

Dean of studies of the institute of mathematics

Responsibilities of the dean of studies

The responsibilities of the dean of study are prescribed in the law, see Art. 30 Abs. 2 des Bayerischen Hochschulgesetzes.


The dean of studies

  1. ensures that the offered courses adhere to the regulations for studies and examinations, that the degree can be obtained realistically within the regular duration of study and that the students are advised appropriately,
  2. is responsible for the evaluation of teaching, taking into account student feedback,
  3. reports regularly to the dean and (at least once a term) also to the faculty council as well as the management of the university,
  4. prepares a report with anonymized data for the faculty council once a year (Lehrbericht),
  5. provides suggestions to the dean for the usage of available funds,
  6. examines and reports on the pedagogical skills of candidates in hiring procedures.

At Augsburg University the dean of studies additionally manages the? OpenMathRoom. For questions concerning individual study advice, counseling or organization please refer to the student advisory services ( Studienberatung) or the examination board ( Prüfungsausschuss) of your study programme.


The contact data of the current dean of studies can be found below.

Info for master's students

It is possible for master's students to receive funding for the attendance of scientific workshops and conferences (travel funds/accomodation etc). For requests of this kind please contact the dean of studies. If you are interested in attending a workshop you may also want to apply for funding by the host institution (if available).



Kontaktdaten des Studiendekans

Analysis and Geometry


