



As representatives of the subject of physiology, our objective is to educate students in the context of functional understanding. This encompasses the acquisition and evaluation of knowledge, with a particular focus on the integration of fundamental concepts into clinical reasoning within the curricula of human medicine and midwifery. In this context, the subject of physics is integrated into each module. In particular, we endeavor to employ pedagogical methodologies that foster student engagement and self-directed learning.


?quipotentiallinien EKG
?quipotentiallinien EKG ? University of Augsburg
Vorlesung Elektrizit?t als Grundlage der Membranphysiologie
Vorlesung Elektrizit?t als Grundlage der Membranphysiologie ? University of Augsburg
Praktikum Atmung
Praktikum Atmung ? University of Augsburg
Praktikum Blut
Praktikum Blut ? University of Augsburg
Online Herz als Pumpe
Online Herz als Pumpe ? University of Augsburg
Praktikum Kreislauf
Praktikum Kreislauf ? University of Augsburg


1st semester:

In the first semester of the human medicine program, students are introduced to the fundamentals of human physiology. This includes lectures, online tutorials, ?practical courses, seminars, and small group lessons on the musculoskeletal system, the heart, the circulatory and the respiratory system.

2nd semester:

The module encompasses a range of instructional formats, including online tutorials, lectures, practical courses, seminars, and small group lessons that are structured around the following topics: homeostasis, digestion, kidney, reproductive organs, and blood.

3rd semester:

We provide a comprehensive range of educational courses, including online tutorials, lectures, practical courses, seminars, and small group lessons, on the topics of the central nervous system, skin, and the sensory systems.

4th semester:?

As part of this module, we offer online tutorials, lectures, practical courses, seminars and small group lessons on the subject “performance”.

1st to 4th semesters - Longitudinal scientific course

During the initial four semesters, the chair of Physiology is actively involved in the design of the scientific education of the students by addressing the following topics:

  • The structure of scientific thinking, including forming a research hypothesis, experimental design, and data interpretation.
  • Laboratory research, including data-based decision-making, evaluation, and statistics.
  • Research methods (e.g., imaging techniques, artifacts).

4th semester Elective course “Understanding physiological relationships better - methods of biophysics”

In the fourth semester, students will have the opportunity to gain insight into the research focus of the Department of Physiology by learning the methods used to investigate the influence of the cell environment on its function. The course will familiarize students with optical, mechanical, and electrophysiological characterization methods that enable conclusions to be drawn from molecules to cells to organs.




1st semester:

Module?Einführung in die Hebammenwissenschaft und naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen






Details on all courses can be found in? Moodle.
