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Jan. 9, 2025

Ceramic matrix composites repairable for the first time

Researchers at the Institute for Materials Resource Management have developed a method to repair ceramic matrix composite components. Up until now, it was not possible to repair such matrix composites. The project ¡°R4CMC ¨C Repair Concepts for Reduced Rates of Virgin and Overhauled CMC¡± was funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy.

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Ein rundes Bauteil aus keramischem Faserverbundmaterial
March 8, 2024

New Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the University of Augsburg

Dr. Alexander Khort, a chemical engineer from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm, is a new researcher at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology at the University of Augsburg for two years. There he is working together with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Suelen Barg on developing new methods for producing smart nanomaterials, investigating their properties, and possible applications, and studying degradation behaviour.

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Das MRM-Geb?ude der Universit?t Augsburg von au?en
June 16, 2023

Ticket system for IT related inquiries

The IT-team of the MRM is now using a ticket system to process your service requests.


Please direct your IT related inquiries to the following functional address:



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Illustration von Computer, Tablet, Aktenordner, Dokumente auf blauem Hintergrund
March 31, 2023

2nd Place for Katrin Bock at Hans-Walter Hennicke Lecture Competition

Katrin Bock, Chair of Materials Engineering at MRM, competed in the Hans-Walter Hennicke Lecture Competition at the annual meeting of the German Ceramic Society DKG in Jena (27.3.-30.3.2023).

She presented her master thesis entitled ¡°Crack length determination in all-oxide Ceramic Matrix Composites¡° und won the second prize endowed with 1000 €! Winner was Michelle Weichelt, University of Erlangen-N¨¹rnberg, third place won Jalena Best, University of Bayreuth. The other competitors were Benedict Witulski, University of Cologne, Chukwudalu Okafor, TU Darmstadt, and Martin Hilger, Research Center J¨¹lich.

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DKG Award to Katrin Bock
Oct. 20, 2022

Recent developments at the Centre for Advanced Analytics and Predictive Sciences

Founded at the end of 2020, the Centre for Advanced Analytics and Predictive Sciences (CAAPS) brings together data collection and processing departments in a multidisciplinary research centre.?Throughout the development phase, new professorships were successfully filled, new degree programmes were established, and the first research projects acquired.

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Building of University of Augsburg
May 20, 2022

Technology-specific raw materials show a short useful life in the life cycle assessment

How long are metallic and mineral raw materials usable in the economic cycle ¨C and when do they dissipate? Researchers from Bordeaux, Augsburg, and Bayreuth, answer these questions about the life cycle of 61 metals in the high-ranking journal "Nature Sustainability." Published and self-collected data on 61 metals were analyzed in research cooperation lasting several years.

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Metalle im Periodensystem und ihre Nutzungsdauer
Dec. 20, 2021

Christmas knowledge: Of bells and acoustic emissions

Christmas would be a silent holiday without the ringing of bells???but would you have guessed that there is a connection between bells and measuring acoustic emissions in the field of materials research???

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Image on the subject of acoustic emissions
Oct. 28, 2021

Ecological development of ceramic composites

At the Institute for Materials Resource Management, the research project "CU EcoCeramic" investigates the potential ecological and economic optimization of fibre reinforced ceramic composite structures based on a Life Cycle Assessment, starting with the manufacturing processes and ending with the recycling options.

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Die Forschenden Thorenz und Koch stehen vor Prozessofen .
July 12, 2021

Artificial intelligence optimises production processes

The Augsburg AI Production Network, founded in January, is an association of the University of Augsburg with the Fraunhofer Institute for Foundry, Composites and Processing Technology IGCV and the Centre for Lightweight Production Technology of the German Aerospace Centre (DLR). The aim is joint research into AI-based production technologies at the interface between materials, manufacturing technologies and data-based modelling.

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Fr?se mit installierter Sensorik
April 16, 2021

Adhesives from waste wood, biofuel from straw

In future, waste from agriculture and forestry could serve as the basis for environmentally friendly building materials, insulation foams or fuels. Over the past four and a half years, an EU project has explored the potential of such products. The results also show how much a holistic view is needed when using them in order to avoid undesirable side effects.

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DeepL logo DeepL logo ?bersetzer DeepL Pro Abos und Preise Apps DeepL f¨¹r Mackostenlos                              Agriculture straw Alternativen:  DeepL Pro ¡ª schnelle, pr?zise und sichere ?bersetzungen Security icon H?chste Datensicherheit Unlimited t
Dec. 15, 2020

Climate Impacts of Food Production

The environmental damage arising from the production of foods is not currently reflected in prices. If the consequential costs of the greenhouse gases emitted are determined and added to current food prices, animal products such as milk, cheese and especially meat would have to become far more expensive. The price difference between conventional and organic products would also be less.? This was published in Nature Communications by a team of researchers led by economist Dr Tobias Gaugler.

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Feb. 21, 2020

ForCYCLE II: effiziente Nutzung von St?uben aus Gie?ereien

Beim Gie?en von Eisen entstehen teilweise stark schadstoffbelastete St?ube, welche die Industrie vor besondere Herausforderungen bei der Entsorgung stellen. Ein Workshop im Rahmen des ForCYCLE II-Projekts brachte Vertreter aus Industrie und Wirtschaft zusammen, um nachaltige L?sungswege zu finden.

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Portr?t der bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH
