

Chair of Comparative Education


The research work of the Chair of Comparative Education focuses on the institutional context of education. At the system level, the research focuses on the structural and organizational issues of education systems in international comparison as a level of observation. Structures and regulations as framework conditions are, on the one hand, the result of educational policy decisions (at the national/regional or local level). Still, they are also the result of past historical decisions. In the context of research on the development of educational institutions, the governance of educational systems, and the national and international comparison of educational structures, projects at the Chair deal with historical-institutionalist and comparative studies on processes, contents, and facilities in educational policy. The focus is on school systems' social and institutional contexts and their effects on educational inequalities. Current research focuses include analyses of institutional change in education systems in Germany and international comparison, the effectiveness of institutional regulations, and the interface between social and education policy.


Two main questions determine the research:?

(1) What mechanisms explain the persistence and change of institutional arrangements in education systems?

(2) What effect do institutional arrangements in education systems and their changes have on educational inequalities?


In addition to qualitative research methods (especially analyses of interviews and document analyses), quantitative methods are also used. These include studies with data from official statistics on the social composition of schools and developments in school infrastructure.

The chair also offers the additional subject of Intercultural Education in the BA Educational Science. Further information can be found here: Additional topic


The chair is currently working on the following projects:

  • Public school developments and public-school financing policies in international comparison (Prof. Dr. Rita Nikolai, Dr. Yusuf ?zdemir)
  • School infrastructure in rural and urban areas: developments after 1990 to the present (Prof. Dr. Rita Nikolai)
  • Doctoral project: Simultaneous disparities: Fatherhood and Migration (Jelena Büchner)


Oct. 17, 2024

Forschungsprojekt zu schulpolitischen Vorstellungen der AfD gestartet

Ein Forschungsteam der Universit?t Augsburg untersucht in einem neuen Projekt die schulpolitischen Themensetzungen, Strategien und Begründungen der AfD in amtlichen und nichtamtlichen Dokumenten. Dazu z?hlen Wahlprogramme, Parlamentsdokumente und Beitr?ge in sozialen Medien wie Instagram oder Facebook. Das Projekt wird von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) mit rund 450.000 Euro gef?rdert.

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Schulklasse Lehrer Schüler (Symbolbild)
Sept. 25, 2024

Neu erschienen

Gemeinsam mit Prof. Marcel Helbig ver?ffentlichte Prof. Rita Nikolai im ?Handbuch Grundschulp?dagogik und Grundschuldidaktik“ bei UTB einen Beitrag zum Thema ?Die Grundschule im deutschen Schulsystem“.

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Bücher Lesen Einband von oben (Symbolbild)
Sept. 18, 2024

AfD und schulpolitische Positionen auf Sozialen Medien

Zum Thema ?AfD und schulpolitische Positionen auf Sozialen Medien“ sprachen Prof. Rita Nikolai, Line Saur und Moritz Gawert auf der Augsburger ver.di Aktivenkonferenz ?Tatort Demokratie! Rechte Erz?hlungen erkennen und dagegenhalten“ am 17.9.2025.

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Sprechblase in rot, darin steht "Hatespeech"


Professor - Internationalisation Coordinator
Comparative Education



General contactinformation:

Universit?tsstrasse 10
86159 Augsburg

Phone: +49 821 598 - ?? 2847

E-Mail: katrin.schwab@uni-a.de


Building: D

Room: 4018

? University of Augsburg
