
Press release 07/24 - 18.01.2024

New episode of “UniA Research to go” with Anna Kathrin Bleuler

Bleuler researches German language and literature from the Middle Ages and is currently working on a valuable collection of handwritten manuscripts from the early Middle Ages

In this second episode of the University of Augsburg’s research to go podcast series, literary scholar Anna Kathrin Bleuler explains her research on literature from the Middle Ages and the different perspectives it offers for viewing the present.

? University of Augsburg

In this second episode of the “UniA Research to go” podcast series, Prof. Sabine Doering-Manteuffel, president of the University of Augsburg, interviews literary scholar Prof. Anna Kathrin Bleuler. Bleuler researches German language and literature from the Middle Ages and is currently working on a valuable collection of handwritten manuscripts from the early Middle Ages weighing several kilos. Among other things, the collection contains poems from the minnesinger Walther von der Vogelweide. According to Bleuler, the collection, known as “Codex Manesse,” holds enormous potential for gaining knowledge about the time.

Bleuler is not only interested in analysing German language and literature from the period but also in analysing its textual sources. Digitalising these cultural heritage materials is therefore also an important aspect of her work.

From acting to literary studies

Having first trained as an actress, Blueler also describes her unusual path to literary studies and her passion for language. For her, her profession is also her hobby.

First episode on sustainability in manufacturing

Did you miss the first episode of the new podcast series? No problem! The first episode with Prof. Axel Tuma, Chair of Production and Supply Chain Management at the Faculty of Business and Economics, is still available to listen. In this episode, Tuma explains the focus of his research, which includes environmental management, future-orientated technologies, the optimisation of production and supply chains, and the overarching topic of sustainability and climate neutrality.


Further information about the podcast series

Editor: Diana Smikalla

Music: “Vaivén” by Elbio Mango, performed by Gitarrentrio from the Leopold Mozart College of Music at the University of Augsburg: Noah Plota, Theo Reischl, and Klaus Wladar

All episodes from the podcast series “UniA Research to go” can be found on the University of Augsburg’s website:

UniA Research to go

Further information about Prof. Anna Kathrin Bleuler can be found on the webpage of the Chair for German Language and Literature of the Middle Ages: /de/fakultaet/philhist/professuren/germanistik/deutsche-sprache-und-literatur-des-mittelalters/team/bleuler/projekte/

Scientific contact

Lehrstuhlinhaberin und Fachsprecherin Germanistik
Deutsche Sprache und Literatur des Mittelalters



Media contact

Dr. Manuela Rutsatz
Media Officer
Communications and Media Relations

