

(...) An international group of researchers led by Prof. Dr Thomas M.J. M?llers is founding the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence INspiRE on questions of the rule of law and law enforcement. In total, only three new legal centres of excellence worldwide will be funded by the European Union this year. The funding amounts to 100,000 euros for the next three years. The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence European Integration Rule of Law and Enforcement (INspiRE) at the University of Augsburg combines the topics of rule of law and enforcement of European law using various sub-disciplines of law with a European and international research approach. The financial crisis, the Greek crisis and the refugee crisis raise doubts as to whether European law is still applied and respected. These problems arise throughout Europe.


The newly established Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence draws on expertise from the Center for European Legal Studies (CELOS) and the Research Institute for Chinese Law (RICE). In the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence INspiRE, an international research group of renowned researchers from universities in Germany, France, Italy and China work together. In addition to publications and conferences, current topics such as TTIP or Brexit are addressed in larger forums with a broad public. The cooperation with the Bavarian Ministry of Justice and the Munich Chamber of Lawyers serves the networking in politics and practice. Important information can be found in the CAPLAW database.


Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence bring together the expertise and competences of high-level experts. This should result in synergies between the different disciplines in the field of EU studies as well as develop joint transnational activities. The scientific hurdles are high. In Germany, only two applications for funding for a centre of excellence were successful; in these cases, a broad existing centre will be continued, while the Augsburg project will be newly founded.


Prof. Dr M?llers, holder of a Jean Monnet Chair ad personam, is the project leader and conducts research in the field of European business law; he has written numerous publications on law enforcement.

Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Wollenschl?ger and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wurmnest, who supported the application on the part of the Augsburg Faculty of Law, conduct research on European business law and European state aid law, respectively.

Prof. Dr. Beate Gsell from LMU Munich is a proven expert in European consumer law.

Prof. Dr. Enrico Camilleri works on European consumer law and European antitrust law at the University of Palermo.

Prof. Dr. Frédérique Ferrand from Lyon researches European and international civil procedural law.

Prof. Dr. Tong Zhang from Beijing holds a Jean Monnet Chair in European Law.
