

English / American Studies

Applied Linguistics (English)
American Literature
English Didactics
English Literature
English Linguistics
New English Literatures and Cultural Studies

German Studies

German as a Second / Foreign Language and its Didactics
Medieval German Language and Literature
German Liguistics
German Didactics
Comparative Literature
Literature and Language in Bavaria
Variational Linguistics

History Studies

Ancient History
European Cultural History
European Regional History / Bavarian and Swabian Regional History
History Didactics
History of the Early Modern Age
Modern and Recent History
Transatlantic History and Culture
Gobal Environmental History and Environmental Humanities
Transnational interrelations: Germany and Eastern Europe

Arts and Cultural Studies

Romance Studies

Applied Linguistics (Romance)
Romance Didactics and Literature
Romance Linguistics (French / Italian)
Romance Literature (French / Italian)
Romance Literature (Spanish / Portuguese)

Jewish Studies

Applied Computerlinguistics

Applied Computerlinguistics

Honorary Doctors



  • Dr. phil. Dr. phil. h.c. Wolfgang Fleischer (?)
  • Fil. Dr. h.c. (Uppsala) Dr. phil. h.c. Marcel Reich-Ranicki (?)
  • Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. h.c. mult. Walter Jens (?)
  • Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. phil. h.c. Harald Weinrich
  • Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. phil. h.c. Hans Wysling (?)

Emeritus and Former Professors


  • Prof. Dr. Hanno-Walter Kruft (?)
  • Prof. Dr. Marion Lausberg
  • apl. Prof. Dr. Bernhard Overbeck (?)
  • Prof. Dr. Walter Pache (?)
  • Prof. Dr. Martina Rost-Roth
  • Prof. Dr. Jürgen Sch?fer (?)
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas M. Scheerer (?)
  • Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schimmelpfennig
  • Prof. Dr. Konrad Schr?der
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Kaspar H. Spinner
  • Prof. Dr. Evamaria Schmidt (?)
  • Prof. Dr. Hugo Stopp (?)
  • Prof. Dr. Albrecht Weber (?)
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Reinhold Werner (?)
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. (Chabarowsk) Dr. h.c. (Suczawa) Hans Eggeringhaus, genannt Wellmann (?)
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Williams
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. (Sheerbrooke) Lothar Wolf (?)
  • Prof. Dr. Hubert Zapf
