

final / admission theses

general information

We are happy to supervise your admission or final thesis. Please feel free to contact a potential supervisor at any time with a specific idea.?
An admission thesis requires a length of approximately 60 to 80 pages. Master's students can find the required length in the corresponding module handbook.?

A good thesis meets the following criteria:

  1. Clear research question/objective: Precise formulation of a question in the field of political education, e.g. on the effectiveness of certain teaching methods
  2. Sound theoretical basis: Incorporation of relevant theories of political education
  3. Appropriate research methodology: Use of suitable qualitative or quantitative methods, such as classroom observations, interviews with teachers or students, or analysis of learning materials
  4. Logical structure: clear outline that makes the research process comprehensible and develops the argument in a coherent way
  5. Critical analysis and reflection: engagement with different perspectives on political education and reflection on one's own position as a researcher
  6. Relevance for teaching practice: derivation of concrete recommendations for action for political education in and outside of school
  7. Correct citation and references: Use of current didactic literature and correct handling of sources
  8. Linguistic quality and scientific style: Precise use of political education terminology and a neutral, objective writing style
  9. Answering the research question and reflecting on the results

During the preparation of your work, you will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences with other students and lecturers in our research colloquium. This takes place twice a semester. If you are interested, please contact your supervisor.

Possible subject areas

An important step in writing a seminar paper or thesis is finding a possible topic. The following “topic baskets” can provide a rough overview of the areas in which a typical didactic research paper in political education could be located.

Basic didactic research in political education
  • Theses on the theories, history and functions of political education
  • Dealing with specific approaches to political education, such as racism-critical education
Empirical research in teaching methodology
  • Classroom observation/ethnology/habitus studies
  • Pre- and post-tests on (your own) interventions in the classroom, methodological experiments
  • Interviews with students and teachers
  • Diagnostics of students' ideas and the analysis of students' artifacts
Didactic research on media and their use in the classroom
  • Image and media analyses, such as textbook studies
  • Evaluation of specific projects: e.g. preparing first-time voters
  • Media use and digitization
Didactic research on the development of the curriculum
  • Historical development of the curriculum within political education
  • Aspects of curriculum development (e.g. ESD, global citizenship, etc.)
  • International comparisons of political education
  • The connection between social transformation and political education

The topics can address issues related to both formal and non-formal political education.
