


May 26, 2023

English guest talks in summer semester 2023

Dr. Cinzia Bettineschi is pleased to invite all interested to attend guest lectures on digital methods in museums and questions about the authenticity of material culture. Dates of the talks held in english language are thursdays from the 15th June 2023.
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Bild des 270 Grad Films im Arch?ologischen Museum der Sieben Komunen.
Feb. 26, 2021

Digital winter workshops on Provence

Surveys around the well-known Celtic oppidum Entremont, discussions around skull cult and head-hunting in the south of France and exchange of experiences on the excavation landscape France - in two digital workshops the Classical Archaeology invites researchers to talk about current topics and work on Provence.


Next workshop in English on 24th March 2021 with Prof. Dr. Ian Armit on Head-hunting in the southern?French Iron Age

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Rekonstruktion eines Kopfj?gerkriegers aus Entremont.


Klassische Arch?ologie



Klassische Arch?ologie



For Classical Archaeology at Augsburg University and all contributors an equal treatment of all genders applies. The corresponding language forms are currently subject to a strong change. All terms used on the website to denote persons are used in a non-judgemental way and are always addressed to everyone.



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University campus, building D4, floor 2



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Universit?t Augsburg
Philologisch-Historische Fakult?t
Klassische Arch?ologie
Universit?tsstra?e 10
86159 Augsburg


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? University of Augsburg
