



2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998| 1997 | 1996



▲ Top

? Dissociative recombination and its impact on the line profile of the hydrogen Balmer series
? R. Friedl, D. Rauner, and U. Fantz
? Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung Erlangen 2018
? Particles densities and temperatures in atmospheric pressure microwave plasma torch
? A. Hecimovic, E. Carbone, F. D’Isa, and U. Fantz
? Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung Erlangen 2018
? Long pulse operation at ELISE: Approaching the ITER parameters
? D. Wünderlich, R. Riedl, F. Bonomo, I. Mario, U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, W. Kraus, and the NNBI team
? Talk Sixth International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources (NIBS 2018)
? Influence of external magnets and the potential rods on the plasma symmetry in the ELISE ion source
? C. Wimmer, I. Mario, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz, and the NNBI-Team
? Talk Sixth International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources (NIBS 2018)
? Linac4 H?source R&D: Cusp free ICP and magnetron discharge
? J. Lettry, S. Bertolo, U. Fantz, R. Guida, K. Kapusniak, F. Di Lorenzo, C. Machado, C. Mastrostefano, T. Minea, M. O’Neil, H. Neupert, D. Noll, D. Steyaert, and N. Thaus
? Talk Sixth International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources (NIBS 2018)
? First beam extraction experiments at BATMAN upgrade
? W. Kraus, L. Schiesko, F. Bonomo, U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, A. Hurlbatt, and the NNBI Team
? Talk Sixth International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources (NIBS 2018)
? Spectroscopic investigations of the ion source at BATMAN Upgrade
? U. Fantz, S. Briefi, and the NNBI Team
? Talk Sixth International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources (NIBS 2018)
? Uniformity of the large beam of ELISE during Cs conditioning
? F. Bonomo, I. Mario, R. Nocentini, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz, and the NNBI-Team
? Talk Sixth International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources (NIBS 2018)
? Studies of Cs dynamics in large ion sources using the CsFlow3D code
? A. Mimo, C. Wimmer, D. Wünderlich, and U. Fantz
? Talk Sixth International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources (NIBS 2018)
? The particle tracking code BBCNI for negative ion beams and its application to BATMAN upgrade
? A. Hurlbatt, F. Bonomo, N. den Harder, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz, and the NNBI Team
? Talk Sixth International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources (NIBS 2018)
? Optical emission spectroscopy characterization of a kHz pulsed atmospheric pressure N2 microwave plasma
? E. Carbone, F. D’Isa, A. Hecimovic, and U. Fantz
? Talk The 71st Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC 2018)



▲ Top

? Experimental benchmark of the EM-PIC-MCC code NINJA and its application for simulating the Linac4 H? ion source plasma
? S. Briefi, S. Mattei, D. Rauner, J. Lettry, and U. Fantz
? Talk 17th International Conference on Ion Sources (ICIS), 15.-20. Oktober 2017, CERN and Geneva, Switzerland
? Deuterium Results at ELISE
? W. Kraus, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, F. Bonomo, and R. Riedl
? Talk 17th International Conference on Ion Sources (ICIS), 15.-20. Oktober 2017, CERN and Geneva, Switzerland
? Improved Understanding of the Caesium Dynamics in Large H? Sources by Combining TDLAS Measurements and Modelling
? U. Fantz, C. Wimmer, M. Lindauer, and A. Mimo
? Talk 17th International Conference on Ion Sources (ICIS), 15.-20. Oktober 2017, CERN and Geneva, Switzerland
? Plasma diagnostics update and consequences on the upgrade of existing sources
? G. Castro, D. Mascali, G. Torrisi, M. Mazzaglia, R. Miracoli, E. Naselli, S. Briefi, U. Fantz, L. Celona, O. Leonardi, F. Leone, A. Miraglia, L. Neri, R. Reitano, F. P. Romano, G. Sorbello, and S. Gammino
? Talk 17th International Conference on Ion Sources (ICIS), 15.-20. Oktober 2017, CERN and Geneva, Switzerland
? Laser Neutralizer
? R. Friedl, F. Merk
? Talk ITED-Seminar Ringberg 2017
? Work function of caesiated surfaces
? S. Cristofaro, R. Friedl
? Talk ITED-Seminar Ringberg 2017
? Alternatives to Cs evaporation for efficient H? production
? R. Friedl, U. Kurutz, S. Cristofaro
? Talk ITED-Seminar Ringberg 2017
? Improving the RF Coupling Efficiency of Negative Hydrogen Ion Sources
? S. Briefi, D. Rauner, and U. Fantz
? Talk ITED-Seminar Ringberg 2017
? Overview NBI/NNBI activities at ITED
? U. Fantz
? Talk ITED-Seminar Ringberg 2017
? Modelling source concepts (Lishev)
? U. Fantz
? Talk ITED-Seminar Ringberg 2017
? Yacora for atomic and molecular hydrogen
? U. Fantz
? Talk SFB Workshop: Sto?-Strahlungs-Modelle, 16. Februar 2017, RUB Bochum, Germany
? Towards the NBI requirements at ITER 20 A Negative Hydrogen Ion Beams for Up to 1 hour at the ELISE Test Facility
? U. Fantz
? Talk SPC Seminar, 20. M?rz 2017, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland



▲ Top

? NBI Systems for DEMO: Status and Prospects
? U. Fantz
? Talk 4th IAEA DEMO Programme Workshop (DPW-4), 15-18 November 2016, Karlsruhe, Germany
? Influence of the cusp field on the plasma parameters of the Linac4 H? ion source
? S. Briefi, S. Mattei, J. Lettry, and U. Fantz
? Talk 5th NIBS Conference, 12.-16. September 2016, Oxford, UK
? Operation of large RF sources for H?: lessons learned at ELISE
? U. Fantz, D. Wünderlich, B. Heinemann, W. Kraus, R. Riedl, and the NNBI Team
? Talk 5th NIBS Conference, 12.-16. September 2016, Oxford, UK
? Efficiency of Cs-free Materials for H?/D? Production
? R. Friedl, U. Kurutz, and U. Fantz
? Talk 5th NIBS Conference, 12.-16. September 2016, Oxford, UK
? A novel helicon plasma source for negative ion beams for fusion
? I. Furno, R. Agnello, B. P. Duval, C. Marini, A. A. Howling, R. Jacquier, P. Guittienne, U. Fantz, D. Wünderlich, A. Simonin, and S. Bechu
? Talk 5th NIBS Conference, 12.-16. September 2016, Oxford, UK
? Performance of the BATMAN RF Source with a Large Racetrack Shaped Driver
? W. Kraus, U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, L. Schiesko, C. Wimmer, and the NNBI Team
? Talk 5th NIBS Conference, 12.-16. September 2016, Oxford, UK
? Modelling of caesium dynamics in the negative ion sources BATMAN and ELISE
? A. Mimo, C. Wimmer, D. Wünderlich, and U. Fantz
? Talk 5th NIBS Conference, 12.-16. September 2016, Oxford, UK
? ONIX results: Comparison of grid geometry (Batman – ELISE – flat grid)
? A. Revel, S. Mochalskyy, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz, and T. Minea
? Talk 5th NIBS Conference, 12.-16. September 2016, Oxford, UK
? Investigation of plasma parameters at BATMAN for variation of the Cs evaporation asymmetry and comparing two driver geometries
? C. Wimmer, L. Schiesko, J. Jovovic, U. Fantz, and the NNBI Team
? Talk 5th NIBS Conference, 12.-16. September 2016, Oxford, UK
? Long Pulse, High Power Operation of the ELISE Test Facility
? D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, W. Kraus, R. Riedl, and the NNBI Team
? Talk 5th NIBS Conference, 12.-16. September 2016, Oxford, UK
? CERN’s Linac4 Cesiated Surface H? Source
? J. Lettry, D. Aguglia, S. Bertolo, S. Briefi, A. Butterworth, Y. Coutron, A. Dallocchio, N. David, E. Chaudet, U. Fantz, D. Fink, M. Garlasche, A. Grudiev, R. Guida, J. Hansen, M. Haase, A. Hatayama, A. Jones, I. Koszar, J.-B. Lallement, A. Lombardi, F. di Lorenzo, C. Machado, C. Mastrostefano, S. Mathot, S. Mattei, P. Moyret, K. Nishida, M. O’Neil, M. Paoluzzi, R. Scrivens, D. Steyaert, N. Thaus, and G. Voulgarakis
? Talk 5th NIBS Conference, 12.-16. September 2016, Oxford, UK
? Measurement of a comprehensive plasma parameter set in low pressure H2 discharges for extended benchmarking of CR models
? S. Briefi and U. Fantz
? Talk 69th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC), 10.-14. October 2016, Bochum, Germany
? UV/VUV photon fluxes from cylindrical ICPs at 1 MHz in hydrogen
? U. Fantz, D. Rauner, S. Briefi, C. Fr?hler, and D. Wünderlich
? Talk 69th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC), 10.-14. October 2016, Bochum, Germany
? Relevanz der dissoziativen Rekombination von positiven Wasserstoffionen für die Balmer-Strahlung in Niederdruck H2-Entladungen
? S. Briefi, D. Zielke, and U. Fantz
? Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung Hannover 2016
? Einfluss verschiedener Gef??materialien auf Dissoziationsgrad und Rotationsbesetzung molekularen Wasserstoffs in einem ICP
? D. Rauner, S. Briefi, and U. Fantz
? Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung Hannover 2016
? ?bergang von volumen- zu oberfl?chendominierter H?-Produktion in gro?fl?chigen Quellen negativer Wasserstoffionen
? C. Wimmer, L. Schiesko, S. Mochalskyy, U. Fantz, and the NNBI Team
? Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung Hannover 2016
? Physics and Diagnostics of Negative Ion Sources for Fusion
? U. Fantz
? Talk Frontiers in Fusion Interfaces Workshop, University of York, UK, 25-27 April 2016
? Determination of plasma parameters via optical emission spectroscopy at CERN’s Linac4 H? ion source
? S. Briefi, D. Fink, S. Mattei, J. Lettry, and U. Fantz
? Talk International Workshop on Intense and Powerful Accelerator Beams (IPAB), 14.-16. March 2016, Padova, Italy
? Powerful RF ion sources for fusion
? U. Fantz
? Talk International Workshop on Intense and Powerful Accelerator Beams (IPAB), 14.-16. March 2016, Padova, Italy
? Einführung in die Plasma- und Fusionsphysik
? U. Fantz
? Talk Lehrerfortbildung am IPP für Fachreferenten Physik Baden-Württemberg, 23. November 2016, IPP Garching
? Einführung in die Plasma- und Fusionsphysik
? U. Fantz
? Talk Lehrerfortbildung am IPP für Lehrkr?fte Physik Gymnasien in Bayern, 23. November 2016, IPP Garching
? Caesium Dynamics: Basics, Diagnostics and Fundamental Investigations
? R. Friedl
? Talk LHD Experimental Meeting, NIFS, Japan



▲ Top

? Heavy particle temperatures in low pressure N2/H2 discharges determined via OES
? S. Briefi, D. Rauner, and U. Fantz
? Talk 68th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC), 12.-16. October 2015, Honolulu, USA
? Towards 20 A Negative Hydrogen Ion Beams for Up to 1 hour: Achievements of the ELISE Test Facility
? U. Fantz, B. Heinemann, D. Wünderlich, R. Riedl, W. Kraus, R. Nocentini, F. Bonomo, and the NNBI Team
? Talk 16th International Conference on Ion Sources (ICIS), 23.-28. August 2015, New York, USA
? Investigation of the Boundary Layer during the Transition from Volume to Surface Dominated H? Production at the BATMAN Test Facility
? C. Wimmer, L. Schiesko, U. Fantz, and the NNBI Team
? Talk 16th International Conference on Ion Sources (ICIS), 23.-28. August 2015, New York, USA
? Recent Studies of Hydrogen Negative Ion Source and Beam Production for NBI in Large Helical Device
? K. Ikeda, P. Agostinetti, M. Brombin, U. Fantz, S. Geng, O. Kaneko, M. Kisaki, K. Nagaoka, H. Nakano, M. Osakabe, E. Sartori, G. Serianni, Y. Takeiri, K. Tsumori, P. Veltri, C. Wimmer, and D. Wünderlich
? Talk 25th International Toki Conference (ITC 25), 3.-6. November 2015, Toki, Japan
? Fundamentals on Cs & Cs diagnostics
? R. Friedl
? Talk ITED-Seminar Kochel 2015
? Work Function Measurements @ ACCesS
? S. Cristofaro, R. Friedl
? Talk ITED-Seminar Kochel 2015
? Caesium Dynamics: Open Issues
? C. Wimmer, R. Friedl
? Talk ITED-Seminar Kochel 2015
? Laser Neutralizer
? R. Friedl
? Talk ITED-Seminar Kochel 2015
? Improved Driver Efficiency
? S. Briefi
? Talk ITED-Seminar Kochel 2015
? Basic investigations performed at University of Augsburg
? U. Kurutz
? Talk ITED-Seminar Kochel 2015
? Linac4 H? Ion Sources
? J. Lettry, D. Aguglia, J. Alessi, P. Andersson, S. Bertolo, S. Briefi, A. Butterworth, Y. Coutron, A. Dallocchio, N. David, E. Chaudet, D. Faircloth, U. Fantz, D.A. Fink, M. Garlasche, A. Grudiev, R. Guida, J. Hansen, M. Haase, A. Hatayama, A. Jones, I. Koszar, J.-B. Lallement, A.M. Lombardi, C. Machado, C. Mastrostefano, S. Mathot, S. Mattei, P. Moyret, D. Nisbet, K. Nishida, M. O’Neil, M. Paoluzzi, R. Scrivens, T. Shibata, D. Steyaert, N. Thaus, and G. Voulgarakis
? Talk 16th International Conference on Ion Sources (ICIS), 23.-28. August 2015, New York, USA



▲ Top

? Size Scaling of Negative Hydrogen Ion Sources for Fusion
? U. Fantz, P. Franzen, W. Kraus, L. Schiesko, C. Wimmer, and D. Wünderlich
? Talk 4th NIBS Conference, 6.-10. October 2014, Garching Germany
? Status of the ELISE Test Facility
? P. Franzen, D. Wünderlich, R. Riedl, R. Nocentini, F. Bonomo, U. Fantz, M. Fr?schle, B. Heinemann, C. Martens, W. Kraus, A. Pimazzoni, B. Ruf, and the NNBI Team
? Talk 4th NIBS Conference, 6.-10. October 2014, Garching, Germany
? Alternative RF coupling concepts for H? ion sources
? S. Briefi and U. Fantz
? Talk 4th NIBS Conference, 6.-10. October 2014, Garching Germany
? Investigations on caesium-free alternatives for H? formation at ion source relevant parameters
? U. Kurutz and U. Fantz
? Talk 4th NIBS Conference, 6.-10. October 2014, Garching Germany
? Spatial Distribution of the Plasma Parameters in the RF Driven Negative Ion Source Prototype for Fusion
? S. Lishev, L. Schiesko, D. Wünderlich, and U. Fantz
? Talk 4th NIBS Conference, 6.-10. October 2014, Garching, Germany
? Towards a realistic 3D simulation of the meniscus in negative ion sources
? S. Mochalskyy, D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, and T. Minea
? Talk 4th NIBS Conference, 6.-10. October 2014, Garching, Germany
? Advanced ion beam calorimetry for the test facility ELISE
? R. Nocentini, F. Bonomo, A. Pimazzoni, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, M. Fr?schle, B. Heinemann, R. Pasqualoto, R. Riedl, B. Ruf, and D. Wünderlich
? Talk 4th NIBS Conference, 6.-10. October 2014, Garching, Germany
? Cs doped Molybdenum as surface converter for H? / D? generation in NNBI sources: first steps and proof of principle
? L. Schiesko, G. Cartry, C. Hopf, C. H?schen, G. Meisl, O. Encke, P. Franzen, B. Heinemann, P. Amsalem, K. Achkasov, and U. Fantz
? Talk 4th NIBS Conference, 6.-10. October 2014, Garching, Germany
? Dependence of the Source Performance on Plasma Parameters at the BATMAN Test Facility
? C. Wimmer, U. Fantz, L. Schiesko, and the NNBI Team
? Talk 4th NIBS Conference, 6.-10. October 2014, Garching, Germany
? Progress Status of the Activities in EU for the Development of the ITER Neutral Beam Injector and Test Facility
? A. Masiello, G. Agarici, D. Boilson, T. Bonicelli, H. Decamps, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, J. Graceffa, B. Heinemann, R. Hemsworth, D. Marcuzzi, F. Paolucci, M. Simon, V. Toigo, and P. Zaccaria
? Talk 25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2014), 13.-18. October 2014, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
? Negative hydrogen ion sources for NBI: diagnostics of electronegative plasmas with high relevance for fusion experiments
? D. Wünderlich, C. Wimmer, L. Schiesko, U. Fantz, P. Franzen, and the NNBI Team
? Talk 22nd Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG), 15.-19. July 2014, Greifswald, Germany
? Einführung in die Plasma- und Fusionsphysik
? U. Fantz
? Talk Lehrerfortbildung am IPP für Berufliche Oberschulen Fachrichtung Physik/Technologie, 5. Februar 2014, IPP Garching
? Das Feuer der Sonne für die Erde: Energiegewinnung durch Kernfusion!
? U. Fantz
? Talk Planetarium Laupheim, Themenabend Kernfusion, 7. Februar 2014, Laupheim
? Das Feuer der Sonne für die Erde: Energiegewinnung durch Kernfusion!
? U. Fantz
? Talk Planetarium Laupheim, Themenabend Kernfusion, 14. Februar 2014, Laupheim
? Das Feuer der Sonne für die Erde: Energiegewinnung durch Kernfusion!
? U. Fantz
? Talk 4. Unterfr?nkisches Ferienseminar für Gymnasiasten, 31. Juli 2014, Würzburg
? Einführung in die Plasma- und Fusionsphysik
? U. Fantz
? Talk Lehrerfortbildung am IPP für Lehrkr?fte Physik an Gymnasien, MB Oberbayern Ost, 12. November 2014, IPP Garching
? Relevance of Molecules in Ionizing and Recombining Plasmas in the Divertor and in Negative Ion Sources for Fusion
? U. Fantz
? Talk Decennial IAEA Technical Meeting on Atomic, Molecular and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion Science and Technology, 15-19 December 2014, National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon, Korea
? Achievement of high atomic hydrogen densities in cylindrical RF plasmas with magnetic field
? S. Briefi and U. Fantz
? Talk Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC), Raleigh, NC, USA, 2014
? Einfluss von Xenon- und Caesium-Beimischungen auf ein Wasserstoff-Niedertemperaturplasma
? R. Friedl und U. Fantz
? Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung Berlin 2014




? Experimental investigations on the caesium dynamics in H2/D2 low temperature plasmas
? R. Friedl
? Talk ITED Ringberg-Seminar 2013
? Reducing the number of open issues for the Cs dynamics in negative ion sources
? R. Friedl
? Talk Workshop Cs’13 at ICIS 2013, Chiba, Japan
? Fusion Research in an International Environment at the Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics
? U. Fantz
? Talk GESL (Global Environmental System Leaders) Symposium, February 23 - 26, 2013, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
? Negative Ion Source Development at IPP for ITER NBI: Present Status
? U. Fantz
? Talk Workshop on Modeling of Negative Ion Production and Extraction in Large Scale H? Ion Sources: Comparison of Experiments and Modeling, February 27 - 28, 2013, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
? Fusionsforschung am Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik: Forschung für die Energie von Morgen
? U. Fantz
? Talk Businessfrühstück der Stadt Garching am 09.04.2013, IPP
? Dissociative Recombination in Plasmas Relevant to Fusion
? U. Fantz
? Talk Int. Conf. on Dissociative Recombination, DR2013, 7-12 July 2013, Paris, France
? First Results of the ITER-Relevant Negative Ion Beam Test Facility ELISE
? U. Fantz
? Talk 15thInternational Conference on Ion Sources (ICIS), September 9 – 13, 2013,Chiba, Japan
? Challenges of negative hydrogen ion sources for fusion
? U. Fantz
? Talk Workshop at the 66th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference GEC on “Mysteries and Challenges of Negative Ion Sources”, September 30 - October 4, 2013, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
? Large and Powerful RF-driven Hydrogen Ion Sources
? U. Fantz
? Talk Contributed talk at the 66th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference GEC, September 30 - October 4, 2013, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
? Proof of principle experiments for helicon discharges in hydrogen
? S. Briefi
? Talk Contributed talk at the 66th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference GEC, September 30 - October 4, 2013, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
? Large and Powerful RF-Driven Hydrogen Plasmas: Negative Ions for the Heating Systems of ITER
? U. Fantz
? Talk Seminar at the Columbia University, 30. September 2013, New York, USA
? Leuchtende Plasmab?lle: Plasmoide oder Kugelblitze
? U. Fantz
? Talk Tag der offenen Tür, IPP, 19. Oktober 2013
? Large and Powerful RF-Driven Hydrogen Plasmas: Negative Ions for the Heating Systems of ITER
? U. Fantz
? Talk Seminar, Max-Planck Insitut für Kernphysik, 7. November 2013, Heidelberg
? Large and Powerful RF-Driven Hydrogen Plasmas: Negative Ions for the Heating Systems of ITER
? U. Fantz
? Talk Seminar, KAERI, 12. November 2013, Daejeon, Korea
? First Results of the ITER-Relevant Negative Ion Beam Test Facility ELISE
? U. Fantz
? Talk Seminar, KAERI, 14. November 2013, Daejeon, Korea
? Diagnostics of negative ion production and beam
? U. Fantz
? Talk Seminar, KAERI, 15. November 2013, Daejeon, Korea



▲ Top

? Plasma – ?berall und Unbekannt?
? R. Friedl und D. Ertle
? Talk Lehrerfortbildung, 07.03.2012, FOS Augsburg
? Laserabsorptionsspektroskopie an zwei Sichtstrahlen zur ortsaufgel?sten Bestimmung der C?siumdynamik in Quellen negativer Wasserstoffionen
? C. Wimmer, U. Fantz, Dirk Wünderlich & IPP-NNBI Team
? Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung Stuttgart 2012
? Modellierung der Ionenquelle für ITER NBI: Von der Erzeugung negativer Wasserstoffionen bis zur Extraktion
? D. Wünderlich und NNBI Team
? HauptTalk DPG Frühjahrstagung Stuttgart 2012
? An Overview on the Max Planck Society, the IPP Institute and the NBI group
? U. Fantz
? Talk Seminar at the College of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 24 April 2012,Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China
? Powerful Plasma Sources for Negative Hydrogen Ions: A Challenge to Sustain the Fire in ITER
? U. Fantz
? Talk Seminar at the College of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 24 April 2012, Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China
? Plasma Diagnostics of Ion Sources
? U. Fantz
? Talk CERN Accelerator School “Ion Sources”, 29 May - 8 June 2012 in Senec, Slovakia
? Large and powerful rf-driven hydrogen plasmas: negative ions for the heating systems of ITER
? U. Fantz
? Talk Gordon Research Conference on “Plasma Processing Science and Societal Grand Challenges”, 22 – 27 July 2012, Smithfield, RI, USA
? Large and powerful rf-driven hydrogen plasmas: negative ions for the heating systems of ITER
? U. Fantz
? Talk 65th Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC), 22 – 26 October 2012, Austin, Texas
? Expansion of a plasma across a transverse magnetic field in a negative hydrogen ion source for fusion
? U. Fantz
? Talk Workshop on Plasma Cross Field Diffusion at the 65th Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC), 22 October 2012, Austin, Texas
? A comparison of hydrogen and deuterium plasmas in negative hydrogen ion sources for fusion
? U. Fantz
? Talk 3rd International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources (3rd NIBS), September 3-7, 2012 Jyv?skyl?, Finland



▲ Seitenanfang

? Leuchtende Plasmab?lle: Plasmoide oder Kugelbitze
? U. Fantz, S. Briefi, S. Kalafat
? Talk Tag der offenen Tür, IPP Garching, 15. Oktober 2011
? Plasma - ?berall und Unbekannt?
? Ch. Wimmer, D. Ertle, U. Kurutz
? Talk Tag der offenen Tür, IPP Garching, 15. Oktober 2011
? Plasma - ?berall und Unbekannt?
? S. Briefi und R. Friedl
? Talk LEW EnergieCampus, Augsburg, 22.09.2011
? Development of a Helicon-like ICP as Negative Hydrogen Ion Source for Fusion
? U. Fantz
? Talk RF Workshop, September 17th, 2011, Giardini Naxos, Italy
? Cesium Dynamics in Long Pulse Operation of Negative Hydrogen Ion Sources for Fusion
? U. Fantz
? Talk 14th Int. Conf. on Ion Sources (ICIS 11), September 12-16, 2011, Giardini Naxos, Italy
? Plasma - ?berall und Unbekannt?
? Ch. Wimmer und U. Kurutz
? Talk IdeenExpo, Hannover, 27. August - 04. September 2011
? Application and Evaluation of Data in Population Models for H, H2 and He
? U. Fantz
? Talk CRP (Co-ordinated Research Project) on “Atomic and Molecular Data for State-resolved Modelling of Hydrogen and Helium and their Isotopes in Fusion Plasma“, August 10-12, 2011, IAEA Vienna
? ITER - Der Weg zur Energiequelle von morgen!
? U. Fantz
? Talk Lehrerfortbildung, Realschule Mering, 28.06.2011
? Powerful Plasma Sources for Negative Hydrogen Ions: A Challenge to Sustain the Fire in ITER
? U. Fantz
? Talk Université Paris-Sud, LPGP Seminar, Orsay, 23.06.2011
? Untersuchungen zur Cs-Dynamik im ICP-Laborexperiment
? R. Friedl
? Talk TE Ringberg Seminar, 11.-15. April 2011
? Activities at University of Augsburg
? U. Fantz
? Talk TE Ringberg Seminar, 11.-15. April 2011
? Optische Diagnostik Helikon-?hnlicher Entladungen in Wasserstoff und Deuterium
? W. B?hm und U. Fantz
? Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung Kiel 2011
? Mass resolved ion densities in a hydrogen rare gas inductively coupled plasma
? M. Sode, Th. Schwarz-Selinger, W. Jacob, U. Fantz
? Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung Kiel 2011
? ITER - Der Weg zur Energiequelle von morgen!
? U. Fantz
? Talk AbendTalk Gymnasium Raubling, 17.01.2011



▲ Top

? Quantification of Cesium in Negative Hydrogen Ion Sources by Laser Absorption Spectroscopy
? U. Fantz
? Talk 2nd International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources (2nd NIBS), November 16-19, 2010, Hida Earth Wisdom Center, Takayama Gifu Japan
? Plasma - ?berall und Unbekannt?
? Ch. Wimmer und W. B?hm
? Talk Münchner Wissenschaftstage, 23. - 24. Oktober 2010
? Experimental investigation of the caesium dynamics in H2/D2 low-temperature plasmas - Sources and Diagnostics for Cs
? R. Friedl
? Talk IPP PhD-Colloquium, Garching, 18. - 19. Oktober 2010
? Plasma - ?berall und Unbekannt?
? Ch. Wimmer, W. B?hm, F. Vogel
? Talk Highlights der Physik, Augsburg, 09. - 14. Oktober 2010
? Atomic and Molecular Collisional Radiative Modeling for Spectroscopy of Low Temperature and Magnetic Fusion Plasmas
? U. Fantz
? Talk 7th International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications (ICAMDATA 2010), September 21 – 24, 2010, Vilnius, Lithuania
? Powerful Plasma Sources for Negative Hydrogen Ions: A Challenge to Sustain the Fire in ITER
? U. Fantz
? Talk Christian-Albrechts-Universit?t zu Kiel, Physikalisches Kolloquium, Kiel, 8. Juni 2010
? Plasma - ?berall und Unbekannt?
? S. Briefi und R. Friedl
? Talk Wissenschaftssommer Magdeburg, 05. - 11. Juni 2010
? Programmbesprechung TE
? U. Fantz
? Talk IPP Garching, 2.6.2010
? Leuchtende Plasmab?lle: Plasmoide oder Kugelbitze
? U. Fantz, S. Briefi, R. Friedl
? Talk Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, IPP Garching, 15. Mai 2010
? Plasma - ?berall und Unbekannt?
? Ch. Wimmer und W. B?hm
? Talk Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, IPP Garching, 15. Mai 2010
? Powerful Plasma Sources for Negative Hydrogen Ions: A Challenge to Sustain the Fire in ITER
? U. Fantz
? Talk Ruhr Universit?t Bochum, Physikalisches Kolloquium, Bochum, 3. Mai 2010
? Intensit?t der Stickstoff-Molekülstrahlung in einer Argon-Bogenentladung
? R. Friedl und U. Fantz
? Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung Hannover 2010
? Diagnostics of Negative Hydrogen Ion Sources for ITER - A Comparative Study
? U. Fantz
? Talk CERN, Ion Source Seminar, Genf, February 2nd 2010



▲ Top

? Regenbogen, Blitze und Polarlichter – wie kommen die Farben an den Himmel?
? U. Fantz
? Talk Tag der offenen Tür, IPP Garching, 24. Oktober 2009
? Plasma - ?berall und Unbekannt?
? P. Starke, S. Briefi, R. Friedl, Ch. Wimmer, W. B?hm
? Talk Tag der offenen Tür, IPP Garching, 24. Oktober 2009
? Ion Source Development at IPP for ITER
? U. Fantz
? Talk RF Ion Source Workshop, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TE, USA, September 28-29, 2009
? Neutral Beam Injection for ITER: Negative Ion Sources
? U. Fantz
? Talk IPP Fachbeirat, Greifswald, 22-24 July 2009
? Neutral Beam Injection for ITER: Negative Ion Sources
? U. Fantz
? Talk IPP Steering Committee, Garching, 15 June 2009
? Diagnostics of Negative Hydrogen Ion Sources for ITER: A Comparative Study
? U. Fantz
? Talk 8th Workshop on Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics (FLTPD), Blansko, Czech Republic 19-23 April 2009
? Negative Wasserstoffionen: Niedertemperaturplasmen für die Fusionsforschung
? U. Fantz
? Talk PlenarTalk auf der DPG Frühjahrstagung 2009, Greifswald, 30.3.-2.4. 2009
? Negative Wasserstoffionen: Niedertemperaturplasmen für die Fusions-forschung
? U. Fantz
? Talk PlenarTalk: DPG Frühjahrstagung Greifswald 2009, p. xxx
? Negative Ion Sources – A Challenge to Sustain the Fire in ITER
? U. Fantz
? Talk FOM Institut Rijnhuizen, 19.3.09
? Negative Ion Sources – A Challenge to Sustain the Fire in ITER
? U. Fantz
? Talk Universit?t Innsbruck, Physikalisches Kolloquium, 17.3.09
? Plasma and Beam Homogeneity of the RF-Driven Negative Hydrogen Ion Source for ITER NBI
? U. Fantz
? Talk TE Ringberg Seminar, 26-30 Januar 2009



▲ Top

? Diagnostic and Concept Improvement of the RF-Driven Negative Hydrogen Ion Source for ITER/DEMO NBI
? U. Fantz
? Talk CCNB Meeting (Coordinating Committee on Neutral Beams), Padua, Italy, 24-25 November 2008
? Fundamental Data of Diatomic Molecules Relevant for Fusion
? U. Fantz
? Talk CRP (Co-ordinated Research Project) on “Atomic and Molecular Data for Plasma Modelling “, IAEA Vienna, 17-19 November 2008
? Plasma Heating: Neutral Beam Injection for Present and Future Fusion Devices
? U. Fantz
? Talk IPP Summer University on Plasma Physics and Fusion Research, Garching, 22-26 September 2008
? Plasma And Beam Homogeneity Of The RF Driven Negative Hydrogen Ion Source For ITER NBI
? U. Fantz
? Talk 1st International Conference on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources (NIBS), 10-12 September 2008, Aix-en-Provence, France
? Spektroskopische Untersuchungen an HF-Quellen für positive Wasserstoffionen
? A. Manhard, U. Fantz, A. St?bler, ASDEX Upgrade NBI Team, H. Greuner und GLADIS Team
? Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung Darmstadt 2008, p. 193 (Talk)
? Verdampfung und Schichtwachstum von C?sium auf verschiedenen Oberfl?chen in Wasserstoffplasmen
? S. K?nig, U. Fantz, R. Merkle und M. Balden
? Talk Talk: DPG Frühjahrstagung Darmstadt 2008, p. 193 (Talk)



▲ Top

? Plasma Heating: Neutral Beam Injection for Present and Future Fusion Devices
? U. Fantz
? Talk TE Ringberg Seminar
? Diagnostik und Modellierung der NNBI Testst?nde- Wozu?
? U. Fantz
? Talk TE Ringberg Seminar
? Ortsaufgel?ste Messung der negativen Wasserstoffionendichte in einer HF-Quelle
? S. Christ-Koch, U. Fantz und NNBI-Team
? Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung Düsseldorf 2007, p. 125
? Regenbogen, Blitze und Polarlichter – wie kommen die Farben an den Himmel?
? U. Fantz
? Talk Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft, Garching
? Plasma Heating: Neutral Beam Injection for Present and Future Fusion Devices
? U. Fantz
? Talk IPP Summer University on Plasma Physics and Fusion Research, Greifswald
? Low Pressure and High Power RF Sources for Negative Hydrogen Ions for Fusion Applications (ITER NBI), 12th International Conference on Ion Sources
? U. Fantz
? Talk Sources ICIS, Jeju, Korea
? Development of a Negative Ion RF Source for ITER NBI
? U. Fantz
? Talk 34th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics EPS, Warsaw, Poland
? Compilation, Calculation and Validation of Fundamental Data for Diatomic Molecules
? U. Fantz
? Talk CRP (Co-ordinated Research Project) on “Atomic and Molecular Data for Plasma Modelling “
? Ortsaufgel?ste Messung der negativen Wasserstoffionendichte in einer HF-Quelle
? S. Christ-Koch, U. Fantz und NNBI-Team
? Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung Düsseldorf 2007, p. 125
? Plasma Homogeneity of Large RF Sources: Spectroscopy and Probes at IPP Testbeds
? U. Fantz
? Talk CCNB Meeting (Coordinating Committee on Neutral Beams), Culham, UK
? Plasma Homogeneity of Large RF Sources: Spectroscopy and Probes at IPP Testbeds
? U. Fantz
? Talk CCNB Meeting (Coordinating Committee on Neutral Beams), Culham, UK, 22 – 24 May 2007
? Spektroskopische Diagnostik bei der Untersuchung von Kohlenstoffoberfl?chen in Wasserstoff-Niederdruckplasmen
? P. Starke
? Talk 13. Fachtagung Plasmatechnologie (PT 13), Bochum



▲ Top

? Plasma Homogeneity of Large RF Sources: First Results
? U. Fantz
? Talk International CCNB Meeting (Coordinating Committee on Neutral Beams), Naka, Japan
? Application of OES to the Negative Ion Sources at NIFS
? U. Fantz
? Talk NIFS, Toki, Japan
? Emission Spectroscopy for Negative Ion Sources
? U. Fantz
? Talk Yamaguchi University, Uebe, Japan
? Emission Spectroscopy for Negative Ion Sources
? U. Fantz
? Talk JAEA, Naka, Japan
? Cavity-Ringdown-Spektroskopie (CRDS) an einer Quelle für negative Wasserstoffionen
? M. Berger, U. Fantz, NNBI-Team
? Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung, Augsburg (2006)
? Messung der Elektronenenergieverteilungsfunktion in einem homogenen ECR-Plasma
? S. Dietrich, U. Fantz
? Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung, Augsburg (2006)
? Development of a Negative Ion RF Source for ITER
? U. Fantz
? Talk IPP Lenkungsausschu?, Bonn
? Diagnostics in Preparation of RADI
? U. Fantz
? Talk CCNB Meeting (Coordinating Committee on Neutral Beams), CEA Cadarache, France
? Plasmatechnologie für ITER: Entwicklung von H?/D? Ionenquellen
? U. Fantz
? Talk Institut für Plasmaphysik, Forschungszentrum Jülich



▲ Top

? Spectroscopy – A Powerful Diagnostic Tool in Source Development
? U. Fantz, H. Falter, P. Franzen, D. Wünderlich, M. Berger, A. Lorenz, W. Kraus, P. McNeely, R. Riedl, E. Speth
? Talk 4th IAEA Technical Meeting on "Negative Ion Based Neutral Beam Injectors", Padova, Italy (2005)
? Leuchtende Plasmen
? U. Fantz
? Talk Universit?t Stuttgart, Probiert die Uni aus!
? Chemische Erosion von Kohlenstoffmaterialien durch Wasserstoffisotope in induktiv angeregten HF-Plasmen
? P. Starke, U. Fantz:
? Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung, Berlin (2005)
? Anwendung spektroskopischer Methoden zur Charakterisierung HF-angeregter negativer Ionenquellen (H?/D?)
? S. Riegg und U. Fantz
? Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung, Berlin (2005)
? Messung ausgew?hlter Besetzungsdichten im Wasserstoffmolekül und Vergleich mit Rechnungen
? M. Regler und U. Fantz
? Talk DPG Frühjahrstagung, Berlin (2005)



▲ Top

? Comparison of Plasma Parameters Between RF and Arc Sources
? U. Fantz
? Talk CCNB Meeting,, CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain, ( 2004)
? Effective Rate Coefficients for Molecular Processes of Hydrogen and Hydrocarbons in Edge Plasmas
? U. Fantz
? Talk CRP (Co-ordinated Research Project) on 'Data for Molecular Processes in Edge Plasmas', IAEA Vienna, 2004
? Molecular Diagnostics of Fusion and Laboratory Plasmas
? U. Fantz
? Talk ICAMDATA 2004
? Diagnostics of Molecules in Technology and Fusion Plasmas
? U. Fantz
? Talk KTH Stockholm, Seminar
? Die physikalische Natur von Regenbogen, Blitzen und Polarlichtern
? U. Fantz
? Talk Naturwissenschaftliche Projektwoche, Gymnasium Bad Aibling, 2004
? Anwendung eines Sto?-Strahlungsmodells mit nichtlinearem Solver zur Diagnostik an Niederdruckplasmen
? D. Wünderlich, U. Fantz, K. Behringer
? Talk DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Kiel
? Diagnostik der Dichte metastabiler Zust?nde in Neon- und Argonniederdruckplasmen aus Emissionslinienverh?ltnissen
? M. Berger, U. Fantz, K. Behringer
? Talk DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Kiel
? Emissionsspektroskopie an molekularen Niederdruckplasmen
? U. Fantz
? Talk DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Kiel
? Chemical Erosion of Carbon Materials in Laboratory Plasmas
? U. Fantz
? Talk MPI, IPP, Garching
? Diagnostics of Reactive Plasmas
? U. Fantz
? Talk Physikalisches Kolloquium, TU Chemnitz
? Plasmadiagnostik mittels Emissionsspektroskopie
? U. Fantz
? Talk IPP Ringberg-Seminar



▲ Top

? Spectroscopic Characterisation of a RF-Source for Negative Ions
? U. Fantz
? Talk Combined ITER NBI R&D Review and Coordinating Committee on Neutral Beams, Moskau
? Die physikalische Natur von Regenbogen, Blitzen und Polarlichtern
? U. Fantz
? Talk 7. Deutsche Physikerinnentagung, Augsburg
? Wasserstoffplasmen - Eine Herausforderung für die Fusionsforschung und Technologie
? U. Fantz
? Talk Physikalisches Kolloquium, Universit?t Stuttgart
? Emission Spectroscopy of Molecular Low Pressure Plasmas
? U. Fantz
? Talk XVI ICPIG, Greifswald
? Die farbige Natur von Regenbogen, Blitzen und Polarlichtern
? U. Fantz
? Talk Nacht der Wissenschaft der Universit?t Augsburg
? Compilation of Spectroscopic Data for Molecular Hydrogen and Diatomic Hydrocarbon Radicals
? U. Fantz
? Talk CRP, IAEA, Vienna
? Influence of wall materials at different temperatures on the vibrational population of molecular hydrogen
? S. Meir, U. Fantz, K. Behringer
? Talk DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Aachen
? Interaction and Influence of Hydrogen and Deuterium on Chemical Erosion of Carbon
? P. Starke, U. Fantz, K. Behringer
? Talk DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Aachen
? Diagnostics of Molecular Plasmas in Plasma Technology and Fusion Research
? U. Fantz
? Talk PRL, DCU, Dublin
? Spectroscopic Characterisation of Negative Hydrogen Ion Sources
? U. Fantz
? Talk PRL, DCU, Dublin
? Summary of Spectroscopic Results from the Negative Ion Source BATMAN
? U. Fantz
? Talk MPI, IPP, Garching
? Emission Spectroscopy of Hydrogen and Hydrocarbons in Low Temperature Plasmas
? U. Fantz
? Talk MAGNUM-PSI Workshop, Rijnhuizen, Netherlands, 2003



▲ Top

? Spectroscopic Characterisation of a Negative Ion Source
? U. Fantz
? Talk MPI, IPP, Garching
? Molecular Emission Spectroscopy of Low Temperature Plasmas in Hydrogen
? U. Fantz
? Talk 'New Trends in Plasma Physics II', MPI, IPP, Garching
? Spectroscopic Characterisation of a Negative Ion Source
? U. Fantz
? Talk 3th WICP, Bochum
? Atomic Hydrogen Densities and Fluxes on Different Wall Materials
? S. Meir
? Talk 3th WICP, Bochum
? Electron Density Measurements: Noble Gases vs. Molecular Gases
? P. Starke
? Talk 3th WICP, Bochum
? Optische Erscheinungen in der Atmosph?re
? U. Fantz
? Talk IPF, Universit?t Stuttgart
? Besetzungsmechanismen von molekularem Wasserstoff und Deuterium in Niederdruckplasmen
? B. Heger, U. Fantz, K. Behringer
? Talk DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Bochum
? Besetzungsdichten von Edelgasen in ECR-Plasmen mit Molekülanteil
? M. Berger, U. Fantz, K. Behringer
? Talk DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Bochum
? Elektronendichte und Energieverteilungsfunktion in planar induktiv gekoppelten HF-Plasmen
? P. Starke, U. Fantz, K. Behringer
? Talk DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Bochum
? Analyse der Korrelation der C2-Strahlung mit Dichten h?herer Kohlenwasserstoffe
? S. Meir, M. Berger, U. Fantz, K. Behringer
? Talk DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Bochum
? Diagnostikmethoden zur Bestimmung der Elektronenenergieverteilungsfunktion in Niederdruckplasmen
? U. Fantz
? Talk Seminar zur Dünnschichttechnologie, Universit?t Essen



▲ Top

? Hydrogen Molecules in the Divertor of ASDEX Upgrade: Measurements and Calculations
? U. Fantz
? Talk 'Data for Molecular Processes in Edge Plasmas', IAEA, Wien
? Diagnostikmethoden für die Elektronenenergieverteilungsfunktion in planaren ICPs
? U. Fantz
? Talk 2nd WICP, Bad T?lz
? Diagnostics of Hydrogen Plasmas and Plasma Wall Interaction in Low Pressure Discharges
? U. Fantz
? Talk CIPS-Kolloquium, Garching
? Atom- und Molekülspektroskopie an Wasserstoffplasmen
? U. Fantz
? Talk Berliner Seminar, Humboldt-Universit?t Berlin



▲ Top

? Charakterisierung von ICPs mittels Emissionsspektroskopie und Langmuir-Sonden
? U. Fantz
? Talk 1st WICP, Essen
? Emission Spectroscopy of Hydrogen Molecules in Technical and Divertor Plasmas
? U. Fantz
? Talk WHYPE, IPP, FZ Jülich
? Hydrogen Molecules in the Divertor of ASDEX Upgrade
? U. Fantz
? Talk 14th PSI, Rosenheim
? Anwendung des SSM für H2 und H auf Niederdruckplasmen
? D. Wünderlich
? Talk Institut für Laser- und Plasmaphysik, Universit?t Düsseldorf
? H2 und D2 Diagnostik in Niederdruck- und Divertorplasmen
? U. Fantz
? Talk DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Bonn



▲ Top

? Methoden und Ergebnisse der Atom- und Molekülemissionsspektroskopie in Niederdruckplasmen
? U. Fantz
? Talk Physikalisches Kolloquium, Universit?t Augsburg
? Rechnung und Interpretation der H2- und D2-Kontinuumsstrahlung
? B. Schalk, U. Fantz, K. Behringer
? Talk DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Heidelberg
? Spectroscopic Diagnostics and Modelling of Particle Densities in Low Temperature Plasmas
? U. Fantz
? Talk 12th SAPP, Liptowsk? Ján



▲ Top

? Spektroskopische Diagnostik und Modellierung von Teilchendichten in Niederdruckplasmen
? U. Fantz
? Talk Oberseminar, TEP, TU München
? Spektroskopische Diagnostik und Modellierung von Teilchendichten in Niederdruckplasmen
? U. Fantz
? Talk INP-Kolloquium, Greifswald
? Molecular Densities in Technical Plasmas: Measuring and Modelling Using Rate Coefficients
? U. Fantz
? Talk CECAM-Workshop, Lyon
? Spektroskopische Untersuchung der Vibrationsbesetzung von mikrowellenangeregten ECR-Plasmen
? B. Heger, U. Fantz, K. Behringer
? Talk DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Bayreuth
? Molekülspektroskopie an Niederdruckplasmen
? U. Fantz
? Talk IPF, Universit?t Stuttgart



▲ Top

? Measuring and Interpretating Diatomic Spectra
? U. Fantz
? Talk ADAS-Workshop, Abingdon
? Chemische Erosion von Kohlenstoffschichten in H2- und D2-Plasmen
? U. Fantz
? Talk MPI, IPP, Garching



▲ Top

? Spektroskopische Untersuchung und Modellierung von mikrowellenangeregten Silanplasmen
? U. Fantz
? Talk IPP, FZ Jülich
