


The overarching aim of the ZiFo project is to gain in-depth knowledge about researchers’ achievement goals for their everyday professional lives. Based on the findings from the preceding project, which clarified the structure, separability, stability, and relevance of achievement goals for the professional experiences of faculty members in the teaching context, this project will: (1) comprehensively investigate development trajectories of achievement goals in the research context, (2) explore the relevance of achievement goals for cognitive, behavioral, and affective experiences of researchers, including handling professional setbacks and successfully mastering important career stages, and (3) examine the unique goal combinations that researchers have with regard to adapting to academia as a professional field.

Central Pbulications

  • Daumiller, M, & Dresel, M. (2023). Temporal dynamics between faculty goals, burnout/ engagement, and performance in teaching and research: A latent change score approach. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 72, 102124. Advanced online publication. . PsyArXiv: .
  • Daumiller, M.?& Dresel, M. (2020).?Researchers’ achievement goals: Prevalence, structure, and associations with job burnout/engagement and professional learning.?Contemporary Educational Psychology,?61, 101843. Advanced online publication. . PsyArXiv: .
  • Daumiller, M., Stupnisky, R., & Janke, S. (2020).?Motivation of higher education faculty: Theoretical approaches, empirical evidence, and future directions.?International Journal of Educational Research, 99.? . PsyArXiv: .
  • Dickh?user, O., Janke, S., Daumiller, M., & Dresel, M. (2021).?Motivational school climate and teachers’ achievement goal orientations: A hierarchical approach.?British Journal of Educational Psychology,?91(1), 391–408.
  • Janke, S., Daumiller, M., & Rudert, S. C. (2019).?Dark pathways to achievement in science: Researchers’ achievement goals predict engagement in Questionable Research Practices.?Social Psychological and Personality Science,?10(6), 783–791.
  • Janke, S. & Dickh?user, O. (2018).?A situated process model of vocational achievement goal striving within members of the academic staff at university.?Motivation and Emotion, 42(4), 466–48.

Project information

Start date: 01.12.2022


End date: 30.11.2025


Duration:?3 years


Funding Institution:?DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft / German Research Foundation)


Project Leaders (Augsburg Site): PD Dr. Martin Daumiller & Prof. Dr. Markus Dresel


Local researchers (Augsburg Site):

Participating Researchers / Cooperations:

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft


Assistant Professor/Senior Lecturer



Research Associate


