

One-off energy price allowance for students

With the €200 one-off energy price allowance, the federal government and the states are providing financial assistance to students to offset increased heating, electricity, and food prices. Applications for the one-off energy price allowance can be submitted from the 15th of March 2023. This is how the application process works.


Under the Students¡¯ Energy Price Allowance Act (EPPSG) students are eligible to claim a one-off payment of €200 to offset increased energy costs. To be eligible for the payment, students must have been enrolled at a higher education institution in Germany on the 1st of December 2022 and have a domicile or habitual residence in Germany.

Using the access code and PIN assigned to you by the University of Augsburg, which can be found in your student account in the VIBS-Portal, you can apply for the one-off energy price allowance via the website below from the 15th of March.
Apply here: https://antrag.einmalzahlung200.de

Who is eligible for the one-off payment?

Students in higher education who

  • were enrolled at a higher education institution in Germany on the 1st of December 2022 and
  • have a domicile or habitual residence in Germany.
  • For students in vocational education and training, the education and training must have a minimum duration of two years.
International students: To meet the habitual residence requirement, it is sufficient that you have been resident in Germany for the normal duration of a one-semester educational visit.

The one-off payment of €200 is not subject to income tax and is not offset against other social security benefits. You are still eligible for the one-off payment if you received an energy allowance as an employee in September 2022 or if you have recently received other allowances as a BAf?G recipient.

A detailed description of the eligibility requirements can be found via the website below:

https://einmalzahlung200.de (also available in English)

You can find our access code via the VIBS-Portal

The authorisation code (= access code) is displayed in a separate portlet on the homepage when you log into your student account in the VIBS portal. For the PIN, please go to ¡°Mein Studium¡± and click on ¡°Studienservice.¡± Under the tab ¡°Bescheide/Bescheinigungen¡± you will then find a PDF with your EPPSG access data.
Students who have already disenrolled but who were still enrolled on 01.12.2022 will receive a letter with an access code and PIN by post. Please retrieve your access code and PIN from your student account before applying to disenroll, as your student account will be deactivated upon disenrollment.

Please note: You can only view the access code and PIN in your student account, not in your application account. If you do not see an access code on the start page, please check whether you have already received your computer centre login details (RZ-Kennung) in your application account. The computer centre login details (RZ-Kennung) can be retrieved within 20 days after enrolment at the University of Augsburg in the VIBS portal under the previous application ID. You can find illustrated instructions on how to do this in the Knowledge Base of the Computer Centre: https://confluence.rz.uni-augsburg.de/x/yAO4AQ

After this deadline, your application ID will be deactivated, and you will only be able to log into the VIBS portal with your computer login details (RZ-Kennung). If you need further assistance, please contact ZEBRA, the Computer Centre¡¯s Advice and Service Centre.

Applying for the one-off payment in three steps

1. Access Code
The access code is what enables you to apply. It identifies you as eligible. You can obtain the code from the VIBS portal of the University of Augsburg. Eligible applicants who are already disenrolled will receive it by post.
2. Your BundID
To avoid the misuse of access codes, the BundID is used as a form of digital identification. If you already have a corresponding BundID account, you can skip this step. If not, you have to set up a BundID at: https://id.bund.de

3. The application
If you have an access code, a fully set up BundID or, if applicable, a PIN, you can apply for the one-off payment of €200 at: www.einmalzahlung200.de.
  • Step 1: Enter you access code. If you do not have a BundID, enter your PIN.
  • Step 2: Provide proof of identity. Confirm your identity with your BundID account.
  • Step 3: Complete the online application form.
  • Step 4: Receive the one-off payment.

The system automatically checks your data and forwards everything for verification. Soon after, you should receive positive confirmation via email. Shortly after, €200 will be transferred to you.

Information on data processing for the preparation and verification of eligibility under the Students¡¯ Energy Price Allowance Act (EPPSG) can be viewed below.

€200 one-off payment for students in higher education and vocational training

A joint initiative of the German Federal Government and the States. Further details can be found on the homepage.


Entity responsible
University of Augsburg

Data protection officer
Prof. Dr Ulrich Gassner, data protection officer at the University of Augsburg

Purposes for the processing of personal data

Provision of evidence under public law for checking eligibility under the EPPSG
Provision of an access code for making a claim using the digital application platform of the EPPSG

Legal basis for the processing of personal data

Art. 6 Para. 1 letter e DSGVO in conjunction with Art. 4 ff BayDSG in conjunction with ¡ì 2 Para. 2 EPPSG in conjunction with ¡ì 14 Ordinance on the implementation of the Students¡¯ Energy Price Allowance Act (Studierenden-Energiepreispauschalengesetzes, EPPSG-DV)

Data processing categories
First name, surname, date of birth with allocation to a higher education institution
Access code to the application platform of the EPPSG

The Bavarian State Ministry for Education, Science, and the Arts as the responsible body in Bavaria for the application platform for the EPPSG and the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and the Humanities as the contracted processor.

International data transfer
The international transfer of data is not planned.

Deletion and verification deadlines

The deletion of verification and access codes is scheduled to occur by the 31st of December 2023.

Rights of data subjects
With regard to the processing of your personal data, you as a data subject are entitled to the following rights pursuant to Art. 15ff. DSGVO, provided you do not assert them in an abusive, manifestly unfounded, or excessive manner:

You may request information as to whether we are processing personal data about you. If this is the case, you have the right to access this personal data as well as further information related to its processing (Art. 15 DSGVO). Please note that this right to information may be restricted or ruled out in certain cases (cf. in particular Art. 10 BayDSG).

In the event that personal data about you is not (or is no longer) accurate or incomplete, you may request that this data be corrected and, if necessary, completed (Art. 16 DSGVO).

If the legal requirements are fulfilled, you may request the deletion of your personal data (Art. 17 DSGVO) or the restriction of the processing of this data (Art. 18 DSGVO). However, the right to deletion pursuant to Art. 17 Para 1 and 2 of the DSGVO does not apply if the processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority (Art. 17 Para. 3 letter b DSGVO).

For reasons relating to your particular situation, you may also object to the processing of your personal data by us at any time (Art. 21 DSGVO). If the legal requirements are fulfilled, we will no longer process your personal data. You have the right to lodge a complaint about the processing of your personal data with a supervisory authority within the meaning of Art. 51 DSGVO. The competent supervisory authority for Bavarian public bodies is the Bavarian Data Protection Commissioner, Wagm¨¹llerstra?e 18, 80538 Munich. In addition to the right to lodge a complaint, you may also seek judicial redress.


If you have any questions, please refer to the homepage einmalzahlung200.de or contact the federal and state information hotline. The university will only provide you with an access code and PIN.

Hotline: 0800 2623 003
Tue¨CThu from 8 am until 16 pm

Fri from 8 am until 12 pm

