

Dr. Carola Lenzen

Institute for Software & Systems Engineering
Phone: +49 821 598 2211
Room: 3051 (N)
Address: Universit?tsstra?e 6a, 86159 Augsburg


Since 2021? ?Head of Department ?Artificial Intelligence Methods“

Since 2019? ?Research Assistant at the Chair of Software Engineering?

2016-2019? ? Master?in Computer Science at the University of Augsburg?

2012-2016? ? Bachelor in Mathematics at the University of Augsburg?


Reviewer for Conference Papers and Journal Articles

  • European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-KPDD) 2021 - 2023

  • Machine?Learning,?Optimization, and?Data Science (LOD) 2020 - 2023
  • Association for the Advancement of Artificial?Intelligence (AAAI) 2020 (Subreviewer)




  • Künstliche Intelligenz (Software Engineering)
  • Selbst-organisierende, eingebettete Systeme
  • Seminar zu Software- und Systems Engineering
  • Softwareprojekt



2024 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020


Carola Lenzen, Vinzenz L?ffel and Wolfgang Reif. in press. Handling anomalies in CAD assemblies: detecting anomalous and suggesting alternative parts.
BibTeX | RIS

Carola Lenzen and Wolfgang Reif. in press. Localized recommendation in assembly modeling: employing GNNs for targeted part placement.
BibTeX | RIS

Carola Lenzen. 2024. Machine learning for assembly modeling in computer-aided design.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS


Carola Lenzen, Alexander Schiendorfer and Wolfgang Reif. 2022. A recommendation system for CAD assembly modeling based on graph neural networks.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS

Carola Lenzen, Alexander Schiendorfer and Wolfgang Reif. 2022. Graph machine learning for assembly modeling.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | URL


Miriam Elia, Carola Gajek, Alexander Schiendorfer and Wolfgang Reif. 2021. An interactive web application for decision tree learning.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | URL | URL

Alexander Schiendorfer, Carola Gajek and Wolfgang Reif. 2021. Turning software engineers into machine learning engineers.
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | URL


Carola Gajek, Alexander Schiendorfer and Wolfgang Reif. 2020. A chained neural network model for photovoltaic power forecast. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-37599-7_47
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Institute for Software & Systems Engineering

The Institute for Software & Systems Engineering (ISSE), directed by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Reif, is a scientific institution within the Faculty of Applied Computer Science of the University of Augsburg. In research, the institute supports both fundamental and application-oriented research in all areas of software and systems engineering. In teaching, the institute facilitates the further development of the faculty's and university's relevant course offerings.
