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About the degree programme
Degree programme: North American Studies
Official Designation: Nordamerika-Studien
Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
Study mode: Full-time
Language of instruction: German
Start of studies: winter semester
Standard study duration: 4 semesters
Admission type: Open admission
Minimum German language skills: C 1
Please note: Admission requirements according to § 4 of the exam regulations in the current consolidated edition. Introductory events take place closely before the start of the lecture period: https://www.uni-aug…. Start of the lecture period: https://www.uni-aug…
Application deadline for the winter semester: 01. September


The interdisciplinary M.A. program in North American Studies at the University of Augsburg (NAS) provides students with in-depth knowledge of the history, culture and political systems of North America as well as with methodological tools for research on the region. Although it focuses mainly on the United States and Canada, NAS differs from similar programs in so far as Mexico and the Caribbean are included in the curriculum. Spanish and French have the same status as English in the language and culture related parts of the program.


Research on North America has a long tradition at the University of Augsburg. NAS evolved from a co-operation between the Institute for Canadian Studies, the Chair for Political Science, the Chair for American Studies, The Chair for New English Literatures and Cultural Studies, the Chair for Transatlantic Cultural History, the Chair for Romance Linguistics, The Chair for Romance Literature (French/Italian) and the Professorship for Romance Literature (Iberian Studies).


The interdisciplinary approach of NAS offeres an integrated perspective on the diversity of the North American continent. With a huge variety of densely interlocked courses, the involved chairs and institutes provide students with possibilities for specialization based on personal interests.



Employment opportunities and perspectives


In a globalized world North America still occupies center stage in political, economic and cultural matters. Thus, job candidates with expertise on this area will find oportunities in many places:

  • in the public sector or international organizations
  • in the media or in the culture business
  • with NGOs or publishing houses
  • in private enterprises or education and universities

The job perspectives of NAS graduates are as diverse as North America as such.



“The M.A. program North American Studies was particularly interesting to me due to the diverse array of themes and methods it offers. Thus, I could develop my knowledge in disciplines that were already familiar to me, but also discover many new insights.”


–??????? Shari, former student and graduate of the M.A. Nordamerikastudien




Interested? Questions?

We do offer a weekly info Q&A session, Thursdays 2 - 3 pm. Please register via ina.batzke@uni-a.de.


Additionally, we offer a general info session for all interested students via Zoom on July 3, 2024, starting at 4 pm. The link is also available after a short registration via ina.batzke@uni-a.de.

Stylesheets & Vorlagen

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Stylesheets & Vorlagen


Akademische R?tin / Lecturer
American Literature




Hier finden Sie die ?bersichten über die Ansprechpartner der einzelnen Fachbereiche für Anerkennungsvereinbarungen und die Anerkennungen von Studienleistungen, die im Rahmen eines Auslandsaufenthaltes erbracht wurden.

New English Literatures and Cultural Studies


