

Curriculum/ Vitae


Born on March 26, 1966, German citizan.





  • 1986 - ? 1988: Physics and mathematics at Ruhruniversitat Bochum, Germany?
  • 1988 - 1989: Chinese language at Beijing University, P.R. of China
  • 1989 - ? 1993: Mathematics at Ruhruniversit?t Bochum
  • 1993 - 1996: Mathematics at ETH Zürich, Switzerland


Academic degrees


  • 1992: Diplom in mathematics, Ruhruniversit?t Bochum, summa cum laude, advisor: H. Hofer, thesis topic: Pseudo-holomorphe Kurven und periodische Orbits auf Cotangential Bundeln
  • 1996: PhD in mathematics, ETH Zürich, advisor: H. Hofer, thesis topic: Symplectic boundaries: closed characteristics and action spectra




  • 1992 - 1993: Assistant at Ruhruniversit?at Bochum
  • 1993 - 1996: Assistant at ETH Zürich
  • 1996 - 1997: Benjamin Pierce Assistant Professor at Harvard University
  • 1997 - 1998: Risk management at Swiss Bank Corporation, Basel
  • 1998 - 1999: Postdoc at IBM Zürich Research Laboratory
  • 1999 - 2001: Szeg? Assistant Professor at Stanford University
  • 2001 - 2012: Professor at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t, München
  • Since 2012: Professor at Augsburg University

Research interests


  • Differential geometry and topology: symplectic and contact manifolds, Lagrangian and Legendrian knots, Stein manifolds, loop spaces and string topology, h-principles
  • Hamiltonian dynamics: variational methods, periodic and homoclinic orbits, celestial mechanics
  • Global analysis: solution spaces of elliptic PDEs, symplectic eld theory

Research Grants

  • 1997 - 2000: NSF Grant DMS-9700209 "Symplectic manifolds with boundary"
  • 2000 -? ? ? ? ??? 2001: NSF Grant DMS-0075477 "Workshop on low-dimensional contact geometry
  • 2000 -? ? ? ??? 2003: NSF Grant DMS-0072267 "Moment maps and J-holomorphic curves"
  • 2003 - 2010: DFG Grant CI 45/1 "The symplectic vortex equations and applications“
  • 2003 - 2010: DFG Grant CI 45/2 "Punctured holomorphic curves in symplectic geometry" (with K. Mohnke)
  • 2009 - 2015: DFG Grant CI 45/5 "Foundations of Symplectic Field Theory"
  • 2010 - 2015: European Science Foundation Research Networking Programme "Contact and Symplectic Geometry" (Steering Committee Member)
  • 2013 - ? 2018: DFG Grant CI 45/6 "Algebraic Structures on Symplectic Homology and Their Applications" (with J. Latschev)
  • 2016 - 2023: DFG Grant CI 45/8 "Symplectic techniques in the restricted three body problem" (with U. Frauenfelder)
  • since 2023: DFG Grant CI 45/12 "Rabinowitz Floer Homology" (with U. Frauenfelder)

(Co-) organized Conferences and Workshops

  • 2000: Contact Geometry Quarter, Stanford
  • 2003: Contact Topology Workshop, München
  • 2005: Workshop on Symplectic Field Theory I, Leipzig
  • 2006: Workshop on Symplectic Field Theory II, Leipzig
  • 2007: Workshop "Towards Relative Symplectic Field Theory", New York
  • 2008: Workshop on Symplectic Field Theory III, Berlin
  • 2009: Workshop on Symplectic Field Theory IV, München
  • 2010: Symplectic Geometry and Transformation Groups, Edinburgh
  • 2011: Workshop on Symplectic Field Theory V, Hamburg
  • 2012: Workshop on Symplectic Field Theory VI, München
  • 2013: Andrejewski Day, Augsburg
  • 2014: Workshop on Symplectic Field Theory VII, Münster
  • 2016: X Workshop on Symplectic Geometry, Contact Geometry, and Interactions, Augsburg
  • 2016: Workshop on Symplectic Field Theory VIII, Berlin
  • 2018: Workshop on Symplectic Field Theory IX, Augsburg
  • 2022: Geometry and Topology ICM sectional workshop, Copenhagen



You can read more about the Publications of Prof. Cieliebak here.
