

About the Project



The "Science Communication about and with Communicative Artificial Intelligence: Emotions, Engagement, Effects" (Wiss-KKI) project is a pioneering research initiative that seeks to explore and enhance the role of communicative artificial intelligence (ComAI) in science communication. This three-year project, hosted by a consortium including the University of Augsburg, the Technical University of Munich, and the Technical University of Braunschweig, is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). It brings together interdisciplinary expertise from communication science and computer science to develop innovative tools and methodologies aimed at increasing public engagement with scientific knowledge. Through a combination of conceptual development, empirical research, and technical innovation, Wiss-KKI aims to transform the landscape of science communication by making it more accessible, engaging, and responsive to the needs of diverse audiences.


1. Conceptual Phase


Defining?Quality Science Communication with?ComAI(Work Package 1)
This initial phase focuses on establishing the theoretical foundations for using ComAI in science communication. The team will identify key communication quality?principles, integrating insights from existing literature on science communication and AI literacy. This stage sets the strategic direction, ensuring all subsequent activities align with the defined communication goals.



2. Empirical Phase

a.?ComAI as a?Topic?of Science Communication (Work Package 2?& 3)

These?work packages?aim to explore how ComAI is framed in media and public discourse, assessing its portrayal as either a technological advancement or a risk. Through a blend of manual and automated methods, the team will?analyseemotional nuances and dominant narratives in the media, assessing their impact on public perception and discourse.


b. Effects of Media Discourse on Public Perception and Interaction with ComAI (Work Package 4)

This package aims to understand how media discourse about ComAI influences public perception and interaction. It explores how different framings—such as "progress" or "risk"—affect public attitudes toward ComAI and their engagement with science communication facilitated by ComAI.


c.?ComAI?as a Mediator?and Communicator?in Science Communication (Work Package 5 & 6)

These packages investigate the public's engagement with ComAI tools designed for?science communication. The research will explore users' expectations, satisfaction levels, and interaction quality with ComAI. Insights from these studies will inform how ComAI tools can be optimized to meet user needs effectively.



3. Technical Phase?


Developing and Integrating ComAI Tools?(Work Package 7 & 8)
Based on the insights gained from the conceptual and empirical phases, this final stage involves developing a ComAI tool tailored for science communication. The tool will focus on transforming complex scientific information into easily understandable formats for the public. This phase includes rigorous testing and refinement of the tool to ensure it meets the theoretical and practical requirements established earlier.



4. Outreach

Throughout the project, findings will be integrated and disseminated through a dedicated project website, academic publications, and public engagement events. This ensures that the research influences both scholarly discourse and practical applications in science communication.
