

One of the main concerns of the women¡¯s representative is the promotion of female academics. The focus here is on qualifying women for professorships.
For this purpose, the Free State of Bavaria provides funds for realising equal opportunities for women in research and teaching, from which various scholarships are financed.


NEW: Applications for 2025 now possible! Application deadline: 30 September 2024


Please note the new award procedure for travel/short-term scholarships and 3-month scholarships!


If you have any questions or need information, please contact:

Anna Ohnmei?, M.A.

Equality Officer

Head of the Office for Equal Opportunities



Sigma-Technopark Geb?ude 10D, Room 4001
Werner-von-Siemens-Stra?e 6

86159 Augsburg?

Phone: 0821/598-4339
Fax: 0821/ 598-145145





Basic Information

In order to increase the proportion of women at all academic qualification levels, especially from the postdoctoral phase onwards, the university's representatives for equal opportunities for women in science and the arts award long-term scholarships once a year.


The long-term scholarships are funded by the Free State of Bavaria to realise equal opportunities in research and teaching. Depending on the amount of funding, approximately 4 full-time scholarships with a duration of 12 months can be awarded each year. Funding is focussed on scholarships for postdoctoral researchers and habilitation scholarships. Doctoral scholarships are possible, but have a lower priority in the utilisation of the allocated funds.


Target Group

Applications are open to female scientists at the University of Augsburg who:


  • are working on a post-doctoral research project after successfully completing their doctorate (= post-doctoral scholarship)
  • are in the initial or final phase of their habilitation (= habilitation scholarship)
  • are in the final phase of a doctorate with above-average performance (= doctoral scholarship / scholarship for excellent young academics)


Applicants with foreign citizenship can apply for the long-term scholarship if they are integrated into the German academic system, have their centre of life in Germany at the time of application and are aiming for an academic career here. Funding from this programme is excluded for stays funded by the home country.


The following applies to all long-term scholarships:

  • The funding period is a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 months. An extension is not possible.
  • The start date for payment is 1 January or 1 April. The applicant must tick the desired date on the application form.
  • A 50% part-time scholarship is possible (halving the funding amount, but not doubling the duration).
  • The decision to apply for a 50% or 100% scholarship is binding. The conversion of a current 100% scholarship into a 50% scholarship is only possible in exceptional personal situations.
  • The scholarship is intended to cover living expenses in order to be able to concentrate fully on the academic project for the duration of the funding. For this reason, no part-time employment may be pursued while receiving the full-time scholarship. Exceptions to this principle must be approved by the University's Equal Opportunities Officer for Women in Science and the Arts; the scholarship instalment may be reduced. If the scholarship holder has little or no teaching experience, a limited paid teaching position (up to a maximum of 4 SWS) is possible during the scholarship period (up to a sum of € 3,000 per year). Income from part-time teaching work is tax-free, provided the requirements of ¡ì 3 No. 26 EStG are met).
  • The amount of any other funding is deducted from the scholarship amount.
  • The granting of a scholarship does not constitute an employment or service relationship. The payments do not constitute remuneration and are not subject to social security contributions; the scholarship does not include contributions to social security or health insurance.
  • The scholarship holder is responsible for insuring herself against illness and any other risks. On application by the scholarship holder, a health insurance allowance of up to € 200 may be granted in individual cases.
  • Illnesses lasting up to 6 weeks have no effect on scholarship payments. The Equal Opportunities Office must be notified immediately of any illness lasting longer than 6 weeks and a medical certificate must be submitted. If necessary, the scholarship will be interrupted for the duration of the illness if it is not possible to work on the purpose of the scholarship. The resumption of the remaining term of the scholarship or an extension of the scholarship for the period of this illness-related interruption cannot be guaranteed. Decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis.
  • A leave of absence from the scholarship is possible in exceptional situations. Valid reasons (e.g. illness, deputy professorship) must exist and be proven.
  • It is only possible to apply for a scholarship during parental leave if the parental leave ends by the start of the scholarship at the latest. If a break similar to parental leave is desired during the scholarship, the interruption of a 100% or 50% scholarship for a maximum of six months will be considered upon application. No scholarship instalments will be paid during the interruption. Resumption is possible subject to the availability of budget funds after the interruption. If funds are not available, there is no entitlement to compensation.
  • Simultaneous receipt of parental allowance and scholarship funds is not permitted. In such cases, it must be checked on a case-by-case basis whether the scholarship will be interrupted or the scholarship instalment reduced, including retroactively if necessary.
  • In the event of pregnancy, there is neither maternity protection nor parental leave in the sense of labour law. Upon application (informal) to the Equal Opportunities Office, the following support options for pregnancy during the scholarship period will be considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on the budget situation: a) continued payment of the scholarship during the maternity protection period that would otherwise apply in an employment relationship and which falls within the regular scholarship period and b) extension of the scholarship period by the periods of analogous maternity protection that fall within the regular scholarship period. Applications (informal) for continued payment and extension must be submitted in writing to the Equal Opportunities Office at least three months before the start of the maternity protection period.
  • It is expected that at least one seminar of the KLeVer programme will be attended during the funding period.
  • Post-doctoral scholarship €2,400
  • Habilitation scholarship 2.800€
  • Doctoral scholarship / scholarship for excellent young scientists €1,500

??? Child allowance: €300 for the first child and €100 for each additional child (up to the age of 18)

In order to make the awarding process for the scholarship applications transparent, comparable and comprehensible, the evaluation is carried out according to a harmonised points system. When evaluating the applicants, the academic practices of the respective faculty and subject culture as well as the specifics of the respective academic career stages are taken into account. The criteria are as follows:


  1. Formalities: Applicant is researching/working at UniA, initial or final habilitation phase, final phase of a doctorate, doctoral grade or Master's degree grade
  2. Academic qualification:Scientific publications, other qualifications, third-party funding obtained or participation in the application for third-party funding, honours obtained
  3. Faculty recommendation and expert opinion with reasons: a) expected professorability; b) why there is no other funding opportunity for the project despite efforts
  4. Determination to promote own academic career: e.g. through participation in KLeVer courses and/or other further education programmes, memberships in research groups, professional associations, etc.
  5. Family compatibility: raising children; caring for relatives
  6. Scientific and socio-political or voluntary commitment


In the event of a tie, preference is given to young female academics from those faculties whose proportion of women is below the average at UniA. In addition, an equal distribution of scholarships between the faculties is aimed for in the longitudinal section.

The selection procedure comprises 3 stages:


  1. Evaluation of the applications by the faculties and establishment of a ranking with regard to the eligibility of the applicants of the respective faculty
  2. Evaluation of the applications by the Commissioner for Equal Opportunities for Women in Science and the Arts and the Equal Opportunities Office and preparation of the award proposal
  3. Award decision by the Standing Committee for Research and Junior Academics

The applicants will be informed of the decision by 10 December 2025 at the latest.

If you would like advice and/or help with the application process, please contact the Equal Opportunities Office (Anna Ohnmei?, Head of the Office and Equal Opportunities Officer).



We wish you much success!

Scholarships for female postdoctoral researchers

This funding is intended to enable women with a doctorate to start, continue and/or complete a project leading to a university career (junior professorship or habilitation). As a rule, applicants should have completed their doctorate with a grade of at least ¡®very good¡¯ (magna cum laude) within four years. The faculty to which the project is assigned must ensure that the scholarship holder has close institutional ties.



Documents for the application

  • Application form (see download below)
  • Reviews from two university professors, one of whom must be external
  • a project description (topic, task and objective, research methods, preparatory work, work plan and timetable) in accordance with scientific practice, not exceeding 5 pages, as well as a classification of the scholarship in the overall career plan
  • List of publications
  • Curriculum vitae (in tabular form)
  • Statement on the close institutional ties of the scholarship holder by the faculty (e.g. dean, head of the institute to which the project is assigned or professors in active service)
  • If applicable, confirmation from the faculty that the applicant will be admitted to the habilitation procedure if she fulfils the required conditions
  • Copies of all university certificates obtained to date
  • If applicable, copies of the children's birth certificates
  • Agreement on the final report (included in the application form)


Application form (German)


The documents are required in the following form:

Digitally as one (!) coherent PDF file:To do this, fill out the digital application form, save it as a .pdf file and combine it with all other documents (see above) in the above order. The digital version does not need to be signed.

Additionally in paper form:The signed application form and the original certificates must be submitted in paper form. Please do not use folders or transparent envelopes.




The habilitation scholarship supports young female academics at the University of Augsburg who are aiming for a habilitation. Applicants must provide proof of acceptance as a habilitation candidate by the faculty. At the time of application, the applicant should already have been working academically at the respective university for 6 months.



Documents for the application

  • Application form (see download below)
  • Reviews from (at least) two university professors, one external and one from a member of the mentorate
  • a project description (topic, task and objective, research methods, preparatory work, work plan and timetable) in line with academic practice (max. 5 pages) as well as a classification of the scholarship in the overall career plan
  • List of publications
  • Curriculum vitae (in tabular form)
  • Proof of habilitation status from the faculty
  • Statement on the close institutional ties of the scholarship holder by the faculty (e.g. dean, head of the institute to which the project is assigned or professors in active service)
  • If applicable, confirmation from the faculty that the applicant will be admitted to the habilitation procedure if she fulfils the required conditions
  • Copies of all university certificates obtained to date
  • If applicable, copies of the children's birth certificates
  • Agreement on the final report (included in the application form)


Application form (German)


The documents are required in the following form:

Digitally as one (!) coherent PDF file:

To do this, fill out the digital application form, save it as a .pdf file and combine it with all other documents (see above) in the above order. The digital version does not need to be signed.

Additionally in paper form:

The signed application form and the original certificates must be submitted in paper form. Please do not use folders or transparent envelopes.



Scholarships for excellent young academics


These scholarships can be awarded to women who are doing their doctorate at the University of Augsburg for the final phase of a doctorate for above-average performance. The doctorate must serve as the basis for further qualification for a professorship.


Documents for the application:

  • Application form (see download below)
  • Expert opinion from two university professors
  • a project description (topic, task and objective, research methods, preparatory work, work plan and timetable) in accordance with scientific practice (max. 5 pages) and a classification of the scholarship in the overall career plan
  • List of publications, if applicable
  • Curriculum vitae (in tabular form)
  • Confirmation from the faculty (to which the doctoral project is assigned) of the start of the doctorate or a copy of the certificate of enrolment for the doctoral programme
  • Copies of all university certificates obtained to date
  • If applicable, copies of the children's birth certificates
  • Agreement on the final report (included in the application form)


Application form (German)


The documents are required in the following form:

Digitally as one (!) coherent PDF file:To do this, fill out the digital application form, save it as a .pdf file and combine it with all other documents (see above) in the above order. The digital version does not need to be signed.

Additionally in paper form:The signed application form and the original certificates must be submitted in paper form. Please do not use folders or transparent envelopes.



Funded projects

Overview of the scholarship holders of the long-term funding programs

Here you will find an overview of current and former scholarship holders and their projects.

Click here!

Travelling Scholarships

For the application, the following documents are required:


  • Application form ?(only available in German for now)
  • Brief description of the project
  • Resume/CV
  • Possibly a list of publications
  • A brief statement from a university professor regarding:
    • The qualitative value of the project
    • The academic relevance of the project (e.g., for one's own research project)
    • The added value for the academic career
  • Cost plan (with documentation to estimate expected costs, e.g., screenshots of webpage details for registration fees, accommodation costs, etc.)

These documents must be sent to the Office for Equal Opportunities.

A brief report on the progress of work during the scholarship period (approx. 1 page) and proof of travel (e.g., participation confirmation, hotel invoice, etc.) must be submitted afterwards.

The scholarships are financed from the budget for equal opportunities for women in research and teaching in the Bavarian state budget.



Female doctoral and postdoctoral students at the University of Augsburg are eligible to apply.

  • Research stays in Germany and abroad, in particular to initiate new research collaborations and establish international contacs.
  • Participation in workshops and summer schools, provided the focus is on strong international networking
  • Active conference participation in connection with further networking activities or a research stay.
Conference participation (without presentation) is not eligible for funding.


The scholarship amount is based on the actual expenses to be borne (travel costs, accommodation costs, participation fees) on the one hand, and on the availability of funds on the other. It is a one-off amount in each case:


  • Up to a maximum of 1,000 euros within Germany
  • Up to a maximum of 2,000 euros within Europe
  • Up to a maximum of 3,500 euros outside Europe



Costs for the care of own children during research stays are eligible.

There are four application deadlines per year on


  • February 1
  • May 1
  • August 1
  • November 1

Mixed funding is possible; in this case, the application must specify which costs are to be covered by the short-term or travel grants.


Female scientists whose research projects are already being funded elsewhere or who are employed with funding are not eligible to apply, provided that funding for stays and conference participation is possible within this framework.

3-month scholarship for the preparation of an expos¨¦

The following documents are required for the application:


  • Application form (German)
  • Presentation of the project
  • curriculum vitae
  • List of publications, if applicable
  • Statement by the supervisor of the intended project
  • A short report on the work progress made during the fellowship period must then be submitted (3-5 pages).

These documents must be sent to the Office of Equal Opportunities along with the Short-Term Scholarship application.


Female academics with the career goal of professorship who are currently without an income. These scholarships are intended for the preparation of an expos¨¦ for a doctoral or postdoctoral project.
Funding is possible for a maximum of 3 months.

There are four application deadlines per year:

  • 1 February
  • 1 May
  • 1 August
  • 1 November
The scholarship is up to 2000 € per month.

Financing the costs of employing a student assistant

The following documents are required for the application:


  • Application form (German)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Concept for the employment of the student assistant (type of tasks, schedule, plans for didactic guidance)
  • Letter of support from the chair holder

These documents are sent to the Equal Opportunities Office in the following form:


Digitally as one (!) coherent PDF file:

To do this, fill out the digital application form, save it as a PDF file and attach it to all other documents (see above) in the above order. The digital version does not need to be signed.


Additionally in paper form:

The signed application form must be submitted in paper form. Please do not use folders or transparent envelopes.

Female scientists in the qualification phase (doctoral candidates, postdocs and habilitation candidates) who would like to be supported by a student assistant and gain experience in staff supervision and guidance.

Applications can be submitted until 31 August 2024.

The costs for a student assistant are covered once for a maximum of 100 hours.

Further scholarship offers throughout Germany

You will find a collection of other scholarship programmes here.


General Contact Information:


Sigma-Technopark Building 10, Room?4001
Werner-von-Siemens-Stra?e 6

86159 Augsburg?

Phone: +49 821 598 -5145

Fax: +49 821 598 -145145


? University of Augsburg
