
  • Information on the registration times and arrangements can be found on the webpages of the examination office.
  • In the case of examinations for the bachelor and master’s degrees in geoinformatics, please also note the examination dates on the webpages of the Institute for Informatics.
  • Most of our exams are offered each semester. There are therefore no resit examinations (except for didactics I and II and for geology). For oral examinations, please ask the lecturers whether resists are offered.


Portfolio examinations:

In a portfolio examination of a module, interrelated dependent work (components) for implementation of a uniform task is undertaken according to the examiners’ requirements. These contributions can be written work, work in text form, oral and practical work. They therefore demonstrate your competencies (these can also be very different competencies) with a series of work components.


The portfolio schedules can be found under Downloads. In addition, A quick reference guide for students, is provided, which explains the procedure precisely. Submission of the fully completed portfolio by the end of the semester at the latest (SoSe: 30.9.; WiSe: 31.03.),?to one of the geography secretary’s offices, in the letterboxes in building B or directly to the module representative.



Examination regulations:

Collection of legal documents - Examinations

Prüfungstermine im Wintersemester 2023/24

Die hier genannten Prüfungstermine beinhalten den Einlass, die eigentliche Prüfungszeit und das Verlassen der R?ume. Alle Information bezüglich des Einlasses bekommen Sie rechtzeitig von Ihrem Dozenten.


Betrifft Prüfungen in der Messe : ( Hygienekonzept Messe)




Prüfungstermine im Sommersemester 2024



