

Curriculum Vitae

  • 1991-1997: Studies of Geography and Geology, Sociology at University of Würzburg
  • 1997-2000: Graduate College Geoscientific Research in Africa at Fakulty for Geosciences Würzburg
  • 2001-2002: Research Associate at Institute for Geography University of Würzburg
  • 2003: Doctorate Dr. rer. nat. at University of Würzburg
  • 2003-2004: Research Associate at Institute for Geography at University Würzburg / EU project EMULATE
  • ab 2004: Research Associate at Chair for Physical Geography University Augsburg
  • 2014: Habilitation in Physical Geography / Appointment for Privatdozent

Research foci

  • VAO: Virtual Alpine Observatory: Downscaling hydrologisch relevanter Parameter in Hochgebirgsregionen
  • SAQN: ?Smart Air Quality Network
  • TARA: Thunderstorm Asthma in der Region Augsburg
  • [UC]? 3DO: Urban Climate under Change?-?Dreidimensionale Observation stadtklimatischer Variabilit?t
  • [UC]? 3DO+M: MIKA Strategien zur Minderung kritischer stadtklimatischer Belastungssituationen in Augsburg

Courses / Teaching

No courses available.

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Peer Reviewed

Laux, P. B. Boeker, E.S. Martins, F. das Chagas Vasconcelos Junior, V. Moron, T. Portele, C. Lorenz, A. Philipp, H. Kunstmann (2020): A semi-objective circulation pattern classification scheme for the semi-arid Northeast Brazil. Int J Climatol., 1-22.


Straub, A., K. Berger, S. Breitner, J. Cyrys, U. Geruschkat, J. Jacobeit, B. Kühlbach, T. Kusch, A. Philipp, A. Schneider, R. Umminger, K. Wolf and C. Beck (2019): Statistical modelling of spatial patterns of the urban heat island intensity in the urban environment of Augsburg, Germany. Urban Climate, 29.


Ertl, M., C. Beck, B. Kühlbach, J. Hartmann, G. Hammel, A. Straub, E. Giemsa, S. Seubert, A. Philipp, C. Traidl-Hoffmann, J. Soentgen, J. Jacobeit and M. Naumann (2019): New insights into weather and stroke: influences of specific air masses and temperature changes on stroke incidence. Cerebrovascular Diseases, Accepted.


Beck C., A. Straub, S. Breitner, J. Cyrys, A. Philipp, J. Rathmann, A. Schneider, K. Wolf and J. Jacobeit (2018): Air temperature characteristics of Local Climate Zones in the Augsburg urban area (Bavaria, Southern Germany) under varying synoptic conditions. Urban Climate 25: 152-166.


Jacobeit J., M. Homann, A. Philipp and C. Beck (2017): Atmospheric circulation types and extreme areal precipitation in southern central Europe. Adv. Sci. Res., 14, 71-75, doi:10.5194/asr-14-71-2017, 2017.


Wolf B., C. Chwala, B. Fersch, J. Garvelmann, W. Junkermann, M. J. Zeeman, A. Angerer, B. Adler, C. Beck, C. Brosy, P. Brugger, S. Emeis, M. Dannenmann, F. De Roo, E. Diaz-Pines, E. Haas, M. Hagen, . Hajnsek, J. Jacobeit, T. Jadghuber, N. Kalthoff, R. Kiese, H. Kunstmann, O. Kosak, R. Krieg, C. Malchow, M. Mauder, R. Merz, C. Notarnicola, A. Philipp, W. Reif, S. Reineke, T. R?diger, N. Ruehr, K. Sch?fer, M. Schr?n, A. Senatore, H. Shupe, I. Voelksch, C. Wanninger, S. Zacharias, H. P. Schmid (2016): The ScaleX campaign: scale-crossing land-surface and boundary layer processes in the TERENO-preAlpine observatory. BAMS doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00277


Kucerova, M., C. Beck, A. Philipp and R. Huth (2016): Trends in frequency and persistence of atmospheric circulation types in COST733 classifications over Europe. Int. J. Climatol. doi: 10.1002/joc.4861


Philipp A., C. Beck, R. Huth and J. Jacobeit (2016): Development and comparison of circulation type classifications using the COST 733 dataset and software. Int. J. Climatol. 36: 2673–2691.


Beck C., A. Philipp and F. Streicher (2016): The effect of domain size on the relationship between circulation type classifications and surface climate. Int. J. Climatol. 36: 2692–270.


Seidel J., G. Ketzler, B. Bechtel, B. Thies, A. Philipp, J. B?hner, S. Egli, M. Eisele, F. Herma, T. Langkamp, E. Petersen, T. Sachsen, D. Schlabing, C. Schneider (2016): Mobile measurement techniques for local and micro-scale studies in urban and topo-climatology. Die Erde, 147/1, 15-39.


Beck, C., A. Philipp and J. Jacobeit (2015): Interannual drought index variations in Central Europe related to the large-scale atmospheric circulation - application and evaluation of statistical downscaling approaches based on circulation type classifications. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 121: 713-732.


Schultz, J., C. Beck, G. Menz, B. Neuwirth, C. Ohlwein and A. Phillipp (2015): Sensitivity of proxies on non-linear interactions in the climate system. Scientific Reports 5: 18560, doi:10.1038/srep18560.


Fernandez-Montes S., S. Seubert, F.S: Rodrigo, D.F. Rasilla, ?lvarez, E. Hertig, P. Esteban & A. Philipp (2013): Circulation types and extreme precipitation days in the Iberian Peninsula in the transition seasons: Spatial links and temporal changes. Atmospheric Research, 128, 41-58.


Seubert S., S. Fernandez-Montes, A. Philipp, E. Hertig, J. Jacobeit, G. Vogt, A. Paxian & H. Paeth (2013): Mediterranean climate extremes in synoptic downscaling assessments. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. DOI 10.1007/s00704-013-0993-y.


Lutz K., J. Jacobeit, A. Philipp, S. Seubert, H. Kunstmann & P. Laux (2011): Comparison and evaluation of statistical downscaling techniques for station-based precipitation in the Middle East (2011), International Journal of Climatology, 32, 1579–1595. DOI: 10.1002/joc.2381


Demuzere M., P. Kassomenos, A. Philipp (2010): The COST733 circulation type classification software: an example for surface ozone concentrations in Central Europe. Theor. Appl. Climatol., 105, 143-166. DOI 10.1007/s00704-010-0378-4.


Philipp A., J. Bartholy, C. Beck, M. Erpicum, P. Esteban, X. Fettweis, R. Huth, P. James, S. Jourdain, F. Kreienkamp, T. Krennert, S. Lykoudis, S. Michalides, K. Pianko, P. Post, D. Rasilla ?lvarez, R. Schiemann, A. Spekat, F. S. Tymvios (2010): COST733CAT - a database of weather and circulation type classifications. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35, 360-373. DOI: 10.1016/j.pce.2009.12.010.


Beck C. and A. Philipp (2010): Evaluation and comparison of circulation type classifications for the European domain. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35, 374-387. DOI: 10.1016/j.pce.2010.01.001


Jolliffe I.T. and A. Philipp (2010): Some recent ideas in cluster analysis. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35, 309-315. DOI: 10.1016/j.pce.2009.07.014


Jacobeit, J., J. Rathmann, A. Philipp and P.D. Jones (2009): Central European precipitation and temperature extremes in relation to large-scale atmospheric circulation types. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 18/4, 397-410.

Philipp A. (2009): Comparison of principal component and cluster analysis for classifying circulation pattern sequences for the European domain. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 96, 31-41. DOI 10.1007/s00704-008-0037-1.


Huth R., C. Beck, A. Philipp, M. Demuzere, Z. Ustrnul, M. Cahynová, J. Kysel?, and O.-E. Tveito (2008): Classifications of atmospheric circulation patterns: recent advances and applications. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1146, 105–152.


Fereday D.R., J.R. Knight, A.A. Scaife, C.K. Folland, and A. Philipp (2008): Cluster analysis of North Atlantic / European circulation types and links with tropical Paci?c sea surface temperatures. Journal of Climate, 21(15) 3687-3703. DOI: 10.1175/2007JCLI1875.1


Philipp A., P. M. Della-Marta, J. Jacobeit, D. R. Fereday, P. D. Jones, A. Moberg, and H. Wanner (2007): Long term variability of daily north atlantic-european pressure patterns since 1850 classified by simulated annealing clustering. Journal of Climate, 20(16):4065-4095.


Moberg, A., P. D. Jones, D. Lister, A.Walther,M. Brunet, J. Jacobeit, L. Alexander, P. Della-Marta, J. Luterbacher, P. Yiou, D. Chen, A. Klein-Tank, O. Saladi, J. Sigr, E. Aguilar, H. Alexandersson, C. Almarza, I. Auer, M. Barriendos, M. Begert, H. Bergstrm, R. Bhm, C. Butler, J. Caesar, A. Drebs, D. Founda, F.-W. Gerstengarbe, G. Micela, M. Maugeri, H. sterle, K. Pandzic, M. Petrakis, L. Srnec, R. Tolasz, H. Tuomenvirta, P. Werner, H. Linderholm, A. Philipp, H. Wanner, and E. Xoplaki (2006): Indices for daily temperature and precipitation extremes in europe analysed for the period 1901-2000. Journal Of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 111(D22):D22106.


Jacobeit, J., A. Philipp, and M. Nonnenmacher (2006): Atmospheric circulation dynamics linked with prominent discharge events in Central Europe. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 51, 946-965.


Ansell T. J., P. D. Jones, R. J. Allan, D. Lister, D. E. Parker, M. Brunet, A. Moberg, J. Jacobeit, P. Brohan, N. A. Rayner, E. Aguilar, H. Alexandersson, M. Barriendos, T. Brandsma, N. J. Cox, P. M. Della-Marta, A. Drebs, D. Founda, F. Gerstengarbe, K. Hickey, T. Jonsson, J. Luterbacher, O. Nordli, H. Oesterle, M. Petrakis, A. Philipp, M. J. Rodwell, O. Saladie, J. Sigro, V. Slonosky, L. Srnec, V. Swail, A. M. Garcia-Suarez, H. Tuomenvirta, X. Wang, H. Wanner, P. Werner, D. Wheeler, and E. Xoplaki (2006): Daily mean sea level pressure reconstructions for the european-north atlantic region for the period 1850-2003. Journal Of Climate, 19(12):2717-2742.


Jury M., H. Rautenbach, M. Tadross, and A. Philipp (2006): Evaluating spatial scales of climate variability in sub-Saharan Africa. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, DOI 10.1007/s00704-006-0251-7.


Jacobeit, J., H. Wanner, J. Luterbacher, C. Beck, A. Philipp & K. Sturm (2003): Atmospheric Circulation Variability in the North-Atlantic-European Area Since the Mid-Seventeenth Century. Climate Dynamics, 20, S. 341-352. Online unter DOI 10.1007/s00382-002-0278-0 .


Beck, C., J. Jacobeit & A. Philipp (2001): Variability of North-Atlantic-European Circulation Patterns since 1780 and Corresponding Variations in Central European climate. S. 321-331, In: Brunet, M. & D. Lopez (eds.): Detecting and Modelling Regional Climate Change and Associated Impacts. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York.


Luterbacher J., Rickli, R., Tinguely, C., Xoplaki, E., Schüpbach, E., Dietrich, D., Hüsler, J., Ambühl, M., Pfister, C., Beeli, P., Dietrich, U., Dannecker, A., Davies, T.D., Jones, P.D., Slonosky, V., Ogilvie, A.E.J., Maheras, P., Kolyva-Machera, F., Martin-Vide, J., Barriendos, M., Alcoforado, M.J., Nunez, F., Jónsson, T., Glaser, R., Jacobeit, J., Beck, C., Philipp, A., Beyer, U., Kaas, E., Schmith, T., B?rring, L., J?nsson, P., Rácz, L., and Wanner, H. (1999): Monthly mean pressure reconstructions for Europe for the Late Maunder Minimum period. Int. J. Climatol., 20/10, S. 1049-1066. DOI 10.1002/1097-0088(200008)20:10<1049::AID-JOC521>3.0.CO;2-6


Jacobeit, J., C. Beck & A. Philipp (1998): North-Atlantic-European atmospheric circulation changes between the early (1780-1860) and the modern instrumental period (1915-1995).- Extended Abstract, Second International Climate and History Conference "Past and Present Variability: A Context for the Future?", Norwich.



Budde, M., Riedel, T., Beigl, M., Sch?fer, K., Emeis, S., Cyrys, J., Schnelle-Kreis, J., Philipp, A., Ziegler, V., Grimm, H., Gratza, T.: SmartAQnet – Remote and In-Situ Sensing of Urban Air Quality,?In: Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XXII, edited by Adolfo Comerón, Evgueni I. Kassianov, Klaus Sch?fer, Richard H. Picard, Konradin Weber, Proceedings of SPIE, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, USA, Vol. 10424, 104240C-1 – 104240C-8 (2017); doi: 10.1117/12.2282698


Philipp A., E. Petersen, A. Groos, P. Ferenci, S. Engerer, B. Fiedler, J. Jacobeit (2017): Umweltmonitoring mit unbemannten Luftfahrtsystemen. Jahresbericht des??Wissenschaftszentrum Umwelt?der Universit?t Augsburg??2016 (2017).


Philipp, A., E. Petersen, Jacobeit J.:? Sondierung meteorologischer Parameter mit unbemannten Luftfahrtsystemen. Umweltforschungsstation Schneefernerhaus, Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse 2015/2016 (2017).


Budde, M., Sch?fer, K., Cyrys, J., Emeis, S., Gratza, T., Grimm, H., Hank, M, Hinterreiter, S., Petersen, E., Philipp, A., Redelstein, J., Riedel, T., Riesterer, J., Schnelle-Kreis, J., Young, D., Ziegler, V., Beigl, M.:?SmartAQnet – raum/zeitlich hochaufgel?ste Erfassung der Luftqualit?t mit neuen Datenprodukten. In:?Umwelteinflüsse erfassen, simulieren und bewerten, 47. Jahrestagung der GUS 2018, Herausgeber Karl-Friedrich Ziegahn, Gesellschaft für Umweltsimulationen e.V., Pfinztal, Germany, 241-256; ISBN 978-9818507-2-7


Hinterreiter, S.; Budde M.; Sch?fer, K.; Riesterer, J.; Riedel, T.; K?pke, M.; Cyrys, J.; Emeis, S.; Gratza, T.; Hank, M.; Philipp, A.; Petersen, E.; Redelstein, J.; Schnelle-Kreis, J.; Young, D.; Kowalski, M.; Ziegler, V.; Beigl, M. (2018) SmartAQnet - neuer smarter Weg zur r?umlichen Erfassung? von Feinstaub in AGIT - Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik, Wichmann Verlag, VDE VERLAG GMBH Berlin Offenbach 4-2018, 394-403 (2018);? ISBN 978-3-87907-647-5, ISSN 2364-9283, eISSN 2509-713X, doi:10.14627/537647050.


Redelstein, J.; Budde, M.; Cyrys, J.; Emeis, S.; Gratza, T.; Grimm, H.; Hank, M.; Hinterreiter, S.; Münkel, C.; Pesch, M.; Petersen, E.; Philipp, A.; Riedel, T.; Riesterer, J.; Schnelle-Kreis, J.; Uhrner, U.; Werhahn, J.; Ziegler, V.; Beigl, M.: Smart Air Quality network for spatial high-resolution monitoring in urban area. In: Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XXIII, edited byAdolfo Comerón, Evgueni I. Kassianov, Klaus Sch?fer, Richard H. Picard, Konradin Weber, Proceedings of SPIE, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, USA,Vol. 10786, 107860B-1? -? 107860B (2018); doi: 10.1117/12.2325756.


Ziegler, V.; Beigl, M.; Budde, M.; Cyrys, J.; Emeis, S.; Gratza, T.; Grimm, H.; Pesch, M.; Philipp, A.; Riedel, T.; Sch?fer, K.; Schnelle-Kreis, J.:?Smart Air Quality Network, the measurement network for the future.?European Aerosol Conference, Zuerich,?Switzerland, 27/08-01/09/2017; poster presentation.


Philipp A., Petersen, E.; Redelstein,J.; Seubert, S.;Jacobeit J.:?Das Projekt “Smart Air Quality Network“ in Augsburg - Einsatz unbemannter Luftfahrtsysteme zur Plausibili?tsprüfung von Feinstaubmessungen mit Low-Cost-Sensorik. Jahrestagung?Arbeitskreis Klima der Deutschen Geographischen Gesellschaft, Marburg, 27.-29.10.2017,?oral presentation.


Budde, M.; Riedel, T.; Beigl, M.; Sch?fer, K.; Emeis, S.; Cyrys, J.; Schnelle-Kreis, J.; Philipp, A.; Ziegler, V.; Grimm, H.; Gratza, T.: SmartAQnet - Remote and In-Situ Sensing of Urban Air Quality. Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmoshpere,?SPIE Europe, Warschau, Polen, 11 – 14 September 2017; oral presentation.


Budde, M., Sch?fer, K., Cyrys, J., Emeis, S., Gratza, T., Grimm, H., Hank, M., Hinterreiter, S., Petersen, E., Philipp, A., Redelstein, J., Riedel, T., Riesterer, J., Schnelle-Kreis, J., Young, D., Ziegler, V., Beigl, M.:?SmartAQnet – spatial/temporal high-resolution detection of air quality by new data products.?22nd International Transport and Air Pollution Conference, EMPA, Dübendorf, Schweiz, 15. – 16. November 2017; poster presentation.


Budde, M., Riedel, T., Beigl, M., Riesterer, J., Sch?fer, K., Emeis, S., Young, D., Cyrys, J., Schnelle-Kreis, J., Philipp, A., Petersen, E., Redelstein, J., Ziegler, V., Hank, M., Grimm, H., Hinterreiter, S., Gratza, T.: SmartAQnet – high-resolution monitoring of urban air quality.?11th International Conference on Air Quality -?Science and Application, 12. - 16. March 2018, Barcelona, Spanien; oral presentation


Sch?fer, K., Budde, M., Cyrys, J., Emeis, S., Gratza, T., Grimm, H., Hank, M., Hinterreiter, S., Pesch, M., Petersen, E., Philipp, A., Redelstein, J., Riedel, T., Riesterer, J., Schnelle-Kreis, J., Young, D., Ziegler, V., Beigl, M.: Smart Air Quality Network – spatial/temporal high-resolution detection of air quality by new data products. Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Seminar of Dept. TSC, Barcelona, Spain, 14th March 2018, oral presentation.


Budde, M., Sch?fer, K., Cyrys, J., Emeis, S., Gratza, T., Grimm, H., Hank, M, Hinterreiter, S., Petersen, E., Philipp, A., Redelstein, J., Riedel, T., Riesterer, J., Schnelle-Kreis, J., Young, D., Ziegler, V., Beigl, M.:?SmartAQnet – raum/zeitlich hochaufgel?ste Erfassung der Luftqualit?t mit neuen Datenprodukten.??Jahrestagung der GUS,?Stutensee-Blankenloch, 21. - 23. M?rz 2018; oral presentation.


Redelstein J., Petersen E.; Philipp A.; Jacobeit J. (2018)?Aerosol estimation by a Ceilometer for comparision with data achieved by unmanned aerial vehicles.?EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 09. - 13. April 2018; poster presentation.


Petersen, E.; Redelstein, J.; Philipp, A.; Jacobeit, J.:?Comparison of low and mid cost aerosol samplers with high quality sensors in the urban area of Augsburg.?EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria , 09. - 13. April 2018; poster presentation.


Budde M.,; Sch?fer, K.; Riedel, T.; Cyrys, J.; Emeis, S.; Gatza, T.; Grimm, H.; Hank, M.; Hinterreiter, S.; K?pke, M.; Petersen, E.; Philipp, A.; Redelstein, J.; Riesterer, J.; Schnelle-Kreis, J.; Young, D.; Ziegler, V.; Beigl, M.:?Project smartaqnet: combining existing datasets and a mobile measurement strategy into a smart urban airquality network.??3rd International Conference on Atmospheric Dust - DUST 2018, May 29-31, Bari, Italy; oral presentation.


Hinterreiter, S.; Budde, M.; Sch?fer, K.; Riesterer, J.; Riedel, T.; K?pke, M.; Cyrys, J.; Emeis, S.; Gratza, T.; Hank, M.; Philipp, A.; Petersen, E.; Redelstein, J.; Schnelle-Kreis, J.; Young, D.; Kowalski, M.; Ziegler, V.; Beigl, M.; (2018) SmartAQnet - neuer smarter Weg zur r?umlichen Erfassung von Feinstaub, AGIT Symposium und Expo, Angewandte Geoinformatik,?Salzburg, 04. - 06.07.2018, oral presentation.


Emeis, S.; Young, D.; Zeeman, M.; Holst, C.; Hinterreiter S.; Ziegler, V,; Philipp, A.; Cyrys, J.; Schnelle-Kreis, J.; Sch?fer, K.; Riedel, T.; Budde, M.:?Innovative Sensing Methods for Air Quality in Larger Cities - Evaluated in the Context of Three-Dimensionality of the Urban Boundary Layer.?10th International Conference on Urban Climate/14th Symposium on the Urban Environment,?New York, USA, 06-10 August 2018; oral presentation.


Ziegler, V.; Pesch, M.; Budde, M.; Beigl, M.; Riedel, T.; Riesterer, J.; Sch?fer, K.; Emeis, S.; Young, D.; Cyrys, J.; Schnelle-Kreis, J.; Philipp, A,; Petersen, E.; Redelstein, J.; Grimm, H.; Hinterreiter, S.; Gratza, T.:?Smart Air Quality Network, the measurement network for the future.?10th International Aeosol Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, September 2-7, 2018; oral presentation.


?Redelstein, J.; Budde, M.; Cyrys, M.; Cyrys, J.; Emeis, S.; Gratza, T.; Grimm, H.; Hank, M.; Hinterreiter, S.; Münkel, C.; Pesch, M.; Petersen, E.; Philipp, A.; Riedel, T.; Riesterer, J.; Schnelle-Kreis, J.; Uhrner, U.; Werhahn, J.; Ziegler, V.; Beigl, M.: Smart Air Quality network for spatial high-resolution monitoring in urban area.?Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere, SPIE Europe, Berlin, Germany, 10 - 13 September 2018; oral presentation.


Emeis, S.; Young, D.; Werhahn, J.; Sch?fer, K.; Uhrner, U.; Philipp A.; Riedel, T.; Budde, M.; Beigl, M.: Innovative Datenerfassung für urbane Luftqualit?t.?METTOOLS X,?Braunschweig, 25-27. September 2018; oral presentation.


Petersen, E.; Philipp, A.; Redelstein, J.; R?umliche Datenauswertung der ersten SmartAQnet Messkampagne im September 1. Jahrestagung AK-Klima der Deutschen Geographischen Gesellschaft, Schloss Schney, 26-28 Oktober 2018, poster presentation.


Redelstein, J.; Petersen, E.; Philipp, A.: Mobile Feinstaubmessungen im SmartAQnet Projekt und ihre zeitliche Variabilit?t. Jahrestagung AK-Klima der Deutschen Geographischen Gesellschaft, Schloss Schney, 26-28 Oktober 2018; oral presentation.


Philipp, A.; Petersen, E.; Redelstein, J.: Mobile measurements and applications of smart air quality networks. International workshop on assessing fine-granular modelling and measurement of particulate matter, München, 04.-05. Dezember 2018, oral presentation.


Uhrner, U.; Reifeltshammer, R.; Sturm, P.; Werhahn, J.; Forkel, R.; Emeis S.; Sch?fer, K.; Petersen, E.; Philipp, A.; Kunde, R.: First SmartAQnet results from accompanying air quality modelling. International workshop on assessing fine-granular modelling and measssurement matter, München, 04.-05. Dezember 2018, oral presentation.


Petersen, E.; Philipp, A., Redelstein, J.: Applications of smart air quality networks - a particle matter exposure driven traffic routing.?International workshop on assessing fine-granular modelling and measurement of particulate matter, München, 04.-06. Dezember 2018, oral presentation.


Redelstein, J.; Petersen, E.; Philipp, A.: Development of an air quality related predictive live platform based on near real-time data.?International workshop on assessing fine-granular modelling and measurement of particulate matter, München, 04.-06. Dezember 2018, oral presentation.


Redelstein, J.;? Budde, M.;? Cyrys, J.;? Emeis, S.;? Gratza, T.;? Grimm, H.;? Hank, M.;? Holst, C.;? Muenkel, C.;? Pesch, M.;? Petersen, E.;? Philipp, A.;? Riedel, T.;? Riesterer, J.;? Schaefer, K.;? Schnelle-Kreis, J.;? Uhrner, U.;? Werhahn, J.;? Ziegler, V.;? Beigl, M. (2019): Assessment of three-dimensional, fine-granular measurement of particulate matter by a smart air quality network in urban area.?Proceedings Volume 11152, Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XXIV; 111520N (2019) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2533096


Philipp A., A. Straub, V. Fricke, M. Gerstlauer, A. Damialis, D Bayr (2020): Gewitterbedingtes Asthma in Bayern, Exkurs Forschung. Klimarport Bayern.




