

First steps at the Institute of Mathematics


This drop-down menu provides guidance on programme selection and orientation for prospective students. It describes the aims, content and procedures of our programmes in accordance with our examination regulations.


Please note that you should also read the examination regulations before starting your studies. These contain all the mandatory requirements for successful completion of the programmes. The courses offered are listed in the relevant Module Guides.

ule guides.

Despite the general university admission (Hochschulreife) there is no prerequisite for the students of mathematics. Successful completion of the mathematics programme however requires special talent and effort.?


In particular the first semesters cause some difficulties to students, as one needs to adopt the specific way of mathematical thinking and writing. Such initial difficulties can be overcome. To provide support during this period, the institute of mathematics has initiated the OpenMathRoom (offener Matheraum)


Your actual amount of interest and talent in mathematics, requiring much stamina and creativity, is difficult to assert prior to your first year of studies. You can best detemine your eligibility by active participation in study groups during the first semesters.


It is a main goal of all mathematics programmes that the student learn to use mathematics as a tool in theory and applications. The nature of mathematics puts a limit to job-focussed education; The point of this programme is more to learn methods and ways of thinking that are helpful in a variety of contexts. This is why the desire to get a particular job is not a sufficient motivation to study mathematics. A certain amount of joy for the subject itself is essential.


Understanding mathematics is a process that teachers can only support, but in the end the students need to learn it by themselves. The skillset that is created during the studies of mathematics contains (independently of the chosen electives/specialization):


  • The ability to recognize problems
  • The ability to ask questions
  • Development of understanding and ideas
  • Reflection and Discussion
  • Translation of imagination in clear language
  • Defining notions in detail
  • Ability to give and receive criticism
  • Experience of problems that can not be solved immediately
  • Stamina and endurance
  • Problem solving via abstract thinking
  • Ability to learn from mistakes and see them as motivation
  • Self-confidence for overcoming difficulties
  • Clear explanation of complex topics
  • Finding pleasure from progess and intrinsic motivation


It is possible to start any programme in any winter or summer term. This supports a flexible entry into our programmes. The course schedule has been designed so that the duration of study is independent of the term in which you enrol.

  • You can request the necessary application forms in March, August, September of each year by sending an informal e-mail to the Registrar's office ( Studierendenkanzlei) or in person (Studierendenkanzlei, Universit?t Augsburg, Universit?tsstr. 2, 86135 Augsburg).
  • You must attach your university admission certificate (e.g. high school diploma etc.)
  • There exist no limitations to the number of enrolments for our programmes.
  • The enrolment can e.g. be performed in person at the study board ( Studierendenkanzlei) with the required documents during March/April or September/October. For other options please contact the study board.


  • The regular duration of the Master's programme (Regelstudienzeit) in Mathematics and Mathematical Analysis and Modelling is 4 semesters (including the master's thesis).

  • Please note: The regular duration of studies is fixed in the exam regulations. While you are allowed to exceed regular duration (within certain limits fixed by the exam regulations), completion within the regular duration might be relevant for grant applications etc.

The methods of teaching consist (almost) exhaustively of lectures, exercise classes, seminars, self-study and self-guided research.



  • Lectures
    The lectures are intended to be an introduction to several fields in mathematics. The teacher conveys basic knowledge by means of a self-contained presentation and gives examples for the discovered methods.

  • Exercise classes
    Understanding the lectures requires intense and self-guided reflection of the material. Thus we usually offer exercise classes for all our lectures. In particular in the beginning of your studies these will be of significant importance. The teachers assign written homework problems, which you have to work on by yourself. In the exercise classes you have the opportunity to discuss the solutions or discuss questions and problems concerning the lecture material, guided by experts. The exercise classes are an essential supplement of the lectures, which is why you can only benefit from a lecture if you also show active participation in the corresponding exercise class.

  • Seminars
    Seminars cover special topics in mathematics. They build on insights from lectures and elaborate the material using literature. Usually, participation requires some lectures as a prerequisite and the participants need to read through the material by themselves. Normally, each participant gives a presentation about the material that was assigned to them. After the presentation there will be a discussion about the mathematical content and possible applications.?

  • Thesis
    An essential module is of our programmes is the thesis, which one writes supervised by a professor. The aim is that students show that they can solve and present a selected problem by means of scientific methods.
    Possible problems/tasks are the following:

    • Using established methods to treat new applications,

    • Elaborate and simplify proofs for known results,

    • Fill in the holes in a given sketch of a proof.

    The ability to work scientifically is not just tested but also acquired during the thesis. During your studies it is advised to attend courses and seminars in the context of your prospective thesis supervisor. It is also advised to consult supervisors about thesis topics early enough.





  • End of winter semester 2024/25
    February 07 2025
  • Start of summer semester 2025
    April 23 2025
  • End of summer semester 2025
    July 25 2025
  • Start of winter semester 2025/26
    October 13 2025
  • End of winter semester 2025/26
    February 06 2026
  • Start of summer semester 2026
    April 13 2026
  • End of summer semester 2026
    July 17 2026
  • Start of winter semester 2026/27
    October 12 2026
  • End of winter semester 2026/27
    February 05 2027
  • Start of summer semester 2027
    April 12 2027
  • End of summer semester 2027
    July 16 2027
  • Start of winter semester 2027/28
    October 18 2027
  • End of winter semester 2027/28
    February 11 2028
