
?Jesper Rais
Foto: Privat

Als ich das Angebot einer Gastprofessur an der Universit?t Augsburg erhielt, fiel mir die Entscheidung leicht. Meine Expertise im Bereich der Tumordispositionssyndrome in die Forschung und die klinische Versorgung einzubringen, neue Versorgungsstrukturen für Patientinnen und Patienten mit einem Tumordispositionssyndrom aufzubauen, diese wissenschaftlich zu evaluieren und humangenetische Aspekte interdisziplin?r in den Modellstudiengang Medizin einzubringen, waren nur einige Aspekte, die mich in meinem Wunsch best?rkt haben. Im Bereich der Humangenetik von Tumordispositionssyndromen werden m?gliche erbliche Risiken aufgekl?rt, die mit einer erh?hten Wahrscheinlichkeit, an Krebs zu erkranken, assoziiert sind. Bei Nachweis einer krankheitsrelevanten Ver?nderung im Erbgut k?nnen Betroffenen intensivierte Früherkennungsuntersuchungen, risikoreduzierende Operationen oder spezifische Medikamente angeboten werden. Zudem besteht aber auch die M?glichkeit, bei Familienmitgliedern eine pr?diktive Untersuchung auf die beim erkrankten Familienmitglied nachgewiesene genetische Ver?nderung durchzuführen und so bei Ausschluss der Variante die Ratsuchenden zu entlasten oder bei Nachweis der famili?r bekannten Variante intensivierte Früherkennungsuntersuchungen oder risikoreduzierende Ma?nahmen anzubieten. Schlüssel hierfür ist also der Nachweis eines famili?ren Risikos bei einer erkrankten Person. Hier in Augsburg kann ich durch die Einbindung in die station?re und ambulante klinische Versorgung Ans?tze entwickeln, um Risikopersonen zu identifizieren und die humangenetische Betreuung zu bahnen.


Link zur Website am Augsburger Klinikum



  1. Studien im Bereich der Tumordispositionssyndrome im Rahmen des Forschungsprogramms ?Exposition und Disposition“ im Profilzentrum Tumormedizin
  2. Etablierung von Versorgungsstrukturen für Patientinnen und Patienten mit einem Tumordispositionssyndrom am Universit?tsklinikum Augsburg
  3. Genetische Evolution von Tumoren
  4. Humangenetik im Modellstudiengang Medizin


Akademische Ausbildung


2001?????????????????????????? Diplom in Humanbiologie

2004?????????????????????????? Staatsexamen in Medizin und Approbation als ?rztin

2005?????????????????????????? Naturwissenschaftliche Promotion (Dr. rer. nat.)


Berufliche Laufbahn


2005-2008??????????????? Postdoc in zellul?rer Biochemie am Max-Planck-Institut, G?ttingen

2008-2011??????????????? Assistant Professor für Zellbiologie an der Medizinischen Fakult?t in Aarhus,?D?nemark

2011-2018??????????????? Associate Professor für Zellbiologie an der Medizinischen Fakult?t in Aarhus, D?nemark

2017-2020??????????????? ?rztin am Institut für Humangenetik und am Ambulanzzentrum der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover

2020-? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Gastprofessorin für Onkologie und Humangenetik an der Medizinischen Fakult?t der Universit?t Augsburg und der II. Medizinischen Klinik, Universit?tsklinikum Augsburg




  1. Jayaprakash S, Le LTM, Sander B, Golas MM. (2021). Expression of the neural REST/NRSF–SIN3 transcriptional corepressor complex as a target for small-molecule inhibitors. Mol Biotechnol 63, 53–62.
  2. Golas MM*, Auber B*, Ripperger T, Pabst B, Schmidt G, Morlot M, Diebold U, Steinemann D, Schlegelberger B, Morlot S. (2019). Looking for the hidden mutation: Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome caused by constitutional and mosaic 10q23 microdeletions involving PTEN and BMPR1A. Am J Med Genet A 179: 1383–1389.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? *equal contribution
  3. Jayaprakash S, Drakulic S, Zhao Z, Sander B, Golas MM. (2019). The ATPase BRG1/SMARCA4 is a protein interaction platform that recruits BAF subunits and the transcriptional repressor REST/NRSF in neural progenitor cells. Mol Cell Biochem 461:171–182.
  4. Jensen IS, Yuan J, He J, Lin L, Sander B,?Golas MM. (2019). The FlpTRAP system for purification of specific, endogenous chromatin regions. Anal Biochem 587:113418.
  5. Drakulic S, Rai J, Petersen SV, Golas MM*, Sander B*. (2018). Folding and assembly defects of pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency-related variants in the E1α subunit of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. Cell Mol Life Sci 75: 3009–3026.???????? ????????????????????????????????????????????*shared corresponding authorship
  6. Le LTM, Nyengaard JR, Golas MM, Sander B. (2018). Vectors for expression of signal peptide-dependent proteins in baculovirus/insect cell systems and their application to expression and purification of the high-affinity immunoglobulin gamma Fc receptor I in complex with its gamma chain. Mol Biotechnol 60: 31–40.
  7. Scholz C, Golas MM, Weber RG, Hartmann C, Lehmann U, Sahm F, Schmidt G, Auber B, Sturm M, Schlegelberger B, Illig T, Steinemann D, Hofmann W. (2018). Rare compound heterozygous variants in PNKP identified by whole exome sequencing in a German patient with ataxia-oculomotor apraxia 4 and pilocytic astrocytoma. Clin Genet 94: 185–186.
  8. Golas MM, Jayaprakash S, Le TML, Zhao Z, Huertas VH, Jensen IS, Yuan J, Sander B. (2018). Modulating the Expression Strength of the Baculovirus/Insect Cell Expression System: A Toolbox Applied to the Human Tumor Suppressor SMARCB1/SNF5. Mol Biotechnol 60: 820–832.
  9. Mortensen SA, Sander B, Jensen RK, Pedersen JS, Golas MM, Jensenius JC, Hansen AG, Thiel S, Andersen GR. (2018). Models of the complement C1 complex. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 115: E3866.
  10. Petersen A, Petersen SV, Frische S, Drakulic S, Golas MM, Sander B, Fago A. (2018). Hemoglobin polymerization via disulfide bond formation in the hypoxia-tolerant turtle Trachemys scripta: implications for antioxidant defense and O2 transport. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 314: R84–R93.
  11. Golas MM. (2018). Human cellular models of medium spiny neuron development and Huntington disease. Life Sci 209: 179–196.
  12. Mortensen SA, Sander B, Jensen RK, Pedersen JS, Golas MM, Jensenius JC, Hansen AG, Thiel S, Andersen GR (2017). Structure and activation of C1, the complex initiating the classical pathway of the complement cascade. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 114: 986–991.
  13. Jensen IS, Drakulic S, Inui K, Sander B, Golas MM. (2017). Expression of the Flp protein for biotechnological applications. Protein J 36: 332–342.
  14. Inui K, Zhao Z, Yuan J, Jayaprakash S, Le LT, Drakulic S, Sander B, Golas MM. (2017). Stepwise assembly of functional C-terminal REST/NRSF transcriptional repressor complexes as a drug target. Protein Sci 26: 997–1011.
  15. Yuan J, Llamas N, Sander B, Golas MM. (2017). Synergistic anti-cancer effects of epigenetic drugs on medulloblastoma cells. Cell Oncol 40: 263–279.
  16. Mortensen SA, Sander B, Jensen RK, Pedersen JS, Golas MM, Jensenius JC, Hansen AG, Thiel S, Andersen GR. (2017). Structure of the C1 complex and the unbound C1r2s2 tetramer. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 114: E5768–E5770.
  17. Golas MM, Sander B. (2016). Use of human stem cells in Huntington disease modeling and translational research. Exp Neurol 278: 76–90.
  18. Sander B, Golas MM. (2016). Molecular Electron Microscopy in Neuroscience: An Approach to Study Macromolcular Assemblies. NeuroMethods: Using Transmission Electron Microscopy to Understand the Brain, 115: 205–216.
  19. Lin TY, Voronovsky A, Raabe M, Urlaub H, Sander B, Golas MM. (2015). Dual tagging as an approach to isolate endogenous chromatin remodeling complexes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochim Biophys Acta – Prot Proteom 1854: 198–208.
  20. Lin L, Yuan J, Sander B, Golas MM. (2015). In vitro differentiation of human neural progenitor cells into striatal GABAergic neurons. Stem Cells Transl Med 4: 775–788.
  21. Kjaer TR, Le LTM, Pedersen JS, Sander B, Golas MM, Jensenius JC, Andersen GR, Thiel S. (2015). Structural insights into the initiating complex of the lectin pathway of complement activation. Structure 23: 342–351.
  22. Luo Y, Lin, L, Golas MM, S?rensen CB, Bolund L. (2015). Targeted Porcine Genome Engineering with TALENs. Somatic Genome Manipulation: Advances, Methods and Applications, 17–33.
  23. Rai J, Pemmasani JK, Voronovsky A, Jensen IS, Manavalan A, Nyengaard JR, Golas MM*, Sander B*. (2014). Strep-tag II and Twin-Strep Based Cassettes for Protein Tagging by Homologous Recombination and Characterization of Endogenous Macromolecular Assemblies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol Biotechnol 56: 992–1003.???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????*shared corresponding authorship
  24. Sander B, Golas MM. (2013). HistoViewer: an interactive e-learning platform facilitating group and peer group learning. Anat Sci Edu 6: 182–190.
  25. Miller T, van Colen G, Sander B, Golas MM, Uezguen S, Weigandt M, Goepferich A. (2013). Drug loading of polymeric micelles. Pharm Res 30: 584–595.
  26. Sander B, Golas MM. (2011). Visualization of bionanostructures using transmission electron microscopical techniques. Microsc Res Tech 74: 642–663.
  27. Birkedal V, Dong M, Golas MM, Sander B, Andersen ES, Gothelf KV, Besenbacher F, Kjems J. (2011). Single molecule microscopy methods for the study of DNA origami structures. Microsc Res Tech 74: 688–698.
  28. G?ringer HU, Stark H, B?hm C, Sander B, Golas MM. (2011). Three-dimensional reconstruction of Trypanosoma brucei editosomes using single-particle electron microscopy. Methods Mol Biol 718: 3–22.
  29. Golas MM*, Sander B*, Bessonov S, Grote S, Wolf E, Kastner B, Stark H, Lührmann R. (2010). 3D cryo-EM structure of an activated step I spliceosome and localization of its catalytic core. Mol Cell 40: 927–938.? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? *equal contribution
  30. Richter FM*, Sander B*, Golas MM*, Stark H, Urlaub H. (2010). Merging molecular electron microscopy and mass spectrometry by carbon-film-assisted endoproteinase digestion. Mol Cell Proteomics 9, 1729 – 1741.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? *equal contribution
  31. Sander B, Golas MM, Lührmann R, Stark H. (2010). An approach for de novo structure determination of dynamic molecular assemblies by electron cryomicroscopy. Structure 18, 667–676.
  32. Bessonov S, Anokhina M, Krasauskas A, Golas MM, Sander B, Will CL, Urlaub H, Stark H, Lührmann R. (2010). Characterization of purified human B act spliceosomal complexes reveals compositional and morphological changes during spliceosome activation and first step catalysis. RNA 16: 2284–2403.
  33. Golas MM, Gunawan B, Raab BW, Füzesi L, Lange B. (2010). Malignant transformation of an untreated congenital sacrococcygeal teratoma: Amplification at 8q and 12p detected by comparative genomic hybridization. Cancer Gen Cytogen 197, 95–98.
  34. Uzgün S, Akdemir O, Hasenpusch G, Maucksch C, Golas MM, Sander B, Stark H, Imker R, Lutz JF, Rudolph C. (2010). Characterization of tailor-made copolymers of oligo(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate and N,N-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate as nonviral gene transfer agents: influence of macromolecular structure on gene vector particle properties and transfection efficiency. Biomacromolecules 11, 39–50.
  35. Andersen ES, Dong M, Nielsen MM, Jahn K, Subramani R, Mamdouh W, Golas MM, Sander B, Stark H, Oliveira CL, Pedersen JS, Birkedal V, Besenbacher F, Gothelf KV, Kjems J. (2009). Self-assembly of a nano-scale DNA box with a controllable lid. Nature 459, 73–76.
  36. Golas MM, B?hm C, Sander B, Effenberger K, Brecht M, Stark H, G?ringer HU. (2009). Snapshots of the RNA editing machine in trypanosomes captured at different assembly stages in vivo. EMBO J 28, 766–778.
  37. Elfinger M, Pfeifer C, Uezguen S, Golas MM, Sander B, Maucksch C, Stark H, Aneja MK, Rudolph C. (2009). Self-assembly of ternary insulin-polyethylenimine (PEI)-DNA nanoparticles for enhanced gene delivery and expression in alveolar epithelial cells. Biomacromolecules 10, 2912–2920.
  38. Kastner B, Fischer N, Golas MM, Sander B, Dube P, Boehringer D, Hartmuth K, Deckert J, Hauer F, Wolf E, Uchtenhagen H, Urlaub H, Herzog F, Peters JM, Poerschke D, Lührmann R, Stark H. (2008). GraFix: sample preparation for single-particle electron cryomicroscopy. Nature Methods 5, 53–55.
  39. Chari A, Golas MM, Klingenh?ger M, Neuenkirchen N, Sander B, Klingenh?ger M, Neuenkirchen N, Sander B, Englbrecht C, Sickmann A, Stark H, Fischer U. (2008). An assembly chaperone collaborates with the SMN complex to generate spliceosomal snRNPs. Cell 135, 497–509.
  40. H?cker I*, Sander B*, Golas MM*, Wolf E, Karag?z E, Kastner B, Stark H, Fabrizio P, Lührmann R. (2008). Localization of Prp8, Brr2, Snu114 and U4/U6 proteins in the yeast tri-snRNP by electron microscopy. Nature Struct Mol Biol 15, 1206–1212.????????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? *equal contribution
  41. Golas MM. (2008). Molecular insights into the dynamic architecture of the pre-mRNA splicing machinery. BIOspektrum, 1/2008, 104.
  42. Sander B, Middel P, Gunawan B, Schulten HJ, Baum F, Golas MM, Schulze F, Grabbe E, Parwaresch R, Füzesi L. (2007). Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma of the spleen. Human Pathol 38, 668–672.
  43. Behzadnia N, Golas MM, Hartmuth K, Sander B, Hartmuth K, Sander B, Kastner B, Deckert J, Dube P, Will CL, Urlaub H, Stark H, Lührmann R. (2007). Composition and three-dimensional EM structure of double affinity-purified, human prespliceosomal A complexes. EMBO J 26, 1737–1748.
  44. Rudlowski C, Schulten HJ, Golas MM, Sander B, Barwing R, Palandt JE, Schlehe B, Lindenfelser R, Moll R, Liersch T, Schumpelick V, Gunawan B, Füzesi L. (2006). Comparative genomic hybridization analysis on male breast cancer. Int J Cancer 118, 2455–2460.
  45. Kuhlgatz J, Sander B, Golas MM, Gunawan B, Schulze T, Schulten HJ, Wardelmann E, Füzesi L. (2006). Differential diagnosis of gastrointestinal leiomyoma versus gastrointestinal stromal tumor. Int J Colorectal Dis 21, 84–88.
  46. Schellenberg MJ, Edwards RA, Ritchie DB, Kent OA, Golas MM, Stark H, Lührmann R, Glover JN, MacMillan AM. (2006). Crystal structure of a core spliceosomal protein interface. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103, 1266–1271.
  47. Sander B, Golas MM, Makarov EM, Brahms H, Kastner B, Lührmann R, Stark H. (2006). Organization of core spliceosomal components U5 snRNA loop I and U4/U6 di-snRNP within U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP as revealed by electron cryomicroscopy. Mol Cell 24, 267–278.
  48. Golas MM, Sander B, Will CL, Lührmann R, Stark H. (2005). Major conformational change in the complex SF3b upon integration into the spliceosomal U11/U12 di-snRNP as revealed by electron cryomicroscopy. Mol Cell 17, 869–883.
  49. Kuhlgatz J, Golas MM, Sander B, Füzesi L, Hermann RM, Miericke B. (2005). Human papilloma virus infection in a recurrent squamous cell carcinoma associated with severe Crohn’s disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis 11, 84–86.
  50. Rudolph C, Schillinger U, Ortiz A, Plank C, Golas MM, Sander B, Stark H, Rosenecker J. (2005). Aerosolized nanogram quantities of plasmid DNA mediate highly efficient gene delivery to mouse airway epithelium. Mol Ther 12, 493–501.
  51. Sander B, Golas MM, Stark H. (2005). Advantages of CCD detectors for de novo three-dimensional structure determination in single-particle electron microscopy. J Struct Biol 151, 92–115.
  52. Sander B, Golas MM, Stark H. (2003). Automatic CTF correction for single particles based upon multivariate statistical analysis of individual power spectra. J Struct Biol 142, 392–401.
  53. Sander B, Golas MM, Stark H. (2003). Corrim-based alignment for improved speed in single-particle image processing. J Struct Biol 143, 219–228.
  54. Golas MM, Sander B, Will CL, Lührmann R, Stark H. (2003). Molecular architecture of the multiprotein splicing factor SF3b. Science 300, 980–984.






