

All frequently asked questions with corresponding answers on one page.

If you still cannot find an answer to your question, please contact us via email at info@win-studieren.de.

Before Studying


?All information regarding admission requirements can be found here.

It is possible to apply for the Master's programme shortly before completing your undergraduate Bachelor's degree under certain conditions, as explained in the "Special Case" section in the link above.

In general, as recommended by the University of Augsburg, you should remain enrolled until you receive your degree certificate to continue having an influence over your student data and grade entries, and to maintain insurance coverage while you are on your (foot)way to the university. If your application for the WIN Master is successful, you can easily switch programmes using the application for change of programme. This process allows you to retain your enrollment number and campus card.


  • Bachelor's programme WIN?(University of Augsburg)
    Students of the study programme WIN meet the access qualifications as part of their mandatory curriculum. If the numerus clausus is met, admission is straightforward.


  • Bachelor's programmes WING, iBWL/BWL?or?iVWL/VWL?(University of Augsburg)
    Students of these study programmes require additional qualification in the core field of computer science. Courses like it@BWL cannot be counted towards this requirement. To acquire core computer science competencies, interested students should seek information early on regarding how to obtain them. One option is to enroll in a second-degree programme in Computer Science and complete courses such as "Informatik 1", "Informatik 2" and "Datenbanksysteme" (Database Systems).
    At the University of Augsburg, lectures for "Informatik 1" and "Datenbanksysteme" are offered in the winter semesters, while "Informatik 2" is offered in the summer semesters. Makeup exams for these courses typically take place at the beginning of the following semester (April / October).
    Please also note for your scheduling that exams usually take place after the application deadlines for the subsequent semester, and that a successful application is only possible within the application deadline following the completion of the written exam.
    For other areas (besides core computer science), requirements are met through mandatory and/or elective courses in the respective Bachelor's programmes (see further information on the " Access Requirements": Areas - Performance Details).

The required qualifications for the application process cannot be completed at the start of the Master's programme but must be fully demonstrated at the time of application. Therefore, you may need to earn any missing credit points in the required areas before starting the WIN Master's programme.

Please be aware that exams usually take place after the application deadlines for the subsequent semester, and that a successful application is only possible within the application deadline following the completion of the written exam.

If you cannot provide the required credit points for the access requirement at the time of application, your application unfortunately will not be successful.

If you are unable to earn the required credit points in your current programme, you can obtain them through other programs or courses. This means: enrolling in another degree programme or course of study that allows you to take additional courses that you could not complete in your previous programme. You do not need to complete this additional programme; it is sufficient to provide proof that the additional credit points were earned.

However, please note that the requirements must be met at the time of application; retroactive submission is not possible. It should be noted that various modules can only be recognized if they have different content. For example, you cannot list the "Statistics" module twice (even from two different universities) unless there are demonstrably large content differences despite having the same title (e.g., through module descriptions).

The lectures are held partly in German and partly in English. The minimum requirements for German language skills are a C1 level, while you do not need to provide a specific level of English proficiency.

Requirements for international applicants can be found on the Student Office's website.

In addition to the Student Office's requirements, there are subject-specific admission requirements for the WIN Master's programme described here and in the current examination regulations.


All information regarding the application can be found here.

Your complete application documents must reach the University of Augsburg by the following deadlines:


Application for the winter semester: June 15th, 11:59 PM
Application for the summer semester: December 15th, 11:59 PM


To meet the deadline, the actual receipt of the application by the University of Augsburg is relevant!

After the deadline, no documents can be submitted. Please consider postal delivery times; the postmark is not decisive!

If you have not yet completed your Bachelor's degree, you must provide proof of your current average grade. Information on how students at the University of Augsburg can obtain this average grade certificate can be found on the Examination Office's website.

Credit transfers in the Business and Information Systems programme are generally possible. Whether a module from another university, study programme, or a study abroad can be credited as an equivalent module in the Business and Information Systems programme depends on the content equivalence of the two modules. Additionally, for study abroad experiences, it is possible to directly credit modules if they align with the Business and Information Systems content.

To request a credit transfer, an official credit transfer application must be submitted through the Examination Office. Furthermore, for the evaluation of the credit transfer application, module descriptions of the completed modules in German or English and a transcript of records are required.



Please note: We can only evaluate possible credit transfers once the applicant is enrolled in the Business and Information Systems programme. We also kindly ask you to pay attention to the guidelines for submitting module descriptions.

Detailed information and the credit transfer application can be found on the? Examination Office's website. For further questions, you can also contact the? credit transfer officer?of the Business and Information Systems programme.

No. Please only send the module catalogue entries of the courses you list in the application form. Please arrange them in the order of their mention in the application form.

An eligibility assessment issued through an admission letter is valid for one year. This means that applicants who have received an admission letter do not need to go through the eligibility process again in the following year (e.g., eligibility for the winter semester 23/24 remains valid for an application in the summer semester 24 and winter semester 24/25).


PLEASE NOTE: This applies only if the examination regulations do not change in the meantime!
If students wish to take advantage of this, they have to contact master@zv.uni-augsburg.de and info@win-studieren.de by email before the application deadline. This email necessarily has to include the following information:


  • Full name

  • Matriculation number or applicant number

  • Address

  • The issued ("old") admission letter for the semester for which the original application was made (attached to the email).


You will then receive a new admission letter for the "new" semester from the Student Office, which you can use to enroll.

For conditional admission letters, the deadline for submitting the degree certificate remains the same (as indicated on the "old" admission letter).


The Business and Information Systems programme is situated at the intersection of business administration and computer science. In today's society, possessing interdisciplinary knowledge is becoming increasingly important to understand and shape the functions, processes, strategies, and structures of businesses. This is precisely the role of a Business Informatics professional: to bridge the gap between pure business experts and pure computer scientists, in both directions. However, this programme not only represents the connection between these two areas but also imparts specialized knowledge, such as the design and application of information systems and business modeling. Essentially, what sets this programme apart from business administration and computer science is that it provides education in both areas, teaches how to integrate them, and apply them in practice.

The Business and Information Systems programme at the University of Augsburg offers students the opportunity to specialize further after completing a comprehensive foundational phase. The advantage lies in the fact that detailed insights into various areas of business informatics are only possible after completing the foundational phase, allowing students to better assess which specific field they want to specialize in based on their emerging interests. Therefore, a Business and Information Systems graduate can distinguish themselves in the job market with a tailored profile.

Since October 2008, the Business and Information Systems programme has been offered at the University of Augsburg. It is offered by highly committed and competent departments within the faculties (i.e., the Faculty of Applied Computer Science and the Faculty of Economics), which, due to their experience in numerous research and practical projects, provide these highly sought-after competencies and offer targeted support, education, and individual attention to students.

However, it's not just the current design of the programme that attracts students to Augsburg but also the campus - a combination of green spaces, lakes, fountains, modern art, proximity to Augsburg's city center with its pubs and bars, and of course, affordable rent and living costs, promising a beautiful, cost-effective, and diverse student life.

The abbreviation "IT" stands for Information Technology – also commonly referred to as Information and Communication Technology, which includes working with computers, networks, mobile devices, and increasingly with embedded systems, such as navigation systems.

This programme aims not only to explain but also to create. Therefore, it requires an engineering approach, such as in the development of prototypes or the design of information systems. For this reason, various engineering models are adopted from engineering sciences. The necessary knowledge is imparted in courses such as Software Engineering, Web Engineering, and Project Management.

Of course you study theoretical fundamentals and concepts at a university. However, Business and Information Systems Engineering is an application-oriented science, which means Business Informatics professionals conduct research and teaching with a strong focus on practical relevance. We are also happy to assist particularly motivated students in securing challenging internship positions with our numerous business partners.

For additional information about studying Business and Information Systems at the University of Augsburg, we offer the opportunity to attend information events. Further, up-to-date information is regularly published on our website.

We provide a newsletter for prospective students, current students, and alumni to keep you informed.

"Soft skills" refer to social skills. While technical "hard skills" can be tested easily with assessments, soft skills primarily relate to interpersonal interactions. These key qualifications (e.g., rhetoric, presentation, conflict management, project management, strategic communication, business etiquette and more) are increasingly expected by employers.

In addition to some foundational courses, "WIN" students can further develop these skills through various courses. These courses are organized by the Career Service at the University of Augsburg. Information about these courses can be found on posters, in brochures, or on the internet. Additionally, exclusive courses for WIN students are offered at irregular intervals, and these will be announced in advance through the WIN-newsletter.

During the study

Services of the University of Augsburg

With the student ID card and the 12-digit user number printed on it, you can borrow books from the ground floor of the library for four weeks. An extension of the borrowing period is usually possible. Other books may only be used within the library.

The library regularly offers library introductions that address all important questions. Further information can be found on the library's website.

To locate specific books in the library, there is the OPAC system. OPAC is an electronic catalog that lists the books and other media available in the library. Through this tool, you can also reserve books. Library introduction courses are offered for an introduction to the OPAC system.

Anything related to the RZ identifier is managed by the Computing Center ("Rechenzentrum"). With this identifier, you can practically log in to any computer on campus and most online portals at the university. The RZ identifier is provided in the "vibs" portal. Further information can be found on the Computing Center's website.

The Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a way to connect to the internet via WLAN and your RZ identifier using your own notebook within the university. It can also be used to access the university's network from home (e.g., to access library resources). To use the VPN client, you need to install the VPN client software. Instructions for downloading the client and the client itself can be found here.

Upon enrollment, every student receives their own email address, which can be accessed through the web portal. From there, you can send and receive emails and set up forwarding to your private email address, if desired. All details can be found on the Mail Service's website.

To register for exams and obtain an overview of your completed courses, there is the student information system STUDIS. In the Faculty of Applied Informatics, you can access student data via the "Services" button. Your matriculation number and the password for your RZ identifier are used for login.

Important: If the exam registration in STUDIS is missed, a written and signed request for late registration can be submitted to the Examination Office in justified cases. The request must be submitted no later than two weeks after the end of the registration period and at least three business days (Monday to Friday) before the respective exam. The request should provide reasons why the student was not able to meet the deadline, and relevant documentation may need to be attached.

Certificates of enrollment can be printed online by every student in the vibs portal of the University of Augsburg. Your RZ identifier and password are required for login.
Alternatively, a copy of the student ID card also serves as proof of enrollment.

Important requests related to the Examination Office, such as


  • credit transfer requests
  • Bachelor's thesis registration
  • transcript requests
  • tequests for module changes


can be found on the Examination Office's website.
All requests must be submitted to the Examination Office.

Lectures and Scripts

Please register for all courses (lectures, exercises, seminars) in Digicampus. In general, instructors publish all relevant information and materials there.

In some cases, instructors may decide to have a separate registration for exercises to ensure smaller group sizes and a sensible distribution. The specifics of which exercises require separate registration and the registration process itself can vary from one event to another and are usually announced during the initial lectures.

Scripts can be found on Digicampus. You can log in with your RZ identifier to register for events, create a personalized timetable, and download scripts.

If departments provide scripts through other means, this will be communicated during the first lectures.

In general, you are responsible for printing scripts yourself. However, for WIN students, most scripts for foundational courses are funded and printed through student fees. These free scripts are distributed during the first days of lectures. For business-oriented lectures, the Student Council (StuRa) and the Business Informatics Student Council also offer printed scripts for a small fee.

Exams and Grades

When the registration for exams begins in STUDIS, all students receive an email notification from the Examination Office in a timely manner. For block courses or similar situations, exams may take place earlier, and an earlier registration deadline may apply. Such special cases should be announced in lectures or on the course's website.

We recommend generating a exam registration certificate ("Prüfungsanmeldebescheinigung") after registering for exams in STUDIS and reviewing it. In case of doubt, this certificate serves as proof of your exam registrations.


Please note:?The deadline for exam registration must be strictly observed. If technical issues arise during the registration period in STUDIS, you can contact the Examination Office via email. This email should include your full name, matriculation number, the specific event title, and describe any technical issues encountered during the registration.

If exam registration in STUDIS is missed, in justified cases, a written and signed request for late registration can be submitted to the Examination Office. The request must be submitted no later than two weeks after the end of the registration period and at least three business days (Monday to Friday) before the respective exam. The request should provide reasons why the student was not able to meet the deadline, and relevant documentation may need to be attached.

Please be aware that the exam organization process at the Faculty of Business and Economics (WiWi) differs from that at the Faculty of Applied Computer Science (FAI).


  • Exams at the Faculty of Business and Economics ("WiWi-Fakult?t")

After registering for the exam in Studis, a room and seat are assigned individually to each student. It is possible that you may take the exam in a different room from your fellow students. If you attempt to take an exam in a room other than the one indicated in Studis, the exam will not be evaluated.

Therefore, it is essential to check in Studis before each exam to determine the assigned room. In the room, the assigned seats will be posted via a notice.


  • Exams at the Faculty of Applied Computer Science ("FAI")

Exams are planned individually for each event. Dates and rooms are announced by the respective instructor for each event.

The Examination Office strives to plan exam dates with as little overlap as possible. However, this cannot always be guaranteed (e.g., in the case of repeat exams). If two exams are scheduled for the same time, this is taken into account during the exam organization at the Examination Office. The exam will be scheduled so that an affected student takes both exams one after the other in the same room; that is, immediately after the end of the first exam's time limit.

  1. Please inform yourself in advance about allowed aids (type, content, and format).
  2. Dictionaries are not allowed for WiWi Faculty exams.
  3. Pay close attention to the information and instructions provided by the exam supervisors shortly before the start of the exam and on the exam cover sheet (e.g., regarding permissible aids). If you do not understand the announcements or statements on the cover sheet, please ask for clarification on your own initiative.
  4. Always ensure that you do not give any reason to be suspected of cheating (e.g., leaving course materials on your exam desk).
  5. Only begin working on the exam after being given the signal to do so by the exam supervisors!
  6. If you need to use the restroom during the exam, please alert a supervisor to call one. Never simply get up or leave the exam room!
  7. Put your pen down and close the exam when the supervisors announce the end of the time limit for work. Even minor deviations from this can be considered as cheating!

If you do not pass an exam on the first attempt, you have the opportunity to retake it at the next opportunity. For exams listed in the module overview of the examination regulations ("Minimumliste"), this is generally the following semester's exam period. Exams specified additionally in the module catalogue may only be offered in either the summer semester or winter semester.

There is generally no limit to the number of attempts. However, it should be noted that the Master's program (120 credit points from the relevant areas and successful completion of the Master's thesis) must be completed by the end of the sixth semester.

No, it is not possible to improve the grade of an already passed event.

However, the Best-Of rule applies to module groups, allowing poor exam performances to be offset by passing another event with a better grade.

For detailed information about the Master's thesis process, please visit our website: Final Theses

You will receive specific information from your supervising department.


Adhering to deadlines is a crucial and central aspect to ensure the smooth progression of your studies. Important deadlines to be aware of include those for re-registration, exam registration in STUDIS, and the submission of seminar papers or the Master's thesis.


  • Re-registration

If you are already enrolled at the University of Augsburg and wish to continue your studies in the next semester, you must re-register within the specified deadline. This is done not in person but by transferring the semester fee to the account of the State Treasury of Bavaria. Further information on the transfer and re-registration deadline can be found on the Student Office's website. Failure to re-register within the deadline, as per Art. 49 Abs. 2 Nr. 4 BayHSchG, will result in exmatriculation. In programmes with limited enrollment capacities, exmatriculation means losing your study place.


  • Exam Registration in STUDIS

If you forget to register for an exam in STUDIS, you will be unable to participate in that particular exam, without exception. You will only have the opportunity to take the exam again in one or two semesters. This may potentially extend the duration of your studies!

The registration periods for exams in the upcoming semesters can be found on the Examination Office's website.

Extensions to deadlines can only be granted if there are reasons beyond the student's control. You are encouraged to study with a clear focus, which includes adhering to deadlines or seeking assistance from the university in case of issues (e.g., illness or family-related challenges), such as academic advising or medical leave.

If you wish to request an extension to a deadline, please contact the academic advising service as early as possible.


  • Submission of the Master's Thesis

"The processing time from the assignment of the topic to the submission of the thesis is six months." [PO Master WIN 2017, §18 Abs. 2]

The submission deadline is indicated on the notice from the Examination Office and must be strictly adhered to, as a late submission results in the failure of the Master's thesis. There is an option to request an extension to the submission deadline if valid reasons arise during the Master's thesis process, making it impossible to complete the thesis within the original timeframe and not attributable to the student (e.g., illness). Such a request for an extension must be submitted as early as possible with the required supporting documentation.

The Examination Regulations for the Master's programme in Business and Information System Engineering do not include an orientation or interim examination, as is the case in the Bachelor's programme. The standard period of study for the WIN Master is four semesters, with a maximum study duration of six semesters. Within this timeframe, you must complete your credit requirements as outlined in your Examination Regulations.

If difficulties arise during your studies or if you experience delays, it is advisable to consult the WIN academic advising service as early as possible. In many cases, they can provide valuable guidance that may even prevent the need for an extension request.
There is an option to apply for an extension of the standard study period. The Examination Office is responsible for processing this official application and providing information on organizational conditions. The application should be based on significant reasons beyond the student's control and must be documented (e.g., through medical certificates). If the application is approved, the student will be granted an additional semester to complete their studies. In case of rejection, continuation of the WIN programme is unfortunately not possible.

After completing all requirements, you must apply for your degree certificate through the Examination Office.


When registering for an exam in STUDIS, you must assign it to the desired module group. If you assign an exam registration to the module group of one specialization, you will be assigned to that specialization. Once you choose a specialization, you will not be able to select the other specialization for exam registration in STUDIS.

Changing your specialization is allowed once during your studies. To do so, you must submit an application to the Examination Office. If you wish to change modules, please use the application provided by the Examination Office.

Foreign Languages and Studying Abroad

Augsburg's Language Center offers a wide variety of foreign languages, including Business English, as well as languages such as Chinese and Portuguese. In addition to the general offerings of the Language Center, exclusive English courses aimed for Business Informatics students are available, which can be attended alongside your studies. A Business Informatics professional should have sufficient knowledge of English to be able to read and understand specialized English literature.

Information regarding studying abroad can be found here.

For all essential information regarding vacation semesters, please refer to the Student Office's website. The formal process is handled by the university. For further information, please contact the student advisory service.

After Studying


After completing the Master's programme, you can pursue further academic qualifications by entering a doctoral programme. A doctorate typically lasts about three to four years, during which you conduct independent research and write your doctoral thesis (dissertation). At the successful completion of a doctorate, you are awarded the academic title of PhD ("Doktor/in") (Dr. rer. pol. – rerum politicarum – granted for dissertations in the fields of social sciences, political sciences, or economics). A PhD is a prerequisite for a career in academia that may lead to a habilitation. However, a doctoral degree can also open doors to opportunities in the corporate world after graduation. In particular, pursuing a doctorate is beneficial for personal development and deepening expertise in a specific field of interest.

There are various options for the specific structure and funding of a doctoral programme, which should be discussed individually with department chairs and professors. One common option is to be employed by the University of Augsburg during the doctorate and undertake tasks related to research, teaching and administration.

You can find the academic prerequisites for a doctorate at the University of Augsburg on the Student Office's website and in the respective doctoral regulations of the relevant faculty (see legal collection).

In addition, you must have the interest, ability, and willingness to immerse yourself in a research topic and develop it independently and in a team.

If you are interested in pursuing a doctoral degree, it is advisable to establish contact with departments and professors who specialize in your area of interest as early as possible. It is helpful to engage with the topic at an early stage, and, for example, gain insights through work as a student assistant (during your bachelor's programme) or research assistant (after completing your bachelor's degree).

Career Prospects

As a Business Informatics professional, you can work in nearly every sector of industry, commerce, and the service sector that involves business and computer science, such as in the planning of production and transportation processes, product development, database development and implementation, media design, project financing, tourism, consulting, and many other fields. However, this programme does not train you to become a programmer or IT specialist. Your focus is more on the intersection of IT and business administration. After completing the program, you can further specialize through additional training and certifications. As Business Informatics professionals are increasingly in demand internationally, you also have the opportunity to work abroad in the future.

Yes, Business Informatics professionals are increasingly in demand internationally, and the transition from diploma programmes to bachelor's and master's programmes has made academic requirements more internationally comparable within a study programme. Proficiency in the English language is typically required. If you wish to gain international experience during your studies, you can find information here.
