


2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989


S. Santonocito, A. Denisenko, R. St?hr, W. Knolle, Matthias Schreck, M. Markham, J. Isoya und J. Wrachtrup
NV centres by vacancies trapping in irradiated diamond: experiments and modelling

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Zhichao Liu, Simona Baluchová, André F. Sartori, Ziyu Li, Yaiza Gonzalez-Garcia, Matthias Schreck und Josephus G. Buijnsters
Heavily boron-doped diamond grown on scalable heteroepitaxial quasi-substrates: a promising single crystal material for electrochemical sensing applications

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Theodor Grünwald, Christina Bestele, Maximilian Bosak, J. Zhao, M. E. Newton und Matthias Schreck
X-ray induced photoconductivity and its correlation with structural and chemical defects in heteroepitaxial diamond

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Jonas Foglszinger, Andrej Denisenko, Thomas Kornher, Matthias Schreck, Wolfgang Knolle, Boris Yavkin, Roman Kolesov und J?rg Wrachtrup
TR12 centers in diamond as a room temperature atomic scale vector magnetometer

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Dimitrios Topaltzikis, Marek Wielunski, Andreas L. H?rner, Matthias Kü?, Alexander Reiner, Theodor Grünwald, Matthias Schreck, Achim Wixforth und Werner Rühm
Detection of x rays by a surface acoustic delay line in contact with a diamond crystal

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Raphael Müller, Martin Mangold, Florian Huber, Matthias Schreck, Ulrich Herr und Klaus Thonke
Fe–Li complex emission in ZnO

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Matthias Schreck
Growth of single crystal diamond wafers for future device applications

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Theodor Grünwald und Matthias Schreck
Photoconductive gain in single crystal diamond detectors

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Matthias Schreck, P. ??ajev, M. Tr?ger, M. Mayr, Theodor Grünwald, Martin Fischer und Stefan Gsell
Charge carrier trapping by dislocations in single crystal diamond

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Zbynek Novotny, Benjamin Tobler, Luca Artiglia, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck, J?rg Raabe und Jürg Osterwalder
Kinetics of the thermal oxidation of Ir(100) toward IrO2 studied by ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

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Matthias Schreck, Michael Mayr, Michael Weinl, Martin Fischer und Stefan Gsell
Liftoff of single crystal diamond by epitaxial lateral overgrowth using SiO2 masks

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Kay Waltar, Johannes Haase, Rui Pan, Torsten Golz, Pavel Kliuiev, Michael Weinl, Matthias Schreck, Sa?a Bajt, Nikola Stojanovic, Jeroen A. van Bokhoven, Matthias Hengsberger, Jürg Osterwalder und Luca Castiglioni
Polarization-sensitive reconstruction of transient local THz fields at dielectric interfaces

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E. Berdermann, K. Afanaciev, M. Ciobanu, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, M. Ki?, S. Lagomarsino, W. Lohmann, M. Mayr, M. Pomorski, M. S. Rahman, C. J. Schmidt, S. Sciortino, Matthias Schreck, C. Stehl und M. Tr?ger
Progress in detector properties of heteroepitaxial diamond grown by chemical vapor deposition on Ir/YSZ/Si(001) wafers

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Richard Nelz, Johannes G?rlitz, Dennis Herrmann, Abdallah Slablab, Michel Challier, Mariusz Radtke, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, Christoph Becher und Elke Neu
Toward wafer-scale diamond nano- and quantum technologies

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Huanyao Cun, Adrian Hemmi, Elisa Miniussi, Carlo Bernard, Benjamin Probst, Ke Liu, Duncan T. L. Alexander, Armin Kleibert, Gerson Mette, Michael Weinl, Matthias Schreck, Jürg Osterwalder, Aleksandra Radenovic und Thomas Greber
Centimeter-sized single-orientation monolayer hexagonal boron nitride with or without nanovoids

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F. Müller, J.U. Neurohr, S. Grandthyll, A. Holtsch, B. Uder, K. Jacobs, M. Weinl und Matthias Schreck
Epitaxial growth of graphene on single-crystal Cu(111) wafers

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B.-C. Gallheber, M. Fischer, M. Mayr, J. Straub und Matthias Schreck
Growth, stress, and defects of heteroepitaxial diamond on Ir/YSZ/Si(111)

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Matthias Schreck und Jean-Charles Arnault
Heteroepitaxy of diamond on Ir/metal-oxide/Si substrates

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Kamatchi Jothiramalingam Sankaran, Chien-Jui Yeh, Srinivasu Kunuku, Joseph Palathinkal Thomas, Paulius Pobedinskas, Sien Drijkoningen, Balakrishnan Sundaravel, Keh-Chyang Leou, Kam Tong Leung, Marlies K. Van Bael, Matthias Schreck, I-Nan Lin und Ken Haenen
Microstructural effect on the enhancement of field electron emission properties of nanocrystalline diamond films by Li-ion implantation and annealing processes

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Thomas Roth, Wolfgang Freund, Ulrike Boesenberg, Gabriella Carini, Sanghoon Song, Gwena?lle Lefeuvre, Alexander Goikhman, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck, Jan Grünert und Anders Madsen
Pulse-resolved intensity measurements at a hard X-ray FEL using semi-transparent diamond detectors

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Giulia Pippione, Paolo Olivero, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck und Alberto Pasquarelli
Characterization of CVD heavily B-doped diamond thin films for multi electrode array biosensors

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E. Miniussi, C. Bernard, H. Y. Cun, B. Probst, D. Leuenberger, G. Mette, W.-D. Zabka, M. Weinl, M. Haluska, Matthias Schreck, J. Osterwalder und T. Greber
Fermi surface map of large-scale single-orientation graphene on SiO2

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K. J. Sankaran, K. Srinivasu, C. J. Yeh, J. P. Thomas, S. Drijkoningen, P. Pobedinskas, B. Sundaravel, K. C. Leou, K. T. Leung, M. K. Van Bael, Matthias Schreck, I. N. Lin und K. Haenen
Field electron emission enhancement in Lithium implanted and annealed nitrogen-incorporated nanocrystalline diamond films

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Matthias Schreck, Stefan Gsell, Rosaria Brescia und Martin Fischer
Ion bombardment induced buried lateral growth: the key mechanism for the synthesis of single crystal diamond wafers

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B.-C. Gallheber, O. Klein, M. Fischer und Matthias Schreck
Propagation of threading dislocations in heteroepitaxial diamond films with (111) orientation and their role in the formation of intrinsic stress

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Patrick Zeller, Michael Weinl, Florian Speck, Markus Ostler, Ann-Kathrin Hen?, Thomas Seyller, Matthias Schreck und Joost Wintterlin
Single crystalline metal films as substrates for graphene growth

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C. Struzzi, C. S. Praveen, M. Scardamaglia, N. I. Verbitskiy, A. V. Fedorov, M. Weinl, Matthias Schreck, A. Grüneis, S. Piccinin, S. Fabris und L. Petaccia
Controlled thermodynamics for tunable electron doping of graphene on Ir(111)

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Patrick Zeller, Ann-Kathrin Hen?, Michael Weinl, Leo Diehl, Daniel Keefer, Judith Lippmann, Anne Schulz, Jürgen Kraus, Matthias Schreck und Joost Wintterlin
Detachment of CVD-grown graphene from single crystalline Ni films by a pure gas phase reaction

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S. Turner, H. Idrissi, André F. Sartori, S. Korneychuck, Y.-G. Lu, J. Verbeeck, Matthias Schreck und G. Van Tendeloo
Direct imaging of boron segregation at dislocations in B: diamond heteroepitaxial films

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I. Jakobi, S. A. Momenzadeh, F. Fávaro de Oliveira, J. Michl, F. Ziem, Matthias Schreck, P. Neumann, A. Denisenko und J. Wrachtrup
Efficient creation of dipolar coupled nitrogen-vacancy spin qubits in diamond

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B.-C. Gallheber, Martin Fischer, O. Klein und Matthias Schreck
Formation of huge in-plane anisotropy of intrinsic stress by off-axis growth of diamond

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Matthias Schreck, Stefan Gsell und Martin Fischer
Heteroepitaxie: neues Syntheseverfahren für monokristallinen Diamant erm?glicht Schneidwerkzeuge mit neuen Dimensionen

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Kerem Bray, Russell Sandstrom, Christopher Elbadawi, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck, Olga Shimoni, Charlene Lobo, Milos Toth und Igor Aharonovich
Localization of narrowband single photon emitters in nanodiamonds

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Matthias Schreck, Michael Mayr, Oliver Klein, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, André Frota Sartori und Bj?rn-Christoph Gallheber
Multiple role of dislocations in the heteroepitaxial growth of diamond: a brief review

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Thomas Kornher, Kangwei Xia, Roman Kolesov, Nadezhda Kukharchyk, Rolf Reuter, Petr Siyushev, Rainer St?hr, Matthias Schreck, Hans-Werner Becker, Bruno Villa, Andreas D. Wieck und J?rg Wrachtrup
Production yield of rare-earth ions implanted into an optical crystal

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Oliver Klein, Michael Mayr, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell und Matthias Schreck
Propagation and annihilation of threading dislocations during off-axis growth of heteroepitaxial diamond films

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Carsten Arend, Patrick Appel, Jonas Nils Becker, Marcel Schmidt, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, Christoph Becher, Patrick Maletinsky und Elke Neu
Site selective growth of heteroepitaxial diamond nanoislands containing single SiV senters

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Yande Que, Yong Zhang, Yeliang Wang, Li Huang, Wenyan Xu, Jing Tao, Lijun Wu, Yimei Zhu, Kisslinger Kim, Michael Weinl, Matthias Schreck, Chengmin Shen, Shixuan Du, Yunqi Liu und H.-J. Gao
Graphene-silicon layered structures on single-crystalline Ir(111) thin films

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C. Struzzi, N.I. Verbitskiy, A.V. Fedorov, A. Nefedov, O. Frank, M. Kalbac, G. Di Santo, M. Panighel, A. Goldoni, J. G?rtner, W. Weber, M. Weinl, Matthias Schreck, Ch. W?ll, H. Sachdev, A. Grüneis und L. Petaccia
High-quality graphene on single crystal Ir(1 1 1) films on Si(1 1 1) wafers: synthesis and multi-spectroscopic characterization

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Michael Mayr, Martin Fischer, Oliver Klein, Stefan Gsell und Matthias Schreck
Interaction between surface structures and threading dislocations during epitaxial diamond growth

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Michael Mayr, Christian Stehl, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell und Matthias Schreck
Correlation between surface morphology and defect structure of heteroepitaxial diamond grown on off-axis substrates

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Janine Riedrich-M?ller, Carsten Arend, Christoph Pauly, Frank Mücklich, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck und Christoph Becher
Deterministic coupling of a single silicon-vacancy color center to a photonic crystal cavity in diamond

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Frank Müller, Samuel Grandthyll, Stefan Gsell, Michael Weinl, Matthias Schreck und Karin Jacobs
Graphene from fingerprints: exhausting the performance of liquid precursor deposition

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Patrick Zeller, Florian Speck, Michael Weinl, Markus Ostler, Matthias Schreck, Thomas Seyller und Joost Wintterlin
Healing of graphene on single crystalline Ni(111) films

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A. Hemmi, C. Bernard, H. Cun, S. Roth, M. Kl?ckner, T. K?lin, M. Weinl, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, J. Osterwalder und T. Greber
High quality single atomic layer deposition of hexagonal boron nitride on single crystalline Rh(111) four-inch wafers

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Matthias Schreck, Jes Asmussen, Shinichi Shikata, Jean-Charles Arnault und Naoji Fujimori
Large-area high-quality single crystal diamond

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André F. Sartori und Matthias Schreck
Mutual interaction of N, B, and O during heteroepitaxial diamond growth: triggering the nitrogen induced growth acceleration

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Tina Müller, Christian Hepp, Benjamin Pingault, Elke Neu, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, Hadwig Sternschulte, Doris Steinmüller-Nethl, Christoph Becher und Mete Atatüre
Optical signatures of silicon-vacancy spins in diamond

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P. Courtois, M. T. Fernandez-Diaz, G. Nenert, K. H. Andersen, A. K. Freund, Stefan Gsell, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck, P. Link und M. Meven
The first prototype diamond monochromator at the Institut Laue-Langevin

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Christoph Schreyvogel, Marco Wolfer, Hiromitsu Kato, Matthias Schreck und Christoph E. Nebel
Tuned NV emission by in-plane Al-Schottky junctions on hydrogen terminated diamond

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T. Kraus, A. Griesser, O. Klein, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck und Helmut Karl
Yttria-stabilized zirconia buffered silicon to optimize in-plane electrical conductivity of [Ca2CoO3]0.62[CoO2] thin films

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C. Stehl, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, E. Berdermann, M. S. Rahman, M. Traeger, O. Klein und Matthias Schreck
Efficiency of dislocation density reduction during heteroepitaxial growth of diamond for detector applications

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Alexander Melville, Thomas Mairoser, Andreas Schmehl, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, D. D. Awschalom, Tassilo Heeg, B. Holl?nder, Jürgen Schubert und Darrell G. Schlom
Epitaxial growth of europium monoxide on diamond

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V. Sessi, S. Hertenberger, J. Zhang, D. Schmitz, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, R. Morel, A. Brenac, J. Honolka und K. Kern
Exchange bias in reduced dimensions: Cobalt nanocluster arrays under the influence of nanometer thin MnPt capping layers

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Frank Müller, Matthias Lessel, Samuel Grandthyll, Karin Jacobs, Stefan Hüfner, Stefan Gsell, Michael Weinl und Matthias Schreck
Increasing the wear resistance by interstitial alloying with Boron via chemical vapor deposition

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Elke Neu, Christian Hepp, Michael Hauschild, Stefan Gsell, Martin Fischer, Hadwig Sternschulte, Doris Steinmüller-Nethl, Matthias Schreck und Christoph Becher
Low-temperature investigations of single silicon vacancy colour centres in diamond

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Martin Fischer, A.K. Freund, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, P. Courtois, C. Stehl, G. Borchert, A. Ofner, M. Skoulatos und K.H. Andersen
Structural analysis of diamond mosaic crystals for neutron monochromators using synchrotron radiation

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Elke Neu, Roland Albrecht, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck und Christoph Becher
Electronic transitions of single silicon vacancy centers in the near-infrared spectral region

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Samuel Grandthyll, Stefan Gsell, Michael Weinl, Matthias Schreck, Stefan Hüfner und Frank Müller
Epitaxial growth of graphene on transition metal surfaces: chemical vapor deposition versus liquid phase deposition

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Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck und A. Bergmaier
Growth sector dependence and mechanism of stress formation in epitaxial diamond growth

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André F. Sartori, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell und Matthias Schreck
In situ boron doping during heteroepitaxial growth of diamond on Ir/YSZ/Si

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Patrick Zeller, Sebastian D?nhardt, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck und Joost Wintterlin
Scalable synthesis of graphene on single crystal Ir(111) films

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B. Anis, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck, K. Haubner, L. Dunsch und Christine A. Kuntscher
Synthesis and characterization of peapods and DWCNTs

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A.K. Freund, Stefan Gsell, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck, K.H. Andersen, P. Courtois, G. Borchert und M. Skoulatos
Diamond mosaic crystals for neutron instrumentation: first experimental results

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Frank Müller, Samuel Grandthyll, Christian Zeitz, Karin Jacobs, Stefan Hüfner, Stefan Gsell und Matthias Schreck
Epitaxial growth of graphene on Ir(111) by liquid precursor deposition

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Elke Neu, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck und Christoph Becher
Fluorescence and polarization spectroscopy of single silicon vacancy centers in heteroepitaxial nanodiamonds on iridium

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Janine Riedrich-M?ller, Laura Kipfstuhl, Christian Hepp, Elke Neu, Christoph Pauly, Frank Mücklich, Armin Baur, Michael Wandt, Sandra Wolff, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck und Christoph Becher
One- and two-dimensional photonic crystal microcavities in single crystal diamond

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Elke Neu, David Steinmetz, Janine Riedrich-M?ller, Stefan Gsell, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck und Christoph Becher
Single photon emission from silicon-vacancy colour centres in chemical vapour deposition nano-diamonds on iridium

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E. Berdermann, M. Pomorski, W. de Boer, M. Ciobanu, S. Dunst, C. Grah, M. Ki?, W. Koenig, W. Lange, W. Lohmann, R. Lovrin?i?, P. Moritz, J. Morse, S. Mueller, A. Pucci, Matthias Schreck, S. Rahman und M. Tr?ger
Diamond detectors for hadron physics research

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Frank Müller, Stefan Hüfner, Hermann Sachdev, Stefan Gsell und Matthias Schreck
Epitaxial growth of hexagonal boron nitride monolayers by a three-step boration-oxidation-nitration process

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Zhonghua H. Shen, Alexey M. Lomonosov, Peter Hess, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell und Matthias Schreck
Multimode photoacoustic method for the evaluation of mechanical properties of heteroepitaxial diamond layers

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Vladimir I. Zdravkov, J. Kehrle, Günter Obermeier, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, C. Müller, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, J?rg K. N. Lindner, Judith Moosburger-Will, E. Nold, Roman Morari, V. V. Ryazanov, Anatoli S. Sidorenko, Siegfried R. Horn, Reinhard Tidecks und Lenar R. Tagirov
Reentrant superconductivity in superconductor/ferromagnetic-alloy bilayers

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Holger Wolfschmidt, Claudia Baier, Stefan Gsell, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck und Ulrich Stimming
STM, SECPM, AFM and electrochemistry on single crystalline surfaces

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Andrew?J. Pollard, Edward?W. Perkins, Nicholas?A. Smith, Alex Saywell, Gudrun Goretzki, Anna?G. Phillips, Stephen?P. Argent, Hermann Sachdev, Frank Müller, Stefan Hüfner, Stefan Gsell, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck, Jürg Osterwalder, Thomas Greber, Simon Berner, Neil?R. Champness und Peter?H. Beton
Supramolecular assemblies formed on an epitaxial graphene superstructure

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C. Stehl, Matthias Schreck, Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell und Bernd Stritzker
Thermal diffusivity of heteroepitaxial diamond films: experimental setup and measurements

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A. Hoffman, Sh. Michaelson, R. Akhvlediani, N. K. Hangaly, Stefan Gsell, Rosaria Brescia, Matthias Schreck, Bernd Stritzker, J.-C. Arnault und S. Saada
Comparison of diamond bias enhanced nucleation on Ir and 3C-SiC: a high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy study

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Matthias Schreck, Stefan Gsell, Rosaria Brescia, Martin Fischer, P. Bernhard, P. Prunici, P. Hess und Bernd Stritzker
Diamond nucleation on iridium: local variations of structure and density within the BEN layer

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A. S. Sidorenko, V. Zdravkov, J. Kehrle, Roman Morari, Günter Obermeier, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, C. Müller, V. Ryazanov, Siegfried R. Horn, L. R. Tagirov und Reinhard Tidecks
Double re-entrance of superconductivity in superconductor/ferromagnet bilayers

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Stefan Gsell, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Epitaxial films of metals from the platinum group (Ir, Rh, Pt and Ru) on YSZ-buffered Si(111)

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S. Dunst, H. Sternschulte und Matthias Schreck
Growth rate enhancement by nitrogen in diamond chemical vapor deposition: a catalytic effect

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Matthias Schreck
Heteroepitaxial growth

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Frank Müller, Hermann Sachdev, Stefan Hüfner, Andrew J. Pollard, Edward W. Perkins, James C. Russell, Peter H. Beton, Stefan Gsell, Martin Fischer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
How does graphene grow? Easy access to well-ordered graphene films

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Anatoli S. Sidorenko, Vladimir I. Zdravkov, J. Kehrle, Roman Morari, Günter Obermeier, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, C. Müller, M. Yu. Kupriyanov, V. V. Ryazanov, Siegfried R. Horn, Lenar R. Tagirov und Reinhard Tidecks
Quasi-one-dimensional Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov-like state in Nb/Cu0.41Ni0.59 bilayers

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Stefan Gsell, S. Berner, T. Brugger, Matthias Schreck, Rosaria Brescia, Martin Fischer, T. Greber, J. Osterwalder und Bernd Stritzker
Comparative electron diffraction study of the diamond nucleation layer on Ir(001)

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Martin Fischer, Rosaria Brescia, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, T. Brugger, T. Greber, J. Osterwalder und Bernd Stritzker
Growth of twin-free heteroepitaxial diamond on Ir/YSZ/Si(111)

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Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, Rosaria Brescia, Bernd Stritzker, Paul N. Arendt und James R. Groves
Iridium on biaxially textured oxide templates: a concept to grow single crystals on arbitrary substrates

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Martin Fischer, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, Rosaria Brescia und Bernd Stritzker
Preparation of 4-inch Ir/YSZ/Si(001) substrates for the large-area deposition of single-crystal diamond

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Vladimir I. Zdravkov, Anatoli S. Sidorenko, Günter Obermeier, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, C. Müller, V. V. Ryazanov, Siegfried R. Horn, Reinhard Tidecks, Lenar R. Tagirov und M. Yu. Kupriyanov
Reentrant superconductivity in superconductor-ferromagnetic-alloy bilayers

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Rosaria Brescia, Matthias Schreck, Stefan Gsell, Martin Fischer und Bernd Stritzker
Transmission electron microscopy study of the very early stages of diamond growth on iridium

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Klaus Thonke, Anton Reiser, Martin Schirra, Martin Feneberg, Günther M. Prinz, Tobias R?der, Rolf Sauer, Johannes Fallert, Felix Stelzl, Heinz Kalt, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
ZnO nanostructures: optical resonators and lasing

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Simon Berner, Martina Corso, Roland Widmer, Oliver Groening, Robert Laskowski, Peter Blaha, Karlheinz Schwarz, Andrii Goriachko, Herbert Over, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, Hermann Sachdev, Thomas Greber und Jürg Osterwalder
Boron nitride nanomesh: functionality from a corrugated monolayer

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Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, G. Benstetter, E. Lodermeier und Bernd Stritzker
Combined AFM–SEM study of the diamond nucleation layer on Ir(001)

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T. Bauer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Epitaxial lateral overgrowth (ELO) of homoepitaxial diamond through an iridium mesh

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Günther M. Prinz, Anton Reiser, Tobias R?der, Martin Schirra, Martin Feneberg, Uwe R?der, Rolf Sauer, Klaus Thonke, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Growth of zinc oxide nanopillars on an iridium/yttria-stabilized zirconia/silicon substrate

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Rosaria Brescia, Matthias Schreck, J. Michler, Stefan Gsell und Bernd Stritzker
Interaction of small diamond islands on iridium: a finite element simulation study

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Stefan Gsell, Martin Fischer, Rosaria Brescia, Matthias Schreck, P. Huber, F. Bayer, Bernd Stritzker und Darrell G. Schlom
Reduction of mosaic spread using iridium interlayers: a route to improved oxide heteroepitaxy on silicon

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S. Preciado-Flores, Matthias Schreck, R. Meléndrez, V. Chernov, M. Pedroza-Montero und M. Barboza-Flores
All optical read-out radiation dosimeter using CVD synthetic diamond

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H. Sternschulte, T. Bauer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Comparison of MWPCVD diamond growth at low and high process gas pressures

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Th. Bauer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Homoepitaxial diamond layers on off-axis Ib HPHT substrates: growth of thick films and characterisation by high-resolution X-ray diffraction

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Vladimir I. Zdravkov, Anatoli S. Sidorenko, Günter Obermeier, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, C. Müller, Siegfried R. Horn, Reinhard Tidecks und Lenar R. Tagirov
Reentrant superconductivity in Nb/Cu1?xNix bilayers

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T. Bauer, Matthias Schreck, J. H?rtwig, X. H. Liu, S. P. Wong und Bernd Stritzker
Structural defects in homoepitaxial diamond layers grown on off-axis Ib HPHT substrates

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Pasqual Bernhard, Christian Ziethen, Gerd Schoenhense, Matthias Schreck, Thomas Bauer, Stefan Gsell und Bernd Stritzker
Structural properties of the diamond nucleation layer on iridium analyzed by laterally resolved x-ray absorption spectroscopy

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Matthias Schreck, F. H?rmann, Stefan Gsell, Th. Bauer und Bernd Stritzker
Transmission electron microscopy study of the diamond nucleation layer on iridium

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Stefan Gsell, Martin Fischer, Th. Bauer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Yttria-stabilized zirconia films of different composition as buffer layers for the deposition of epitaxial diamond/Ir layers on Si(001)

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U. Bangert, A.J. Harvey, Matthias Schreck und F. H?rmann
Extended defect related energy loss in CVD diamond revealed by spectrum imaging in a dedicated STEM

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Thomas Bauer, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, Johannes Goldfu?, J. Lettieri, Darrell G. Schlom und Bernd Stritzker
Growth of epitaxial diamond on silicon via iridium/SrTiO3 buffer layers

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Thomas Bauer, Matthias Schreck, Hadwig Sternschulte und Bernd Stritzker
High growth rate homoepitaxial diamond deposition on off-axis substrates

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U. Bangert, A. J. Harvey, Matthias Schreck und F. Hoermann
Joint density of states at extended defects in CVD diamond, observed via highly spatially resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy

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Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, Thomas Bauer, Helmut Karl, G?tz Thorwarth, A. Bergmaier, G. Dollinger und Bernd Stritzker
The nucleation centers formed during bias-enhanced nucleation of diamond on iridium: structure and stability

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S. Preciado-Flores, Matthias Schreck, R. Meléndrez, V. Chernov, R. Bernal, C. Cruz-Vázquez, F. Brown und M. Barboza-Flores
Thermoluminescence characterization of a MWCVD diamond film exposed to β-rays and UV radiation

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Stefan Gsell, T. Bauer, J. Goldfu?, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
A route to diamond wafers by epitaxial deposition on silicon via iridium/yttria-stabilized zirconia buffer layers

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Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Crystal tilting of diamond heteroepitaxially grown on vicinal Ir∕SrTiO3(001)

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A. Aleksov, M. Kubovic, M. Kasu, P. Schmid, D. Grobe, S. Ertl, Matthias Schreck, Bernd Stritzker und E. Kohn
Diamond-based electronics for RF applications

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U. Bangert, A. J. Harvey, R. Jones, C. J. Fall, A. T. Blumenau, R. Briddon, Matthias Schreck und Frank H?rmann
Dislocation-induced electronic states and point-defect atmospheres evidenced by electron energy loss imaging

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X.W. Zhang, H.-G. Boyen, P. Ziemann, M. Ozawa, F. Banhart und Matthias Schreck
Growth mechanism for epitaxial cubic boron nitride films on diamond substrates by ion beam assisted deposition

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Th. Bauer, Stefan Gsell, F. H?rmann, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Surface modifications and first stages of heteroepitaxial diamond growth on iridium

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A. Aleksov, M. Kubovic, N. Kaeb, U. Spitzberg, A. Bergmaier, G. Dollinger, Thomas Bauer, Matthias Schreck, Bernd Stritzker und E. Kohn
Diamond field effect transistors - concepts and challenges

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Matthias Schreck, Thomas Bauer, Stefan Gsell, Frank H?rmann, Hartmut Bielefeldt und Bernd Stritzker
Domain formation in diamond nucleation on iridium

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Thomas Bauer, Matthias Schreck, Stefan Gsell, Frank H?rmann und Bernd Stritzker
Epitaxial rhenium buffer layers on Al203(0001): a substrate for the deposition of (111)-oriented heteroepitaxial diamond films

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X. W. Zhang, H.-G. Boyen, N. Deyneka, P. Ziemann, F. Banhart und Matthias Schreck
Epitaxy of cubic boron nitrid on (001)-oriented diamond

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M. Kubovic, A. Aleksov, Matthias Schreck, Thomas Bauer, Bernd Stritzker und E. Kohn
Field effect transistor fabricated on hydrogen-terminated diamond grown on SrTiO3 substrate and iridium buffer layer

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Hadwig Sternschulte, Matthias Schreck, Bernd Stritzker, A. Bergmaier und G. Dollinger
Growth and properties of CVD diamond films grown under H2S addition

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T. Gruber, C. Kirchner, R. Kling, F. Reuss, A. Waag, F. Bertram, D. Forster, J. Christen und Matthias Schreck
Optical and structural analysis of ZnCdO layers grown by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy

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Anatoli S. Sidorenko, Vladimir I. Zdravkov, A. A. Prepelitsa, Christian Helbig, Yuansu Luo, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, Stefan Klimm, Siegfried R. Horn, Lenar R. Tagirov und Reinhard Tidecks
Oscillations of the critical temperature in superconducting Nb/Ni bilayers

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Anatoli S. Sidorenko, V. I. Zdravkov, A. A. Prepelitsa, Christian Helbig, Y. Luo, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, Stefan Klimm, Siegfried R. Horn, L. R. Tagirov und Reinhard Tidecks
Quasi-one-dimensional FFLO state in the Nb/Ni layered system

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Frank H?rmann, Thomas Bauer, Matthias Schreck, Stefan Gsell und Bernd Stritzker
TEM analysis of nanometer-size surface structures formed by bias enhanced nucleation of diamond on iridium

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Thomas Bauer, Matthias Schreck, Frank H?rmann, A. Bergmaier, G. Dollinger und Bernd Stritzker
Analysis of the total carbon deposition during the bias enhanced nucleation of diamond on Ir/SrTiO3(001) using 13C-methane

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Matthias Schreck, C. Grunick, C. Haug, R. Brenn und Bernd Stritzker
Bias assisted growth on diamond single crystals: the defect formation due to ion bombardment studied by ion channelling, electron backscatter diffraction, and micro-Raman spectroscopy

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Hadwig Sternschulte, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
In situ characterisation of CVD-diamond growth under H2S addition by optical emission spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and laser reflection interferometry

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Matthias Schreck, A. Schury, Frank H?rmann, H. Roll und Bernd Stritzker
Mosaicity reduction during growth of heteroepitaxial diamond films on iridium buffer layers: experimental results and numerical simulations

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D. Manova, Matthias Schreck, Stephan M?ndl, Bernd Stritzker und Bernd Rauschenbach
Orientation dependent sputter yield of aluminium

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Matthias Schreck, Frank H?rmann, H. Roll, J?rg K. N. Lindner und Bernd Stritzker
Diamond nucleation on iridium buffer layers and subsequent textured growth: a route for the realization of single-crystal diamond films

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G. Lehmann, Matthias Schreck, L. Hou, J. Lambers und P. Hess
Dispersion of surface acoustic waves in polycrystalline diamond plates

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Frank H?rmann, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
First stages of diamond nucleation on iridium buffer layers

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Matthias Schreck, Frank H?rmann, H. Roll, Thomas Bauer und Bernd Stritzker
Heteroepitaxial diamond films on silicon substrates and on iridium layers: analogies and differences in nucleation and growth

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Chang Liu, Matthias Schreck, Axel Wenzel, B. Mensching und Bernd Rauschenbach
Damage buildup and removal in Ca-ion-implanted GaN

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Frank H?rmann, H. Roll, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Epitaxial Ir layers on SrTiO3 as substrates for diamond nucleation: deposition of the films and modification in the CVD environment

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A. G?hl, B. Günther, T. Habermann, G. Müller, Matthias Schreck, Karl-Heinz Thürer und Bernd Stritzker
Field emission mechanism from undoped chemical vapor deposition diamond films

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Hadwig Sternschulte, Matthias Schreck, Bernd Stritzker, A. Bergmaier und G. Dollinger
Lithium addition during CVD-diamond growth: influence on the optical emission of the plasma and properties of the films

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R. Zeisel, C. E. Nebel, M. Stutzmann, Hadwig Sternschulte, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Photoconductivity study of Li doped homoepitaxially grown CVD diamond

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Stephan M?ndl, G?tz Thorwarth, Matthias Schreck, Bernd Stritzker und Bernd Rauschenbach
Raman study of titanium oxide layers produced with plasma immersion ion implantation

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Matthias Schreck, H. Roll, J. Michler, E. Blank und Bernd Stritzker
Stress distribution in thin heteroepitaxial diamond films on Ir/SrTiO3 studied by x-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and finite element simulations

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H. Roll, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Characterization of thin heteroepitaxial diamond films on Ir/SrTiO3 by X-ray diffraction and micro-Raman spectroscopy

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Hadwig Sternschulte, Matthias Schreck, Bernd Stritzker, A. Bergmaier und G. Dollinger
Control of lithium-t-butoxide addition during chemical vapor deposition of Li-doped diamond films by optical emission spectroscopy

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Matthias Schreck, H. Roll und Bernd Stritzker
Diamond/Ir/SrTiO3: a material combination for improved heteroepitaxial diamond films

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Matthias Schreck, Karl-Heinz Thürer, C. Christensen, M. Müller und Bernd Stritzker
Effect of oxygen on the bias enhanced nucleation of diamond on silicon

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A. Bergmaier, Matthias Schreck, G. Dollinger, O. Schmelmer, Karl-Heinz Thürer und Bernd Stritzker
Oxygen at the interface of CVD diamond films on silicon

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R. Fehling, Matthias Schreck, A. Bergmaier, G. Dollinger und Bernd Stritzker
Bias enhanced nucleation and growth of diamond films on titanium substrates

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J. Hartmann, Matthias Schreck, T. Baur, H. Huber, W. Assmann, H. Schuler, Bernd Stritzker und Bernd Rauschenbach
Incorporation of nitrogen into carbon films produced by PECVD under bias voltage

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A. G?hl, T. Habermann, G. Müller, D. Nau, M. Wedel, M. Christ, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Influence of structural and morphological properties on the intrinsic field emission of CVD diamond films

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Karl-Heinz Thürer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Limiting processes for diamond epitaxial alignment on silicon

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Karl-Heinz Thürer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Loss of epitaxial orientation during microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition of diamond under negative biasing conditions

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Matthias Schreck, Thomas Bauer, R. Fehling, M. Müller, Bernd Stritzker, A. Bergmaier und G. Dollinger
Modification of diamond film growth by a negative bias voltage in microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition

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T. Habermann, A. G?hl, D. Nau, M. Wedel, G. Müller, M. Christ, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Modifying chemical vapor deposited diamond films for field emission displays

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A. Cremades, J. Piqueras und Matthias Schreck
Electron beam-induced current imaging of chemical vapor-deposited diamond films

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K.-H. Thürer, Matthias Schreck, Bernd Stritzker, N. Fuchs und P. Pongratz
Growth and defects of diamond facets under negative biasing conditions in a microwave plasma CVD process

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Matthias Schreck, K.-H. Thürer, R. Klarmann und Bernd Stritzker
Influence of the nucleation process on the azimuthal misorientation of heteroepitaxial diamond films on Si(001)

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Matthias Schreck, K.-H. Thürer und Bernd Stritzker
Limitations of the process window for the bias enhanced nucleation of heteroepitaxial diamond films on silicon in the time domain

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P. Wurzinger, N. Fuchs, P. Pongratz, Matthias Schreck, R. He?mer und Bernd Stritzker
TEM investigations on the heteroepitaxial nucleation of CVD diamond on (001) silicon substrates

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Ralph Klarmann, Matthias Schreck, Rainer Hessmer und Bernd Stritzker
AFM-study on the non-monotonic texture evolution of heteroepitaxially nucleated diamond films

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Stefan Schr?ppel, Rainer Hessmer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
High field electrical conductivity and breakdown in heteroepitaxial diamond film

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Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Nucleation and growth of heteroepitaxial diamond films on silicon

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Stephan Geier, Rainer Hessmer, Matthias Schreck, Bernd Stritzker, Bernd Rauschenbach, Kurt Helming, Karsten Kunze und W. Erfurth
Study of the growth of thin epitaxial CVD diamond films on silicon

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Stephan Geier, Rainer Hessmer, Uwe Preckwinkel, Dirk Schweitzer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Rauschenbach
Study of the initial growth phase of chemical vapor deposited diamond on silicon (001) by synchrotron radiation

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Rainer Hessmer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Stritzker
Indications of non-monotonic texture evolution from a two-dimensional simulation study

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Matthias Schreck, Thomas Bauer und Bernd Stritzker
Optical characterization of the cathode plasma sheath during the biasing step for diamond nucleation on silicon

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K. Helming, Stephan Geier, Matthias Schreck, Rainer Hessmer, Bernd Stritzker und Bernd Rauschenbach
Texture analysis of CVD diamond films on silicon by the component method

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Rainer Hessmer, Matthias Schreck, Stephan Geier, Bernd Rauschenbach und Bernd Stritzker
The influence of the growth process on the film texture of epitaxially nucleated diamond on silicon (001)

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T. Wroblewski, Stephan Geier, Rainer Hessmer, Matthias Schreck und Bernd Rauschenbach
X-ray imaging of polycrystalline materials

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Stephan Geier, Matthias Schreck, Rainer Hessmer, Bernd Rauschenbach, Bernd Stritzker, K. Kunze und B. L. Adams
Characterization of the near-interface region of chemical vapor deposited diamond films on silicon by backscatter Kikuchi diffraction

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Rainer Hessmer, Matthias Schreck, Stephan Geier und Bernd Stritzker
Correlation between breakdown voltage and structural properties of polycrystalline and heteroepitaxial CVD diamond films

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Stephan Geier, Matthias Schreck, Rainer Hessmer, Bernd Rauschenbach, Bernd Stritzker, K. Helming und K. Kunze
Methods of characterizing the texture of CVD diamond films

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Rainer Hessmer, Matthias Schreck, Stephan Geier, Bernd Rauschenbach und Bernd Stritzker
Optimization of the texture of epitaxially nucleated diamond films on silicon

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Matthias Schreck, Rainer Hessmer, Stephan Geier, Bernd Rauschenbach und Bernd Stritzker
Structural characterization of diamond films grown epitaxially on silicon

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P. Tippmann-Krayer, H. M?hwald, Matthias Schreck und W. G?pel
Comparative optical reflection and mass spectrometry analysis of thermodesorption of Langmuir-Blodgett films

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Matthias Schreck, Michael Abraham, Annemarie Lehmann, Hermann Schier und Wolfgang G?pel
Interaction of slow electrons with organic films: theoretical and experimental HREELS studies on selectively deuterated molecules

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M. Abraham, J. Dütting, Matthias Schreck, R. Lege, S. Reich, D. Oelkrug und W. G?pel
Preparation and spectroscopic characterization of a thin polymer film in ultra high vacuum: 2,5‐distyrylpyrazine

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Matthias Schreck, H. Schier und W. Goepel
Thermodesorption of Langmuir-Blodgett films studied by mass spectrometry

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Matthias Schreck, M. Abraham, W. G?pel und H. Schier
HREELS-studies of selectively deuterated cadmium-stearate Langmuir-Blodgett films

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M. Mo¨bus, Matthias Schreck und N. Karl
Epitaxial growth of thin films of perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride and coronene on NaCl(001)

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Matthias Schreck, D. Schmeisser, W. G?pel, H. Schier, H.U. Habermeier, S. Roth und L. Dulog
Interaction of metals with cadmium arachidate Langmuir-Blodgett films studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

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Group Leader Diamonds
Experimental Physics IV



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