


Pre-service teacher attitudes: Implicit associations with students (ELIAS)

(a) Project Details

Term: 01 May?2022 to?30 April?2023 (12 months)

Funding: University of?Augsburg



(b) Project Description

The project ELIAS focuses on implicit associations of pre-service teachers with student heterogeneity in classrooms.?Based on intergroup contact theory, self-categorization theory, and the working model of teacher competence to deal with heterogeneity, ELIAS includes two sub-studies: (a) sub-study?ELIAS-T examines attitudes toward students with a Turkish migrant background and (b) sub-study?ELIAS-H examines attitudes toward students with a homosexual orientation. Using a?parallel?QUAN + qual mixed-method?design, we measure attitudes with an implicit association test (IAT), survey scales, a feeling thermometer, eye tracking, and a qualitative interview.?Both sub-studies aim at estimating the extent to which pre-service teachers' implicit attitudes are associated with explicit attitudes, social contact, group membership, gender, political orientation, and subjective religiosity. A second aim of ELIAS is to use eye tracking for analyzing differences in fixation duration and pupil dilation while reading consistent and inconsistent category-attribute pairs in the IAT. The project contributes to better understanding antecedents of teacher professionalism when dealing with student diversity, particularly with ethnic and sexual minority students.


(c) Project-Related Literature

  • Gegenfurtner, A. (2021).?Pre-service teachers’ attitudes toward transgender students: Associations with social contact, religiosity, political preference, sexual orientation, and teacher gender.?International Journal of Educational Research,?110, 101887.?https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijer.2021.101887
  • Gegenfurtner, A. (2022).?Einstellungen von Lehramtsstudierenden gegenüber Schüler*innen mit Migrationshintergrund: Die Bedeutung des sozialen Kontakts und des demographischen Hintergrunds.?Bildung und Erziehung,?75(1),?41–58. https://doi.org/10.13109/buer.2022.75.1.41
  • Gegenfurtner, A.,?& Gebhardt, M. (2018). Sexualp?dagogik der Vielfalt: Ein ?berblick über empirische Befunde.?Zeitschrift für P?dagogik,?64(3), 379–393.?https://doi.org/10.3262/ZP1803379
  • Gegenfurtner, A., Hartinger, A., Gabel, S., Neubauer, J., Keskin, ?., & Dresel, M. (2023).?Teacher attitudes toward lesbian, gay, and bisexual students: Evidence for intergroup contact theory and secondary transfer effects.?Social Psychology of Education,?26(2), 509–532.?https://doi.org/10.1007/s11218-022-09756-w
  • Hagenauer, G.,?Gegenfurtner, A., & Gl?ser-Zikuda, M. (2022).?Grundlagen und Anwendung von Mixed Methods in der empirischen Bildungsforschung. Springer.
  • Hartinger, A.,?Dresel, M.,?Gegenfurtner, A., Matthes, E., Nett, U. E., & Peuschel, K. (Eds.). (2022).?Lehrkr?fteprofessionalit?t im Umgang mit Heterogenit?t.?Waxmann.
  • Nett, U. E., Hartinger, A., Dresel, M., Matthes, E., Peuschel, K., & Gegenfurtner, A. (2022).?F?rderung der Lehrkr?fteprofessionalit?t?im Umgang mit Heterogenit?t in der Schule. In?A. Hartinger, M. Dresel, A. Gegenfurtner, E. Matthes, U. E. Nett, & K. Peuschel?(Eds.),?Lehrkr?fteprofessionalit?t im Umgang mit Heterogenit?t.?Waxmann.
  • Tobisch, A., & Dresel, M. (2017). Negatively or positively biased??Dependencies of teachers’ judgments and expectations based on students’ ethnic and social backgrounds.?Social Psychology of Education,?20(4), 731–752. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11218-017-9392-z
