


Gruppenfoto 2.0
? University of Augsburg




Abbreviations:?UA: Universit?t Augsburg,?TUM: Technical University of Munich,?ZIG:?Centre for Interdisciplinary Health Research,?CCR: Centre for Climate Resilience,?RAICenter: Centre for Responsible AI Technologies


Prof. Dr. Elisabeth André

Professor for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence

UA, Institute of Computer Science, ZIG

Prof. Dr. Maria Backhouse

Professor for Environmental Sociology with a focus on socio-ecological transformation, resilience design and climate

UA, Institute of Social Sciences, CCR

Prof. Dr. Silke Beck

Professor for Sociology of Science and Technology

TUM, Department of Science, Technology & Society

Prof. Dr. Helena Bilandzic

Professor for Communication Science with a focus on media processes and effects

UA, Department of Media, Knowledge, and Communication, ZIG, CCR

Prof. Dr. Benedikt Buchner

Professor for Civil Law, Liability Law and Law of Digitalization

UA, Faculty of Law, ZIG

Prof. Dr. Markus Dresel

Professor for Psychology

UA, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, ZIG

Prof. Dr. Sina Fontana

Professor for Public Law and Crisis Resilience

UA, Faculty of Law, CCR

Prof. Dr. Anja G?ritz

Professor for Behavioral Health Technology


Dr. Anja Kalch

Postdoctoral researcher Communication Science with a focus on Public Communication

UA, Department of Media, Knowledge, and Communication, CCR, ZIG

Prof. Dr. Markus Keck

Professor for Urban Climate Resilience

UA, Institute of Geography, CCR

Prof. Dr. Susanne Kinnebrock

Professor for Communication Science with a focus on Public Communication

UA, Department of Media, Knowledge, and Communication, ZIG

Prof. Dr. Ingo Kollar

Professor for Educational Psychology

UA, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, ZIG

Prof. Dr. Ruth Müller

Professor for Science and Technology Policy

TUM, Department of Science, Technology & Society, RAICenter

Prof. Dr. Simone M. Müller

DFG Heisenberg Professor for Global Environmental History and Environmental Economics

UA, Faculty of Philology and History

Prof. Dr. Robert Nuscheler

Professor for Public Economics and Health Economics

UA, Faculty of Business and Economics, ZIG, CCR

Prof. Dr. Angela Oels

Professor for Political Science with a focus on climate politics

UA, Institute of Social Sciences, CCR

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Ohl

Professor for Geography Education

UA, Institute of Geography, CCR

Prof. Dr. Michael Paul

Professor for Value Based Marketing

UA, Faculty of Business and Economics

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Scherr

Professor for Digital Health Communication

UA, Department of Media, Knowledge, and Communication, ZIG

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Schl?gl-Fierl

Professor for Catholic Moral Theory

UA, Faculty of Catholic Theology, ZIG, CCR, RAICenter

Prof. Dr. Bj?rn Schuller

Professor for Embedded Intelligence for Health Care and Wellbeing

UA, Institute of Computer Science, ZIG

Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger

Postdoctoral researcher Communication Science with a focus on Public Communication

UA, Department of Media, Knowledge, and Communication, ZIG

Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Wimmer

Professor for Communication Science with a focus on media reality

UA, Department of Media, Knowledge, and Communication, ZIG
