

Study content:

The Bachelor degree programme "Media and Communication Science" offers a broad, application-oriented approach to media in our society. It imparts basic knowledge about media content and its production, about the current media system and its development and finally about how media are used by people and what consequences this has. As part of the Bachelor degree programme, there is the possibility of a semester or year abroad.



Career prospects:

  • journalism
  • media production
  • press and public relations
  • advertising
  • media and opinion research
  • media management
  • corporate communications
About the degree programme
Degree programme: Media and Communication Science
Official Designation: Medien und Kommunikationswissenschaft
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Study mode: Full-time
Language of instruction: German
Start of studies: winter semester
Standard study duration: 6 semesters
Admission type: Restricted admission
Minimum German language skills: C 1
Please note: Applications for the 1st subject semester are only possible for the winter semester. However, applications for higher subject semesters are possible for the summer semester. Introductory events take place closely before the start of the lecture period: http://www.uni-augs…; start of the lecture period: https://www.uni-aug…
Application deadline for the summer semester: 15. January
Application deadline for the winter semester: 15. July

Contact the study advisory service

Senior Researcher and Teaching Associate
Media Reality



Contact the examinations office

Dorothée Haimerl
Degree Programmes of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences
Unit I/4: Examinations Office A

