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March 3, 2025

Ecological diversity on campus: University of Augsburg is committed to species conservation

With its meadows, woods and bodies of water, the University of Augsburg campus provides habitats for numerous animal and plant species. The green spaces are not only important for the climate and people, but also play a role in regional nature conservation. To ensure that these valuable areas are developed sustainably, the university is specifically promoting biodiversity with a further project.

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Sheep in the green grass in front of university building
Feb. 20, 2025

"Future Music" - Open Day at the Leopold Mozart College of Music

On Sunday, March 2, 2025 from 11 a.m., the Music Education Institute of the University of Augsburg will open its doors for the annual open day for prospective students. Find out about the wide range of musical and and artistic-pedagogical courses on offer.

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Eine Gruppe Studierender sitzt im LMC
Feb. 13, 2025

Microbiome study: New method for the correction of bias

Studying bacterial communities, known as microbiomes, is a complex task, which often leads to bias. This can affect the accuracy and validity of scientific and clinical knowledge. Researchers at the chair for environmental medicine at the Faculty of Medicine have now developed a standardised procedure to address this problem.

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Mehrere Plastikr?hrchen mit DNA-Proben stehen in rechteckiger Anordnung in einem roten Kasten
Feb. 12, 2025

How effective is the use of medical imaging in everyday clinical practice?

Similar to a digital route planner, specific programmes support doctors in their everyday clinical work by selecting diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. The MIDAS study, led by Augsburg University Medicine, examined the effectiveness of such clinical decision-making aids for medical imaging in a multicentre, randomised study.

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In the background a person in the CT tube, in the foreground a computer with images from the CT.
Feb. 5, 2025

PFAS: how to better clean soil from ¡®forever chemicals¡¯

Soil contaminated with harmful perfluorinated and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) is difficult to clean, a complete remediation is often not possible. To improve the remediation process, researchers at the University of Augsburg are trialling various cleaning methods. Their work is now being financially supported by the Bavarian Research Foundation.

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Gro?er, brauner Erdh¨¹gel in der Landschaft
Feb. 3, 2025

Exotic waves with concrete effects

So-called Rayleigh¨CBloch waves can release enormous amount of energy that can damage technical systems under certain circumstances. They only exist below a precisely defined cut-off frequency; above this they disappear abruptly. Mathematicians from the Universities of Augsburg and Adelaide have recently proposed an explanation for this puzzling phenomenon.
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Prof. Dr. Malte Peter
Jan. 30, 2025

University receives excellent rating in the WirtschaftsWoche business and economics ranking

The University of Augsburg belongs to the top 10 percent of places to study business and economics in Germany. According to the current WirtschaftsWoche ranking, the university is ranked 18th among German universities and 24th among universities in the D-A-CH region.

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WiWi-Fakult?tsgeb?ude im Winter Au?enansicht breit
Jan. 27, 2025

Identifying and preparing for the effects of climate change

With the new BRaVE research network, the University of Augsburg is aiming to research vulnerabilities arising from the effects of climate change and develop solutions for adaptation. The network was officially launched on the 23rd of January 2025 and involves twelve interdisciplinary sub-projects.
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Prof. Kunstmann steht steht vor einer Beamerpr?sentation und spricht zu einem Saal voller Zuh?rer*innen
Jan. 16, 2025

Sustainability as a guiding profile: University of Augsburg adopts new strategy

The Extended Executive Board of the University has adopted a new sustainability strategy. The concept's central areas of action - governance, research, education and campus operations - are intended to promote sustainable action at all levels. The strategy is based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and defines higher objectives.
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Luftaufnahme des Campus der Universit?t Augsburg im Sommer
Jan. 9, 2025

Ceramic matrix composites repairable for the first time

Researchers at the Institute for Materials Resource Management have developed a method to repair ceramic matrix composite components. Up until now, it was not possible to repair such matrix composites. The project ¡°R4CMC ¨C Repair Concepts for Reduced Rates of Virgin and Overhauled CMC¡± was funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy.

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Ein rundes Bauteil aus keramischem Faserverbundmaterial
Dec. 19, 2024

CHE ranking: good rating for physics and mathematics master's degree programs

The Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology at the University of Augsburg can draw a positive balance: Its Master's degree courses in Mathematics and Physics have achieved excellent results in the new CHE University Ranking 2024. This nationwide comparison of degree courses and study conditions was published by the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE) in mid-December.

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Schwarze Wandtafel, auf der mit wei?er Kreide viele Zahlen, Formen und Formeln aufgezeichnet sind.
Dec. 18, 2024

Merry christmas and a healthy new year

The president of the University of Augsburg, Prof Sabine Doering-Manteuffel, wishes all members of the university a happy and healthy Christmas. She also a podcast recommendation for the festive season.
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24.12. Pr?sidentin
Dec. 12, 2024

Augsburg rated ¡°Best New Participating University¡± in international sustainability ranking

The University of Augsburg has been honoured with the ¡°Best New Participating University¡± award in the international UI GreenMetric ranking. The ranking evaluates universities worldwide in areas including research, teaching, and sustainable campus design. The University of Augsburg impressed with its sustainability-orientated research and its future-orientated campus concept.

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Bewachsenes Flachdach
Dec. 4, 2024

Katja Gra?l appointed as the new head of administrative services at the University of Augsburg

From the 1st of January 2025, the University of Augsburg will have a new head of administrative services. Katja Gra?l will join the university executive alongside the president, Prof Sabine Doering-Manteuffel, and the three vice-presidents.

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Neue Kanzlerin Katja Gra?l
Dec. 4, 2024

Farida Khalaf awarded the 2024 Mietek Pemper Award

The University of Augsburg¡¯s Mietek Pemper Award for Reconciliation and International Understanding was awarded for the ninth time at a ceremony on the 3rd of December 2024. Farida Khalaf, an Iraqi human rights activist, was this year¡¯s winner.
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Die f¨¹nf Personen lachen in die Kamera: Georg Haindl, Sabine Doering-Manteuffel, Farida Khalaf, Markus Blume, Eva Weber, Tom Ku?era
Nov. 21, 2024

New insights into the risk assessment of rare, aggressive tumours in children

An international team with the significant involvement of Augsburg University Medicine has made progress in the risk assessment and treatment of extracranial malign rhabdoid tumours. Recently published in the renowned journal ¡°Clinical Cancer Research,¡±?the study shows how clinical and molecular factors can influence disease progression.

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Scientists from the Experimental Pediatric Oncology and Tumor Epigenetics research group.
Nov. 15, 2024

The international doctoral programme ¡°Rethinking Environment¡± receives second round of funding

Following successful evaluation by an international expert committee, twelve new graduate positions have been funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts, with the call for applications already advertised. Twenty-one professors researching and teaching in the environmental humanities at the University of Augsburg and LMU in Munich are looking forward to receiving applications.
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Researchers at the Zugspitze
Nov. 5, 2024

A Simple Method to Transform Soft Magnets into Hard Magnets

A team of researchers at the University of Augsburg has discovered a groundbreaking method to turn a soft magnet into a hard one using nothing more than moderate uniaxial stress - pressure applied in a single direction. Their findings were recently published in the prestigious journal Physical Review Letters.

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The sample - hidden in the center of the cell - has a cross section of roughly 1 mm2 and is located between two anvils.
Oct. 21, 2024

The Public Climate School at the University of Augsburg

The University of Augsburg is once again participating in the Public Climate School from the 4th to the 8th of November 2024. During the PCS week, research institutes from around Germany open their doors to the public in an effort to provide sound scientific knowledge about the climate crisis. In Augsburg, simulation games, lectures, film screenings, and other interactive events will take place.

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Hero-Bild Public Climate School 2024
Oct. 7, 2024

Ceremonial opening of the new teaching building at Augsburg¡¯s new medical campus

Together with around 400 guests, the University of Augsburg celebrated a new milestone in the university¡¯s history: the opening of the new teaching building for the Faculty of Medicine and its growing number of young medical students. This marked the opening of Augsburg¡¯s new medical campus. Bavarian State Minister for Science and the Arts, Markus Blume, and the founding dean of the Faculty of Medicine (2017-2019), Prof Guido Adler, gave keynote addresses.

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Schl¨¹ssel¨¹bergabe bei der Er?ffnung des neuen Lehrgeb?udes Medizin
Sept. 27, 2024

Heart health: What¡¯s new in research?

To mark World Heart Day on the 29th of September, Prof Philip Raake, Chair of Internal Medicine with a Focus on Cardiology at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Augsburg and Director of the I. Medical Clinic at Augsburg University Hospital, gave an interview about current trends in the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases. He explains what is being researched in Augsburg when it comes to heart health and provides some tips for a heart-healthy lifestyle.

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Symbolbild Herz Gesundheit Weltherztag
Sept. 4, 2024

Banning smartphones in schools is meaningful when pedagogically guided

Banning smartphones in schools has a measurable effect on the social well-being and learning of school students. This is the result of a meta-analysis recently published in the journal Education Sciences conducted by the Chair of School Pedagogy at the University of Augsburg.

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Sch¨¹lerin h?lt Smartphone in der Hand
Aug. 30, 2024

Course registration

Registration for lectures, seminars, and exercises: The general registration period for courses in the winter semester 2024/2025 at the University of Augsburg will take place from the 2nd of September to the 7th of October 2024 via the online platform Digicampus. For first-semester students, a later registration period applies. First-semester students should attend the introductory events offered by their respective degree programmes.

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Studierende in einer Vorlesung mit Dozentin
Aug. 22, 2024

DFG funds Centre for Electron Microscopy at the University of Augsburg

With the help of funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG), a new Centre for Electron Microscopy is being established at the Institute of Physics. The aim is to create an organisational infrastructure that enables effective use of cutting-edge equipment by researchers at other institutes within the university as well as by external research institutes.
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Transmissionselektronenmikroskop f¨¹r physikalische und medizinische Forschung
Aug. 12, 2024

Research reveals the origin of scavenger cells in the vitreous body of the eye

A team led by the Augsburg cell biologist and anatomist Prof Peter Wieghofer has shown that macrophages develop in the vitreous body of the eye as early as the embryonic stage. Up until now, it was assumed that they regularly regenerate from blood cells during the course of life.
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Repr?sentativer Schnitt durch das sich entwickelnde Mausauge.
Aug. 6, 2024

New project researches ¡°potholes¡± at the edge of space

The air is so thin at an atmospheric altitude of around 80 to 120 kilometres above the Earth that it is often described as the edge of space. This zone has enormous importance for both the flight of satellites and for the Earth¡¯s climate. The University of Augsburg and Bern together with the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) now want to research this area at the edge of space.
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Scheibenartiges Nachthimmelbild mit sichtbaren Schwerewellen
July 16, 2024

The realities of migrant life

The 2024 Augsburg Academic Prize for Intercultural Studies has been awarded to Dr des. Dilek Tepeli for her dissertation on the conflict patterns of Alevi and Sunni migrants. Meanwhile, Can¨º ?a?lar received the 2024 Encouragement Award for her master¡¯s thesis, which researched how students of colour perceive university life. The prize was awarded on the 15th of July together with the association ¡°Forum Interkulturelles Leben und Lernen (FiLL e.V.)¡± and the City of Augsburg.

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Preisverleihung Augsburger Wissenschaftspreis f¨¹r interkulturelle Studien
July 12, 2024

Study places for the winter semester 2024/25

From English and American Studies to Business and Information Systems Engineering, the University of Augsburg is offering 93 diverse degree programmes for the winter semester 2024/5, which prospective students can now either apply or enrol for.

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Studierende im H?rsaal
July 1, 2024

Machine learning solves complex quantum problems

Due to a new method, artificial neural networks, as used in machine learning, will be able to be trained quicker so as to be able to solve complex problems in quantum mechanics. For example, previously unexplained properties of a special state of matter, the quantum spin liquid, can be calculated, something that has not been possible with any previous method to date. This has been made possible by a new optimisation method developed by the Institute of Physics.

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Visualisierung eines neuronalen Netzes.
June 19, 2024

Future of cancer detection

Liquid biopsy is a very precise method by which to diagnose cancer, which is much less invasive than conventional tissue sampling. The course of cancer treatment and its success can be comprehensively monitored using this method and tumours treated more accurately. A long-term clinical study at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Augsburg is now focusing on the question of how liquid biopsy can be used in everyday clinical practice. Initial results have been published in the Journal of Laboratory Medicine.

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Symbolbild Blutentnahme Spritze
June 5, 2024

Heat action plan for Augsburg¡¯s University Hospital

A heat action plan for the University Hospital Augsburg is being developed by researchers at the Chair for Regional Climate Change and Health at the Faculty of Medicine in collaboration with the Centre for Occupational Medicine at the University Hospital Augsburg. Over the next two years, researchers in the recently started ¡°ProTect¡± project will analyse heat stress, develop measures to address it, and then evaluate the measures in order to help the hospital cope with heatwaves.

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Messbox ProTect UKA
June 5, 2024

The AnglistenTheater Summer Production

This summer, the AnglistenTheater is staging ¨C to our knowledge the first time in Germany ¨C British playwright Jez Butterworth¡¯s play The River. Performances are scheduled for June 25th, 27th and 29th 2024, at 8 p.m. in H?rsaal II. Tickets at €10 or €5 (concessions) are available from Tuesday June 11th at Taschenbuchladen Kr¨¹ger, or can be reserved via a link on the AnglistenTheater¡¯s website.
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The River Poster
May 24, 2024

New ¡°Urban Cultures¡± master¡¯s degree programme to start in October

The new interdisciplinary master¡¯s degree programme ¡°Urban Cultures¡± (URC) will start in the winter semester at the University of Augsburg. The new programme will be based at five locations in Europe and South America. These include the three European world heritage cities of Augsburg, Santiago de Compostela, and Coimbra, as well as the two Latin American cultural metropolises of Buenos Aires and S?o Paulo. The programme combines studies in the social sciences, spatial studies, and the humanities.

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Colourful facades in the district of La Boca in Buenos Aires
May 7, 2024

Praise for Augsburg¡¯s bachelor¡¯s degree programmes by CHE Ranking

The University of Augsburg is delighted to have received the highest rating for five of its bachelor¡¯s degree programmes in the CHE University Ranking 2024. The five degree programmes to receive a top rating were geography, computer science, mathematics, physics, and social sciences, with the general study conditions and supervision by teaching staff highly commended. Conducted by the Centre for Higher Education (CHE), the ranking provides a nationwide comparison of degree programmes and study conditions. It was published in May. Applications to the University of Augsburg for the winter semester 2024/25 are possible until the 15th of July.
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CHE-Ranking Siegel 2024/2025
May 6, 2024

The Annual Academic Ceremony 2024

The Annual Academic Ceremony for 2024 will take place on Friday the 17th of May 2024 at the University of Augsburg. Attendees can expect a varied and colourful programme that provides an insight into the diverse and dynamic work taking place at the university.

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Dies academicus 2024
May 2, 2024

How life began: A molecular perspective

Since the beginning of April, an interdisciplinary Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) has been researching the first molecular steps that led to the development of life on Earth. The large-scale project based at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t in Munich (LMU) in cooperation with the Technical University of Munich (TUM) is funded to the tune of €2 million by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The Institute of Physics at the University of Augsburg is also involved through a sub-project.
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Abbildung einer menschlichen Zelle
April 25, 2024

Will changes in mobility result in fewer heart attacks?

How people move around cities will change in future. The use of electric cars and improved public transport could protect people¡¯s health and improve air quality. A new study led by Professor Christoph Knote from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Augsburg is looking at the effects that changed mobility behavior in Augsburg and the surrounding region will have on cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. ?

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Unterschiedliche Verkehrsteilnehmer auf R?dern, im Bus und zu Fu?
April 19, 2024

Honorary doctorate for Prof. Dieter Vollhardt

Prof. Dieter Vollhardt was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Warsaw last week in recognition of his scientific achievements and longstanding collaboration with theoretical physicists at the University of Warsaw.

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Four men in traditional academic clothing, three of which are wearing black gowns and one, second from right, wearing a red gown (Rector).
April 15, 2024

Climate hotspots in India

The Indian subcontinent is likely to experience an increasing number of extreme weather events. The fertile and densely populated plain around the Indus and Ganges rivers is likely to be particularly affected - with threatening consequences for several hundred million people. This is the conclusion of a study by the Indian Institute of Technology and the University of Augsburg.
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Map of India
March 26, 2024

AI-based control systems for machines, plants, and process chains

Over the next three years, the Bavarian research alliance ¡°Intelligent Manufacturing Processes & Closed-Loop Production¡± (FORinFPRO) will be researching fundamental concepts for process-specific sensor and condition monitoring, as well as the data-based modelling, control, and optimisation of manufacturing processes. The project has been funded by the Bayerische Forschungsstiftung to the tune of around €2 million. Tobias Gotthardt, Bavarian State Secretary for Economic Affairs, Regional Development, and Energy, handed over the confirmation of funding today.

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?bergabe FORinFPRO
March 25, 2024

Measuring greenwashing in companies

When companies represent themselves as being more environmentally friendly than they actually are it damages society. Until now, it has been difficult to estimate the extent of greenwashing. Now, two researchers from the Centre for Climate Resilience at the University of Augsburg have developed a conceptual framework for a greenwashing risk indicator, which can be used to uncover cases of greenwashing more quickly. Their article has been published in the journal ¡°Review of Managerial Science.¡±

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Symbolbild Greenwashing
March 14, 2024

Early detection of rare Borna virus

Researchers at Augsburg University Medicine have discovered a possible early detection method of the rare Borna virus. Their results have been published in the highly renowned medical journal ¡°The Lancet.¡± In humans the virus triggers inflammation in the brain which is almost always deadly and is transmitted to humans by shrews.?

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Symbolbild Gehirn Entz¨¹ndung
March 13, 2024

New measuring device should improve the development of vaccines

New lipid-based medications like the mRNA vaccine used during the corona pandemic are very sensitive. A measuring device developed at the interface of the Institute of Theoretical Medicine and the Institute of Physics at the University of Augsburg can now measure the structure of such medications in a frozen state. This should make for safer storage and enable the development of more stable vaccines. The project is being funded to the tune of €1 million by the Federal Ministry for Economic A/airs and Climate Action and the European Social Fund
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Katharina Beck operating the LISO prototype in the physiology lab at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Augsburg.
March 12, 2024

Is there a link between rheumatism and cancer?

Studies have long suggested a link between autoimmune diseases and cancer. Researchers at the Chair of Epidemiology at the University of Augsburg conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of the link and determined that patients with rheumatoid arthritis have a slightly lower risk for certain female-specific cancers while patients with psoriasis have a slightly higher risk. The study has been published in the ¡°Journal of Autoimmunity.¡±
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Symbolbild einer Patientin mit Krebserkrankung
March 11, 2024

Pandemic Preparedness: New High-Tech Laboratory in Augsburg

On March 11, 2024, the inauguration of the expanded safety laboratory in Augsburg marked a milestone within the EU-funded "PerForM-REACT" project, aimed at enhancing pandemic preparedness. Equipped with high-tech infrastructure, this facility enables advanced research capabilities. A collaborative effort between Helmholtz Munich and the University Hospital Augsburg, the project not only boosters the efficacy of pandemic prevention but also fosters interdisciplinary cooperation in health research.

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Dr. Sandra Kosch an einem der Pipettierroboter
March 8, 2024

New Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the University of Augsburg

Dr. Alexander Khort, a chemical engineer from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm, is a new researcher at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology at the University of Augsburg for two years. There he is working together with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Suelen Barg on developing new methods for producing smart nanomaterials, investigating their properties, and possible applications, and studying degradation behaviour.

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Das MRM-Geb?ude der Universit?t Augsburg von au?en
Feb. 21, 2024

Save the Date: StudienInfoTag at the University of Augsburg on 13 April, 2024

Anyone thinking about studying in Augsburg can obtain all the information they need at the StudienInfoTag on 13 April 2024 from 9.00 to 15.00. Which subjects can I study? By when do I have to apply? What is the Numerus Clausus and are there aptitude tests for the subject I want to study?

Staff from the Student Advisory Service, Career Service, International Office and many other areas will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
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Studierende im Foyer der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakult?t
Feb. 6, 2024

Save the Date: Study Information Day at the Leopold Mozart College of Music

What degree programmes does the Leopold Mozart College of Music (LMC) offer? How does it feel to study at LMC among international students and teachers? And what specific career prospects does studying at the LMC open up? Prospective students can find answers to these and many other questions at the information day in Grottenau 1.

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Studierende am Leopold Mozart College of Music
Feb. 6, 2024

Hall-effect uncovers hidden symmetry in spin-ice

Physicists from the University of Augsburg succeeded to distinguish chiral orders with similar magnetization but opposite sense of rotation through electrical measurements at low temperatures. This is relevant for fundamental research on complex magnets and with respect to possible applications for magnetic data storage. The results were published in the renowned journal Nature Physics.

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Visualisierung Spineis
Feb. 5, 2024

Emmy Noether Junior Research Group funding awarded to Dr Aisha Aqeel

Dr Aisha Aqeel has been awarded funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the development of a Emmy Noether Junior Research Group on ¡°Spintronics with chiral helimagnetic insulators¡± at the University of Augsburg. Aqeel and her research team will focus on the development of unconventional magnetic systems, referred to as helimagnets, and the optimisation of these systems for energy efficient spintronic applications.

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Dr. Aisha Aqeel
Feb. 1, 2024

Disturbed skin flora increases the risk of radiodermatitis

Many cancer patients develop severe dermatitis during radiotherapy. Which factors increase the risk of such radiodermatitis has only been partially understood up until now. A pilot study at the University of Augsburg, the Technical University of Munich (TUM), and Helmholtz Munich now points to the important role played by skin bacteria. Breast cancer patients whose skin flora was severely disturbed all developed severe dermatitis during radiotherapy. The results give hope of a test that is able to provide early identification of at-risk groups. The results have been published in the renowned medical journal JAMA Oncology.

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Design of the future medical campus of the University of Augsburg
Jan. 26, 2024

Discovery of high order skyrmions and antiskyrmions

Researchers at the University of Augsburg and the University of Vienna have discovered co-existing magnetic skyrmions and antiskyrmions of arbitrary topological charge at room temperature in magnetic Co/Ni multilayer thin films. Their findings have been published in the renowned journal Nature Physics and open up the possibility for a new paradigm in skyrmionics research. The discovery of novel spin objects with arbitrary topological charge promises to contribute to advances in fundamental and applied research, particularly through their application in information storage devices.

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Jan. 25, 2024

New honour for mathematician Lei Zhao

Lei Zhao, a postdoctoral researcher and leader of an Emmy Noether Junior Research Group at the Institute of Mathematics, has been awarded funding as part of the Heisenberg Programme.

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Heisenberg LOGO
Jan. 24, 2024

AI-based clinical predication models cannot be generalised

The results of new study involving the University of Augsburg led by Yale University show that algorithms fail to adapt to new data sets.
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Image: silhouette of a person with blue background
Jan. 18, 2024

New episode of ¡°UniA Research to go¡± with Anna Kathrin Bleuler

In this second episode of the University of Augsburg¡¯s research to go podcast series, literary scholar Anna Kathrin Bleuler explains her research on literature from the Middle Ages and the different perspectives it offers for viewing the present.

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UniA Research to go
Jan. 17, 2024

New Chair of Neurosurgery

Prof. Dr Dorothee Mielke to assume overall responsibility for the Clinic of Neurosurgery at Augsburg¡¯s University Hospital
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Prof. Dr. Dorothee Mielke
Jan. 15, 2024

Winter Production at the "AnglistenTheater"

The ¡°AnglistenTheater¡± at the University of Augsburg will perform two plays ¨C ¡°Escaped Alone¡± and ¡°Here We Go¡± ¨C from the British playwright Caryl Churchill for its winter production. Both plays will be performed in English on the 7th, 8th, 12th and 14th of December at 8 pm in theatre II (Building C ¨C Gro?es H?rsaalzentrum). Tickets cost €10 or €5 (concession) and can be purchased from Tuesday the 28th of November at ¡°Taschenbuchladen Kr¨¹ger¡± (near K?nigsplatz).

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Jan. 9, 2024

Augsburg mathematician receives international honour

Prof. Dr Malte Peter, professor of applied analysis at the University of Augsburg, has been named a life member of Clare Hall, one of 31 colleges of the University of Cambridge.

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Vorstandsmitglied Malte A. Peter
Dec. 21, 2023

Wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy and successful New Year

As the year draws to a close, I would like to take the opportunity to warmly thank all members of the University of Augsburg ¨C our students and employees as well as professors ¨C for their excellent work and cooperation.

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Portraitbild der Pr?sidentin Prof. Dr. Sabine Doering-Manteuffel
Dec. 20, 2023

Cobots as a door opener into industry for people with autism spectrum disorder?

In an initial study, researchers from the AI Production Network at the University of Augsburg investigated the behavioral patterns of neurotypical employees and employees with autism spectrum disorder in direct collaboration with cobots in an industrial context. Several Italian partners were involved, such as the Istituto di Sistemi e Tecnologie Industriali Intelligenti per il Manifatturiero Avanzato (STIIMA-CNR), the Catholic University of Milan, the University of Bologna and the scientific institute Eugenio MEDEA project. The results show the advantages of a workplace adapted to the respective needs and are intended to be the starting point for greater attention to physical and mental health in Industry 4.0. They were published in the international journal "Frontiers in Psychology".

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Pooja Prajod discusses the experimental setup with Matteo Lavit Nicora
Dec. 5, 2023

What causes relapses after stem cell transplantation in blood cancer?

Scientists from Augsburg's Faculty of Medicine have had a new article published in the internationally renowned journal Molecular Cancer. The authors, Dr Tatjana Sauerer, Giuliano Filippini Vel¨¢zquez, and Prof. Dr Christoph Schmid, describe the mechanisms by which leukaemia cells evade immune system control, causing relapses even after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. They also present new individualised therapy options.

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Darstellung eines wei?en Blutk?rperchen und rote Blutk?rperchen
Dec. 5, 2023

Leading quantum mechanical research

The Centre for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism (EKM) was established in the early 1990s. Since then, it has become a top research institute in the field of quantum mechanics. The meeting of the scientific advisory board of the EKM in Augsburg, composed of leading experts in the field, confirms this.

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Quantenmechanische Forschung
Nov. 29, 2023

Augsburg researchers at the UN climate conference COP28

Five researchers from the University of Augsburg are participating in the UN climate conference held in Dubai from the 30th of November to the 12th of December and will be available for media interviews.

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Flagge mit dme Logo der COP28 in Dubai
Nov. 24, 2023

Augsburg DAAD Prize 2023 awarded to Pilsook Cha

The DAAD prize for outstanding achievements of international students studying at German universities has been awarded to a student in the master¡¯s degree programme in music therapy. The prize was awarded to Pilsook Cha on the 22nd of November. The yearly awards ceremony recognises the achievements of international student graduates from the previous academic year.

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Pilsook Cha
Oct. 31, 2023

Environmental and peace education in interreligious cooperation

Prof. Dr Elisabeth Naurath, a protestant religious education teacher at the University of Augsburg, has been awarded an Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership. Together with international partners, the project aims to better integrate topics associated with climate change, climate resilience, and climate justice into the education of religious education teachers in Germany, Austria, Spain, Albania, and Malaysia.
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Zwei H?nde ber¨¹hren sich und greifen ineinander, darin ist eine leuchtende Erdkugel zu sehen
Oct. 26, 2023

New study on frequent complications following breast cancer surgery

One of the most frequent and difficult complications following breast cancer surgery is the development of seromas, namely the accumulation of fluid in areas surrounding the wound. Led by Prof. Dr Nina Ditsch, a new study at the Chair for Gynaecology and the Breast Centre at the Augsburg University Hospital aims to find out which groups of patients have a higher risk of developing seromas. The results of the study could help avoid postoperative complications.

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Eine Frau sitzt im Krankenhaushemd auf einer Liege und redet mit einer Vertreterin des medizinischen Personals.
Oct. 16, 2023

Welcome to the academic year 2023/2024

Following orientation week, the lecture period for the new semester 2023/4 begins on the 16th of October. Prof. Dr Sabine Doering-Manteuffel, president of the University of Augsburg, welcomes all new and returning students to the new semester.
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Haltestelle Universit?t mit Studierenden
Oct. 13, 2023

Musical start to the semester at the Leopold Mozart College of Music

As a welcome to the new semester, the Leopold Mozart College of Music will be holding a concert on the 18th of October in the Golden Hall of the Augsburg Town Hall. It also invites members of the university and broader community to its open day at the Grottenau on the 21st of October.

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Konzertsaal LMC
Oct. 2, 2023

Info events for first-semester students

The University of Augsburg and its degree programmes offer special introductory events for all first-semester students who are starting their studies. These take place before the start of lectures on 16 October. Visit the central introduction for first-semester students of all degree programmes on Wednesday, 11 or 12 October 2023, from 1:30 - 3:30 pm (identical event) in the Sigma lecture hall (in the Sigma Technopark). Find out about the events for your field of study.
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Blick in einen H?rsaal mit Studierenden
Sept. 22, 2023

New insights into magnetisation

Researchers at the Universities of Augsburg and Groningen have been able to show that the standard picture of magnetisation reversal needs to be expanded. Their findings were published in the journal Nature Communications and not only enrich basic research, but also open up new perspectives for components in the electronics of the future.
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Ilustration Magnet mit Magnetfeld
Sept. 19, 2023

The smartphone ¡°brain drain effect¡±

The extent to which smartphones reduce memory and attention was the subject of a recent meta-analysis comparing 22 studies published in the journal Behavioural Sciences. The research team led by Prof. Dr Klaus Zierer confirmed the so-called ¡°brain drain effect.¡± This poses particular challenges for educating children and young people about media use.


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Junger Mensch beim Lernen mit Kopfh?rern und Handy
Sept. 18, 2023

Update: ¡°Deutschlandticket¡± cheaper for students

The ¡°Deutschlandticket¡± is set to become even cheaper for students at the University of Augsburg. From the 1st of October 2023, the ¡°Deutschlandticket¡± will be available for €15.98 via monthly subscription.

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Symbolbild Deutschlandsticket
Sept. 6, 2023

ADHD a risk factor for other mental illnesses

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neural developmental disorder that occurs among children and young people, which in two thirds of cases carries over into adulthood. It is estimated to affect around 5 percent of children and young people and about 2.5 percent of adults worldwide. A recently published study by the Chair of Epidemiology at the University of Augsburg in the renowned journal BMJ Mental Health shows that ADHD often occurs in association with severe depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, the eating disorder Anorexia nervosa, as well as attempted suicide.

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Image: silhouette of a person with blue background
Aug. 11, 2023

Nature as inspiration

The animal kingdom has often inspired technical innovation. Swarms of birds, fish, and insects are fascinating natural spectacles, which have for a long time captured the interest of researchers. While the reasons behind natural swarming behaviour are more well understood as a consequence of years of research, the possibilities for the use of swarms in technical systems is less well-known. At the Institute for Software & Systems Engineering, Prof. Dr Wolfgang Reif and his team are researching how swarming behaviour can be used with flying drones.

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Im Vordergrund eine fliegende Drohne, im Hintergrund leicht verschwomen ein Mensch, der diese steuert.
Aug. 9, 2023

When digital stress can also be positive

The universities of Augsburg, Bamberg, Erlangen-N¨¹rnberg, Munich (LMU), and W¨¹rzburg have spent four years researching the healthy use of digital technologies and media. ForDigitHealth has presented its findings in academic publications as well as in an online guide accessible to the public.
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Text "Digitaler Stress" mit Sprechblasen (Was ist digitaler Stress? Was sind die Ursachen? Was sind die Folgen? Was wird dagegen?)
July 17, 2023

Who¡¯s (not) mowing?

In the summer time in particular, vegetation grows and thrives everywhere on the university campus. But how can the abundance of greenery be managed sustainably and still be used with added value for students and employees? The Environmental Science Centre (WZU) and the university's gardeners provide an insight into their commitment to biodiversity on campus.

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Schafe weiden an der Uni
July 13, 2023

Digital medicine for future-oriented prevention and treatment of depression

The digiBRAVE research project, which is dedicated to the early detection, prevention and treatment of depression, is being funded with 1.3 million euros from the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care. Minister of State Holetschek handed over the funding cheque yesterday. digiBRAVE is a joint project of the Medical Faculty of the University of Augsburg and Augsburg University Hospital.

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Health Minister Holetschek hands over the funding decision for the digiBRAVE project to the Augsburg researchers.
July 5, 2023

Augsburg awarded seal of approval for communication on experimental animal research

As part of its commitment to transparent and proactive communication about animal experiments and experimental animal research, the University of Augsburg together with Augsburg University Hospital has been awarded a seal of quality approval by ¡°Understanding Animal Experiments,¡± an initiative of the Alliance of Science Organisations.?

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June 23, 2023

Flagship projects for the future

The University of Augsburg has received million of euros in support from the Free State of Bavaria for the expansion of the installation of photovoltaics on its campus buildings. From 2023 to 2026, a large part of the campus will be equipped with photovoltaic (PV) systems. The extensive rollout of photovoltaic systems is beginning with their installation on the physics and mathematics buildings and the building housing the lecture theatres of the Faculty of Business and Economics.

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Campus from above
June 19, 2023

New AI research facility opens

The AI Production Network at the University of Augsburg has reached an important milestone with the opening of Halle 43 on the 19th of June 2023. The university will use the new hall for researching the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in manufacturing. It aims to make the regional economy fit for the future.

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Opening of hall 43
June 16, 2023

Prof. Dr Doering-Manteuffel awarded Christoph Mendel von Steinfels Medal

As part of the 20th anniversary of the Universit?t Bayern e.V. held at the Deutsches Museum in Munich, the president of the University of Augsburg, Prof. Dr Sabine Doering-Manteuffel, was awarded the Christoph Mendel von Steinfels Medal. The medal is the highest award conferred by Universit?t Bayern e.V. and was presented by the association¡¯s chairman Prof. Dr Stefan Leible, who is also president of the University of Bayreuth.

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Christoph Mendel von Steinfels Medal
June 9, 2023

New Graduate Centre gathers momentum

The University of Augsburg aims to provide the best possible environment for early career researchers establishing their careers. The Graduate Centre has been established to bolster support for early career researchers. It acts as an umbrella institute for the individual graduate programmes and graduate support services offered by the faculties.

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Buch mit Einmerker in Uni-Farben und Mappe mit Siegel
May 26, 2023

DFG Collaborative Research Centre for the Investigation of New Quantum Materials

A major new research project led by the University of Augsburg with the Technical Univer-sity Munich (TUM) as partner is dedicated to a key topic of the future: the research and de-velopment of new types of materials whose properties are characterised by quantum ef-fects. In the long term, they could serve as the basis for very powerful computers. The University of Augsburg is involved in another three Collaborative Research Centres.
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atomic force microscope
May 11, 2023

New Site of the German Centre for Mental Health to be located in Augsburg

Together with Munich, Augsburg is home to a new site of the German Centre for Mental Health. The aim of the new centre is interdisciplinary research into the development and progress of mental illnesses across the lifespan. The Augsburg site of the new centre will focus on researching treatments for depression. Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the new centre (DZPG) consists of five research sites in addition to Munich/Augsburg.

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Symbolbild psychische Gesundheit
May 4, 2023

New DFG Heisenberg Professor at the University of Augsburg

The University of Augsburg has appointed historian Prof. Dr Simone M¨¹ller, an expert on global environmental history and environmental humanities, as new DFG Heisenberg Professor. The sought-after historian, who works in an advisory capacity for the Polish National Science Council, the Academy of Finland, and the Swedish Research Council, researches globalisation processes and the relationship between ecology and economy. In 2017, she was nominated by the German Research Foundation as a leading researcher in her field (Academia.net).

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Prof. Dr. Simone M¨¹ller
May 2, 2023

Music education at the newly named Leopold Mozart College of Music

Since the 1st of May, the University of Augsburg¡¯s music education institute has been newly named the Leopold Mozart College of Music (LMC). The institute has recently re-orientated itself and revised its degree programmes. The newly launched bachelor degree programme in music aims to better prepare students for a career in music and will start in the coming winter semester. The master¡¯s degree programme will start in the following year.

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Konzertsaal Totale
April 19, 2023

Honorary doctorate for Theo Waigel

The Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Augsburg awarded an honorary doctorate (Dr. rer. pol. h. c.) to the former Federal Minister of Finance, Dr Theo Waigel, in a ceremony at the Augsburg Town Hall.

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Honorary doctorate for Theo Waigel
April 13, 2023

Three Humboldt fellows to conduct research in Augsburg

Three researchers from India and China will visit the University of Augsburg for their research fellowship sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH). Each researcher will spend two years researching in different chairs. The researchers include two scientists working in the field of experimental condensed matter physics and a mathematician specialising in computational mathematics.

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Dr. Bin Shen, Dr. Yizhou Liang, Dr. Soumendra Nath Panja o research as AvH fellows at the University of Augsburg
March 28, 2023

Augsburg conference on the sociology of discourse research

Discourse research spans a broad range of themes, including questions of educational justice, environmental problems, problems associated with the pandemic, as well as identity conflicts and migration. From the 30th to the 31st of March, leading researchers will meet at the University of Augsburg for the international conference ¡°The Discursive Construction of Reality V,¡± organised by the Chair of Sociology. Alongside research, the conference will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the ¡°Zeitschrift f¨¹r Diskursforschung (ZfD),¡± which was founded in Augsburg.

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Visual zur Veranstaltung Diskurs Wissenschaft
March 27, 2023

New psychological support avatar for smartphones

As part of the EmmA project, the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Augsburg has developed a coaching assistant avatar designed to provide psychological support in times of occupational stress. It can recognise a user¡¯s emotional moods via their mobile device and react appropriately in real time. The avatar is based on machine learning and complex data processing. The results of the project will be used in a follow-up study with people suffering from depression and is also part of an international collaborative project aimed at providing vulnerable people with access to personalised psychosocial services.

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A woman with a tablet showing the avatar "Emma"
March 14, 2023

One-off energy price allowance for students

With the €200 one-off energy price allowance, the federal government and the states are providing financial assistance to students to offset increased heating, electricity, and food prices. Applications for the one-off energy price allowance can be submitted from the 15th of March 2023. This is how the application process works.

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Geldscheine mit einem Heizungsthermostat
March 13, 2023

Science and evidence in the media spotlight

How was scientific evidence produced, communicated, and socially negotiated during the Corona crisis? To answer this question, media and communication scientists from Augsburg are analyzing around 1,000 newspaper articles from established media sources such as the S¨¹ddeutsche Zeitung and BILD.

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Blick ¨¹ber die Schulter eines Mannes, der in einer Tageszeitung liest
March 10, 2023

New cost-effective detector for high-energy UV radiation

Low-pressure plasmas are commonly used for coating spectacles or producing microchips. Yet very high-energy UV radiation is produced in these plasmas, which under certain circumstances can disrupt production. In order to measure the intensity and wavelength distribution of UV radiation, large and expensive devices have been relied on up until now. Researchers at the University of Augsburg have now developed an alternative system that is both portable and inexpensive.

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New detector
March 7, 2023

The effects of NFTs on the art market

Non-fungible tokens are based on blockchain technology known from cryptocurrencies. NFTs create a ¡®proof of authenticity¡¯ for digital works and confirm personal ownership of them, which is what makes it possible to trade virtual images. Twain Stolz, an art historian and economist, is researching the effects of NFTs on the art market.

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Digital artwork on a smartphone
Feb. 22, 2023

The University of Augsburg to Present AI Research at the AI.BAY Conference in Munich

The University of Augsburg is participating at the first Bavarian International Conference on AI, AI.BAY 2023, which will take place from the 23rd to 24th of February. The new forum brings together leading representatives of the Bavarian AI Network, international, high-profile guests, as well as state politicians to discuss the future of AI and international developments.

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Die Buchstaben KI, von einem 3D-Drucker generiert in einer entsprechenden Maschine als Symbol f¨¹r das Thema.
Feb. 22, 2023

Augsburg researcher awarded the German parliament¡¯s 2023 academic prize

The German parliament has awarded Augsburg researcher Mechthild Roos with the 2023 academic prize. She shares the award of €10,000 with Oliver Haardt. The jury selected Roos, a political scientist in the Chair of Political Science - Comparative Systems Analysis (Europe and North America), from 35 submissions. The president of the German parliament, B?rbel Bas, is expected to award the prize on the 10th of May 2023.

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Kuppel des Deutschen Bundestags, im Hintergrund Sonnenuntergang
Feb. 14, 2023

Quantum Technology and Information Processing

The Centre of Advanced Analytics and Predictive Sciences (CAAPS), which brings together data-gathering and data-processing research as part of a new multidisciplinary centre at the University of Augsburg, is hosting a colloquium on the 23rd of February 2023. The colloquium features two internationally renowned guest speakers in the fields of quantum science and quantum computing.

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Building of University of Augsburg
Feb. 13, 2023

Messages from adipose tissue

Scientists at the University of Augsburg and Helmholtz Munich have made an important breakthrough in better understanding early processes in the development of type 2 diabetes by identifying a previously unknown transmission of messenger substances from adipose tissue to the pancreas.

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Messger?t f¨¹r Diabetes-Patienten
Feb. 7, 2023

New early-career research group ¡°Off the Menu¡±

The Elite Network of Bavaria is funding a new international early-career research group at the University of Augsburg. From May 2023, it will focus on illuminating culturally shaped eating habits as key sites of environmental transformation and through a culinary lens rethink the environment. The project will be led by cultural historian L. Sasha Gora.

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Gedeckter Esstisch mit zahlreichen Speisen von oben
Feb. 6, 2023

Universalities at the glass transition

In a recently published article in the leading physics journal "Nature Physics", a team of researchers with the participation of the University of Augsburg reports about unexpectedly universal correlations between the thermal expansion and the glass-transition temperature of glass-forming materials, providing new insights into the complex nature of the transition from the liquid into the solid glass.

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Glasproduktion: hei?es Glas leuchtet orange
Feb. 3, 2023

Cancer Research: Augsburg joins new National Tumor Centre in Bavaria

University medicine at Augsburg belongs to a network of four university hospitals, including W¨¹rzburg, Erlangen, and Regensburg (WERA), which have joined forces for the first time to form a new Bavarian site for the National Centre for Tumor Diseases (NCT) as part of the German Cancer Research Centre (DZKF).

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Design of the future medical campus of the University of Augsburg
Jan. 23, 2023

Augsburg lab becomes sustainability role model

After a six-month certification process, the six-member sustainability team of environmental medicine is not only proud about having been awarded the highest certification of ¡°green¡± granted by the non-for-profit organisation ¡°My Green Lab,¡± but also about winning this year¡¯s so-called Freezer Challenge. This makes the lab one of Germany¡¯s pioneers in sustainability.

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Sustainability team of environmental medicine
Jan. 19, 2023

Prof. Dr Peter H?nggi awarded the 2023 Lars Onsager Prize

As Professor Emeritus of Theoretical Physics at the University of Augsburg, Professor H?nggi has received the award in recognition of his contributions to the development of the Brownian motor and his pioneering contributions to statistical non-equilibrium physics, relativistic thermodynamics, and quantum thermodynamics.

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Portr?t von Preistr?ger Professor H?nggi
Dec. 5, 2022

Network, promote, support

In order to support junior researchers in networking and establishing their research careers, the faculty of mathematics, natural sciences, and materials engineering has established a graduate centre. The centre has supported young researchers in organising events and launching new services.

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Personen im Gespr?ch
Nov. 17, 2022

Researchers from the Centre for Climate Resilience at the UN Climate Conference COP27

Augsburg researchers working in climate science, climate politics and environmental medicine share their views on COP27

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Building of world climate change conference
Nov. 3, 2022

German Chancellor Fellow researches the opioid crisis

As a lawyer for the New York Attorney General's Office, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Chancellor Fellow Leo O?Toole dealt with the legal aspects of the opioid crisis. He is now researching the role that respective health and legal systems play in the opioid crisis at Augsburg's Institute for Bio, Health and Medical Law.

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Alexander von Humboldt Fellow Leo O'Toole with Professor Michael Kubiciel
Oct. 25, 2022

Opening of the Centre for Climate Resilience

The Centre for Climate Resilience was officially opened with a symposium at the University of Augsburg on the 25th of October 2022. The Bavarian State Minister for Science and the Arts and the Bavarian State Minister for Environment and Consumer Protection, Markus Blume and Thorsten Glauber, respectively, praised the new research centre in their welcoming address.

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Bavarian State Minister of Environment Thorster Glauber, Bavarian State Minister  Markus Blume with University President Prof. Dr. Sabine Doering-Manteuffel and ZfK Founding Director Prof. Dr. Harald Kunstmann.
Oct. 20, 2022

Recent developments at the Centre for Advanced Analytics and Predictive Sciences

Founded at the end of 2020, the Centre for Advanced Analytics and Predictive Sciences (CAAPS) brings together data collection and processing departments in a multidisciplinary research centre.?Throughout the development phase, new professorships were successfully filled, new degree programmes were established, and the first research projects acquired.

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Building of University of Augsburg
Oct. 17, 2022

Welcome to the winter semester 22/23

The courses for the winter semester 2022/23 start on 17 October 2022 and the campus is once again filling up with students, including around 4000 first-year students. In her video greeting, Prof. Dr. Sabine Doering-Manteuffel, President of the University of Augsburg, warmly welcomes all new as well as experienced students and wishes them a good start into the new semester.

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Auf dem Foto sieht man die Pr?sidentin der Universit?t Augsburg Prof. Dr. Sabine Doering-Manteuffel
Oct. 14, 2022

Bavarian Order of Merit for Augsburg computer scientist

Prof. Dr Elisabeth Andr¨¦, Chair for Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence at the Faculty of Applied Computer Science at the University of Augsburg, was presented with the Bavarian Order of Merit by Minister-President Dr Markus S?der on Thursday the 13th of October in the Antiquarium of the Munich Residence. With this award, the Free State of Bavaria honours outstanding service to the Free State.

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Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Andr¨¦ (mit Urkunde in der Hand) steht neben Ministerpr?sident Dr. Markus S?der (mit Orden in der Hand)
Oct. 10, 2022

"UniA to go¡± podcast: All you need to know about uni services while studying

The University of Augsburg¡¯s new podcast series ¡°UniA to go,¡± developed by Nina Lacher and Sara Nu?baum, two students from Augsburg¡¯s Global Business Management Program, is not just for first-year students. Through interviews with staff from various university facilities and services, they have prepared some useful tips and information about studying at the University of Augsburg.

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Sept. 14, 2022

Bowel diseases increase the risk of psoriasis

In Germany, 1.5 million people suffer from psoriasis. A new study by researchers from the Chair of Epidemiology at the University of Augsburg shows that one cause of the occurrence of the disease may be the presence of a chronic inflammatory bowel disease. The results have been published in the journal JAMA Dermatology.

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H?nde mitt Schuppenflechte ber¨¹hren einen Bauch mit Darstellung des Darmes
Sept. 2, 2022

Terahertz waves

In a new study, researchers from the University of Augsburg and Cambridge have published new findings on the detection of electromagnetic waves in the terahertz range in the journal Physical Review B. The new technology could be used in medical diagnostics, contactless security checks or faster wireless data transmission. This could be used, for example, in medical diagnostics, in contactless security checks or also for faster wireless transmission of data.


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Illustration des Spektrum der elektromagnetischen Wellen: Von Radio- und Mikrowellen, ¨¹ber Terahertz, Infrarot, Ultraviolett bis R?ntgen.
July 22, 2022

Improving the sustainability of hospitals

A team at the Centre for Climate Resilience is now researching what hospitals need to improve their sustainability. On behalf of the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care, the team is developing practical indicators that can be used to measure and evaluate the sustainability of healthcare facilities. The project has funding of 1.8 million Euros from the Free State of Bavaria.

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Handing over the check Green Hospital
July 15, 2022

Ceremonial speeches and honorary doctorates

On 14 July the Faculty of Law of the University of Augsburg celebrated its 50th anniversary.?An academic symposium and a ceremony allowed the high-ranking guests to look back on the successful history of one of the university's now largest faculties and provided the setting for the presentation of three honorary doctorates.

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50 Jahre Juristische Fakult?t
July 4, 2022

Ploughing and tilling soil on slopes is jeopardising future farm yields

Researchers from the University of Augsburg and Lancaster University are investigating how soil tillage on slopes affects the crop yields of entire regions. The results of their study have now been published in the journal Nature Food.

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Pflug gr?bt Acker um
June 17, 2022

Basic research: Novel quantum magnets

Over the next two years, Alexander von Humboldt fellow Dr. Prashanta Mukharjee will be carrying out research on novel quantum magnets. What the team of physicists at the Center for Electronic Correlation and Magnetism at the University of Augsburg hopes to achieve from the research project with regard to quantum information technology and why the guest researcher from India also has an interest in teaching.

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Dr. Prashanta Mukharjee  bei Laborarbeit
May 24, 2022

Mietek Pemper Prize of the University of Augsburg for Reconciliation and International Understanding

On 23 May, after a corona-related break, the Prize for Reconciliation and International Understanding will finally be awarded again. This year's award winner is Dieudonn¨¦ Kibinakanwa, who has been working for peace and non-violent understanding in his home country Burundi, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo since 1994.

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Dieudonn¨¦ Kibinakanwa spricht anl?sslich des Mietek Pemper Preises 2022
May 20, 2022

Technology-specific raw materials show a short useful life in the life cycle assessment

How long are metallic and mineral raw materials usable in the economic cycle ¨C and when do they dissipate? Researchers from Bordeaux, Augsburg, and Bayreuth, answer these questions about the life cycle of 61 metals in the high-ranking journal "Nature Sustainability." Published and self-collected data on 61 metals were analyzed in research cooperation lasting several years.

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Metalle im Periodensystem und ihre Nutzungsdauer
