Lorenz Lang
Phone: | +49 (0)821 598-4979 |
Email: | lorenz.lang@jura.uni-augsburgjura.uni-augsburg.de () |
Room: | 9027 (BCM) |
Address: | Alter Postweg 101 (Büro Center Messe), 86159 Augsburg |
Topic of my doctoral thesis/project title
Gesetze im ?Klimacheck“ – Methoden einer klimabezogenen Gesetzesfolgenabsch?tzung
(Laws in the 'Climate Check' - Methods of a Climate-Related Impact Assessment)
About me
Before I became a part of the Green Research Network I worked as an academic assistant at the University of G?ttingen at a chair specialized in administrative law (Prof. Dr. Thomas Mann). I also completed my studies in law at the University of G?ttingen.
My Motivation - Why climate resilience
Climate change and its associated consequences for all aspects of human coexistence undoubtedly represent one of the greatest challenges of our time. The universality of this issue is increasingly reflected in legal studies. Since my university studies and currently within the framework of my PhD work, I have been dealing with the constitutional dimension of climate change and its implications for ordinary law - emanating from the groundbreaking "climate decision" of the Federal Constitutional Court.
– dargestellt am Beispiel des Schwangerschaftsabbruchs im Kontext der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Za?RV 2024, S. 331–364; gemeinsam mit Prof. Fontana
Ein klimaneutrales Stromnetz fu?r Deutschland, DVBl 2023, S. 897–903; gemeinsam mit Prof. Mann
Art. 20a GG in der Hand des Bundesverfassungsgerichts– Potential fu?r einen Anspruch auf Gesetzgebung?, NuR 2022, S. 230–236