

Theoretische Physik II

Welcome to our research groups:

Mesoscopic Physics of Life

We are a theory group interested in the physics that is involved in the spatial organization of the cell cytoplasm and the formation of proto-cells at the origin of life. In both cases we focus on the role of compartmentalization as a mechanism that can provide a stable and protective environment of controlled chemical composition in order to selectively host certain molecular species. These compartments offer a robust environment that can guide the folding of these molecules or facilitate their replication. Additionally, compartments are capable to spatially regulate chemical reactions and can also promote nucleation and growth of aggregates. In our group we aim to identify the physio-chemical mechanisms that underlie assembly, regulation and ageing of these compartments. We would like to understand the link between these mechanisms and how biological function emerges, either for the organization of the cellular cytoplasm or the development of life-like features arising from a set of inanimate molecular species. Our group uses concepts from the field of phase transitions, non-equilibrium thermodynamics, and non-linear dynamics, but also develops new approaches to describe these systems. All approaches are developed in close back and forth collaboration with experimental groups.

Read more here.

Statistical Physics of Life

Abhinav Sharma

Exploring nonequilibrium physics in living matter, our focus spans two key areas: Mechanical Behavior of Cells and Tissues: Investigating filamentous elastic networks in biological tissues, we uncover their nonlinear response to external forces. These networks, crucial for maintaining mechanical integrity, undergo dynamic remodeling led by molecular motors. Collaborating with experimentalists, our research, rooted in phase transitions and non-equilibrium thermodynamics, aims to unravel the intricate mechanics of these networks. Synthetic Active Matter Mimicking Life-like Features: Studying Active Brownian Particles, we emulate self-propelling bacteria motion, exploring an inverse preference for low-activity regions. Our goal is to mimic chemotaxis in synthetic systems, loading particles with cargo to replicate gradient-sensing mechanisms observed in biological organisms. This research extends to chains of active particles and dynamically evolving structures, seeking to unveil new functionalities and design principles in synthetic active systems.

Theoretische Physik II



Theoretische Physik II



Universit?t Augsburg
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Fakult?t
Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Physik II
Geb?ude R, Raum 514
Universit?tsstr. 1
86159 Augsburg

Telephone: +49 (0)821 598? ?? 3237 (Secretary)

E-Mail: sekretariat-tp2@physik.uni-augsburg.de?(Secretary)


How to find us: Campus Map / Street Map
