
Augsburger Rathaus
Augsburger Rathaus (Foto: Stefan Schweihofer) CC BY-NC-ND
Korinth Apollontempel
Korinth Apollontempel ? University of Augsburg
Schedelche Weltchronik
Schedelche Weltchronik CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Stadtansicht Augsburg um 1550, Blick auf Perlachturm im Hintergrund, im Vordergrund simultane Darstellung jahreszeitentypischen Markttreibens im Vordergrund
Marktgeschehen auf dem Augsburger Perlachplatz: Jahreszeitenbild Oktober bis Dezember, Heinrich Vogtherr d. J. (?), um 1540; Kunstsammlungen und Museen Augsburg, Inv. Nr. 9330
Robert Koehler: "Der Streik"
Robert Koehler: "Der Streik" Public Domain
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr. ? University of Augsburg
Der Fall der Berliner Mauer 1989
CC BY-SA 3.0



There are different paths that lead you to History as a profession. Your first qualifying degree is a bachelor’s, usually after six semesters. At the University of Augsburg, you can expect small classes, a compact campus, and the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the discipline’s entire breadth.


Ranging from antiquity to the contemporary, History at the University of Augsburg spans the local to the global, from the history of the region to that of the world. During your studies, you will get to know different methodological tools and theories, learn how to classify and evaluate historical events, and how to discuss different perspectives.


While your studies will provide you with an overall view of History as a discipline, we encourage you to follow your interests – and do so in the most practical way.??

About the History BA

Our key areas of study include Ancient and Medieval History, Early Modern History, Modern and Contemporary History and European Regional History/Bavarian and Swabian Regional History.


At the department, you will also find Transatlantic History and Culture, European Cultural History, History Didactics, the History of Germany’s Entanglement with Eastern Europe, Global Environmental History and Environmental Humanities.


Digital methods and the use of new media are an important part of both teaching and research. For us, History is never just an end in itself, but a critical science for the study of the past.??

Korinth Apollontempel ? University of Augsburg
?Skelette im Stacheldraht“ Monument des jugoslawischen Bildhauers Nandor Glid CC BY-SA 4.0
While studying History in Augsburg, you can further deepen your knowledge with additional certificates. Among them

With a BA degree in History you have acquired a wide range of skills that qualify you for a range of professions.


Many of our students work in journalism and business, in marketing or public relations, in archives, libraries, and museums. You can find them at foundations or in publishing houses.


You may also consider a more specialized Master’s program to prepare for other professions. This is what we offer:??

Zum Studiengang Historische Wissenschaften



Denkmal anl?sslich der Ausschreitungen von Hoyerswerda 1991 CC BY-SA 3.0
? University of Augsburg

Who will be your fellow students at the University of Augsburg, you wonder? There are those who commenced immediately after their A-levels. Others start university after the second educational pathway and the vocational high school (BOS), or after time working or travelling.?


Generally, if you are interested in the past and how it connects to the present, if you like reading (also in foreign languages) and thinking independently, if you want to explore issues in depth, enjoy writing and debate, if you are interested in curating an exhibition and in teaching, if you are creative and curious, be sure that you will find like-minded people studying History at the University of Augsburg.??

At the University of Augsburg, the B.A. programme combines a major and minor study area, supplemented by an elective that offers space for individual interests. The standard period of study is six semesters and you may exceed this time by a maximum of four semesters. During your studies you will need to achieve 180 credit points (CPs). Of these, 90 credit points go towards your major (including 10 credit points for your B.A. thesis), 60 credit points to your minor, and 30 credit points to your elective study area. In combination with another discipline, History can be both a major and minor. It can also be taken as an elective.


Your study programme offers you both a broad overview and the opportunity to study certain aspects in depth. Its five core areas are:


  • ?Ancient History?
  • Medieval History?
  • Early Modern History?
  • Modern and Contemporary History?
  • European Regional History/ Bavarian and Swabian Regional History?

This core study programme is supplemented by additional courses offered in History Didactics, Transatlantic History and Culture, European Cultural History, Global Environmental History and Environmental Humanities, Contemporary History, and the Entangled History of Germany and Eastern Europe.


All five core disciplines are given equal weight. Beyond these obligatory requirements, you can choose a wide range of individual specializations.??

You can start both in the winter and summer semester.

? University of Augsburg
You need two languages other than German. You meet these requirements with a grade of “sufficient” (ausreichend) on your A-Level or other higher education qualification certificates. As a history major, you need to prove sound knowledge of Latin (Kleines Latinum) by the time you register for your B.A. thesis. Knowledge of Latin already acquired at school can be recognized as coursework in the elective area.?
? University of Augsburg
About the degree programme
Degree programme: History (Two Subject Bachelor)
Official Designation: Geschichte (Mehrfach-Bachelorstudiengang)
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Study mode: Full-time
Language of instruction: German
Start of studies: winter semester, summer semester
Standard study duration: 6 semesters
Admission type: Open admission (with an aptitude assessment process for specific subjects)
Minimum German language skills: C 1
Please note: The enrolment deadline will be published on our website: https://www.uni-aug… Introductory events take place closely before the start of the lecture period: https://www.uni-aug… Start of the lecture period: https://www.uni-aug…
? University of Augsburg


Akademischer Oberrat
Alte Geschichte



Akademischer Oberrat, Fachstudienberatung / Modulbeauftragter
Mittelalterliche Geschichte



Akademische R?tin
Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit



Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Studienberatung / Modulbeauftragter
Neuere und Neueste Geschichte



Au?erplanm??iger Professor / Akademischer Rat
Europ?ische Regionalgeschichte



Dr. Michael Wobring
Akademischer Rat
Didaktik der Geschichte

