

Research Profile

We pursue research in the following six domains:

Software and Systems Engineering

Software and Systems Engineering investigates processes, methods, techniques, and tools for developing high-quality software systems, spanning the whole development life-cycle, from requirements engineering to system deployment and maintenance.

Software Engineering

Formal Methods

The goal of formal methods in software engineering is to provide techniques for developing highly reliable as well as security critical software. Two steps are required to achieve this goal: An unambiguous specification of the system requirements and a mathematical proof (verification) that the implementation adheres to this specification.

Formal Methods

Software-driven Robotics and Automation

The institute performs leading edge research in the area of software-driven robotics and automation. The focus lies on transferring software engineering methods and tools to the mechatronics domain, such as using modern programming platforms for industrial robots.

Software-driven Robotics & Automation

Artificial Intelligence Methods

In artificial intelligence, we design software systems that exhibit some form of "intelligent behavior" - ranging from perceiving the system's environment to making effective decisions in a rational and autonomous manner without human intervention.

Artificial Intelligence Methods

Self-organizing Systems

The complexity of future software systems embedded in a dynamic environment challenges traditional system design. Our focus is the systematic design of reliable autonomous systems incorporating descriptive modeling, testing, and formal verification to ensure their correctness despite autonomy.

Self-organizing Systems

Safety and Security

Safety and security are two essential aspects of systems and software. Safety-critical systems may cause serious economic or environmental damage, injuries, or even loss of lives. Further, as our devices become more interconnected, security and privacy continue to play an increasingly larger role in our lives.



In these domains, we offer services that include:

  1. Training for software design and development
  2. Support for software development for robotic systems and automation
  3. Advice for the introduction of new software technologies (innovation management)
  4. Evaluation of software quality
  5. Analysis and design of safety-critical systems
  6. Application-oriented contract research, consulting, and advanced training

For further information, please click on the corresponding domain above.



Institute for Software & Systems Engineering

The Institute for Software & Systems Engineering (ISSE), directed by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Reif, is a scientific institution within the Faculty of Applied Computer Science of the University of Augsburg. In research, the institute supports both fundamental and application-oriented research in all areas of software and systems engineering. In teaching, the institute facilitates the further development of the faculty's and university's relevant course offerings.
