

Research Areas

  • Digital?Communication
  • Political Communication
  • Gender Media Studies

Research Projects

100 years of “resistance”? Continuity and change in right-wing populist and far-right communication (2024-2027)

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Susanne Kinnebrock & Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger, Project Manager: Hanna-Sophie Rue?, Funding: The Bavarian Research Association ForGeRex

link to project page



Digital Stress in the Media (2019-2023)

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Susanne Kinnebrock, Project Manager: Dr. Cordula Nitsch & Hanna-Sophie Rue?, Funding: The Bavarian Research Association ForDigitHealth

link to project page



Articles in Journals

Naab, T. K., Ruess, H.-S., & Küchler, C. (2023). The influence of the deliberative quality of user comments on the number and quality of their reply comments.?New Media & Society,?0(0).?https://doi.org/10.1177/14614448231172168



Scientific Presentations ?


Rue?, H., Kinnebrock, S., & Schwarzenegger, C.?(2024). Towards an empty signifier? Unraveling the dynamics and manipulations of the ‘resistance’ narrative across the political spectrum. Presentation at the 9th?European Communication Conference (ECREA) from the 24th until the 27th of september in Ljublijana, Slovenia.


Rue?, H., Kinnebrock, S., & Schwarzenegger, C. (2024). Women between power and powerlessness. Gender and power performances as an analytical frame to research defensive publics such as the far-right. Presentation at the ICA 2024 postconference "P?: Power, Propaganda, Polarisation" from the 26th until 27th of june in Brisbane, Australia.?


Rue?, H., Kinnebrock, S., & Bilandzic, H. (2024). Digital Stress in print media coverage: Stress discourse as resilience discourse. Poster presentation at the annual ICA conference from the 20th until the 24th of June in Gold Coast, Australia.



Wollek, I., H?rtnagl, J., & Rue?, H. (2023).?#HowToBeThatGirl: Die Konstruktion von Weiblichkeit in TikTok. Presentation at the joint annual conference "(Non-)binarity in Binary Structures" of the DGPuK divisions "Digital Communication" and "Media, Public Spheres, and Gender"?from the 8th until the 10th of November in Vienna, Austria.


Rue?, H., Schwarzenegger, C., & Kinnebrock, S. (2023).?#reinweiblich - The Far-Right’s Binary and Trans-exclusive Construction of Femininity through Hashtags. Presentation at the joint annual conference "(Non-)binarity in Binary Structures" of the DGPuK divisions "Digital Communication" and "Media, Public Spheres, and Gender"?from the 8th until the 10th of November in Vienna, Austria.


Rue?, H., Schwarzenegger, C., & Kinnebrock, S. (2023). Weaponizing Collective Trauma - Iconography and Narratives of Far-right Conspiracy Myths in Interwar Germany. Presentation at the ECREA? Communication History Section Conference “War, Communication, and Media Resilience in Europe” from the 23rd until the 25th of August 2023 in Lund/Sweden.

Rue?, H., Schwarzenegger, C., & Kinnebrock, S. (2023). A kaleidoscope of lies – Partisan realities and adaptable conspiracy myths in the 1920s German Nationalist Press. Presentation at the?annual IAMCR Conference from the 09th?until the 13th?of July?2023 in Lyon/France.
Rue?, H., Wagner, A., Johann, M. & Schwarzenegger, C. (2023).?Deformed, Devalued and Distorted: Transfigurations of Memory in Far-Right Commemorative Populism. Presentation at the Workshop “Far-right Memory in Digital Age” at the University of Leipzig from the 8th until the 10th of June in Leipzig.?
Blessing, J., Rue?, H., & Kinnebrock, S. (2023). Do we change our behavior when women tell us to?! Women as credible voices in health communication influencing attitudes and behavioral intentions. Presentation at the?ICA-Postconference “Authentic Voices in Science Communication” on the 30th of May 2023 in Toronto/Canada.
Rue?, H. (2023).?Female right-wing influencers on social media. Presentation at the ICA?Political Communication Graduate Student Preconference on the 25th of May 2023?in Toronto/Canada.
Rue?, H., & Kinnebrock, S. (2023). Zwischen Frauenbewegung und Nationalismus: Die Zeitschrift ?Frau und Nation“ (1924-1925) als Alternativmedium und doppelte Gegen?ffentlichkeit. Presentation on the annual DGPuK Section Conference for Communication History "Von Emanzipation zu Desinformation? Gegen?ffentlichkeiten und ihre Bewertung im Wandel" on the 31st of March in 2023 in Leipzig.

Schwarzenegger, C., Rue?, H., & Kinnebrock, S. (2022).?Propaganda and Phantasmagorias of “Resistance” in Right-Wing Counter-Publics. A Diachronic Comparison of the 1920s and 2020s. Presentation on the ECREA-precon of the Communication History Division, 07th October 2022 (online).


Blessing, J., Rue?, H.?& Koristka, T. (2022). Women as Experts? The Influence of Low?eHealth Literacy on the Perception of Women as Experts. Presentation on the annual meeting 2022 of DGPuK-section media, public and gender to the topic "gender, health and media, 05th?- 07th?October 2022 in Augsburg.


Rue?, H.?(2022). Female Right Wing Actors on Social Media - Between Tradition, Feminationalism and Resistance.?Presentation on the annual meeting 2022 of DGPuK-section media, public and gender to the topic "gender, health and media, 05th?- 07th?October 2022 in Augsburg.


Rue?, H., Naab, T. & Küchler, C. (2022). The Influence of Deliberative User Comments on the Number and Quality of Their Reply Comments. Presentation at the?annual ICA Conference from the 26th?until the 30th of May 2022 in Paris.



Rue?, H. (2021). Dynamiken deliberativer Qualit?t in Nutzerkommentaren auf Facebook. Eine quantitative Inhaltsanalyse von Argumentativit?t, Inzivilit?t, Themenabweichung, Kontroverse, Vereinfachung und Emotionalit?t. Presentation at the Conference for Junior Researchers of the Düsseldorf Political Communication Forum?(DFPK)? from the 10th?until the 11th of September 2021 in Düsseldorf.



  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPUK)
  • European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)
  • International Communication Association (ICA)


Roles and activities

  • Faculty-representative at the Department?of?Media, Knowledge and Communication (imwk) at the University of Augsburg (since 2022)

Academic Career


Since 2021 Research Assistant and PhD Candidate at the?the Department for Media, Knowledge and Communication, University of Augsburg


Student Assistent for the DFG Research Project ?INFO-LE: Evidenzbasierte Gesundheitsinformationen für Patient_innen mit Lungenembolie in der post-akuten Behandlungsphase“ , Prinicpal Invastigators: Prof. Dr. Helena Bilandzic and Dr. Anja Kalch

Student Assistant and Student Teacher at the Division of Public Communication under?Prof. Susanne Kinnebrock

2019-2020 Scholarship ?Deutschlandstipendium“ of the University of?Augsburg

Student Assistent for the DFG Research Project "Gegenseitige Sanktionierung unter NutzerInnen von Kommentarbereichen auf Nachrichtenwebseiten und auf Facebook“, Prinicipal Investigator: Dr. Teresa Naab


Master of Arts in Media and Communication, University of? Augsburg

2015-2018 Bachelor?of Arts in Media and Communication, University of? Augsburg

