

[fam] stands for "Frauen arbeiten miteinander" (women working together) and is a network founded at the Faculty of Law of the University of Augsburg, which primarily aims to offer academically interested young female lawyers the opportunity of an informal professional exchange with each other.

One focus is on the networking of young and aspiring female lawyers in order to talk to successful professionals in an informal atmosphere, both professionally and professionally. The [fam] events are open to anyone interested - especially members of the Faculty of Law - regardless of gender, level of education or subject specialisation. Thematically, the focus is on legal policy and professional issues that primarily affect women, but are also of interest to society as a whole. In this respect, [fam] sees itself as an inclusive platform.

In order to achieve effective networking, [fam] offers the possibility of exchange via an e-mail distribution list as well as in regular networking meetings.



More information is available on the German version of this site.
