

Study and Teaching

Reading Environmental History: A Deep Dive

The Global Environmental History and Environmental Humanities offers an immense selection of topics. Starting with topics like activism and toxicity as well as reaching into the domain of food and animals, there is something for everyone. The list contains books that are already available in the library of the university in Augsburg and books which are in the process of acquisition.


To give you an introduction to Global Environmental History and Environmental Humanities, we put together an array of literature. You can find the PDF with all the collected books here.?If you would like to take a closer look at certain chapters, you can download the PDF below.


Studying Environmental History in the Context of the Environmental Humanities

Environmental History is history focusing on the intricate interconnections that humans have – and have had – with the rest of nature. It is a history that takes 'nature' as one fundamental category of historical analysis, alongside politics, culture, and the economy. The DFG Heisenberg Professorship pays particular attention to global and planetary environmental issues, such as resource extraction, disposal, or environmental justice, and the era of the Anthropocene. It teaches Global Environmental History set in the context of the Environmental Humanities, an interdisciplinary conjuncture of the humanities and social sciences set to critically reflect on the concepts of nature and the relationships between nature and culture.

Environmental History has precursors in landscape history, in historical geography, and in the Annales school of history, but since its emergence in connection with the modern ecological movements of the 1970s, it has developed into a vigorous and engaged interdisciplinary field – particularly in the context of the Environmental Humanities.


Environmental History offers an unusual opportunity for synthesis across historical subfields and across disciplines such as ecology, geography, science studies, or anthropology. At the University of Augsburg, Environmental History is closely collaborating with Environmental Ethics, Human Geography, the Environment & Science Center and the Center for Climate Resilience.


This coming summer term you can learn more about environmental history in the context of the Environmental Humanities here:


  • Hauptseminar “Der Staat im Sumpf“

    Tuesday 14:00 – 15:30, Seminar Room D 2128

  • Proseminar “Walking. Ein Umwelthistorisches Lehr-, Lernprojekt am Beispiel Augsburgs.”

    Thursday 10:00 – 11:30, Seminar Room D 2128

  • The Green Hour

    Thursday 12:00 – 13:00, WZU Room

    During the summer term 2024, the WZU hosts lunchtime mini talks on current research in the field of Environmental Humanities. Researchers from the University of Augsburg and international guests from the humanities and social sciences will briefly introduce their work to inspire a conversation about the topic. For all who are interested in learning more about the Environmental Humanities and what they can contribute to the study of environmental issues. No prior knowledge is required. Coffee and tea will be served.
