

Chair of English Literature

Welcome to the Chair of English Literature. See the menu on the left for extensive information on courses, study programmes, and research. Where no English version is available yet, you will be redirected to the corresponding German page. You can always switch between English and German by clicking on the language link, top right.

Chairholder is Professor Dr. Martin Middeke.



Research Interests



  • Literary theory, especially phenomenological hermeneutics and cultural anthropology (interaction of philosophy, aesthetics and experiential structures), as well as discourse theories, New Historicism, post-structuralism, psychoanalysis, feminist/gender theory, and narratology

  • Early Modern prose and drama

  • Great Britain in the 18th century: literature and culture, “common sense” and empiricism, prose fiction

    Novels and poetry of the 19th century, fin de siècle

  • Contemporary anglophone literature: plays and novels (especially England, Ireland and Canada)

  • James Joyce — Samuel Beckett

  • Post-modernism in literature and culture

  • Interrelation between literature and historiography

  • Biography — fictional biography

  • Intermedial relations between literature and art

English Literature



Adjunct Lecturer
English Literature



Your way to find us

Campus Map, Building D5, Level 4



Post and Street Address

Universit?t Augsburg
Philologisch-Historische Fakult?t
Lehrstuhl für Englische Literaturwissenschaft
Universit?tsstra?e 10
86159 Augsburg


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? University of Augsburg
