

Regional Climate Change and Health

Conceptual diagram of the impact pathways of climate change → Health (changed after IPCC AR5, WGII (2014), Watts et al. (2015), Portier et al. (2010), Eis et al. (2010)) ? University of Augsburg

The effects of climate change on health are major challenges for mankind in the 21st century. Focus is given to the questions about how atmospheric conditions influence human well-being and health and the variability of the interrelationships.


Variations in weather and climate, especially extreme events such as heat waves, are directly linked to health effects. In addition, complex indirect relationships can be identified, for example in connection with air pollution or the risks of vector-borne diseases. The health-related impacts of anticipated weather and climate changes in the context of the anthropogenically induced global climate change are particularly significant on regional to local scales. Due to the particularly high vulnerability, the analyses focus on urban areas.


Process studies as well as statistical modelling and projection of the spatial distribution and temporal dynamics of health-relevant climate factors are used to quantify the effects of variations and changes in synoptic weather types and climatic variables on human health.


The chair is part of the research focus Environmental Health Sciences at the University of Augsburg and is located at the interface between physical climate research and health research.

