

Chair for Political Science with a specialization in climate politics

Welcome to the page of Prof. Dr. Angela Oels, full professor and chairholder “Political Science with a specialization in climate politics”?

Prof. Dr. Angela Oels was appointed to the newly established Center for Climate Resilience in April 2022. She is an internationally distinguished international relations scholar with much experience in trans- and interdisciplinary collaboration. Her research focus are the UN climate negotiations under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement, which she studies from the perspective of climate governmentality studies (of which she is a co-founder). In particular, she investigates climate adaptation, climate resilience and the negotiations on loss and damage, including the contested topic of climate-induced mobility/ displacement. Secondly, Prof. Oels is interested in how digitalization needs to be governed to ensure that it contributes to sustainability transformations. She is hosting an international, interdisciplinary conference on this topic in September 2023 at Augsburg University. Finally, Prof. Oels studies from the perspective of democratic theory how stakeholder participation processes in climate adaptation can be designed to initiate social change and thus contribute to desirable climate futures.

Angela Oels received her PhD from the University of East Anglia (UK) and her habilitation from the University of Hamburg on “The discursive construction of climate change as a security issue”. Her past positions include a postdoc position at the climate excellence cluster CliSAP at the University of Hamburg, a Humboldt Visiting Professorship at Lund University in Sweden, and a Junior Professorship at the Open University of the Netherlands.

? University of Augsburg


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Tagung zu Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit


Oct. 9, 2024

What is the responsibility of Political Science in times of polycrisis?

This was the question of a semi-plenary Roundtable on the first day of the 29th (tri-annual) Conference of the German Political Science Association (DVPW). Prof. Dr. Angela Oels was one of the panelists and replied that scientists need to take a strong science-based stand.

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Professorin Angela Oels als Teilnehmerin bei einem Roundtable im Sitzkreis
Aug. 7, 2024

Ist der Klimawandel ein Konflikt-Treiber oder Friedens-Chance?

Anl?sslich der Ausstellung Friedensklima auf dem Moritzplatz moderierte Prof. Dr. Angela Oels am 16.Juli eine gut besuchte Veranstaltung über diese wichtige Frage mit Prof. Dr. Tobias Ide von der Murdoch Universit?t in Australien.

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Vortrag Ide
Aug. 7, 2024

Zentrum für Klimaresilienz auf der POLLEN 2024: ?Towards plural and just futures“

Prof. Dr. Angela Oels und Marie Fischer vom Lehrstuhl für Klimapolitik sowie Dr. Sebastian Purwins vom Lehrstuhl für urbane Klimaresilienz nahmen vom 10.-12. Juni 2024 an der POLLEN 2024, der internationalen Konferenz des Political Ecology Networks zum Thema ?Towards plural and just futures“ an der Universit?t Lund in Schweden teil.

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Pollen 4


Political Science with a specialization in climate politics



Allgemeine Kontaktinformationen:




Chair for Political Science with a specialization in climate politics

Center for Climate Resilience

University of Augsburg

Universit?tsstra?e 2

86159 Augsburg


Telefon??? +49 821 598 - 4864



Secretary's office: n.n.


Building I, Room 2218



? University of Augsburg
