned media

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F. Liscio, D. Makarov, M. Maret, B. Doisneau-Cottignies, H. Roussel und Manfred Albrecht
Growth, structure and magnetic properties of FePt nanostructures on NaCl(001) and MgO(001)

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P. Krone, D. Makarov, A. Cattoni, G. Faini, A.-M. Haghiri-Gosnet, I. Knittel, U. Hartmann, T. Schrefl und Manfred Albrecht
Investigation of the magnetization reversal of a magnetic dot array of Co/Pt multilayers

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C. Schulze, M. Faustini, J. Lee, H. Schletter, M. U. Lutz, P. Krone, M. Gass, K. Sader, A. L. Bleloch, M. Hietschold, M. Fuger, D. Suess, J. Fidler, U. Wolff, V. Neu, D. Grosso, D. Makarov und Manfred Albrecht
Magnetic films on nanoperforated templates: a route towards percolated perpendicular media

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C. Brombacher, M. Falke, F. Springer, H. Rohrmann, A. Goncharov, T. Schrefl, A. Bleloch und Manfred Albrecht
Magnetic hedgehog-like nanostructures

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Stefan Tibus, Thomas Strache, Felix Springer, Denys Makarov, Hartmut Rohrmann, Thomas Schrefl, Jürgen Fassbender und Manfred Albrecht
Magnetic properties of granular CoCrPt:SiO2 films as tailored by Co+ irradiation

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P. Krone, D. Makarov, Manfred Albrecht und T. Schrefl
Magnetization reversal of bit patterned media: role of the angular orientation of the magnetic anisotropy axes

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P. Krone, D. Makarov, Manfred Albrecht, T. Schrefl und D. Suess
Magnetization reversal processes of single nanomagnets and their energy barrier

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Judith Kimling née Moser, Vojko Kunej, Hans-Fridtjof Pernau, Elke Scheer und Manfred Albrecht
Magnetoresistive effects in Co/Pd multilayers on self-assembled nanoparticles (invited)

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C. M. Günther, O. Hellwig, A. Menzel, B. Pfau, F. Radu, D. Makarov, Manfred Albrecht, A. Goncharov, T. Schrefl, W. F. Schlotter, R. Rick, J. Lüning und S. Eisebitt
Microscopic reversal behavior of magnetically capped nanospheres

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P. Krone, C. Brombacher, D. Makarov, K. Lenz, D. Ball, F. Springer, H. Rohrmann, J. Fassbender und Manfred Albrecht
Nanocap arrays of granular CoCrPt:SiO2films on silica particles: tailoring of the magnetic properties by Co+ irradiation

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D. Makarov, J. Lee, C. Brombacher, C. Schubert, M. Fuger, D. Suess, J. Fidler und Manfred Albrecht
Perpendicular FePt-based exchange-coupled composite media

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F. Liscio, M. Maret, C. Meneghini, S. Mobilio, O. Proux, D. Makarov und Manfred Albrecht
Structural origin of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in epitaxialCoPt3nanostructures grown onWSe2(0001)

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P. Krone, D. Makarov, T. Schrefl und Manfred Albrecht
Effect of the anisotropy distribution on the coercive field and switching field distribution of bit patterned media

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Esteban Bermúdez Ure?a, Yongfeng Mei, Emica Coric, Denys Makarov, Manfred Albrecht und Oliver G Schmidt
Fabrication of ferromagnetic rolled-up microtubes for magnetic sensors on fluids

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D. Makarov, P. Krone, D. Lantiat, C. Schulze, A. Liebig, C. Brombacher, M. Hietschold, S. Hermann, C. Laberty, D. Grosso und Manfred Albrecht
Magnetization reversal in arrays of magnetic nanoperforations

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D. Makarov, F. Klimenta, S. Fischer, F. Liscio, S. Schulze, M. Hietschold, M. Maret und Manfred Albrecht
Nonepitaxially grown nanopatterned Co–Pt alloys with out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy

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Christoph Brombacher, Marc Saitner, Christian Pfahler, Alfred Plettl, Paul Ziemann, Denys Makarov, Daniel Assmann, Martin H Siekman, Leon Abelmann und Manfred Albrecht
Tailoring particle arrays by isotropic plasma etching: an approach towards percolated perpendicular media

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P. Kappenberger, F. Luo, L. J. Heyderman, H. H. Solak, C. Padeste, C. Brombacher, D. Makarov, T. V. Ashworth, L. Philippe, H. J. Hug und Manfred Albrecht
Template-directed self-assembled magnetic nanostructures for probe recording

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Philipp M. Leufke, Stephen Riedel, Min-Sang Lee, Jie Li, Hartmut Rohrmann, Thomas Eimüller, Paul Leiderer, Johannes Boneberg, Günter Schatz und Manfred Albrecht
Two different coercivity lattices in Co/Pd multilayers generated by single-pulse direct laser interference lithography

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D. Makarov, F. Liscio, C. Brombacher, J.P. Simon, G. Schatz, M. Maret und Manfred Albrecht
CoPt alloy grown on the WSe2(0001) van der Waals surface

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D. Makarov, C. Brombacher, F. Liscio, M. Maret, M. Parlinska, S. Meier, P. Kappenberger und Manfred Albrecht
FePt films on self-assembled SiO2 particle arrays

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Larysa Baraban, Denys Makarov, Manfred Albrecht, Nicolas Rivier, Paul Leiderer und Artur Erbe
Frustration-induced magic number clusters of colloidal magnetic particles

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A. Barth, F. Treubel, M. Marsza?ek, W. Evenson, O. Hellwig, C. Borschel, Manfred Albrecht und G. Schatz
Magnetic coupling in Gd/Ni bilayers

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T. C. Ulbrich, D. Assmann und Manfred Albrecht
Magnetic properties of Co/Pt multilayers on self-assembled particle arrays

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D. Makarov, S. Tibus, C. T. Rettner, T. Thomson, B. D. Terris, T. Schrefl und Manfred Albrecht
Magnetic strip patterns induced by focused ion beam irradiation

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D. Makarov, E. Bermúdez-Ure?a, O. G. Schmidt, F. Liscio, M. Maret, C. Brombacher, S. Schulze, M. Hietschold und Manfred Albrecht
Nanopatterned CoPt alloys with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy

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T. Eimüller, T. C. Ulbrich, E. Amaladass, I. L. Guhr, T. Tyliszczak und Manfred Albrecht
Spin-reorientation transition inCo∕Ptmultilayers on nanospheres

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D. Makarov, L. Baraban, I. L. Guhr, J. Boneberg, H. Schift, J. Gobrecht, G. Schatz, P. Leiderer und Manfred Albrecht
Arrays of magnetic nanoindentations with perpendicular anisotropy

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D. Makarov, R. Pallesche, M. Maret, T.C. Ulbrich, G. Schatz und Manfred Albrecht
Growth of Pt thin films on WSe2

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I. L. Guhr, S. van Dijken, G. Malinowski, P. Fischer, F. Springer, O. Hellwig und Manfred Albrecht
Magnetization reversal in exchange biased nanocap arrays

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Ildico L. Guhr, Olav Hellwig, Christoph Brombacher und Manfred Albrecht
Observation of perpendicular exchange bias in[Pd∕Co]?CoOnanostructures: dependence on size, cooling field, and training

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Mireille Maret, Karine Hostache, Marie-Claude Schouler, Bernadette Marcus, Francine Roussel-Dherbey, Manfred Albrecht und Patrice Gadelle
Oriented growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes on a MgO(001) surface

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F. Liscio, M. Maret, C. Meneghini, J. L. Hazemann und Manfred Albrecht
Properties of ultra-thin vanadium layers in V/Ru superlattices

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Gregory Malinowski, Manfred Albrecht, Ildico L. Guhr, J. M. D. Coey und Sebastiaan van Dijken
Size-dependent scaling of perpendicular exchange bias in magnetic nanostructures

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C. Schuppler, A. Habenicht, I. L. Guhr, M. Maret, P. Leiderer, J. Boneberg und Manfred Albrecht
Control of magnetic anisotropy and magnetic patterning of perpendicular Co∕Pt multilayers by laser irradiation

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Manfred Albrecht, C. T. Rettner, A. Moser und B. D. Terris
Magnetic reversal of sub-100?nm nanostructures studied by a FIB-trimmed recording head

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T. C. Ulbrich, D. Makarov, G. Hu, I. L. Guhr, D. Suess, T. Schrefl und Manfred Albrecht
Magnetization reversal in a novel gradient nanomaterial

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Manfred Albrecht, G. Hu, A. Moser, O. Hellwig und B. D. Terris
Magnetic dot arrays with multiple storage layers

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Manfred Albrecht, Guohan Hu, Ildico L. Guhr, Till C. Ulbrich, Johannes Boneberg, Paul Leiderer und Günter Schatz
Magnetic multilayers on nanospheres

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B.D. Terris, Manfred Albrecht, G. Hu, T. Thomson und C.T. Rettner
Recording and reversal properties of nanofabricated magnetic islands

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M. Maret, B. Gilles, J.P. Simon, M. Verdier, I. Guhr, B. Riedlinger, Manfred Albrecht und G. Schatz
Self-assembling of alloy nanostructures on van der Waals surfaces

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I. L. Guhr, B. Riedlinger, M. Maret, U. Mazur, A. Barth, F. Treubel, Manfred Albrecht und G. Schatz
Structural and magnetic properties of CrPt3(111) films grown on WSe2(0001)

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M. Maret, F. Bley, C. Meneghini, Manfred Albrecht, J. K?hler, E. Bucher und J. L. Hazemann
The Cr local structure in epitaxial CrPt3(111) films probed using polarized x-ray absorption fine structure

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G. Hu, T. Thomson, Manfred Albrecht, M. E. Best, B. D. Terris, C. T. Rettner, S. Raoux, G. M. McClelland und M. W. Hart
Magnetic and recording properties of Co/Pd islands on prepatterned substrates

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M. Maret, B. Gilles, I. Guhr, B. Riedlinger, Manfred Albrecht, G. Schatz und E. Beaurepaire
Self-assembling of FePt nanostructures by quasi-van der Waals epitaxy

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Manfred Albrecht, C. T. Rettner, M. E. Best und B. D. Terris
Magnetic coercivity patterns for magnetic recording on patterned media

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Manfred Albrecht, S. Ganesan, C.T. Rettner, A. Moser, M.E. Best, R.L. White und B.D. Terris
Patterned perpendicular and longitudinal media: a magnetic recording study

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Manfred Albrecht, J.-U. Thiele und A. Moser
Terabit-Speicher - bald Realit?t oder nur Fiktion?

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M. Maret, A. Maier, F. Treubel, B. Riedlinger, Manfred Albrecht, E. Beaurepaire und G. Schatz
Effect of reduced size on perpendicular anisotropy in nanostructured CoPt3(111) films

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S. Anders, S. Sun, C.B. Murray, C.T. Rettner, M.E. Best, T. Thomson, Manfred Albrecht, J.-U. Thiele, E.E. Fullerton und B.D. Terris
Lithography and self-assembly for nanometer scale magnetism

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C.T. Rettner, S. Anders, T. Thomson, Manfred Albrecht, Y. Ikeda, M.E. Best und B.D. Terris
Magnetic characterization and recording properties of patterned Co/sub 70/Cr/sub 18/Pt/sub 12/ perpendicular media

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Andreas Moser, Kentaro Takano, David T Margulies, Manfred Albrecht, Yoshiaki Sonobe, Yoshihiro Ikeda, Shouheng Sun und Eric E Fullerton
Magnetic recording: advancing into the future

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A. Maier, B. Riedlinger, F. Treubel, M. Maret, Manfred Albrecht, E. Beaurepaire, J.M. Tonnerre und G. Schatz
Nanostructured CoPt3(111) films grown on WSe2(0001)

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Manfred Albrecht, M. Maret, A. Maier, F. Treubel, B. Riedlinger, U. Mazur, G. Schatz und S. Anders
Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in CoPt[sub 3](111) films grown on a low energy surface at room temperature

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Manfred Albrecht, C. T. Rettner, A. Moser, M. E. Best und B. D. Terris
Recording performance of high-density patterned perpendicular magnetic media

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Manfred Albrecht, M. Maret, J. K?hler, B. Gilles, R. Poinsot, J. L. Hazemann, J. M. Tonnerre, C. Teodorescu und E. Bucher
Structural and magnetic properties of Cr in Cr/Ru(0001) multilayers

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C. Cecco, Manfred Albrecht, H. Wider, A. Maier, G. Schatz, G. Krausch und P. Gille
Surface structure induced by Ar+-bombardment of decagonal AlNiCo

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Manfred Albrecht, S. Anders, T. Thomson, C. T. Rettner, M. E. Best, A. Moser und B. D. Terris
Thermal stability and recording properties of sub-100 nm patterned CoCrPt perpendicular media

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Manfred Albrecht, A. Moser, C. T. Rettner, S. Anders, T. Thomson und B. D. Terris
Writing of high-density patterned perpendicular media with a conventional longitudinal recording head

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Manfred Albrecht, A. Maier, F. Treubel, M. Maret, R. Poinsot und G. Schatz
Self-assembled magnetic nanostructures of CoPt3with favoured chemical ordering

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Manfred Albrecht, M. Maret, J. K?hler, B. Gilles, R. Poinsot, J. L. Hazemann, J. M. Tonnerre, C. Teodorescu und E. Bucher
Ferromagnetic hcp chromium in Cr/Ru(0001) superlattices

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M. Maret, Manfred Albrecht, J. K?hler, R. Poinsot, C. Ulhaq-Bouillet, J.M. Tonnerre, J.F. Berar und E. Bucher
Magnetic anisotropy and chemical long-range order in epitaxial ferrimagnetic CrPt3 films

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J. K?hler, Manfred Albrecht, C.R. Musil und E. Bucher
Direct growth of nanostructures by deposition through an Si3N4 shadow mask

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Manfred Albrecht, J. K?hler, K. Friemelt und E. Bucher
Growth and structure of Cr on Ru(0001)-(2×2) and Cr/Ru multilayers

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Manfred Albrecht, J. Pohl, H. Wider, E.U. Malang, J. K?hler, K. Friemelt und E. Bucher
V and Cr on Ru surfaces

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J. Pohl, M. J. Christensen, D. Huljic, J. K?hler, E. U. Malang, Manfred Albrecht und E. Bucher
Comparison of the x-ray diffraction patterns of epitaxial V/δ-Mn, Cr/δ-Mn, and Fe/δ-Mn superlattices on Ge(001)

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Manfred Albrecht, J. Pohl, E.U. Malang, J. K?hler, H. Wider und E. Bucher
Magnetic properties of Fe/bct Mn superlattices grown by molecular beam epitaxy

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Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Brütting

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992


Luis Paniagua Rodríguez, Dirk Michaelis, Christof Pflumm, Wolfgang Brütting und Norbert Danz
Accurate experimental analysis and theoretical representation of OLED emission zone profiles

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Ettore Crovini, Kleitos Stavrou, Prakhar Sahay, Bình Minh Nguy?n, Thomas Comerford, Stuart Warriner, Wolfgang Brütting, Andrew Monkman und Eli Zysman-Colman
Aryl-substituted acridine donor derivatives modulate the transition dipole moment orientation and exciton harvesting properties of donor–acceptor TADF emitters

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Prakhar Sahay, Ettore Crovini, Kleitos Stavrou, Zhen Zhang, Bình Minh Nguyên, Daniel Wagner, Peter Strohriegl, Stefan Br?se, Andrew Monkman, Eli Zysman-Colman und Wolfgang Brütting
Effect of tert-butyl substitution on controlling the orientation of TADF emitters in guest–host systems

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Andrei Stankevych, Rishabh Saxena, Jeannine Grüne, Sebastian Lulei, Andreas Sperlich, Stavros Athanasopoulos, Alexander Vakhnin, Prakhar Sahay, Wolfgang Brütting, Vladimir Dyakonov, Heinz B?ssler, Anna K?hler und Andrey Kadashchuk
Charge-carrier photogeneration in single-component organic carbazole-based semiconductors via low excitation power triplet-triplet annihilation

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Yutaka Noguchi, Mihiro Takeda, Alexander Hofmann und Wolfgang Brütting
Controlling charge accumulation properties at organic hetero-interfaces using dipolar doping of hole transport layers

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Albin Cakaj, Markus Schmid, Alexander Hofmann und Wolfgang Brütting
Controlling spontaneous orientation polarization in organic semiconductors ─ the case of phosphine oxides

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Carl Degitz, Markus Schmid, Falk May, Jochen Pfister, Armin Auch, Wolfgang Brütting und Wolfgang Wenzel
From molecule to device: prediction and validation of the optical orientation of iridium phosphors in organic light-emitting diodes

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Nadine Ru?egger, Hongwon Kim, Jakub Hagara, Oleg Vladimirov, Timo Eberle, Ivan Zaluzhnyy, Alexander Gerlach, Alexander Hinderhofer, Wolfgang Brütting und Frank Schreiber
Influence of alkyl chain variation on cocrystal formation and molecular charge transfer in DIP:perylene diimide binary systems

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Binh Minh Nguyen, Markus Schmid, Johann Kirsch, Albin Cakaj und Wolfgang Brütting
On the orientation mechanism of nonpolar dyes in light-emitting guest–host systems

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Sebastian Hammer, Theresa Linderl, Kristofer Tvingstedt, Wolfgang Brütting und Jens Pflaum
Spectroscopic analysis of vibrational coupling in multi-molecular excited states

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Christopher Kirsch, Tassilo Naujoks, Philipp Haizmann, Philipp Frech, Heiko Peisert, Thomas Chassé, Wolfgang Brütting und Marcus Scheele
Zwitterionic carbazole ligands enhance the stability and performance of perovskite nanocrystals in light-emitting diodes

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Yutaka Noguchi, Alexander Hofmann und Wolfgang Brütting
Controlling charge accumulation properties of organic light‐emitting diodes using dipolar doping of hole transport layers

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S. Sem, S. Jenatsch, Prakhar Sahay, S. Züfle, M. Schmid, Wolfgang Brütting und B. Ruhstaller
Detailed electro-optical modeling of thermally-activated delayed fluorescent OLEDs with different host-guest concentrations

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Qi Xue, Carola Lampe, Tassilo Naujoks, Kilian Frank, Moritz Gramlich, Markus Schoger, Willem Vanderlinden, Patrick Reisbeck, Bert Nickel, Wolfgang Brütting und Alexander S. Urban
Doubly stabilized perovskite nanocrystal luminescence downconverters

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Jakub Hagara, Hongwon Kim, Jan Hagenlocher, Ivan Zaluzhnyy, Alexander Gerlach, Alexander Hinderhofer, Stephan V. Roth, Wolfgang Brütting und Frank Schreiber
Improved order and transport in C60 thin films grown on SiO2 via use of transient templates

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Tassilo Naujoks, Roshini Jayabalan, Christopher Kirsch, Fengshuo Zu, Mukunda Mandal, Jan Wahl, Martin Waibel, Andreas Opitz, Norbert Koch, Denis Andrienko, Marcus Scheele und Wolfgang Brütting
Quantum efficiency enhancement of lead-halide Perovskite nanocrystal LEDs by organic lithium salt treatment

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Andreas Opitz, Giuliano Duva, Marius Gebhardt, Hongwon Kim, Eduard Meister, Tino Meisel, Paul Beyer, Valentina Belova, Christian Kasper, Jens Pflaum, Linus Pithan, Alexander Hinderhofer, Frank Schreiber und Wolfgang Brütting
Thin films of electron donor–acceptor complexes: characterisation of mixed-crystalline phases and implications for electrical doping

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Yutaka Noguchi, Yuya Tanaka, Hisao Ishii und Wolfgang Brütting
Understanding spontaneous orientation polarization of amorphous organic semiconducting films and its application to devices

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Nils Haase, Andrew Danos, Christof Pflumm, Patrycja Stachelek, Wolfgang Brütting und Andrew P. Monkman
Are the rates of dexter transfer in TADF hyperfluorescence systems optically accessible?

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Florian Grassl, Aladin Baldur Bernd Ullrich, Ahmed E. Mansour, Shaimaa M. Abdalbaqi, Norbert Koch, Andreas Opitz, Marcus Scheele und Wolfgang Brütting
Coupled organic–inorganic nanostructures with mixed organic linker molecules

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Ettore Crovini, Zhen Zhang, Yu Kusakabe, Yongxia Ren, Yoshimasa Wada, Bilal A. Naqvi, Prakhar Sahay, Tomas Matulaitis, Stefan Diesing, Ifor D. W. Samuel, Wolfgang Brütting, Katsuaki Suzuki, Hironori Kaji, Stefan Br?se und Eli Zysman-Colman
Effect of a twin-emitter design strategy on a previously reported thermally activated delayed fluorescence organic light-emitting diode

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Jan Wahl, Manuel Engelmayer, Mukunda Mandal, Tassilo Naujoks, Philipp Haizmann, Andre Maier, Heiko Peisert, Denis Andrienko, Wolfgang Brütting und Marcus Scheele
Porphyrin functionalization of CsPbBrI2/SiO2 core–shell nanocrystals enhances the stability and efficiency in electroluminescent devices

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Yutaka Noguchi, Hisao Ishii, Lars J?ger, Tobias D. Schmidt und Wolfgang Brütting
Spontaneous orientation polarization in organic light-emitting diodes and its inuence on charge injection, accumulation, and degradation properties

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Alexander Hofmann, Markus Schmid und Wolfgang Brütting
The many facets of molecular orientation in organic optoelectronics

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Thomas Ferschke, Alexander Hofmann, Wolfgang Brütting und Jens Pflaum
Application of fluorescent molecules as noninvasive sensors for optoelectronic characterization on nanometer length scales

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A. E. Mansour, H. Kim, S. Park, T. Schultz, T.-Q. Nguyen, Wolfgang Brütting, A. Opitz und N. Koch
Conductive polymer work function changes due to residual water: impact of temperature-dependent dielectric constant

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Theresa Linderl, Thomas Zechel, Alexander Hofmann, Tomoya Sato, Kohei Shimizu, Hisao Ishii und Wolfgang Brütting
Crystalline versus amorphous donor-acceptor blends: influence of layer morphology on the charge-transfer density of states

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Wolfgang Brütting, Mirjam Dür, Ulrich Eckern, Urs Frauenfelder, Malte A. Peter und Andreas W. Rathgeber
Die Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Fakult?t: immer auch die Anwendung im Blick

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Zhen Zhang, Ettore Crovini, Paloma L. dos Santos, Bilal A. Naqvi, David B. Cordes, Alexandra M. Z. Slawin, Prakhar Sahay, Wolfgang Brütting, Ifor D. W. Samuel, Stefan Br?se und Eli Zysman‐Colman
Efficient sky‐blue organic light‐emitting diodes using a highly horizontally oriented thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitter

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Thomas Morgenstern, Carola Lampe, Tassilo Naujoks, Matthew Jurow, Yi Liu, Alexander S. Urban und Wolfgang Brütting
Elucidating the performance limits of perovskite nanocrystal light emitting diodes

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Paul Beyer, Eduard Meister, Timo Florian, Alexander Generalov, Wolfgang Brütting, Norbert Koch und Andreas Opitz
Fermi level pinned molecular donor/acceptor junctions: reduction of induced carrier density by interfacial charge transfer complexes

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Markus Schmid, Kristoffer Harms, Carl Degitz, Thomas Morgenstern, Alexander Hofmann, Pascal Friederich, Hans-Hermann Johannes, Wolfgang Wenzel, Wolfgang Kowalsky und Wolfgang Brütting
Optical and electrical measurements reveal the orientation mechanism of homoleptic iridium-carbene complexes

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Marc Erik Lindorf, K. A. Mazzio, J. Pflaum, K. Nielsch, Wolfgang Brütting und Manfred Albrecht
Organic-based thermoelectrics

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Bilal A. Naqvi, Markus Schmid, Ettore Crovini, Prakhar Sahay, Tassilo Naujoks, Francesco Rodella, Zhen Zhang, Peter Strohriegl, Stefan Br?se, Eli Zysman-Colman und Wolfgang Brütting
What controls the orientation of TADF emitters?

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Corrigendum published on 17 February 2021 at https://doi.org/10.3389/fchem.2021.632639


Alexander J. L. Hofmann, Simon Züfle, Kohei Shimizu, Markus Schmid, Vivien Wessels, Lars J?ger, Stéphane Altazin, Keitaro Ikegami, Motiur Rahman Khan, Dieter Neher, Hisao Ishii, Beat Ruhstaller und Wolfgang Brütting
Dipolar doping of organic semiconductors to enhance carrier injection

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Sebastian Weissenseel, Nikita A. Drigo, Liudmila G. Kudriashova, Markus Schmid, Thomas Morgenstern, Kun-Han Lin, Antonio Prlj, Clémence Corminboeuf, Andreas Sperlich, Wolfgang Brütting, Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin und Vladimir Dyakonov
Getting the right twist: influence of donor–acceptor dihedral angle on exciton kinetics and singlet–triplet gap in deep blue thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitter

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Matthew J. Jurow, Thomas Morgenstern, Carissa Eisler, Jun Kang, Erika Penzo, Mai Do, Manuel Engelmayer, Wojciech T. Osowiecki, Yehonadav Bekenstein, Christopher Tassone, Lin-Wang Wang, A. Paul Alivisatos, Wolfgang Brütting und Yi Liu
Manipulating the transition dipole moment of CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals for superior optical properties

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Wolfgang Brütting
Organic LEDs and solar cells united

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Yutaka Noguchi, Wolfgang Brütting und Hisao Ishii
Spontaneous orientation polarization in organic light-emitting diodes

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Paul Beyer, Duc Pham, Clea Peter, Norbert Koch, Eduard Meister, Wolfgang Brütting, Lutz Grubert, Stefan Hecht, Dmitrii Nabok, Caterina Cocchi, Claudia Draxl und Andreas Opitz
State-of-Matter-Dependent Charge-Transfer Interactions between Planar Molecules for Doping Applications

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Thomas Morgenstern, Markus Schmid, Alexander Hofmann, Markus Bierling, Lars J?ger und Wolfgang Brütting
Correlating Optical and Electrical Dipole Moments To Pinpoint Phosphorescent Dye Alignment in Organic Light-Emitting Diodes

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Sonam Maiti, Santanu Maiti, Yvonne Joseph, Andreas Wolf, Wolfgang Brütting, Dirk Dorfs, Frank Schreiber und Marcus Scheele
Electronically Coupled, Two-Dimensional Assembly of Cu1.1S Nanodiscs for Selective Vapor Sensing Applications

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Markus Schmid, Thomas Morgenstern und Wolfgang Brütting
Enabling electron conduction in anisotropic hole transport materials for superior optical properties in organic light emitting diodes

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Nils Haase, Andrew Danos, Christof Pflumm, Antonia Morherr, Patrycja Stachelek, Amel Mekic, Wolfgang Brütting und Andrew P. Monkman
Kinetic modeling of transient photoluminescence from thermally activated delayed fluorescence

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Valentina Belova, Paul Beyer, Eduard Meister, Theresa Linderl, Marc-Uwe Halbich, Marina Gerhard, Stefan Schmidt, Thomas Zechel, Tino Meisel, Alexander V. Generalov, Ana Sofia Anselmo, R. Scholz, O. Konovalov, Alexander Gerlach, Martin Koch, Alexander Hinderhofer, Andreas Opitz, Wolfgang Brütting und Frank Schreiber
Revealing the interplay between structure and electronic coupling in donor/acceptor systems for organic photovoltaics

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S. Züfle, S. Altazin, Alexander Hofmann, Lars J?ger, Martin T. Neukom, Wolfgang Brütting und B. Ruhstaller
Determination of charge transport activation energy and injection barrier in organic semiconductor devices

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Tobias D. Schmidt, Thomas Lampe, Daniel Sylvinson M.?R., Peter I. Djurovich, Mark E. Thompson und Wolfgang Brütting
Emitter orientation as a key parameter in organic light-emitting diodes

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Theresa Linderl, Thomas Zechel, Michael Brendel, Daniel Moseguí González, Peter Müller-Buschbaum, Jens Pflaum und Wolfgang Brütting
Energy losses in small-molecule organic photovoltaics

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Valentina Belova, Paul Beyer, Eduard Meister, Theresa Linderl, Marc-Uwe Halbich, Marina Gerhard, Stefan Schmidt, Thomas Zechel, Tino Meisel, Alexander V. Generalov, Ana Sofia Anselmo, Reinhard Scholz, Oleg Konovalov, Alexander Gerlach, Martin Koch, Alexander Hinderhofer, Andreas Opitz, Wolfgang Brütting und Frank Schreiber
Evidence for Anisotropic Electronic Coupling of Charge Transfer States in Weakly Interacting Organic Semiconductor Mixtures

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Sudam D. Chavhan, Rickard Hansson, Leif K. E. Ericsson, Paul Beyer, Alexander Hofmann, Wolfgang Brütting, Andreas Opitz und Ellen Moons
Low temperature processed NiOx hole transport layers for efficient polymer solar cells

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R. Mac Ciarnain, D. Michaelis, Thomas Wehlus, A. F. Rausch, Sebastian Wehrmeister, Tobias D. Schmidt, Wolfgang Brütting, N. Danz, A. Br?uer und A. Tünnermann
Plasmonic Purcell effect reveals obliquely ordered phosphorescent emitters in Organic LEDs

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Simon Züfle, Stéphane Altazin, Alexander Hofmann, Lars J?ger, Martin T. Neukom, Tobias D. Schmidt, Wolfgang Brütting und Beat Ruhstaller
The use of charge extraction by linearly increasing voltage in polar organic light-emitting diodes

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Matthew J. Jurow, Thomas Lampe, Erika Penzo, Jun Kang, Matthew A. Koc, Thomas Zechel, Zachary Nett, Michael Brady, Lin-Wang Wang, A. Paul Alivisatos, Stefano Cabrini, Wolfgang Brütting und Yi Liu
Tunable Anisotropic Photon Emission from Self-Organized CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanocrystals

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Andreas Opitz, Rupak Banerjee, Stefan Grob, Mark Gruber, Alexander Hinderhofer, Ulrich H?rmann, Julia Kraus, Theresa Linderl, Christopher Lorch, Andreas Steindamm, Anna Katharina Topczak, Andreas Wilke, Norbert Koch, Jens Pflaum, Frank Schreiber und Wolfgang Brütting
Charge separation at nanostructured molecular donor–acceptor interfaces

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Thomas Lampe, Tobias D. Schmidt, Matthew J. Jurow, Peter I. Djurovich, Mark E. Thompson und Wolfgang Brütting
Dependence of Phosphorescent Emitter Orientation on Deposition Technique in Doped Organic Films

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Lars J?ger, Tobias D. Schmidt und Wolfgang Brütting
Manipulation and control of the interfacial polarization in organic light-emitting diodes by dipolar doping

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Tobias D. Schmidt, Thomas Lampe und Wolfgang Brütting
Mehr Licht durch orientierte Farbstoffmoleküle

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S. Altazin, S. Züfle, E. Knapp, C. Kirsch, Tobias D. Schmidt, Lars J?ger, Wolfgang Brütting und B. Ruhstaller
On the role of polar molecules and the barrier for charge injection in OLEDs

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Andrew N. Bartynski, Stefan Grob, Theresa Linderl, Mark Gruber, Wolfgang Brütting und Mark E. Thompson
Organic Solar Cells with Open Circuit Voltage over 1.25 V Employing Tetraphenyldibenzoperiflanthene as the Acceptor

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S. Altazin, S. Züfle, E. Knapp, C. Kirsch, Tobias D. Schmidt, Lars J?ger, Y. Noguchi, Wolfgang Brütting und B. Ruhstaller
Simulation of OLEDs with a polar electron transport layer

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Theresa Linderl, Ulrich H?rmann, Sergej Beratz, Mark Gruber, Stefan Grob, Alexander Hofmann und Wolfgang Brütting
Temperature dependent competition between different recombination channels in organic heterojunction solar cells

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Jan B. Preinfalk, Fabian R. Schackmar, Thomas Lampe, Amos Egel, Tobias D. Schmidt, Wolfgang Brütting, Guillaume Gomard und Uli Lemmer
Tuning the Microcavity of Organic Light Emitting Diodes by Solution Processable Polymer–Nanoparticle Composite Layers

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Tobias D. Schmidt, Lars J?ger, Yutaka Noguchi, Hisao Ishii und Wolfgang Brütting
Analyzing degradation effects of organic light-emitting diodes via transient optical and electrical measurements

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Sebastian Wehrmeister, Lars J?ger, Thomas Wehlus, Andreas F. Rausch, Thilo C. G. Reusch, Tobias D. Schmidt und Wolfgang Brütting
Combined electrical and optical analysis of the efficiency roll-off in phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes

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Christian Mayr und Wolfgang Brütting
Control of Molecular Dye Orientation in Organic Luminescent Films by the Glass Transition Temperature of the Host Material

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M. Scheele, Wolfgang Brütting und F. Schreiber
Coupled organic–inorganic nanostructures (COIN)

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Thomas Wagner, Alexander P?thig, Hannah M. S. Augenstein, Tobias D. Schmidt, Marlene Kaposi, Eberhard Herdtweck, Wolfgang Brütting, Wolfgang A. Herrmann und Fritz E. Kühn
From simple ligands to complex structures: structural diversity of silver(I) complexes bearing tetradentate (alkylene bimpy) NHC ligands

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Mark Gruber, Michael Mayr, Thomas Lampe, Bj?rn-Christoph Gallheber, Bert J. Scholz und Wolfgang Brütting
Influence of molecular orientation on the coupling of surface plasmons to excitons in semitransparent inverted organic solar cells

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Stefan Grob, Andrew N. Bartynski, Andreas Opitz, Mark Gruber, Florian Grassl, Eduard Meister, Theresa Linderl, Ulrich H?rmann, C. Lorch, E. Moons, F. Schreiber, M. E. Thompson und Wolfgang Brütting
Solvent vapor annealing on perylene-based organic solar cells

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Andrew N. Bartynski, Mark Gruber, Saptaparna Das, Sylvie Rangan, Sonya Mollinger, Cong Trinh, Stephen E. Bradforth, Koen Vandewal, Alberto Salleo, Robert A. Bartynski, Wolfgang Brütting und Mark E. Thompson
Symmetry-breaking charge transfer in a Zinc Chlorodipyrrin acceptor for high open circuit voltage organic photovoltaics

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Linus Pithan, Eduard Meister, Chenyu Jin, Christopher Weber, Anton Zykov, Katrein Sauer, Wolfgang Brütting, Hans Riegler, Andreas Opitz und Stefan Kowarik
Thermally driven smoothening of molecular thin films: structural transitions in n-alkane layers studied in real-time

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Matthew J. Jurow, Christian Mayr, Tobias D. Schmidt, Thomas Lampe, Peter I. Djurovich, Wolfgang Brütting und Mark E. Thompson
Understanding and predicting the orientation of heteroleptic phosphors in organic light-emitting materials

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Stefan Grob, Mark Gruber, Andrew N. Bartynski, Ulrich H?rmann, Theresa Linderl, Mark E. Thompson und Wolfgang Brütting
Amorphous vs crystalline exciton blocking layers at the anode interface in planar and planar-mixed heterojunction organic solar cells

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Christian Mayr, Masatsugu Taneda, Chihaya Adachi und Wolfgang Brütting
Different orientation of the transition dipole moments of two similar Pt(II) complexes and their potential for high efficiency organic light-emitting diodes

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Christian Mayr, Sae Youn Lee, Tobias D. Schmidt, Takuma Yasuda, Chihaya Adachi und Wolfgang Brütting
Efficiency enhancement of organic light-emitting diodes incorporating a highly oriented thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitter

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Tobias D. Schmidt, Lukas J. Reichardt, Andreas F. Rausch, Sebastian Wehrmeister, Bert J. Scholz, Christian Mayr, Thomas Wehlus, Rossá Mac Ciarnáin, Norbert Danz, Thilo C. G. Reusch und Wolfgang Brütting
Extracting the emitter orientation in organic light-emitting diodes from external quantum efficiency measurements

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Christian Mayr, Tobias D. Schmidt und Wolfgang Brütting
High-efficiency fluorescent organic light-emitting diodes enabled by triplet-triplet annihilation and horizontal emitter orientation

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Lothar Sims, Ulrich H?rmann, Robert Hanfland, Roderick C.I. MacKenzie, F. René Kogler, Roland Steim, Wolfgang Brütting und Pavel Schilinsky
Investigation of the s-shape caused by the hole selective layer in bulk heterojunction solar cells

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Anna K. Topczak, Tobias Roller, Bernd Engels, Wolfgang Brütting und Jens Pflaum
Nonthermally activated exciton transport in crystalline organic semiconductor thin films

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Shuwen Yu, Andreas Opitz, Stefan Grob, Roland Resel, Martin Oehzelt, Wolfgang Brütting, Ingo Salzmann und Norbert Koch
Performance enhancement of diindenoperylene-based organic photovoltaic cells by nanocolumn-arrays

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Ulrich H?rmann, Christopher Lorch, Alexander Hinderhofer, Alexander Gerlach, Mark Gruber, Julia Kraus, Benedikt Sykora, Stefan Grob, Theresa Linderl, Andreas Wilke, Andreas Opitz, Rickard Hansson, Ana Sofia Anselmo, Yusuke Ozawa, Yasuo Nakayama, Hisao Ishii, Norbert Koch, Ellen Moons, Frank Schreiber und Wolfgang Brütting
Voc from a Morphology Point of View: the Influence of Molecular Orientation on the Open Circuit Voltage of Organic Planar Heterojunction Solar Cells

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Andreas Opitz und Wolfgang Brütting
Ambipolar charge-carrier transport in molecular field-effect transistors

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Tobias D. Schmidt, Daniel S. Setz, Michael Fl?mmich, J?rg Frischeisen, Dirk Michaelis, Christian Mayr, Andreas F. Rausch, Thomas Wehlus, Bert J. Scholz, Thilo C. G. Reusch, Norbert Danz und Wolfgang Brütting
Comprehensive efficiency analysis of organic light-emitting diodes featuring emitter orientation and triplet-to-singlet up-conversion

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Mark Gruber, M. Rawolle, Julia Wagner, D. Magerl, Ulrich H?rmann, J. Perlich, S. V. Roth, Andreas Opitz, F. Schreiber, P. Müller-Buschbaum und Wolfgang Brütting
Correlating structure and morphology to device performance of molecular organic donor-acceptor photovoltaic cells based on diindenoperylene (DIP) and C60

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Wolfgang Brütting, J?rg Frischeisen, Tobias D. Schmidt, Bert J. Scholz und Christian Mayr
Device efficiency of organic light-emitting diodes: progress by improved light outcoupling

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Tobias D. Schmidt, Bert J. Scholz, Christian Mayr und Wolfgang Brütting
Efficiency analysis of organic light-emitting diodes based on optical simulations

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Sei-Yong Kim, Won-Ik Jeong, Christian Mayr, Young-Seo Park, Kwon-Hyeon Kim, Jeong-Hwan Lee, Chang-Ki Moon, Wolfgang Brütting und Jang-Joo Kim
Organic light-emitting diodes with 30% external quantum efficiency based on a horizontally oriented emitter

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Ulrich H?rmann, Julia Kraus, Mark Gruber, Christoph Schuhmair, Theresa Linderl, Stefan Grob, Stephan Kapfinger, Konrad Klein, Martin Stutzmann, Hubert J. Krenner und Wolfgang Brütting
Quantification of energy losses in organic solar cells from temperature-dependent device characteristics

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Robert Hanfland, Martin Fischer, Wolfgang Brütting, Uli Würfel und Roderick C. I. MacKenzie
The physical meaning of charge extraction by linearly increasing voltage transients from organic solar cells

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Yuya Tanaka, Yutaka Noguchi, Michael Kraus, Wolfgang Brütting und Hisao Ishii
Three-terminal capacitance-voltage measurements of pentacene field-effect transistors during operation

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Andreas Opitz, Matthias Horlet, Marc Kiwull, Julia Wagner, Michael Kraus und Wolfgang Brütting
Bipolar charge transport in organic field-effect transistors: enabling high mobilities and transport of photo-generated charge carriers by a molecular passivation layer

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Yutaka Noguchi, Yukimasa Miyazaki, Yuya Tanaka, Naoki Sato, Yasuo Nakayama, Tobias D. Schmidt, Wolfgang Brütting und Hisao Ishii
Charge accumulation at organic semiconductor interfaces due to a permanent dipole moment and its orientational order in bilayer devices

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A. Wilke, J. Endres, Ulrich H?rmann, J. Niederhausen, R. Schlesinger, J. Frisch, P. Amsalem, Julia Wagner, Mark Gruber, Andreas Opitz, A. Vollmer, Wolfgang Brütting, A. Kahn und N. Koch
Correlation between interface energetics and open circuit voltage in organic photovoltaic cells

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Tobias D. Schmidt, Daniel S. Setz, Michael Fl?mmich, Bert J. Scholz, Arndt Jaeger, Carola Diez, Dirk Michaelis, Norbert Danz und Wolfgang Brütting
Degradation induced decrease of the radiative quantum efficiency in organic light-emitting diodes

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Wolfgang Brütting und J?rg Frischeisen
Device efficiency of organic light‐emitting diodes

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Andreas Buchschuster, Tobias D. Schmidt und Wolfgang Brütting
Evidence for different origins of the magnetic field effect on current and electroluminescence in organic light-emitting diodes

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Bert J. Scholz, J?rg Frischeisen, Arndt Jaeger, Daniel S. Setz, Thilo C. G. Reusch und Wolfgang Brütting
Extraction of surface plasmons in organic light-emitting diodes via high-index coupling

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Carola Diez, Thilo C. G. Reusch, Erwin Lang, Thomas Dobbertin und Wolfgang Brütting
Highly stable charge generation layers using caesium phosphate as n-dopants and inserting interlayers

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Julia Wagner, Mark Gruber, Andreas Wilke, Yuya Tanaka, Katharina Topczak, Andreas Steindamm, Ulrich H?rmann, Andreas Opitz, Yasuo Nakayama, Hisao Ishii, Jens Pflaum, Norbert Koch und Wolfgang Brütting
Identification of different origins for s-shaped current voltage characteristics in planar heterojunction organic solar cells

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Carola Diez, Thilo C. G. Reusch, Stefan Seidel und Wolfgang Brütting
Investigation of energy transfer mechanisms between two adjacent phosphorescent emission layers

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Tobias D. Schmidt, Michael Fl?mmich, Bert J. Scholz, Dirk Michaelis, Christian Mayr, Norbert Danz und Wolfgang Brütting
Non-isotropic emitter orientation and its implications for efficiency analysis of organic light-emitting diodes

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Wolfgang Brütting und Chihaya Adachi

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Mark Gruber, Julia Wagner, Konrad Klein, Ulrich H?rmann, Andreas Opitz, Martin Stutzmann und Wolfgang Brütting
Thermodynamic efficiency limit of molecular donor-acceptor solar cells and its application to diindenoperylene/C60-based planar heterojunction devices

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Michael Kraus, Simon Haug, Wolfgang Brütting und Andreas Opitz
Achievement of balanced electron and hole mobility in copper-phthalocyanine field-effect transistors by using a crystalline aliphatic passivation layer

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Ulrich H?rmann, Julia Wagner, Mark Gruber, Andreas Opitz und Wolfgang Brütting
Approaching the ultimate open circuit voltage in thiophene based single junction solar cells by applying diindenoperylene as acceptor

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Daniel Setz, Tobias D. Schmidt, Michael Fl?mmich, Stefan Nowy, J?rg Frischeisen, Benjamin C. Krummacher, Thomas D. Dobbertin, Karsten Heuser, Dirk Michaelis, Norbert Danz, Wolfgang Brütting und Albrecht Winnacker
Comprehensive efficiency analysis of organic light-emitting devices

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Tobias D. Schmidt, Andreas Buchschuster, Matthias Holm, Stefan Nowy, Josef A. Weber und Wolfgang Brütting
Degradation effect on the magnetoresistance in organic light emitting diodes

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Matthias Horlet, Michael Kraus, Wolfgang Brütting und Andreas Opitz
Diindenoperylene as ambipolar semiconductor: influence of electrode materials and mobility asymmetry in organic field-effect transistors

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Yuya Tanaka, Yutaka Noguchi, Michael Kraus, Wolfgang Brütting und Hisao Ishii
Displacement current measurement of a pentacene metal–insulator–semiconductor device to investigate both quasi-static and dynamic carrier behavior using a combined waveform

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Tobias D. Schmidt, Daniel S. Setz, Michael Fl?mmich, J?rg Frischeisen, Dirk Michaelis, Benjamin C. Krummacher, Norbert Danz und Wolfgang Brütting
Evidence for non-isotropic emitter orientation in a red phosphorescent organic light-emitting diode and its implications for determining the emitter’s radiative quantum efficiency

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Thomas Wehlus, Timo H. K?rner, Stefan Nowy, J?rg Frischeisen, Helmut Karl, Bernd Stritzker und Wolfgang Brütting
Hybrid organic-inorganic materials for integrated optoelectronic devices

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Yuya Tanaka, Yutaka Noguchi, Michael Kraus, Wolfgang Brütting und Hisao Ishii
Impedance spectroscopy for pentacene field-effect transistor: channel formation process in transistor operation

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J?rg Frischeisen, Daisuke Yokoyama, Ayataka Endo, Chihaya Adachi und Wolfgang Brütting
Increased light outcoupling efficiency in dye-doped small molecule organic light-emitting diodes with horizontally oriented emitters

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J?rg Frischeisen, Quan Niu, Alaa Abdellah, J?rg B. Kinzel, Robert Gehlhaar, Giuseppe Scarpa, Chihaya Adachi, Paolo Lugli und Wolfgang Brütting
Light extraction from surface plasmons and waveguide modes in an organic light-emitting layer by nanoimprinted gratings

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Wolfgang Brütting, J?rg Frischeisen, Bert J. Scholz und Tobias D. Schmidt
More light from organic light-emitting diodes

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Michael Fl?mmich, J?rg Frischeisen, Daniel S. Setz, Dirk Michaelis, Benjamin C. Krummacher, Tobias D. Schmidt, Wolfgang Brütting und Norbert Danz
Oriented phosphorescent emitters boost OLED efficiency

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J?rg Frischeisen, Bert J. Scholz, Benedikt Arndt, Tobias D. Schmidt, R. Gehlhaar, C. Adachi und Wolfgang Brütting
Strategies for light extraction from surface plasmons in organic light-emitting diodes

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Andreas Opitz, Julia Wagner, Wolfgang Brütting, Ingo Salzmann, Norbert Koch, Jochen Manara, Jens Pflaum, Alexander Hinderhofer und Frank Schreiber
Charge separation at molecular donor–acceptor interfaces: correlation between morphology and solar cell performance

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J?rg Frischeisen, Daisuke Yokoyama, Chihaya Adachi und Wolfgang Brütting
Determination of molecular dipole orientation in doped fluorescent organic thin films by photoluminescence measurements

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Julia Wagner, Mark Gruber, Alexander Hinderhofer, Andreas Wilke, Benjamin Br?ker, Johannes Frisch, Patrick Amsalem, Antje Vollmer, Andreas Opitz, Norbert Koch, Frank Schreiber und Wolfgang Brütting
High fill factor and open circuit voltage in organic photovoltaic cells with diindenoperylene as donor material

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Michael Kraus, Stefan Richler, Andreas Opitz, Wolfgang Brütting, Simon Haas, Tatsuo Hasegawa, Alexander Hinderhofer und Frank Schreiber
High-mobility copper-phthalocyanine field-effect transistors with tetratetracontane passivation layer and organic metal contacts

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Stefan Nowy, Wei Ren, Andreas Elschner, Wilfried L?venich und Wolfgang Brütting
Impedance spectroscopy as a probe for the degradation of organic light-emitting diodes

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Kouki Akaike, Andreas Opitz, Julia Wagner, Wolfgang Brütting, Kaname Kanai, Yukio Ouchi und Kazuhiko Seki
Unoccupied states in copper phthalocyanine/fullerene blended films determined by inverse photoemission spectroscopy

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Markus Bronner, Andreas Opitz und Wolfgang Brütting
Ambipolar charge carrier transport in organic semiconductor blends

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Benjamin C. Krummacher, Stefan Nowy, J?rg Frischeisen, Markus Klein und Wolfgang Brütting
Efficiency analysis of organic light-emitting diodes based on optical simulation

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Stefan Nowy, Wei Ren, Julia Wagner, Josef A. Weber und Wolfgang Brütting
Impedance spectroscopy of organic hetero-layer OLEDs as a probe for charge carrier injection and device degradation

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Andreas Opitz, Julia Wagner, Bernhard Ecker, Ulrich H?rmann, Michael Kraus, Markus Bronner, Wolfgang Brütting, Alexander Hinderhofer und Frank Schreiber
Microstructure and charge carrier transport in phthalocyanine based

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Andreas Opitz, Bernhard Ecker, Julia Wagner, Alexander Hinderhofer, Frank Schreiber, Jochen Manara, Jens Pflaum und Wolfgang Brütting
Mixed crystalline films of co-evaporated hydrogen- and fluorine-terminated phthalocyanines and their application in photovoltaic devices

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Andreas Opitz, Julia Wagner, Wolfgang Brütting, Alexander Hinderhofer und Frank Schreiber
Molecular semiconductor blends: microstructure, charge carrier transport, and application in photovoltaic cells

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J?rg Frischeisen, Nils A. Reinke und Wolfgang Brütting
Organic emitters: OLEDs enable integrated surface-plasmon-resonance sensor

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Stefan Nowy, J?rg Frischeisen und Wolfgang Brütting
Simulation based optimization of light-outcoupling in organic light-emitting diodes

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Cosima Schuster, Michael Kraus, Andreas Opitz, Wolfgang Brütting und Ulrich Eckern
Transport properties of copper phthalocyanine based organic electronic devices

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Wolfgang Brütting, Markus Bronner, Marcel G?tzenbrugger und Andreas Opitz
Ambipolar Blends of Cu-Phthalocyanine and Fullerene: Charge Carrier Mobility, Electronic Structure and their Implications for Solar Cell Applications

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Markus Bronner, Andreas Opitz und Wolfgang Brütting
Ambipolar charge carrier transport in organic semiconductor blends of phthalocyanine and fullerene

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Andreas Opitz, Markus Bronner, Julia Wagner, Marcel G?tzenbrugger und Wolfgang Brütting
Ambipolar organic semiconductor blends for photovoltaic cells

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Andreas Opitz, Michael Kraus, Markus Bronner, Julia Wagner und Wolfgang Brütting
Bipolar transport in organic field-effect transistors: organic semiconductor blends versus contact modification

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Andreas Opitz, Markus Bronner und Wolfgang Brütting
Charge carrier injection and ambipolar transport in C60/CuPc organic semiconductor blends

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Wolfgang Brütting und Walter Rie?
Grundlagen der organischen Halbleiter

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Stefan Nowy, Nils A. Reinke, J?rg Frischeisen und Wolfgang Brütting
Light extraction and optical loss mechanisms in organic light-emitting diodes

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Stefan Nowy, Benjamin C. Krummacher, J?rg Frischeisen, Nils A. Reinke und Wolfgang Brütting
Light extraction and optical loss mechanisms in organic light-emitting diodes: influence of the emitter quantum efficiency

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J?rg Frischeisen, Nils A. Reinke, Cornelia Ostermayr, Jürgen Neumann, Stefan Nowy und Wolfgang Brütting
Surface plasmon resonance sensor based on a planar polychromatic OLED light source

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J?rg Frischeisen, Christian Mayr, Nils A. Reinke, Stefan Nowy und Wolfgang Brütting
Surface plasmon resonance sensor utilizing an integrated organic light emitting diode

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Andreas Opitz, Markus Bronner und Wolfgang Brütting
Ambipolar charge carrier transport in mixed organic layers of phthalocyanine and fullerene

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Andreas Opitz, Markus Bronner, Wolfgang Brütting, Marcel Himmerlich, Juergen A. Schaefer und Stefan Krischok
Electronic properties of organic semiconductor blends: ambipolar mixtures of phthalocyanine and fullerene

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Silviu-Cosmin Grecu, M. Roggenbuck, Andreas Opitz und Wolfgang Brütting
Differences of interface and bulk transport properties in polymer field-effect devices

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Wolfgang Brütting
Introduction to the physics of organic semiconductors

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Nils A. Reinke, Claudia Ackermann und Wolfgang Brütting
Light extraction via leaky modes in organic light emitting devices

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Wolfgang Bru?tting, Michael Co?lle und Christoph Ga?rditz
55.1: Invited paper: the isomerism of the Alq3 molecule: evidence from structural, thermal and photophysical investigations

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Wolfgang Brütting
Organic semiconductor

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Wolfgang Brütting (Hrsg.)
Physics of organic semiconductors

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2. v?llig neu überarbeitete Aufl.(2012): XXIII, 634 S.

Michael C?lle und Wolfgang Brütting
Thermal and structural properties of the organic semiconductor Alq3 and characterisation of its excited electronic triplett state

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Silviu-Cosmin Grecu, Markus Bronner, Andreas Opitz und Wolfgang Brütting
Characterization of polymeric metal-insulator-semiconductor diodes

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Damir Stare?ini?, K. Hosseini, Wolfgang Brütting, Katica Biljakovi?, E. Riedel und Sander van Smaalen
Glass transition and secondary relaxation in the charge-density-wave system K0.3MoO3

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Wolfgang Brütting
Physics of organic semiconductors [Preface]

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Michael C?lle und Wolfgang Brütting
Thermal, structural and photophysical properties of the organic semiconductor Alq3

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S. Forero Lenger, Jürgen Gmeiner und Wolfgang Brütting
Molecular excitons in poly(p-phenylene-vinylene): a comparative study of PPV and an acetoxy substituted copolymer derivative

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Michael C?lle, Jürgen Gmeiner, W. Milius, H. Hillebrecht und Wolfgang Brütting
Preparation and characterization of blue-luminescent tris(8-hydroxyquinoline)-aluminum (Alq3)

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Michael C?lle, Stefan Forero-Lenger, Jürgen Gmeiner und Wolfgang Brütting
Vibrational analysis of different crystalline phases of the organic electroluminescent material aluminium tris(quinoline-8-olate) (Alq3)

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Stefan Berleb und Wolfgang Brütting
Dispersive electron transport in tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum (Alq3) probed by impedance spectroscopy

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D. Staresinic, K. Biljakovic, Wolfgang Brütting, K. Hosseini und P. Monceau
Glass transition in charge-density-wave systems o-TaS 3 and K 0.3MoO 3

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Thomas Stuebinger und Wolfgang Brütting
Photocurrent spectra of bilayers and blends of the organic donor-acceptor system CuPc/C60

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C. Kallinger, S. Riechel, O. Holderer, U. Lemmer, J. Feldmann, S. Berleb, A. G. Mu?ckl und Wolfgang Brütting
Picosecond amplified spontaneous emission bursts from a molecularly doped organic semiconductor

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Thomas Beyerlein, Bernd Tieke, Stefan Forero-Lenger und Wolfgang Brütting
Red electroluminescence from a 1,4-diketopyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole (DPP)-based conjugated polymer

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Michael C?lle, Robert E. Dinnebier und Wolfgang Brütting
The structure of the blue luminescent δ-phase of tris(8-hydroxyquinoline)aluminium(iii) (Alq3)

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D. Stare?ini?, K. Biljakovi?, Wolfgang Brütting, K. Hosseini, P. Monceau, H. Berger und F. Levy
Wide-temperature-range dielectric response of the charge-density-wave system TaS3

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M. Braun, J. Gmeiner, M. Tzolov, M. Coelle, F. D. Meyer, W. Milius, H. Hillebrecht, O. Wendland, J. U. von Schütz und Wolfgang Brütting
A new crystalline phase of the electroluminescent material tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum exhibiting blueshifted fluorescence

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Wolfgang Brütting, Stefan Berleb und Anton G. Mückl
Device physics of organic light-emitting diodes based on molecular materials

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V. Duzhko, Th. Dittrich, B. Kamenev, V. Yu. Timoshenko und Wolfgang Brütting
Diffusion photovoltage in poly(p-phenylenevinylene)

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Michael Coelle, Wolfgang Brütting, Markus Schwoerer, Masayuki Yahiro und Tetsuo Tsutsui
Electroluminescent devices using a layered organic-inorganic perovskite structure as emitter

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Thomas Stübinger und Wolfgang Brütting
Exciton diffusion and optical interference in organic donor–acceptor photovoltaic cells

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Heike Riel, Siegfried Barth, Tilman A. Beierlein, Wolfgang Brütting, Siegfried Karg, P. Mueller und Walter Rieβ
Grading interfaces: a new concept to improve device performance in organic multilayer light-emitting diodes

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Wolfgang Brütting, H. Riel, T. Beierlein und Walter Rieβ
Influence of trapped and interfacial charges in organic multilayer light-emitting devices

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S. Berleb, Wolfgang Brütting und G. Paasch
Interfacial charges in organic hetero-layer light emitting diodes probed by capacitance–voltage measurements

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Wolfgang Brütting, S. Berleb und A. G. Mückl
Space-charge limited conduction with a field and temperature dependent mobility in Alq light-emitting devices

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M. Tzolov, Wolfgang Brütting, V. Petrova-Koch, J. Gmeiner und M. Schwoerer
Subgap absorption in poly(p-phenylene vinylene)

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M. Tzolov, Wolfgang Brütting, V. Petrova-Koch, A. Mückl, S. Berleb, J. Gmeiner und M. Schw?rer
Subgap absorption in tris (8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminium

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P. H. Nguyen, S. Scheinert, S. Berleb, Wolfgang Brütting und G. Paasch
The influence of deep traps on transient current–voltage characteristics of organic light-emitting diodes

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S. Riechel, U. Lemmer, J. Feldmann, S. Berleb, A. G. Mückl, Wolfgang Brütting, A. Gombert und V. Wittwer
Very compact tunable solid-state laser utilizing a thin-film organic semiconductor

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A. J. Campbell, D. D. C. Bradley, E. Werner und Wolfgang Brütting
Deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) of a poly(p-phenylene vinylene) Schottky diode

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S. Forero-Lenger, J. Gmeiner, Wolfgang Brütting und M. Schwoerer
Impedance spectroscopy of polymeric light emitting devices based on different poly(p-phenylene-vinylene) derivatives

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H. Riel, Wolfgang Brütting, T. Beierlein, E. Haskal, P. Müller und W. Rie?
Influence of space charges on the current–voltage characteristic of organic light-emitting devices

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Stefan Berleb, Wolfgang Brütting und Gernot Paasch
Interfacial charges and electric field distribution in organic hetero-layer light-emitting devices

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T. A. Beierlein, Wolfgang Brütting, H. Riel, E. I. Haskal, P. Müller und W. Rie?
Kelvin probe investigations of metal work functions and correlation to device performance of organic light-emitting devices

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M. Tzolov, V. P. Koch, Wolfgang Brütting und M. Schwoerer
Optical characterization of chemically doped thin films of poly(p-phenylene vinylene)

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M. Jandke, P. Strohriegl, J. Gmeiner, Wolfgang Brütting und M. Schwoerer
Polarized electroluminescence from rubbing-aligned poly(p-phenylenevinylene)

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E. Lebedev, S. Forero, Wolfgang Brütting und M. Schwoerer
Switching effect in poly(p-phenylenevinylene)

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Stefan Berleb, Anton G. Mückl, Wolfgang Brütting und Markus Schwoerer
Temperature dependent device characteristics of organic light-emitting devices

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S. Scheinert, G. Paasch, P. H. Nguyen, S. Berleb und Wolfgang Brütting
Transient I-V-characteristics of OLEDs with deep traps

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A. J. Campbell, D. D. C. Bradley, E. Werner und Wolfgang Brütting
Transient capacitance measurements of the transport and trap states distributions in a conjugated polymer

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Anton G. Mückl, Stefan Berleb, Wolfgang Brütting und Markus Schwoerer
Transient electroluminescence measurements on organic heterolayer light emitting diodes

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S. Berleb, Wolfgang Brütting und M. Schwoerer
Anomalous current-voltage characteristics in organic light-emitting devices

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S. Forero, P. H. Nguyen, Wolfgang Brütting und M. Schwoerer
Charge carrier transport in poly(p-phenylenevinylene) light-emitting devices

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D. Staresinic, K. Biljakovic, Wolfgang Brütting, K. Hosseini und S. Zaitsev-Zotov
Complex dielectric response of the CDW ground state in o-TaS3

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Ralf Hildebrandt, Hans-Martin Keller, Gerd Marowsky, Wolfgang Brütting, Thomas Fehn, Markus Schwoerer und J. E. Sipe
Electric-field-induced optical second-harmonic generation in poly(phenylene vinylene) light-emitting diodes

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K. Biljakovi?, D. Stare?ini?, K. Hosseini und Wolfgang Brütting
Glass transition in CDW system o-TaS3

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K. Hosseini, Wolfgang Brütting, M. Schwoerer, E. Riedel, S. van Smaalen, K. Biljakovic und D. Starensinic
Glass-like behavior in the CDW state of the quasi-one-dimensional conductor K0.3MoO3

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K. Feldrapp, Wolfgang Brütting, M. Schwoerer, M. Brettreich und A. Hirsch
Photovoltaic effect in blend systems and heterostructures of poly(p-phenylenevinylene) and c60

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M. Jandke, P. Strohriegl, J. Gmeiner, Wolfgang Brütting und M. Schwoerer
Polarized electroluminescence from rubbing aligned poly(p-phenylenevinylene)

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Wolfgang Brütting, Energui A. Lebedev, Siegfried Karg, Thomas Dittrich, V. Petrova-Koch und Markus Schwoerer
Charge carrier mobility in poly(p-phenylenevinylene)

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Alasdair J. Campbell, Michael S. Weaver, David G. Lidzey, Donal D. C. Bradley, Ekkehard Werner, Wolfgang Brütting und Markus Schwoerer
Conduction and trapping in electroluminescent polymer devices

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M. Meier, S. Karg, K. Zuleeg, Wolfgang Brütting und M. Schwoerer
Determination of trapping parameters in poly(p-phenylenevinylene) light-emitting devices using thermally stimulated currents

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E. Werner, M. Meier, J. Gmeiner, M. Herold, Wolfgang Brütting und M. Schwoerer
Doping and trap states in PPV light-emitting devices

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Wolfgang Brütting, M. Meier, M. Herold, S. Karg und M. Schwoerer
Doping in PPV light-emitting devices fabricated on different substrates

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S. Berleb, Wolfgang Brütting, M. Schwoerer, R. Wehrmann und A. Elschner
Effect of majority carrier space charges on minority carrier injection in dye doped polymer light-emitting devices

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K. Biljakovi?, D. Stare?ini?, K. Hosseini, Wolfgang Brütting, H. Berger und F. Lévy
Glass transition from a slush to a real glass in charge-density-wave compound TaS3

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Markus Jandke, Peter Strohriegl, Stefan Berleb, Ekkehard Werner und Wolfgang Brütting
Phenylquinoxaline polymers and low molar mass glasses as electron-transport materials in organic light-emitting diodes

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J. Scherbel, P. H. Nguyen, G. Paasch, Wolfgang Brütting und M. Schwoerer
Temperature dependent broadband impedance spectroscopy on poly-(p-phenylene-vinylene) light-emitting diodes

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Rita Brütting, Peter P?sch, Peter Strohriegl, Elke Buchwald, Wolfgang Brütting und Markus Schwoerer
Aromatic polyethers with oxadiazole units – synthesis and application in organic light emitting diodes

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Wolfgang Brütting, E. Buchwald, G. Egerer, M. Meier, K. Zuleeg und M. Schwoerer
Charge carrier injection and transport in PPV light emitting devices

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E. Lebedev, Th. Dittrich, V. Petrova-Koch, S. Karg und Wolfgang Brütting
Charge carrier mobility in poly(p-phenylenevinylene) studied by the time-of-flight technique

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Wolfgang Brütting, M. Meier, M. Herold, S. Karg und M. Schwoerer
Control of impurities in PPV light-emitting devices

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J. Bettenhausen, P. Strohriegl, Wolfgang Brütting, H. Tokuhisa und T. Tsutsui
Electron transport in a starburst oxadiazole

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Wolfgang Brütting, S. Berleb, G. Egerer, M. Schwoerer, R. Wehrmann und A. Elschner
Full colour electroluminescence using dye-dispersed polymer blends

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Michael Greczmiel, Peter Strohriegl, Martin Meier und Wolfgang Brütting
Polymethacrylates with pendant oxadiazole units synthesis and application in organic LEDs

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K. S. Lee, D.-K. Seo, J. Ren, M.-H. Whangbo, S. N. Magonov, G. Bar und Wolfgang Brütting
Analysis of the structural and electronic properties of (fluoranthene)2PF6 and characterization of its (011) surface by scanning tunneling microscopy

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Wolfgang Brütting, W. Rie?, P. H. Nguyen und G. Paasch
Charge density wave transport in quasi-one-dimensional semiconductors

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E. Buchwald, M. Meier, Wolfgang Brütting, W. Rie?, P. Strohrieegel und M. Schwoerer
Charge transport and electroluminescence in PPV mono- and heterolayer light emitting devices

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C. Math, Wolfgang Brütting und W. Rie?
Dielectric spectroscopy on the quasi–one-dimensional organic charge density wave conductor (Fluoranthene)2PF6

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J. Bettenhausen, R. Brütting, M. Greczmiel, P. Strohriegl, E. Buchwald, M. Meier, Wolfgang Brütting und M. Schwoerer
Oxadiazole containing polymers and their use in polymer LED's

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Wolfgang Brütting, G. Witt, A. R?tger und Walter Rieβ
Frequency dependent conductivity of the quasi-one-dimensional organic charge-density-wave conductor (fluoranthene)2PF6

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Wolfgang Brütting und Walter Rieβ
Peierls instability and charge-density-wave transport in fluoranthene and perylene radical cation salts

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Wolfgang Brütting, P. H. Nguyen, Walter Rieβ und G. Paasch
dc-conduction mechanism and Peierls gap in organic and inorganic charge-density-wave conductors

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P. H. Nguyen, G. Paasch, Wolfgang Brütting und Walter Rieβ
Analysis of the dc conductivity of the quasi-one-dimensional charge-density-wave conductor (fluoranthene)2X

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W. F. Kuhs, G. Mattern, Wolfgang Brütting, H. Dragan, M. Burggraf, B. Pilawa und E. Dormann
Electrocrystallization, crystal structure and physical properties of hexaperylene hexafluorophosphate, (C20H12)6.+.PF6?

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V. Ilakovac, S. Ravy, J. P. Pouget, Walter Rieβ, Wolfgang Brütting und M. Schwoerer
CDW instability in the 2:l organic conductor (FA)2PF6

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W. Rie? und Wolfgang Brütting
Charge density waves in organic conductors: (Fluoranthene)2X as a model system

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Walter Rieβ, Wolfgang Brütting und M. Schwoerer
Charge transport in the quasi-one-dimensional organic charge density wave conductor (fluoranthene)2X

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C. Hauenschild, H. W. Helberg, Walter Rieβ, Wolfgang Brütting und M. Schwoerer
Microwave conductivity of the organic charge density wave conductor (fluoranthene)2X

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Walter Rieβ, Wolfgang Brütting und M. Schwoerer
Peierls instability and charge density wave transport in the quasi one-dimensional organic conductor (fluoranthene)2X

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Wolfgang Brütting, W. Rie? und M. Schwoerer
DC conductivity and Peierls instability in the quasi-one-dimensional organic charge density wave conductor (fluoranthene)2X

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Prof. Dr. Helmut Karl

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1988


Stephan Glamsch und Helmut Karl
Large effect of temperature cycling on the electrical and optical properties of TiO2:H thin films

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Florian Jung und Helmut Karl
Controlled strained layer epitaxial growth of EuTiO3 on buffered silicon

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Florian Jung, Ralph Delmdahl, Andreas Heymann, Max Fischer und Helmut Karl
Surface evolution of crystalline SrTiO3, LaAlO3 and Y3Al5O12 targets during pulsed laser ablation

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J. Scharnetzky, P. Baumann, C. Reichl, Helmut Karl, W. Dietsche und W. Wegscheider
Donor implanted back-gates in GaAs for MBE-grown highest mobility two-dimensional electron systems

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Alfred Grie?er, Thomas Kraus, Oliver Klein und Helmut Karl
Low-resistance electrical contact between epitaxially grown thermoelectric oxide material (Ca2CoO3)0.62CoO2 and iridium

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Jimmy John, Yael Gutierrez, Zhen Zhang, Helmut Karl, Shriram Ramanathan, Régis Orobtchouk, Fernando Moreno und Sébastien Cueff
Multipolar resonances with designer tunability using VO2 phase-change materials

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Jan Mundry, Hubert J. Krenner, Helmut Karl und Markus Betz
Near-infrared saturable and reverse saturable absorption of ion beam synthesized VO2 nanocrystals

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A. Hartwig, O. Klein und Helmut Karl
Sputtered titanium dioxide thin films for galvanic corrosion protection of AISI 304 stainless steel coupled with carbon fiber reinforced plastics

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Birgit Hebler, Alexander Hassdenteufel, Patrick Reinhardt, Helmut Karl und Manfred Albrecht
Ferrimagnetic Tb–Fe alloy thin films: composition and thickness dependence of magnetic Properties and all-optical switching

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M. Berl, L. Tiemann, W. Dietsche, Helmut Karl und Werner Wegscheider
Structured back gates for high-mobility two-dimensional electron systems using oxygen ion implantation

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Andreas Brenneis, Felix Schade, Simon Drieschner, Florian Heimbach, Helmut Karl, Jose A. Garrido und Alexander W. Holleitner
THz-circuits driven by photo-thermoelectric, gate-tunable graphene-junctions

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Thorben Jostmeier, Hans Moritz Mangold, Johannes Zimmer, Helmut Karl, Hubert J. Krenner, Claudia Ruppert und Markus Betz
Thermochromic modulation of surface plasmon polaritons in vanadium dioxide nanocomposites

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M. F. Sarmanova, Helmut Karl, Stephan M?ndl, D. Hirsch, S.G. Mayr und Bernd Rauschenbach
Elastic properties of sub-stoichiometric nitrogen ion implanted silicon

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V. Baranwal, Jürgen W. Gerlach, A. Lotnyk, Bernd Rauschenbach, Helmut Karl, S. Ojha, D. K. Avasthi, D. Kanjilal und Avinash C. Pandey
Embedded Ge nanocrystals in SiO2 synthesized by ion implantation

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Alexander Hartwig, M. Decker, O. Klein und Helmut Karl
Stoichiometric titanium dioxide ion implantation in AISI 304 stainless steel for corrosion protection

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Helmut Karl und S.C. Peyinghaus
Tailoring of the thermomechanical performance of VO2 nanowire bimorph actuators by ion implantation

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N. Erhard, S. Zenger, Stefanie Mork?tter, Daniel Rudolph, M. Weiss, Hubert J. Krenner, Helmut Karl, Gerhard Abstreiter, Jonathan J. Finley, Gregor Koblmüller und A. W. Holleitner
Ultrafast Photodetection in the Quantum Wells of Single AlGaAs/GaAs-Based Nanowires

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Christoph Kastl, Christoph Karnetzky, Helmut Karl und Alexander W. Holleitner
Ultrafast helicity control of surface currents in topological insulators with near-unity fidelity

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Thorben Jostmeier, Johannes Zimmer, Helmut Karl, Hubert J. Krenner und Markus Betz
Optical Preparation of Stable Supercooled VO2 Nanocrystals: A Route Towards Reconfigurable Photonic Devices for TelecomWavelengths

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Thorben Jostmeier, Johannes Zimmer, Helmut Karl, Hubert J. Krenner und Markus Betz
Optically imprinted reconfigurable photonic elements in a VO2 nanocomposite

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Hans Moritz Mangold, Helmut Karl und Hubert J. Krenner
Site-Selective Ion Beam Synthesis and Optical Properties of Individual CdSe Nanocrystal Quantum Dots in a SiO2 Matrix

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Andreas Brenneis, Louis Gaudreau, Max Seifert, Helmut Karl, Martin S. Brandt, Hans Huebl, Jose A. Garrido, Frank H. L. Koppens und Alexander W. Holleitner
Ultrafast electronic readout of diamond nitrogen–vacancy centres coupled to graphene

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T. Kraus, A. Griesser, O. Klein, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck und Helmut Karl
Yttria-stabilized zirconia buffered silicon to optimize in-plane electrical conductivity of [Ca2CoO3]0.62[CoO2] thin films

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Johannes Zimmer, Simon A. Haug, Achim Wixforth, Helmut Karl und Hubert J. Krenner
Nanothermochromic diffraction gratings with giant switching contrast based on the metal-insulator transition of vanadium dioxide

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Nadine Erhard, Paul Seifert, Leonhard Prechtel, Simon Hertenberger, Helmut Karl, Gerhard Abstreiter, Gregor Koblmüller und Alexander W. Holleitner
Ultrafast photocurrents and THz generation in single InAs-nanowires

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Johannes Zimmer, Achim Wixforth, Helmut Karl und Hubert J. Krenner
Ion beam synthesis of nanothermochromic diffraction gratings with giant switching contrast at telecom wavelengths

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Erratum: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4766169

Leonhard Prechtel, Milan Padilla, Nadine Erhard, Helmut Karl, Gerhard Abstreiter, Anna Fontcuberta I Morral und Alexander W. Holleitner
Time-resolved photoinduced thermoelectric and transport currents in GaAs nanowires

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Thomas Wehlus, Timo H. K?rner, Stefan Nowy, J?rg Frischeisen, Helmut Karl, Bernd Stritzker und Wolfgang Brütting
Hybrid organic-inorganic materials for integrated optoelectronic devices

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Helmut Karl, Jing Peng und Bernd Stritzker
Effects of He-irradiation on the metal-to-insulator transition of vanadium dioxide nanoclusters

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D. J. As, E. Tschumak, H. P?ttgen, O. Kasdorf, Jürgen W. Gerlach, Helmut Karl und K. Lischka
Carbon doping of non-polar cubic GaN by CBr4

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Helmut Karl, J. Dreher und Bernd Stritzker
Semiconductor-metal phase transition in doped ion beam synthesized VO2 nanoclusters

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A. W. Achtstein, Helmut Karl, S. Zhenhua und Bernd Stritzker
Memory effects in optically active CdSe nanocrystal doped MOS structures

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Rosiana Aguiar, Dmitry Logvinovich, Anke Weidenkaff, Helmut Karl, Christof W. Schneider, Armin Reller und Stefan G. Ebbinghaus
Physical properties of (La,Sr)Ti(O,N)3 thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition

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V. Baranwal, Avinash C. Pandey, Jürgen W. Gerlach, Bernd Rauschenbach, Helmut Karl, D. Kanjilal und D. K. Avasthi
Rapid thermal and swift heavy ion induced annealing of Co ion implanted GaN films

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Helmut Karl
Combinatorial ion beam synthesis of II-VI compound semiconductor nanoclusters

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P. Huber, Helmut Karl und Bernd Stritzker
Combinatorial ion beam synthesis of CdSxSe1-x nanocrystals

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A. W. Achtstein, Helmut Karl und Bernd Stritzker
Electric-field-controlled photoluminescence of CdSe nanocrystal-doped SiO2 on Si

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A. W. Achtstein, Helmut Karl und Bernd Stritzker
Field induced photoluminescence quenching and enhancement of CdSe nanocrystals embedded in SiO2

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Helmut Karl, Ch. Delpero, P. Huber und Bernd Stritzker
Recovery of the Si-SiO2 interface studied by self-diffusion after high fluence ion implantation of Si-28

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Helmut Karl, Ch. Delpero, P. Huber und Bernd Stritzker
Recovery of the Si–SiO2 interface studied by self-diffusion after high fluence ion implantation of 28Si

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S. Groudeva-Zotova, Helmut Karl, A. Savan, J. Feydt, B. Wehner, T. Walther, N. Zotov, Bernd Stritzker und A. Ludwig
Structural and magnetic characteristics of FeCo thin films modified by combinatorial ion implantation

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P. Huber, Helmut Karl, J?rg K. N. Lindner und Bernd Stritzker
Structural investigation of CdSSe-nanocrystals synthesized by ion-beam-implantation

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P. Huber, Helmut Karl und Bernd Stritzker
Synthesis and laser annealing of embedded CdSe-nanoparticles in SiO2 by pulsed excimer laser radiation

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Helmut Karl, Ingo Gro?hans und Bernd Stritzker
Combinatorial ion beam synthesis of semiconductor nanoclusters

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I. D. Desnica-Frankovic, P. Dub?ek, M. Buljan, K. Furic, U. V. Desnica, S. Bernstorff, Helmut Karl, Ingo Gro?hans und Bernd Stritzker
Influence of stoichiometry deviations on properties of ion-beam synthesized CdSe QDs

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Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, Thomas Bauer, Helmut Karl, G?tz Thorwarth, A. Bergmaier, G. Dollinger und Bernd Stritzker
The nucleation centers formed during bias-enhanced nucleation of diamond on iridium: structure and stability

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Ingo Gro?hans, Helmut Karl und Bernd Stritzker
Combinatorial ion implantation – a smart technique applied to synthesize CdSe-nanocrystals

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Helmut Karl, Ingo Gro?hans und Bernd Stritzker
Self organized compound semiconductor nanocrystallite distributions in SiO2 on Silicon synthesized by ion implantation

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Helmut Karl, I. Groβhans, P. Huber und Bernd Stritzker
Superfluorescence of ion beam synthesized dense-packed embedded CdSe nanoclusters

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Ingo Gro?hans, Helmut Karl und Bernd Stritzker
Synthesis and screening of materials libraries of buried compound semiconductors by ion beam implantation

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Ingo Gro?hans, Helmut Karl und Bernd Stritzker
Temporal evolution of ion implanted CdSe distribution in SiO2 on Silicon during annealing

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Ingo Gro?hans, Helmut Karl und Bernd Stritzker
Advanced apparatus for combinatorial synthesis of buried II-VI nanocrystals by ion implantation

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Ingo Gro?hans, Helmut Karl und Bernd Stritzker
Automated implanter endstation for combinatorial materials science with ion beams

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I. D. Desnica-Frankovic, U. V. Desnica, P. Dub?ek, M. Buljan, S. Bernstorff, Helmut Karl, Gro?hans und Bernd Stritzker
Ion beam synthesis of buried Zn-VI quantum dots in SiO2 – grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering studies

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W. Hipp, Helmut Karl, Ingo Gro?hans und Bernd Stritzker
Quantum confinement in CdSe-nanocrystallites synthesized by ion implantation

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Andreas Heinrich, Bernhard W?rz, Helmut Karl und Bernd Stritzker
Study of a non-thermal/thermal formation of NiO on Ni5W-tapes

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Ingo Gro?hans, Helmut Karl und Bernd Stritzker
Combinatorial synthesis of ZnTe nanocrystals in SiO2 on Silicon by ion implantation

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Helmut Karl, K. Y. Gao, Ingo Gro?hans, W. Hipp und Bernd Stritzker
Comparative study of as-implanted and pre-damaged ion-beam-synthesized ZnS nanocrystallites in SiO2

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Helmut Karl, W. Hipp, Ingo Gro?hans und Bernd Stritzker
Ion beam synthesis of buried CdSe nanocrystallites in SiO2 on (100)-Silicon

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Helmut Karl, Ingo Gro?hans, Axel Wenzel, Bernd Stritzker, Ralph Claessen, Vladimir Strocov, G. E. Cirlin, V. A. Egorov, N. K. Polyakov, Yu. B. Samsonenko, D. V. Denisov, V. M. Ustinov und Zh. I. Alferov
Stoichiometry and absolute atomic concentration profiles obtained by combined Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy and secondary-ion mass spectroscopy: InAs nanocrystals in Si

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Helmut Karl, Ingo Gro?hans, Wilfried Attenberger, Markus Schmid und Bernd Stritzker
Buried ZnTe nanocrystallites in thermal SiO2 on silicon synthesized by high dose ion implantation

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Axel Wenzel, Helmut Karl und Bernd Rauschenbach
Distribution of ion implanted dopants in Gallium Nitride

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B. Avenhaus, A. Porch, M. J. Lancaster, S. Hensen, M. Lenkens, S. Orbach-Werbig, G. Müller, U. D?hne, N. Tellmann, N. Klein, C. Dubourdieu, J. P. Senateur, O. Thomas, Helmut Karl, Bernd Stritzker, J. A. Edwards und R. Humphreys
Microwave properties of YBCO thin films

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Ludwig Hofmann, Helmut Karl, Philipp Seng und Konrad Samwer
Hall effect measurements on YBa2Cu3O7-d-films with different oxygen deficiency

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L. Hofmann, Philipp Seng, Helmut Karl und Konrad Samwer
Hall effect measurements on YBa2Cu3O7?δ-films with different oxygen defficiency

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G. Dortmann, J. Erxmeyer, S. Bl?sser, J. Steiger, T. Paatsch, Andreas Weidinger, Helmut Karl und Bernd Stritzker
Hydrogenation of thin Y-Ba-Cu-O films: electrical transport and structure properties of YBa2Cu3O7 and YBa2Cu4O8

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Helmut Karl, Josef Hartmann und Bernd Stritzker
In-plane lattice constant relaxation during laser ablation of YBCO and yttria-stabilized zirconia

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Ludwig Hofmann, Helmut Karl und Konrad Samwer
Normal-state hall effect and resistivity measurement of YBa2Cu3Ox-films with different oxygen content

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L. Hofmann, Helmut Karl und Konrad Samwer
Normal-state hall effect and resistivity measurements of YBa2Cu3Ox-films with different oxygen content

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A. Neminsky, J. Dumas, B. P. Thrane, C. Schlenker, Helmut Karl und Bernd Stritzker
Thickness dependence of the irreversibility line in YBa2Cu3O7 epitaxial thin films

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A. Neminsky, J. Dumas, C. Schlenker, Helmut Karl und Bernd Stritzker
Time dependent effects in the irreversibility line of YBa2Cu3O7 very thin films studied by DC magnetization

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Helmut Karl
Zeitaufgel?ste in-situ-RHEED-Messungen w?hrend der Laserablation von YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7-x , SrTiO 3 und (Y 2 O 3 ) ZrO 2 und Charakterisierung der Schichten mit dem Raster-Tunnel-Mikroskop, RBS und elektrischen Methoden

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Urspr. erschienen als Augsburg, Univ., Diss., 1994.

Helmut Karl
Zeitaufgel?ste in-situ-RHEED-Messungen w?hrend der Laserablation von YBa2Cu3O7-x, SrTiO3 und (Y2O3)ZrO2 und Charakterisierung der Schichten mit dem Raster-Tunnel-Mikroskop, RBS und elektrischen Methoden

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Augsburg, Univ., Diss., 1994


Helmut Karl und Bernd Stritzker
In-situ rheed studies of YBCO-film growth during pulsed laser deposition

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Helmut Karl und Bernd Stritzker
Rheed-oscillations during pulsed laser deposition of YBCO

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A. Neminsky, B. P. Thrane, J. Dumas, R. Buder, C. Schlenker, Helmut Karl, Thomas Bollmeier, Bernd Stritzker und M. Brunel
Thickness dependence of the irreversibility line in YBa2Cu3O7 thin films studied by magnetic and microwave measurements

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Helmut Karl und Bernd Stritzker
Reflection high-energy electron diffraction oscillations modulated by laser-pulse deposited YBa2Cu3O7-x

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C. Ziegler, F. Baudenbacher, Helmut Karl, H. Kinder und W. G?pel
Interface analysis of the system Si/YBa2Cu3O7-x

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F. Baudenbacher, Helmut Karl, P. Berberich und H. Kinder
In-situ Rheed studies of initial growth stages of YBCO-films by thermal Co-evaporation

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A. Lega, Helmut Karl, W. Dietsche, A. Fischer und K. Ploog
Phonon-drag effect in GaAs-AlGaAs heterostructures by monochromatic phonons

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F. Baudenbacher, Helmut Karl, P. Berberich und H. Kinder
Rheed studies of epitaxial growth of YBCO-films prepared by thermal co-evaporation

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Helmut Karl, W. Dietsche, A. Fischer und K. Ploog
Imaging of the phonon-drag effect in GaAs-AlGaAs heterostructures

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Dr. Matthias Schreck

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989


S. Santonocito, A. Denisenko, R. St?hr, W. Knolle, Matthias Schreck, M. Markham, J. Isoya und J. Wrachtrup
NV centres by vacancies trapping in irradiated diamond: experiments and modelling

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Zhichao Liu, Simona Baluchová, André F. Sartori, Ziyu Li, Yaiza Gonzalez-Garcia, Matthias Schreck und Josephus G. Buijnsters
Heavily boron-doped diamond grown on scalable heteroepitaxial quasi-substrates: a promising single crystal material for electrochemical sensing applications

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Theodor Grünwald, Christina Bestele, Maximilian Bosak, J. Zhao, M. E. Newton und Matthias Schreck
X-ray induced photoconductivity and its correlation with structural and chemical defects in heteroepitaxial diamond

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Jonas Foglszinger, Andrej Denisenko, Thomas Kornher, Matthias Schreck, Wolfgang Knolle, Boris Yavkin, Roman Kolesov und J?rg Wrachtrup
TR12 centers in diamond as a room temperature atomic scale vector magnetometer

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Dimitrios Topaltzikis, Marek Wielunski, Andreas L. H?rner, Matthias Kü?, Alexander Reiner, Theodor Grünwald, Matthias Schreck, Achim Wixforth und Werner Rühm
Detection of x rays by a surface acoustic delay line in contact with a diamond crystal

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Raphael Müller, Martin Mangold, Florian Huber, Matthias Schreck, Ulrich Herr und Klaus Thonke
Fe–Li complex emission in ZnO

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Matthias Schreck
Growth of single crystal diamond wafers for future device applications

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Theodor Grünwald und Matthias Schreck
Photoconductive gain in single crystal diamond detectors

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Matthias Schreck, P. ??ajev, M. Tr?ger, M. Mayr, Theodor Grünwald, Martin Fischer und Stefan Gsell
Charge carrier trapping by dislocations in single crystal diamond

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Zbynek Novotny, Benjamin Tobler, Luca Artiglia, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck, J?rg Raabe und Jürg Osterwalder
Kinetics of the thermal oxidation of Ir(100) toward IrO2 studied by ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

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Matthias Schreck, Michael Mayr, Michael Weinl, Martin Fischer und Stefan Gsell
Liftoff of single crystal diamond by epitaxial lateral overgrowth using SiO2 masks

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Kay Waltar, Johannes Haase, Rui Pan, Torsten Golz, Pavel Kliuiev, Michael Weinl, Matthias Schreck, Sa?a Bajt, Nikola Stojanovic, Jeroen A. van Bokhoven, Matthias Hengsberger, Jürg Osterwalder und Luca Castiglioni
Polarization-sensitive reconstruction of transient local THz fields at dielectric interfaces

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E. Berdermann, K. Afanaciev, M. Ciobanu, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, M. Ki?, S. Lagomarsino, W. Lohmann, M. Mayr, M. Pomorski, M. S. Rahman, C. J. Schmidt, S. Sciortino, Matthias Schreck, C. Stehl und M. Tr?ger
Progress in detector properties of heteroepitaxial diamond grown by chemical vapor deposition on Ir/YSZ/Si(001) wafers

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Richard Nelz, Johannes G?rlitz, Dennis Herrmann, Abdallah Slablab, Michel Challier, Mariusz Radtke, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, Christoph Becher und Elke Neu
Toward wafer-scale diamond nano- and quantum technologies

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Huanyao Cun, Adrian Hemmi, Elisa Miniussi, Carlo Bernard, Benjamin Probst, Ke Liu, Duncan T. L. Alexander, Armin Kleibert, Gerson Mette, Michael Weinl, Matthias Schreck, Jürg Osterwalder, Aleksandra Radenovic und Thomas Greber
Centimeter-sized single-orientation monolayer hexagonal boron nitride with or without nanovoids

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F. Müller, J.U. Neurohr, S. Grandthyll, A. Holtsch, B. Uder, K. Jacobs, M. Weinl und Matthias Schreck
Epitaxial growth of graphene on single-crystal Cu(111) wafers

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B.-C. Gallheber, M. Fischer, M. Mayr, J. Straub und Matthias Schreck
Growth, stress, and defects of heteroepitaxial diamond on Ir/YSZ/Si(111)

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Matthias Schreck und Jean-Charles Arnault
Heteroepitaxy of diamond on Ir/metal-oxide/Si substrates

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Kamatchi Jothiramalingam Sankaran, Chien-Jui Yeh, Srinivasu Kunuku, Joseph Palathinkal Thomas, Paulius Pobedinskas, Sien Drijkoningen, Balakrishnan Sundaravel, Keh-Chyang Leou, Kam Tong Leung, Marlies K. Van Bael, Matthias Schreck, I-Nan Lin und Ken Haenen
Microstructural effect on the enhancement of field electron emission properties of nanocrystalline diamond films by Li-ion implantation and annealing processes

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Thomas Roth, Wolfgang Freund, Ulrike Boesenberg, Gabriella Carini, Sanghoon Song, Gwena?lle Lefeuvre, Alexander Goikhman, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck, Jan Grünert und Anders Madsen
Pulse-resolved intensity measurements at a hard X-ray FEL using semi-transparent diamond detectors

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Giulia Pippione, Paolo Olivero, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck und Alberto Pasquarelli
Characterization of CVD heavily B-doped diamond thin films for multi electrode array biosensors

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E. Miniussi, C. Bernard, H. Y. Cun, B. Probst, D. Leuenberger, G. Mette, W.-D. Zabka, M. Weinl, M. Haluska, Matthias Schreck, J. Osterwalder und T. Greber
Fermi surface map of large-scale single-orientation graphene on SiO2

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K. J. Sankaran, K. Srinivasu, C. J. Yeh, J. P. Thomas, S. Drijkoningen, P. Pobedinskas, B. Sundaravel, K. C. Leou, K. T. Leung, M. K. Van Bael, Matthias Schreck, I. N. Lin und K. Haenen
Field electron emission enhancement in Lithium implanted and annealed nitrogen-incorporated nanocrystalline diamond films

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Matthias Schreck, Stefan Gsell, Rosaria Brescia und Martin Fischer
Ion bombardment induced buried lateral growth: the key mechanism for the synthesis of single crystal diamond wafers

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B.-C. Gallheber, O. Klein, M. Fischer und Matthias Schreck
Propagation of threading dislocations in heteroepitaxial diamond films with (111) orientation and their role in the formation of intrinsic stress

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Patrick Zeller, Michael Weinl, Florian Speck, Markus Ostler, Ann-Kathrin Hen?, Thomas Seyller, Matthias Schreck und Joost Wintterlin
Single crystalline metal films as substrates for graphene growth

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C. Struzzi, C. S. Praveen, M. Scardamaglia, N. I. Verbitskiy, A. V. Fedorov, M. Weinl, Matthias Schreck, A. Grüneis, S. Piccinin, S. Fabris und L. Petaccia
Controlled thermodynamics for tunable electron doping of graphene on Ir(111)

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Patrick Zeller, Ann-Kathrin Hen?, Michael Weinl, Leo Diehl, Daniel Keefer, Judith Lippmann, Anne Schulz, Jürgen Kraus, Matthias Schreck und Joost Wintterlin
Detachment of CVD-grown graphene from single crystalline Ni films by a pure gas phase reaction

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S. Turner, H. Idrissi, André F. Sartori, S. Korneychuck, Y.-G. Lu, J. Verbeeck, Matthias Schreck und G. Van Tendeloo
Direct imaging of boron segregation at dislocations in B: diamond heteroepitaxial films

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I. Jakobi, S. A. Momenzadeh, F. Fávaro de Oliveira, J. Michl, F. Ziem, Matthias Schreck, P. Neumann, A. Denisenko und J. Wrachtrup
Efficient creation of dipolar coupled nitrogen-vacancy spin qubits in diamond

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B.-C. Gallheber, Martin Fischer, O. Klein und Matthias Schreck
Formation of huge in-plane anisotropy of intrinsic stress by off-axis growth of diamond

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Matthias Schreck, Stefan Gsell und Martin Fischer
Heteroepitaxie: neues Syntheseverfahren für monokristallinen Diamant erm?glicht Schneidwerkzeuge mit neuen Dimensionen

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Kerem Bray, Russell Sandstrom, Christopher Elbadawi, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck, Olga Shimoni, Charlene Lobo, Milos Toth und Igor Aharonovich
Localization of narrowband single photon emitters in nanodiamonds

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Matthias Schreck, Michael Mayr, Oliver Klein, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, André Frota Sartori und Bj?rn-Christoph Gallheber
Multiple role of dislocations in the heteroepitaxial growth of diamond: a brief review

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Thomas Kornher, Kangwei Xia, Roman Kolesov, Nadezhda Kukharchyk, Rolf Reuter, Petr Siyushev, Rainer St?hr, Matthias Schreck, Hans-Werner Becker, Bruno Villa, Andreas D. Wieck und J?rg Wrachtrup
Production yield of rare-earth ions implanted into an optical crystal

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Oliver Klein, Michael Mayr, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell und Matthias Schreck
Propagation and annihilation of threading dislocations during off-axis growth of heteroepitaxial diamond films

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Carsten Arend, Patrick Appel, Jonas Nils Becker, Marcel Schmidt, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, Christoph Becher, Patrick Maletinsky und Elke Neu
Site selective growth of heteroepitaxial diamond nanoislands containing single SiV senters

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Yande Que, Yong Zhang, Yeliang Wang, Li Huang, Wenyan Xu, Jing Tao, Lijun Wu, Yimei Zhu, Kisslinger Kim, Michael Weinl, Matthias Schreck, Chengmin Shen, Shixuan Du, Yunqi Liu und H.-J. Gao
Graphene-silicon layered structures on single-crystalline Ir(111) thin films

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C. Struzzi, N.I. Verbitskiy, A.V. Fedorov, A. Nefedov, O. Frank, M. Kalbac, G. Di Santo, M. Panighel, A. Goldoni, J. G?rtner, W. Weber, M. Weinl, Matthias Schreck, Ch. W?ll, H. Sachdev, A. Grüneis und L. Petaccia
High-quality graphene on single crystal Ir(1 1 1) films on Si(1 1 1) wafers: synthesis and multi-spectroscopic characterization

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Michael Mayr, Martin Fischer, Oliver Klein, Stefan Gsell und Matthias Schreck
Interaction between surface structures and threading dislocations during epitaxial diamond growth

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Michael Mayr, Christian Stehl, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell und Matthias Schreck
Correlation between surface morphology and defect structure of heteroepitaxial diamond grown on off-axis substrates

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Janine Riedrich-M?ller, Carsten Arend, Christoph Pauly, Frank Mücklich, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck und Christoph Becher
Deterministic coupling of a single silicon-vacancy color center to a photonic crystal cavity in diamond

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Frank Müller, Samuel Grandthyll, Stefan Gsell, Michael Weinl, Matthias Schreck und Karin Jacobs
Graphene from fingerprints: exhausting the performance of liquid precursor deposition

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Patrick Zeller, Florian Speck, Michael Weinl, Markus Ostler, Matthias Schreck, Thomas Seyller und Joost Wintterlin
Healing of graphene on single crystalline Ni(111) films

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A. Hemmi, C. Bernard, H. Cun, S. Roth, M. Kl?ckner, T. K?lin, M. Weinl, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, J. Osterwalder und T. Greber
High quality single atomic layer deposition of hexagonal boron nitride on single crystalline Rh(111) four-inch wafers

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Matthias Schreck, Jes Asmussen, Shinichi Shikata, Jean-Charles Arnault und Naoji Fujimori
Large-area high-quality single crystal diamond

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André F. Sartori und Matthias Schreck
Mutual interaction of N, B, and O during heteroepitaxial diamond growth: triggering the nitrogen induced growth acceleration

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Tina Müller, Christian Hepp, Benjamin Pingault, Elke Neu, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, Hadwig Sternschulte, Doris Steinmüller-Nethl, Christoph Becher und Mete Atatüre
Optical signatures of silicon-vacancy spins in diamond

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P. Courtois, M. T. Fernandez-Diaz, G. Nenert, K. H. Andersen, A. K. Freund, Stefan Gsell, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck, P. Link und M. Meven
The first prototype diamond monochromator at the Institut Laue-Langevin

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Christoph Schreyvogel, Marco Wolfer, Hiromitsu Kato, Matthias Schreck und Christoph E. Nebel
Tuned NV emission by in-plane Al-Schottky junctions on hydrogen terminated diamond

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T. Kraus, A. Griesser, O. Klein, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck und Helmut Karl
Yttria-stabilized zirconia buffered silicon to optimize in-plane electrical conductivity of [Ca2CoO3]0.62[CoO2] thin films

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C. Stehl, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, E. Berdermann, M. S. Rahman, M. Traeger, O. Klein und Matthias Schreck
Efficiency of dislocation density reduction during heteroepitaxial growth of diamond for detector applications

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Alexander Melville, Thomas Mairoser, Andreas Schmehl, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, D. D. Awschalom, Tassilo Heeg, B. Holl?nder, Jürgen Schubert und Darrell G. Schlom
Epitaxial growth of europium monoxide on diamond

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V. Sessi, S. Hertenberger, J. Zhang, D. Schmitz, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, R. Morel, A. Brenac, J. Honolka und K. Kern
Exchange bias in reduced dimensions: Cobalt nanocluster arrays under the influence of nanometer thin MnPt capping layers

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Frank Müller, Matthias Lessel, Samuel Grandthyll, Karin Jacobs, Stefan Hüfner, Stefan Gsell, Michael Weinl und Matthias Schreck
Increasing the wear resistance by interstitial alloying with Boron via chemical vapor deposition

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Elke Neu, Christian Hepp, Michael Hauschild, Stefan Gsell, Martin Fischer, Hadwig Sternschulte, Doris Steinmüller-Nethl, Matthias Schreck und Christoph Becher
Low-temperature investigations of single silicon vacancy colour centres in diamond

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Martin Fischer, A.K. Freund, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, P. Courtois, C. Stehl, G. Borchert, A. Ofner, M. Skoulatos und K.H. Andersen
Structural analysis of diamond mosaic crystals for neutron monochromators using synchrotron radiation

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Elke Neu, Roland Albrecht, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck und Christoph Becher
Electronic transitions of single silicon vacancy centers in the near-infrared spectral region

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Samuel Grandthyll, Stefan Gsell, Michael Weinl, Matthias Schreck, Stefan Hüfner und Frank Müller
Epitaxial growth of graphene on transition metal surfaces: chemical vapor deposition versus liquid phase deposition

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Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck und A. Bergmaier
Growth sector dependence and mechanism of stress formation in epitaxial diamond growth

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André F. Sartori, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell und Matthias Schreck
In situ boron doping during heteroepitaxial growth of diamond on Ir/YSZ/Si

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Patrick Zeller, Sebastian D?nhardt, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck und Joost Wintterlin
Scalable synthesis of graphene on single crystal Ir(111) films

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B. Anis, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck, K. Haubner, L. Dunsch und Christine A. Kuntscher
Synthesis and characterization of peapods and DWCNTs

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A.K. Freund, Stefan Gsell, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck, K.H. Andersen, P. Courtois, G. Borchert und M. Skoulatos
Diamond mosaic crystals for neutron instrumentation: first experimental results

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Frank Müller, Samuel Grandthyll, Christian Zeitz, Karin Jacobs, Stefan Hüfner, Stefan Gsell und Matthias Schreck
Epitaxial growth of graphene on Ir(111) by liquid precursor deposition

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Elke Neu, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck und Christoph Becher
Fluorescence and polarization spectroscopy of single silicon vacancy centers in heteroepitaxial nanodiamonds on iridium

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Janine Riedrich-M?ller, Laura Kipfstuhl, Christian Hepp, Elke Neu, Christoph Pauly, Frank Mücklich, Armin Baur, Michael Wandt, Sandra Wolff, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck und Christoph Becher
One- and two-dimensional photonic crystal microcavities in single crystal diamond

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Elke Neu, David Steinmetz, Janine Riedrich-M?ller, Stefan Gsell, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck und Christoph Becher
Single photon emission from silicon-vacancy colour centres in chemical vapour deposition nano-diamonds on iridium

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E. Berdermann, M. Pomorski, W. de Boer, M. Ciobanu, S. Dunst, C. Grah, M. Ki?, W. Koenig, W. Lange, W. Lohmann, R. Lovrin?i?, P. Moritz, J. Morse, S. Mueller, A. Pucci, Matthias Schreck, S. Rahman und M. Tr?ger
Diamond detectors for hadron physics research

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Frank Müller, Stefan Hüfner, Hermann Sachdev, Stefan Gsell und Matthias Schreck
Epitaxial growth of hexagonal boron nitride monolayers by a three-step boration-oxidation-nitration process

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Zhonghua H. Shen, Alexey M. Lomonosov, Peter Hess, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell und Matthias Schreck
Multimode photoacoustic method for the evaluation of mechanical properties of heteroepitaxial diamond layers

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Vladimir I. Zdravkov, J. Kehrle, Günter Obermeier, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, C. Müller, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, J?rg K. N. Lindner, Judith Moosburger-Will, E. Nold, Roman Morari, V. V. Ryazanov, Anatoli S. Sidorenko, Siegfried R. Horn, Reinhard Tidecks und Lenar R. Tagirov
Reentrant superconductivity in superconductor/ferromagnetic-alloy bilayers

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Holger Wolfschmidt, Claudia Baier, Stefan Gsell, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck und Ulrich Stimming
STM, SECPM, AFM and electrochemistry on single crystalline surfaces

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Andrew?J. Pollard, Edward?W. Perkins, Nicholas?A. Smith, Alex Saywell, Gudrun Goretzki, Anna?G. Phillips, Stephen?P. Argent, Hermann Sachdev, Frank Müller, Stefan Hüfner, Stefan Gsell, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck, Jürg Osterwalder, Thomas Greber, Simon Berner, Neil?R. Champness und Peter?H. Beton
Supramolecular assemblies formed on an epitaxial graphene superstructure

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C. Stehl, Matthias Schreck, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell und Bernd Stritzker
Thermal diffusivity of heteroepitaxial diamond films: experimental setup and measurements

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A. Hoffman, Sh. Michaelson, R. Akhvlediani, N. K. Hangaly, Stefan Gsell, Rosaria Brescia, Matthias Schreck, Bernd Stritzker, J.-C. Arnault und S. Saada
Comparison of diamond bias enhanced nucleation on Ir and 3C-SiC: a high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy study

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Matthias Schreck, Stefan Gsell, Rosaria Brescia, Martin Fischer, P. Bernhard, P. Prunici, P. Hess und Bernd Stritzker
Diamond nucleation on iridium: local variations of structure and density within the BEN layer

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A. S. Sidorenko, V. Zdravkov, J. Kehrle, Roman Morari, Günter Obermeier, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, C. Müller, V. Ryazanov, Siegfried R. Horn, L. R. Tagirov und Reinhard Tidecks
Double re-entrance of superconductivity in superconductor/ferromagnet bilayers

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Stefan Gsell, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Epitaxial films of metals from the platinum group (Ir, Rh, Pt and Ru) on YSZ-buffered Si(111)

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S. Dunst, H. Sternschulte und Matthias Schreck
Growth rate enhancement by nitrogen in diamond chemical vapor deposition: a catalytic effect

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Matthias Schreck
Heteroepitaxial growth

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Frank Müller, Hermann Sachdev, Stefan Hüfner, Andrew J. Pollard, Edward W. Perkins, James C. Russell, Peter H. Beton, Stefan Gsell, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
How does graphene grow? Easy access to well-ordered graphene films

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Anatoli S. Sidorenko, Vladimir I. Zdravkov, J. Kehrle, Roman Morari, Günter Obermeier, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, C. Müller, M. Yu. Kupriyanov, V. V. Ryazanov, Siegfried R. Horn, Lenar R. Tagirov und Reinhard Tidecks
Quasi-one-dimensional Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov-like state in Nb/Cu0.41Ni0.59 bilayers

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Stefan Gsell, S. Berner, T. Brugger, Matthias Schreck, Rosaria Brescia, Martin Fischer, T. Greber, J. Osterwalder und Bernd Stritzker
Comparative electron diffraction study of the diamond nucleation layer on Ir(001)

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Martin Fischer, Rosaria Brescia, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, T. Brugger, T. Greber, J. Osterwalder und Bernd Stritzker
Growth of twin-free heteroepitaxial diamond on Ir/YSZ/Si(111)

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Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, Rosaria Brescia, Bernd Stritzker, Paul N. Arendt und James R. Groves
Iridium on biaxially textured oxide templates: a concept to grow single crystals on arbitrary substrates

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Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, Rosaria Brescia und Bernd Stritzker
Preparation of 4-inch Ir/YSZ/Si(001) substrates for the large-area deposition of single-crystal diamond

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Vladimir I. Zdravkov, Anatoli S. Sidorenko, Günter Obermeier, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, C. Müller, V. V. Ryazanov, Siegfried R. Horn, Reinhard Tidecks, Lenar R. Tagirov und M. Yu. Kupriyanov
Reentrant superconductivity in superconductor-ferromagnetic-alloy bilayers

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Rosaria Brescia, Matthias Schreck, Stefan Gsell, Martin Fischer und Bernd Stritzker
Transmission electron microscopy study of the very early stages of diamond growth on iridium

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Klaus Thonke, Anton Reiser, Martin Schirra, Martin Feneberg, Günther M. Prinz, Tobias R?der, Rolf Sauer, Johannes Fallert, Felix Stelzl, Heinz Kalt, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
ZnO nanostructures: optical resonators and lasing

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Simon Berner, Martina Corso, Roland Widmer, Oliver Groening, Robert Laskowski, Peter Blaha, Karlheinz Schwarz, Andrii Goriachko, Herbert Over, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, Hermann Sachdev, Thomas Greber und Jürg Osterwalder
Boron nitride nanomesh: functionality from a corrugated monolayer

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Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, G. Benstetter, E. Lodermeier und Bernd Stritzker
Combined AFM–SEM study of the diamond nucleation layer on Ir(001)

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T. Bauer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Epitaxial lateral overgrowth (ELO) of homoepitaxial diamond through an iridium mesh

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Günther M. Prinz, Anton Reiser, Tobias R?der, Martin Schirra, Martin Feneberg, Uwe R?der, Rolf Sauer, Klaus Thonke, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Growth of zinc oxide nanopillars on an iridium/yttria-stabilized zirconia/silicon substrate

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Rosaria Brescia, Matthias Schreck, J. Michler, Stefan Gsell und Bernd Stritzker
Interaction of small diamond islands on iridium: a finite element simulation study

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Stefan Gsell, Martin Fischer, Rosaria Brescia, Matthias Schreck, P. Huber, F. Bayer, Bernd Stritzker und Darrell G. Schlom
Reduction of mosaic spread using iridium interlayers: a route to improved oxide heteroepitaxy on silicon

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S. Preciado-Flores, Matthias Schreck, R. Meléndrez, V. Chernov, M. Pedroza-Montero und M. Barboza-Flores
All optical read-out radiation dosimeter using CVD synthetic diamond

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H. Sternschulte, T. Bauer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Comparison of MWPCVD diamond growth at low and high process gas pressures

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Th. Bauer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Homoepitaxial diamond layers on off-axis Ib HPHT substrates: growth of thick films and characterisation by high-resolution X-ray diffraction

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Vladimir I. Zdravkov, Anatoli S. Sidorenko, Günter Obermeier, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, C. Müller, Siegfried R. Horn, Reinhard Tidecks und Lenar R. Tagirov
Reentrant superconductivity in Nb/Cu1?xNix bilayers

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T. Bauer, Matthias Schreck, J. H?rtwig, X. H. Liu, S. P. Wong und Bernd Stritzker
Structural defects in homoepitaxial diamond layers grown on off-axis Ib HPHT substrates

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Pasqual Bernhard, Christian Ziethen, Gerd Schoenhense, Matthias Schreck, Thomas Bauer, Stefan Gsell und Bernd Stritzker
Structural properties of the diamond nucleation layer on iridium analyzed by laterally resolved x-ray absorption spectroscopy

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Matthias Schreck, F. H?rmann, Stefan Gsell, Th. Bauer und Bernd Stritzker
Transmission electron microscopy study of the diamond nucleation layer on iridium

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Stefan Gsell, Martin Fischer, Th. Bauer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Yttria-stabilized zirconia films of different composition as buffer layers for the deposition of epitaxial diamond/Ir layers on Si(001)

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U. Bangert, A.J. Harvey, Matthias Schreck und F. H?rmann
Extended defect related energy loss in CVD diamond revealed by spectrum imaging in a dedicated STEM

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Thomas Bauer, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, Johannes Goldfu?, J. Lettieri, Darrell G. Schlom und Bernd Stritzker
Growth of epitaxial diamond on silicon via iridium/SrTiO3 buffer layers

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Thomas Bauer, Matthias Schreck, Hadwig Sternschulte und Bernd Stritzker
High growth rate homoepitaxial diamond deposition on off-axis substrates

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U. Bangert, A. J. Harvey, Matthias Schreck und F. Hoermann
Joint density of states at extended defects in CVD diamond, observed via highly spatially resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy

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Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, Thomas Bauer, Helmut Karl, G?tz Thorwarth, A. Bergmaier, G. Dollinger und Bernd Stritzker
The nucleation centers formed during bias-enhanced nucleation of diamond on iridium: structure and stability

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S. Preciado-Flores, Matthias Schreck, R. Meléndrez, V. Chernov, R. Bernal, C. Cruz-Vázquez, F. Brown und M. Barboza-Flores
Thermoluminescence characterization of a MWCVD diamond film exposed to β-rays and UV radiation

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Stefan Gsell, T. Bauer, J. Goldfu?, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
A route to diamond wafers by epitaxial deposition on silicon via iridium/yttria-stabilized zirconia buffer layers

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Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Crystal tilting of diamond heteroepitaxially grown on vicinal Ir∕SrTiO3(001)

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A. Aleksov, M. Kubovic, M. Kasu, P. Schmid, D. Grobe, S. Ertl, Matthias Schreck, Bernd Stritzker und E. Kohn
Diamond-based electronics for RF applications

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U. Bangert, A. J. Harvey, R. Jones, C. J. Fall, A. T. Blumenau, R. Briddon, Matthias Schreck und Frank H?rmann
Dislocation-induced electronic states and point-defect atmospheres evidenced by electron energy loss imaging

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X.W. Zhang, H.-G. Boyen, P. Ziemann, M. Ozawa, F. Banhart und Matthias Schreck
Growth mechanism for epitaxial cubic boron nitride films on diamond substrates by ion beam assisted deposition

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Th. Bauer, Stefan Gsell, F. H?rmann, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Surface modifications and first stages of heteroepitaxial diamond growth on iridium

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A. Aleksov, M. Kubovic, N. Kaeb, U. Spitzberg, A. Bergmaier, G. Dollinger, Thomas Bauer, Matthias Schreck, Bernd Stritzker und E. Kohn
Diamond field effect transistors - concepts and challenges

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Matthias Schreck, Thomas Bauer, Stefan Gsell, Frank H?rmann, Hartmut Bielefeldt und Bernd Stritzker
Domain formation in diamond nucleation on iridium

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Thomas Bauer, Matthias Schreck, Stefan Gsell, Frank H?rmann und Bernd Stritzker
Epitaxial rhenium buffer layers on Al203(0001): a substrate for the deposition of (111)-oriented heteroepitaxial diamond films

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X. W. Zhang, H.-G. Boyen, N. Deyneka, P. Ziemann, F. Banhart und Matthias Schreck
Epitaxy of cubic boron nitrid on (001)-oriented diamond

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M. Kubovic, A. Aleksov, Matthias Schreck, Thomas Bauer, Bernd Stritzker und E. Kohn
Field effect transistor fabricated on hydrogen-terminated diamond grown on SrTiO3 substrate and iridium buffer layer

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Hadwig Sternschulte, Matthias Schreck, Bernd Stritzker, A. Bergmaier und G. Dollinger
Growth and properties of CVD diamond films grown under H2S addition

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T. Gruber, C. Kirchner, R. Kling, F. Reuss, A. Waag, F. Bertram, D. Forster, J. Christen und Matthias Schreck
Optical and structural analysis of ZnCdO layers grown by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy

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Anatoli S. Sidorenko, Vladimir I. Zdravkov, A. A. Prepelitsa, Christian Helbig, Yuansu Luo, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, Stefan Klimm, Siegfried R. Horn, Lenar R. Tagirov und Reinhard Tidecks
Oscillations of the critical temperature in superconducting Nb/Ni bilayers

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Anatoli S. Sidorenko, V. I. Zdravkov, A. A. Prepelitsa, Christian Helbig, Y. Luo, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, Stefan Klimm, Siegfried R. Horn, L. R. Tagirov und Reinhard Tidecks
Quasi-one-dimensional FFLO state in the Nb/Ni layered system

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Frank H?rmann, Thomas Bauer, Matthias Schreck, Stefan Gsell und Bernd Stritzker
TEM analysis of nanometer-size surface structures formed by bias enhanced nucleation of diamond on iridium

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Thomas Bauer, Matthias Schreck, Frank H?rmann, A. Bergmaier, G. Dollinger und Bernd Stritzker
Analysis of the total carbon deposition during the bias enhanced nucleation of diamond on Ir/SrTiO3(001) using 13C-methane

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Matthias Schreck, C. Grunick, C. Haug, R. Brenn und Bernd Stritzker
Bias assisted growth on diamond single crystals: the defect formation due to ion bombardment studied by ion channelling, electron backscatter diffraction, and micro-Raman spectroscopy

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Hadwig Sternschulte, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
In situ characterisation of CVD-diamond growth under H2S addition by optical emission spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and laser reflection interferometry

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Matthias Schreck, A. Schury, Frank H?rmann, H. Roll und Bernd Stritzker
Mosaicity reduction during growth of heteroepitaxial diamond films on iridium buffer layers: experimental results and numerical simulations

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D. Manova, Matthias Schreck, Stephan M?ndl, Bernd Stritzker und Bernd Rauschenbach
Orientation dependent sputter yield of aluminium

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Matthias Schreck, Frank H?rmann, H. Roll, J?rg K. N. Lindner und Bernd Stritzker
Diamond nucleation on iridium buffer layers and subsequent textured growth: a route for the realization of single-crystal diamond films

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G. Lehmann, Matthias Schreck, L. Hou, J. Lambers und P. Hess
Dispersion of surface acoustic waves in polycrystalline diamond plates

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Frank H?rmann, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
First stages of diamond nucleation on iridium buffer layers

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Matthias Schreck, Frank H?rmann, H. Roll, Thomas Bauer und Bernd Stritzker
Heteroepitaxial diamond films on silicon substrates and on iridium layers: analogies and differences in nucleation and growth

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Chang Liu, Matthias Schreck, Axel Wenzel, B. Mensching und Bernd Rauschenbach
Damage buildup and removal in Ca-ion-implanted GaN

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Frank H?rmann, H. Roll, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Epitaxial Ir layers on SrTiO3 as substrates for diamond nucleation: deposition of the films and modification in the CVD environment

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A. G?hl, B. Günther, T. Habermann, G. Müller, Matthias Schreck, Karl-Heinz Thürer und Bernd Stritzker
Field emission mechanism from undoped chemical vapor deposition diamond films

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Hadwig Sternschulte, Matthias Schreck, Bernd Stritzker, A. Bergmaier und G. Dollinger
Lithium addition during CVD-diamond growth: influence on the optical emission of the plasma and properties of the films

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R. Zeisel, C. E. Nebel, M. Stutzmann, Hadwig Sternschulte, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Photoconductivity study of Li doped homoepitaxially grown CVD diamond

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Stephan M?ndl, G?tz Thorwarth, Matthias Schreck, Bernd Stritzker und Bernd Rauschenbach
Raman study of titanium oxide layers produced with plasma immersion ion implantation

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Matthias Schreck, H. Roll, J. Michler, E. Blank und Bernd Stritzker
Stress distribution in thin heteroepitaxial diamond films on Ir/SrTiO3 studied by x-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and finite element simulations

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H. Roll, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Characterization of thin heteroepitaxial diamond films on Ir/SrTiO3 by X-ray diffraction and micro-Raman spectroscopy

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Hadwig Sternschulte, Matthias Schreck, Bernd Stritzker, A. Bergmaier und G. Dollinger
Control of lithium-t-butoxide addition during chemical vapor deposition of Li-doped diamond films by optical emission spectroscopy

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Matthias Schreck, H. Roll und Bernd Stritzker
Diamond/Ir/SrTiO3: a material combination for improved heteroepitaxial diamond films

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Matthias Schreck, Karl-Heinz Thürer, C. Christensen, M. Müller und Bernd Stritzker
Effect of oxygen on the bias enhanced nucleation of diamond on silicon

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A. Bergmaier, Matthias Schreck, G. Dollinger, O. Schmelmer, Karl-Heinz Thürer und Bernd Stritzker
Oxygen at the interface of CVD diamond films on silicon

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R. Fehling, Matthias Schreck, A. Bergmaier, G. Dollinger und Bernd Stritzker
Bias enhanced nucleation and growth of diamond films on titanium substrates

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J. Hartmann, Matthias Schreck, T. Baur, H. Huber, W. Assmann, H. Schuler, Bernd Stritzker und Bernd Rauschenbach
Incorporation of nitrogen into carbon films produced by PECVD under bias voltage

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A. G?hl, T. Habermann, G. Müller, D. Nau, M. Wedel, M. Christ, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Influence of structural and morphological properties on the intrinsic field emission of CVD diamond films

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Karl-Heinz Thürer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Limiting processes for diamond epitaxial alignment on silicon

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Karl-Heinz Thürer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Loss of epitaxial orientation during microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition of diamond under negative biasing conditions

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Matthias Schreck, Thomas Bauer, R. Fehling, M. Müller, Bernd Stritzker, A. Bergmaier und G. Dollinger
Modification of diamond film growth by a negative bias voltage in microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition

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T. Habermann, A. G?hl, D. Nau, M. Wedel, G. Müller, M. Christ, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Modifying chemical vapor deposited diamond films for field emission displays

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A. Cremades, J. Piqueras und Matthias Schreck
Electron beam-induced current imaging of chemical vapor-deposited diamond films

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K.-H. Thürer, Matthias Schreck, Bernd Stritzker, N. Fuchs und P. Pongratz
Growth and defects of diamond facets under negative biasing conditions in a microwave plasma CVD process

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Matthias Schreck, K.-H. Thürer, R. Klarmann und Bernd Stritzker
Influence of the nucleation process on the azimuthal misorientation of heteroepitaxial diamond films on Si(001)

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Matthias Schreck, K.-H. Thürer und Bernd Stritzker
Limitations of the process window for the bias enhanced nucleation of heteroepitaxial diamond films on silicon in the time domain

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P. Wurzinger, N. Fuchs, P. Pongratz, Matthias Schreck, R. He?mer und Bernd Stritzker
TEM investigations on the heteroepitaxial nucleation of CVD diamond on (001) silicon substrates

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Ralph Klarmann, Matthias Schreck, Rainer Hessmer und Bernd Stritzker
AFM-study on the non-monotonic texture evolution of heteroepitaxially nucleated diamond films

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Stefan Schr?ppel, Rainer Hessmer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
High field electrical conductivity and breakdown in heteroepitaxial diamond film

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Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Nucleation and growth of heteroepitaxial diamond films on silicon

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Stephan Geier, Rainer Hessmer, Matthias Schreck, Bernd Stritzker, Bernd Rauschenbach, Kurt Helming, Karsten Kunze und W. Erfurth
Study of the growth of thin epitaxial CVD diamond films on silicon

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Stephan Geier, Rainer Hessmer, Uwe Preckwinkel, Dirk Schweitzer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Rauschenbach
Study of the initial growth phase of chemical vapor deposited diamond on silicon (001) by synchrotron radiation

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Rainer Hessmer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Indications of non-monotonic texture evolution from a two-dimensional simulation study

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Matthias Schreck, Thomas Bauer und Bernd Stritzker
Optical characterization of the cathode plasma sheath during the biasing step for diamond nucleation on silicon

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K. Helming, Stephan Geier, Matthias Schreck, Rainer Hessmer, Bernd Stritzker und Bernd Rauschenbach
Texture analysis of CVD diamond films on silicon by the component method

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Rainer Hessmer, Matthias Schreck, Stephan Geier, Bernd Rauschenbach und Bernd Stritzker
The influence of the growth process on the film texture of epitaxially nucleated diamond on silicon (001)

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T. Wroblewski, Stephan Geier, Rainer Hessmer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Rauschenbach
X-ray imaging of polycrystalline materials

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Stephan Geier, Matthias Schreck, Rainer Hessmer, Bernd Rauschenbach, Bernd Stritzker, K. Kunze und B. L. Adams
Characterization of the near-interface region of chemical vapor deposited diamond films on silicon by backscatter Kikuchi diffraction

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Rainer Hessmer, Matthias Schreck, Stephan Geier und Bernd Stritzker
Correlation between breakdown voltage and structural properties of polycrystalline and heteroepitaxial CVD diamond films

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Stephan Geier, Matthias Schreck, Rainer Hessmer, Bernd Rauschenbach, Bernd Stritzker, K. Helming und K. Kunze
Methods of characterizing the texture of CVD diamond films

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Rainer Hessmer, Matthias Schreck, Stephan Geier, Bernd Rauschenbach und Bernd Stritzker
Optimization of the texture of epitaxially nucleated diamond films on silicon

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Matthias Schreck, Rainer Hessmer, Stephan Geier, Bernd Rauschenbach und Bernd Stritzker
Structural characterization of diamond films grown epitaxially on silicon

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P. Tippmann-Krayer, H. M?hwald, Matthias Schreck und W. G?pel
Comparative optical reflection and mass spectrometry analysis of thermodesorption of Langmuir-Blodgett films

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Matthias Schreck, Michael Abraham, Annemarie Lehmann, Hermann Schier und Wolfgang G?pel
Interaction of slow electrons with organic films: theoretical and experimental HREELS studies on selectively deuterated molecules

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M. Abraham, J. Dütting, Matthias Schreck, R. Lege, S. Reich, D. Oelkrug und W. G?pel
Preparation and spectroscopic characterization of a thin polymer film in ultra high vacuum: 2,5‐distyrylpyrazine

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Matthias Schreck, H. Schier und W. Goepel
Thermodesorption of Langmuir-Blodgett films studied by mass spectrometry

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Matthias Schreck, M. Abraham, W. G?pel und H. Schier
HREELS-studies of selectively deuterated cadmium-stearate Langmuir-Blodgett films

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M. Mo¨bus, Matthias Schreck und N. Karl
Epitaxial growth of thin films of perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride and coronene on NaCl(001)

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Matthias Schreck, D. Schmeisser, W. G?pel, H. Schier, H.U. Habermeier, S. Roth und L. Dulog
Interaction of metals with cadmium arachidate Langmuir-Blodgett films studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

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