

Dr. Andreas H?rner

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2002


Jonas Binder, Joshua Winkeljann, Katharina Steinegger, Lara Trnovec, Daria Orekhova, Jonas Z?hringer, Andreas H?rner, Valentin Fell, Philip Tinnefeld, Benjamin Winkeljann, Wolfgang Frie? und Olivia M. Merkel
Closing the gap between experiment and simulation ─ a holistic study on the complexation of small interfering RNAs with polyethylenimine

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David C. Jürgens, Benjamin Winkeljann, Miriam Kolog Gulko, Yao Jin, Judith M?ller, Joshua Winkeljann, Sahana Sheshachala, Alina Anger, Andreas H?rner, Nathan B. P. Adams, Nora Urbanetz und Olivia M. Merkel
Efficient and targeted siRNA delivery to M2 macrophages by smart polymer blends for M1 macrophage repolarization as a promising strategy for future cancer treatment

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Matthias Kü?, Stephan Glamsch, Andreas H?rner und Manfred Albrecht
Wide-band nonreciprocal transmission of surface acoustic waves in synthetic antiferromagnets

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Matthias Kü?, Stephan Glamsch, Yannik Kunz, Andreas H?rner, Mathias Weiler und Manfred Albrecht
Giant surface acoustic wave nonreciprocity with low magnetoacoustic insertion loss in CoFeB/Ru/CoFeB synthetic antiferromagnets

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David C. Jürgens, Leonie De?loch, Diana Porras-Gonzalez, Joshua Winkeljann, Sebastian Zielinski, Matthias Munschauer, Andreas L. H?rner, Gerald Burgstaller, Benjamin Winkeljann und Olivia M. Merkel
Lab-scale siRNA and mRNA LNP manufacturing by various microfluidic mixing techniques – an evaluation of particle properties and efficiency

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Matthias Kü?, Mariam Hassan, Y. Kunz, Andreas H?rner, M. Weiler und Manfred Albrecht
Nonreciprocal magnetoacoustic waves in synthetic antiferromagnets with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction

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Matthias Kü?, Mariam Hassan, Y. Kunz, Andreas H?rner, M. Weiler und Manfred Albrecht
Nonreciprocal transmission of magnetoacoustic waves in compensated synthetic antiferromagnets

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M. Kü?, F. Porrati, Andreas H?rner, M. Weiler, Manfred Albrecht, M. Huth und Achim Wixforth
Forward volume magnetoacoustic spin wave excitation with micron-scale spatial resolution

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Stefan Thalhammer, Andreas H?rner, Matthias Kü?, Stephan Eberle, Florian Pantle, Achim Wixforth und Wolfgang Nagel
GaN heterostructures as innovative x-ray imaging sensors — change of paradigm

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K. M. Seemann, O. Gomonay, Y. Mokrousov, Andreas H?rner, S. Valencia, P. Klamser, F. Kronast, A. Erb, A. T. Hindmarch, Achim Wixforth, C. H. Marrows und P. Fischer
Magnetoelastic resonance as a probe for exchange springs at antiferromagnet-ferromagnet interfaces

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Dimitrios Topaltzikis, Marek Wielunski, Andreas L. H?rner, Matthias Kü?, Alexander Reiner, Theodor Grünwald, Matthias Schreck, Achim Wixforth und Werner Rühm
Detection of x rays by a surface acoustic delay line in contact with a diamond crystal

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Andreas Hefele, Christoph Strobl, Erik Baigar, Georg Kurzmaier, Alexander Reiner, Andreas L. H?rner und Achim Wixforth
Fluid independent flow determination by surface acoustic wave driven ultrasonic techniques

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Matthias Kü?, Michael Heigl, L. Flacke, Andreas H?rner, M. Weiler, Achim Wixforth und Manfred Albrecht
Nonreciprocal magnetoacoustic waves in dipolar-coupled ferromagnetic bilayers

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Matthias Kü?, Michael Heigl, L. Flacke, Andreas Hefele, Andreas H?rner, M. Weiler, Manfred Albrecht und Achim Wixforth
Symmetry of the magnetoelastic interaction of Rayleigh and Shear horizontal magnetoacoustic waves in nickel thin films on LiTaO3

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Quy Raven Luong, Andreas Hefele, Alexander Reiner, Andreas H?rner und Achim Wixforth
Ultrasonic investigation of the evaporation dynamics of subnanoliter droplets

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Matthias Kü?, Michael Heigl, L. Flacke, Andreas H?rner, M. Weiler, Manfred Albrecht und Achim Wixforth
Nonreciprocal Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya magnetoacoustic waves

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Lukas G. Schnitzler, Stefanie Junger, Dominik M. Loy, Ernst Wagner, Achim Wixforth, Andreas H?rner, Ulrich L?chelt und Christoph Westerhausen
Size tunable nanoparticle formation employing droplet fusion by acoustic streaming applied to polyplexes

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Matthias Wei?, Andreas L. H?rner, Eugenio Zallo, Paola Atkinson, Armando Rastelli, Oliver G. Schmidt, Achim Wixforth und Hubert J. Krenner
Multiharmonic frequency-chirped transducers for surface-acoustic-wave optomechanics

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Wladislaw Michailow, Florian J. R. Schülein, Benjamin M?ller, Edwin Preciado, Ariana E. Nguyen, Gretel von Son, John Mann, Andreas L. H?rner, Achim Wixforth, Ludwig Bartels und Hubert J. Krenner
Combined electrical transport and capacitance spectroscopy of a MoS2-LiNbO3 field effect transistor

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K. M. Seemann, F. Kronast, Andreas H?rner, S. Valencia, Achim Wixforth, A. V. Chaplik und P. Fischer
Attenuation of surface acoustic waves by spin-wave excitations in Co60Fe20B20

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J. Kündel, P. Pontiller, C. Müller, Günter Obermeier, Z. Liu, A. A. Nateprov, Andreas H?rner, Achim Wixforth, Siegfried R. Horn und Reinhard Tidecks
Direct observation of the lattice precursor of the metal-to-insulator transition in V2O3 thin films by surface acoustic waves

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Magdalena Ulmeanu, Iuliana Iordache, Mihaela Filipescu, Valentin Craciun, Simona Pinzaru und Andreas L. H?rner
Annealing study of two-dimensional patterned Ge nanostructures via nanosphere lithography

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K. M. Seemann, J. Ebbecke, Andreas L. H?rner und Achim Wixforth
Intra- and intertube tunneling transport in ropes of single-walled carbon nanotubes

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Andreas Heinrich, Andreas L. H?rner, Achim Wixforth und Bernd Stritzker
Pulsed laser deposition of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 thin films on LiNbO3 and surface acoustic wave studies

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Andreas L. H?rner
Untersuchungen von Metall-Isolator-?berg?ngen mit Oberfl?chenwellen

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R. H. Blick, A. Erbe, L. Pescini, A. Kraus, D. V. Scheible, F. W. Beil, E. Hoehberger, Andreas L. H?rner, J. Kirschbaum, H. Lorenz und J. P. Kotthaus
Nanonstructured silicon for studying fundamental aspects of nanomechanics

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