First European-Chinese Forum for young jurists / Conference "Latest developments in EU, German and Chinese Law" 首届欧中青年法律人论坛暨“欧盟、德国与中国法的新发展”学术研讨会 在德国奥格斯堡大学法学院成功举办
The forum was opened by
- Professor Dr. Thomas M. J. M?llers (Dean for international affairs, Faculty of Law at the Augsburg University and Director of the Research Center of Innovation and Legal Studies between China and Europe),
- Professor Dr. Zhihua Gan (Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Vice President of the University of Chemical Technology in Beijing) and
- Professor Dr. Liuhua Shen (Director of the Research Center of Innovation and Legal Studies between China and Europe (RICE) und Jinshan Distinguished Professor, Faculty of Law at the Jiangsu University).
during a ceremony.
Other members of the delegation from Peking University of Chemical Technology were:
- Senior Scientific Council Liang Zhang (张亮), Party Secretary of the Faculty of Humanities and Law,
- Associated Professor Peize Han (韩霈泽),
- Associated Professor Chao Li (李超),
- Associated Professor Qiao Ran (谯冉), Sichuan Police Academy and visiting scholar at the Faculty of Law at Osnabrück University.

The conference focused on the topic of "New Developments in EU, German and Chinese Law" and included two sub-forums:
The first sub-forum was chaired by Prof. Dr. Hao Li, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (李昊 Senior Visiting Scholar at the University of Augsburg "excellent academic papers" korven) and jointly evaluated by Prof. Dr. Thomas M.J. M?llers and Prof. Dr. Shang Gao (高尚), Director of the Institute of Jurisprudence at the Chinese University of Political Science and Law. In the first sub-forum, which consisted of three sections, fifteen speakers exchanged views on the latest developments in European-Chinese civil procedure law, civil law, data law and commercial law.
The second sub-forum was chaired by Guobang Wu (吴国邦), a PhD student at the University of Vienna and junior visiting scholar at the University of Augsburg. The jury consisted of Professor Lei Lei (雷磊), Dean of the Faculty of Law at the Chinese University of Political Science and Law, Prof. Dr. Liuhua Shen and Dr. Matthias Wachter, academic staff member at the University of Augsburg and substitute professor at the University of Trier. In the second sub-forum, which consisted of four sections, thirteen speakers discussed the latest developments in comparative law, international law, legal philosophy and methodology, criminal law, criminal procedure law, commercial law and environmental law between Europe and China.
You can find an overview of the program in the? Forumshandbuch 会议手册 .
Prizes for outstanding scientific work were also awarded during the forum. The following received a prize for their outstanding scientific work:
- Dr. Lisa Wolf, Legal Trainee,
- Dr. Tobias Manhardt, Legal Trainee,
- Junzhe Dai (戴俊哲), PhD student at the Humboldt University of Berlin and junior guest researcher at the University of Augsburg,
- Xu Hui (徐辉),? University Erlangen-Nürnberg,
- Yubo Wang (王昱博), University College London.

Professor Dr. Thomas M.J. M?llers and Mr. Zewen Du (杜泽文), Managing Director of Chengdu Guolian Akademische Bildungsberatung GmbH, presented the prizes and prize money to the winners.
The forum for young lawyers from Europe and China will be held annually in future to further promote exchange and networking between European and Chinese legal scholars.