


Dec. 14, 2022

Human health impacts of dust storms in South Africa

Nkosi, V., Mathee, A., Blesic, S., Kapwata, T., Kunene, Z., du Preez, D. J., Garland, R., Wright, C. Y. (2022). "Exploring Meteorological Conditions and Human Health Impacts during Two Dust Storm Events in Northern Cape Province, South Africa: Findings and Lessons Learnt". Atmosphere 13(3):424. doi: 10.3390/atmos13030424

Dec. 14, 2022

Significant health impacts related to biomass burning in South America

Butt, E. W., Conibear, L., Knote, C., and Spracklen, D. V. (2021). “Large Air Quality and Public Health Impacts due to Amazonian Deforestation Fires in 2019”. GeoHealth 5.7. doi: 10.1029/2021GH000429.

Dec. 14, 2022

Australia: Particulate Matter emissions from the 2019/20 wildfires result in premature deaths.

Graham, A. M., Pringle, K. J., Pope, R. J., Arnold, S. R., Conibear, L. A., Burns, H., Rigby, R., Borchers-Arriagada, N., Butt, E. W., Kiely, L., Reddington, C., Spracklen, D. V., Woodhouse, M. T., Knote, C., and McQuaid, J. B. (2021). “Impact of the 2019/2020 Australian Megafires on Air Quality and Health”. GeoHealth 5.10, e2021GH000454. doi: 10.1029/2021GH000454.


Sept. 20, 2024

CAAPS Workshop, 7.-8. Oktober 2024

Das CAAPS begrü?t die Initiierung von thematischen Workshops zur St?rkung der Anwendungsbereiche und methodischen Querschnittsbereiche. Der diesj?hrige CAAPS Workshop besch?ftigt sich mit dem Thema inverse modelling in atmospheric applications.
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Uni Logo
Sept. 20, 2024

CAAPS Symposium 2024

Das dritte Symposium des Centre for Advanced Analytics and Predictive Science wird

am 8. Oktober 2024 um 16:30

in 1004T (H?rsaalzentrum Physik) stattfinden.

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CAAPS 2024
Aug. 19, 2024


Der Lehrstuhl für Model-based Environmental Exposure Science (MBEES) l?dt enthusiastische Studierende zur Mitarbeit in unserem Team ein.

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Illustration Umriss einer Person und ein Plus-Zeichen


Office address:

Chair for Model-based Environmental Exposure Science

Faculty of Medicine

Geb?ude 10 (Sigma Technopark)

Werner-von-Siemens-Stra?e 6


Postal address:

Chair for Model-based Environmental Exposure Science
Faculty of Medicine?(Sigma Technopark)

University Augsburg
Universit?tsstra?e 2

86159 Augsburg

? University of Augsburg
