

MyPathSem - A data integration platform for the generation of patient-specific pathways for individualized treatment decisions in clinical applications

MyPathSem Logo Florian Auer



Funding Number: 031L0024A
Budget: 1.415.140 EUR
Funding Period: 2016 - 2021
Project Leader: Prof. Dr. Tim Bei?barth
Funding Provider: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)



The joint project MyPathSem deals with the widespread disease of cancer. In the treatment of cancer, it is increasingly necessary to expand the focus from individual molecular biomarkers to entire signaling networks. This approach is made possible by the latest omics technologies, which allow the simultaneous measurement of thousands of markers. However, the challenge now lies in reducing the resulting flood of measurement data to a sensible level and then making it available to the scientist or doctor in routine treatment in a clear manner.


This is where the joint project MyPathSem comes in: The aim of the project is to establish a new type of infrastructure for the treatment of colorectal cancer. To this end, a comprehensive signaling network database is being developed based on the commercially distributed platform of the industrial partner involved in the joint project. This database will contain both patient-related omics data and extensive knowledge from the relevant scientific literature. As soon as the database exists, methods will be sought that condense the knowledge from this database. In this way, the signaling networks relevant for the treatment of cancer patients will be identified. Finally, an information presentation system is to be established which, on the basis of this information, will help the clinical researcher or treating physician to select the best possible treatment.

General contact details


Chair of IT Infrastructure for Translational Medical Research

Faculty of Applied Computer Science

University of Augsburg
Alter Postweg 101

86159 Augsburg


How to find us


Phone: +49 821 598 -3738

Fax: +49 821 598 -3739

E-mail: sekretariat-misit@informatik.uni-augsburg.de


Office Centre Messe (BCM) - 9th floor

? University of Augsburg
