

Exam regulations for the study programmes at the institute of mathematics

You can find links to the exam regulations for our study programmes either below or on their respective webpages. Please note that the regulations are subject to regular change; which regulations are valid in your case depends on your date of enrolment.


Further, you can purchase the exam regulations of the math education programme as a book:


Bayerisches Lehrerbildungsgesetz (BayLBG)?/

Lehramtsprüfungsordnung?I (LPO?I)

Verlag C.H.Beck


(3. Aufl. 2008. Last updated: 1. Juni 2008)


Application forms and further info about the application procedure for our M.Sc. programmes can be obtained on their respective webpages.


The application deadline for the subsequent summer semester is 31. January; for the subsequent winter semester it is 31. July. (Kindly note that this is a cut-off date, later applications will not be considered).
