

Research Profile Institute of Physics

The Institute of Physics (IfP) is part of the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology (MNTF) at the University of Augsburg. It sees its strengths in the following fields of research:
??? ?functional materials and nanostructures,
??? ?quantum matter,

??? ?physics and chemistry of biological systems.

Research in the fields of functional materials, nanostructures and quantum matter can mainly be assigned to solid state physics and quantum science. In the area of functional materials and nanostructures, we concentrate on the development of novel nanomaterials with applications in the fields of optics/photonics, magnetism and electronics. Quantum mechanics is used to understand complex phenomena of multi-particle systems such as solids on an atomic basis. The fundamental understanding can be used in relation to applications to tailor materials to perform specific functions particularly well. Quantum technologies are another possible area of application. Regarding biological systems, the scientific methods applied at the IfP will be used to improve their quantitative understanding. Fields of application and expertise exist, for example, in processes at cell and membrane level, microfluidics or biosensor technology.
In addition to basic research, the IfP continuously acquires projects in the field of applied research and collaborates with industrial companies. The latter are coordinated by the Application Center for Materials and Environmental Research (AMU). Collaborations within the MNTF and with the Faculty of Applied Informatics (FAI) and the Faculty of Medicine (MED) are strengthened by the Competence Center for Innovative Technologies (ACIT) and the Center for Advanced Analytics and Predictive Sciences?(CAAPS). The centers focus on the interdisciplinary topics of digitalization, big data analysis and interfaces with materials science and medical research.
Physics Building North (R)
Lecture Hall (Building T)

Study Programs

The IfP offers the Bachelor's degree courses in Physics and Materials Science & Engineering (MSE) and the subsequent Master's degree courses in Physics, MSE and Materials Chemistry, as well as the teacher training course in Physics and Biology.
In cooperation with the Institute for Materials Resource Management (MRM), a new MSE Master's degree course was established. The scientific fundamentals of materials science, one of the core competencies of the IfP, are now supplemented by engineering aspects and materials science through the MRM. From the winter semester 2022/23, the Master's in Materials Chemistry will be the first degree course in chemistry to be offered at the University of Augsburg.



History & Organisation

The IfP was founded in 1989 and is housed in two of the institute's own buildings on the university campus. The IfP focuses on basic and application-oriented research on condensed matter and quantum matter using methods from experimental and theoretical physics, materials science and chemistry. Since 2021, the research field has been expanded to include soft, active and living matter.
The expansion of the fields of physics and chemistry of biological systems and solid-state-based quantum sciences and quantum technologies, which began in 2020, is to be further intensified in the coming years. The aim is to fill missing fields of research and address particularly promising cross-cutting topics that combine existing strengths on an interdisciplinary basis.
The IfP, which is also home to the Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism (EKM), consists of a total of seven experimental physics chairs and three theoretical chairs. There is also a Chair of Chemical Physics and Materials Science and a Chair of Solid State Chemistry. Furthermore, the Innovation Alliance and the High-Tech Agenda (HTA) of the Free State of Bavaria enabled professorships for Technical Bioanalytics and for Computational Biology to be filled in 2022 to work on biophysical and biochemical issues in the quantitative life sciences. The new HTA Professorship for Quantum Information and Quantum Computing will intensify research in the quantum sciences. A professorship for experimental plasma physics through a collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics in Garching, a DLR cooperation professorship for atmospheric physics as well as the didactics of physics and the didactics of biology complete the research and teaching spectrum.

Physics Building South (S)
Institute of Physics in winter
