Katharina Sasse M.Sc.
Phone: | +49 821 598 71017 |
Email: | katharina.sasse@med.uni-augsburgmed.uni-augsburg.de () |
Room: | EG A004 (Faculty of Medicine / Gutenbergstra?e 7) |
Open hours: | by arrangement |
Address: | Gutenbergstra?e 7, 86356 Neus?? |
Postal address: | Universit?tsstra?e 2, 86159 Augsburg |
Scientific career
Since 01/2024
????????Research assistant and PhD student
????????University of Augsburg | Faculty of Medicine
2021 - 2023???????
????????Master of Science: Health Science - Prevention and Health Promotion
????????Technical University of Munich | School of Medicine and Health
????????Master's thesis: Nutritional and environmental determinants of iron deficiency in children in rural Bangladesh: A cross-sectional study based on the FAARM study
????????| in cooperation with the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
08/2019 - 12/2019
????????Erasmus semester abroad - Norway
????????Norwegian School of Sport Science | Oslo
2017 - 2021
????????Bachelor of Science: Health Sciences
????????Technical University of Munich | School of Medicine and Health
????????Bachelor thesis: Comparative analysis of the Danish and German healthcare system focusing on the hospital structure
Current projects
? ? ???
ALERT-ITS: Development of a prediction and monitoring model for regional prognosis of the need for intensive care and ventilation due to
????????environmental factors
No courses available.
2023 |
Hoeppe, Alice, Zintel, Stephanie, Andreas, Marike, Bohnert, Kerstin, Brugger, Vincent, Frevert, Alice, Hennig, Hannah, Hoffmann, Kristina, Jabakhanji, Samira B., Kaiser, Anna, Manke-Reimers, Fabian, Rath, Miriam, Roth, Annika, Sasse, Katharina, Schneider, Sven, Schr?der, Maike, Eichinger, Michael, Sniehotta, Falko F. (2023): Effektivit?t nationaler und überregionaler Hitzeaktionspl?ne auf Mortalit?t, Morbidit?t, Auslastung des Gesundheitssystems und individuelles Hitzeschutzverhalten: ein Rapid Systematic Review. Mannheim: Center for Preventive Medicine and Digital Health. BibTeX | RIS | URL |