

The research interest of the Professorship for Theoretical Computer Science focuses on Concurrency Theory. In particular, we study the design, adaptation, and analysis of modelling languages for concurrent systems. The focus of the considered models is usually on the interaction between distributed components. Research topics are for instance:

  • Analysis of modelling languages e.g. w.r.t. distributability, synchronisation, or causality
  • Comparison of modelling languages e.g. via encodings and the validation of the criteria used for such comparisons
  • Type systems, in particular Multiparty Session Types, as efficient tools for verification
  • Extensions of modelling languages e.g. by fault-tolerance
  • Identification and adaptation of modelling languages for applications such as e.g. distributed algorithms or quantum-based systems

In many cases, we are using some process calculus as fundamental modelling concept, but we consider also other kinds of modelling languages such as e.g. Petri nets or event structures. If convenient, we are using Isabelle/HOL to formalise and validate parts of our work.


Our team at a glance: How to reach us – from the head of chair to former employees.

Aus Papier ausgeschnittene Figuren, die sich an den H?nden halten


This page lists all of the chair's projects and open research positions (if any).

Bücher, Wekcer sowie Tafel mit Aufschrift "Science"


On this page you can find all currently offered courses.



Professur für Theorie verteilter Systeme
  • Room 3010 (Building N)

Mail Address

Institut für Informatik
Universit?t Augsburg
D-86135 Augsburg



Physical Address

Universit?tsstr. 6a
D-86159 Augsburg



Directions to the university


University campus, building D5, level 4

? University of Augsburg
