

General Information

As the number of applicants for the degree programme in medicine is larger than the number of available study places throughout Germany, study places are allocated according to a central allocation process administered by the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung (Foundation for Admission to Higher Education). German nationals or applicants considered equivalent to German nationals do not, therefore, apply directly to the university but rather to the foundation for a study place in medicine. If applicants do not possess a German higher education entrance qualification, they must acquire confirmation of their qualification from the Bavarian office for the recognition of non Bavarian certificates and diplomas (Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle für Bayern) and be able to provide recognised evidence of German language skills at C1 level.


For applicants who acquired their higher education entrance qualification (HZB) in the same year as applying, the application deadline is the 15th of July in the same year. For so-called "old graduates" (Alt-Abiturienten), who acquired their HBZ before the 16th of January of that year, the application deadline is the end of May.


The first step in the central allocation process is registering with the online application portal through the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung. To be considered in the allocation process at the University of Augsburg, applicants must select the University of Augsburg as their desired location in the online application portal. It is not possible to apply directly to the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Augsburg.


Study places are allocated in three central admission quotas. 30% of study places are allocated according to the best Abitur quota (Abiturbestenquota) and 10% according to the aptitude quota (Eignungsquota). The remaining study places (60%) are allocated according to the university selection process (Auswahlverfahren der Hochschulen, AdH), which is administered by the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung according to the selection criteria of the medical faculties.


? University of Augsburg


Study places in the university selection process (Auswahlverfahren der Hochschulen) for the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Augsburg are allocated according to the following criteria:


  1. 15% of study places are allocated according to the result of the subject-specific aptitude test “Test für medizinische Studieng?nge, TMS” (Test for medical degree programmes)
  2. The remaining 85% of study places are allocated according to the following criteria in consideration of the maximum score.
  • 25 points according to final grade of the higher education entrance qualification
  • 70 points according to the subject-specific aptitude test (Eignungstest, TMS)
  • 3 points for completed medically related vocational education and training
  • 2 points for a recognised form of practical experience?

An applicant’s overall score in terms of number of points is calculated according to the number of points achieved in each criterion according to §3 of the Selection Statutes of the Faculty of Medicine (Auswahlsatzung Medizin). Applicants are then ranked based on their total score and the available study places are then allocated on this basis. The available study places are allocated to the applicants with the highest score.


The statutes covering the selection process for medicine can be found in the university’s legal collection.?


? University of Augsburg


An overview of selection criteria


  • Grade point average of the higher education entrance qualification (HZB-Durchschnittsnote)
    The grade point average of the higher education entrance qualification is the grade point average displayed on the qualification certificate. The selection of basic and advanced courses plays no role. A maximum of 25 points can be achieved on the basis of the final Abitur grade in the selection process at the University of Augsburg. The number of points accrued according to the result of the higher education entrance qualification is calculated according to Appendix 1 of the Selection Statutes of the Faculty of Medicine (Auswahlsatzung Medizin).
  • Standard score of the test for medical degree programmes (TMS-Standardwert)
    The test for medical degree programmes is specifically designed to predict the aptitude of prospective medical students. A ranking is created by the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Augsburg on the basis of the standard score of the test for medical degree programmes. The TMS is taken into full consideration for the internal quota; a maximum of 70 points can be calculated based on the TMS score for the remaining quota of the university selection process (AdH). If the application does not include a TMS score or it falls under the average (under 100 points), no points will be allocated. The calculation of points for the TMS occurs according to Appendix 4 Para. 2 of the Bavarian Higher Education Admissions Regulation (Hochschulzulassungsverordnung, HZB) according to a z-transformation for normal distributions. The test dates and registration deadlines can be found on the TMS website.
  • Vocational education and training
    Vocational education and training in medicine is recognised with 3 points according to Appendix 6 of the Bavarian Higher Education Admissions Regulation (Hochschulzulassungsverordnung, HZB).
  • Recognised practical experience
    Recognised practical experience in medicine is recognised with 2 points according to Appendix 3 of the Selection Statutes of the Faculty of Medicine (Auswahlsatzung Medizin)
? University of Augsburg

Applicants applying for a second degree

Applicants who have already completed a degree in Germany must apply as second-degree applicants (Zweitstudienbewerberinnen und -bewerber) in order to apply for a study place in medicine. The application must be made to the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung. Further information about the application process and selection criteria can be found on the foundation’s website and in an information sheet on admission to a second degree.


If there are academic reasons for a second degree, an academic assessment can be requested from the University of Augsburg. In this case, please send the relevant form from the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung. This can be found in the download area on the foundation’s website. Complete the form and send your request and the following documentation to the address listed below.

  • Certified copy of your certificate of your first completed degree
  • Letter of motivation
  • a CV in tabular form
  • a List of publications
  • If applicable, awards, prizes, research projects with third party funds

Faculty of Medicine


Department of Medical Education


Universit?tsstra?e 2

86159 Augsburg


The deadline for requesting an academic assessment at the University of Augsburg is the 31st of May.


Applicants with a vocational qualification

Applicants with a vocational qualification but without a school-based higher education entrance qualification also have the possibility to apply to study medicine. There are two distinct groups:

  • Persons without a school-based higher education entrance qualification but with a master craftsman’s diploma (Meisterbrief) or another equivalent vocational qualification.
  • Persons without a school-based higher education entrance qualification but with a vocational qualification and a professional occupation in the same area as the vocational qualification.

Applications for an advisory interview (Beratungsgespr?ch) and, if applicable, participation in a higher education admission examination (only for vocationally qualified without a master craftsman’s diploma) are to be submitted by the 15th of May to the Registrar’s Office at the University of Augsburg. Applicants from both groups will be informed about the content, structure, and demands of a medical degree as well as about how to prepare for it. After the advisory interview, applicants with a master craftsman’s diploma or equivalent qualification will receive an equivalent grade for a general higher education entrance qualification based on the final grade of their vocational qualification.?


Vocationally qualified applicants with a minimum of three years professional experience will be invited to take a higher education entrance examination following the advisory interview at the University of Augsburg. Based on the results of the higher education entrance examination, a subject-specific higher education entrance qualification will be awarded. In order to gain admission to the higher education entrance examination, applicants must provide evidence that their vocational qualification and professional experience is medically related. Recognised professions are listed in Appendix 6 of the Bavarian Higher Education Admissions Regulation (Hochschulzulassungsverordnung, HZB). The higher education entrance examination grade serves as a grade equivalent for the subject-specific higher education entrance qualification.?


Both groups of applicants apply with their grade equivalent through the central allocation process (see above) for a study place in medicine.


Detailed information about the application process and dates for submitting documentation for the advisory interview and the higher education entrance examination can be found on the Registrar’s Office’s website at the University of Augsburg.


Download flyer on admission to higher education for applicants with a vocational qualification
