

Strengthening Competence Development through Digital, Authentic, and Feedback-Based Teaching-Learning Scenarios

  • Start date: 01.08.2021
  • Funded by: Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre
  • Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Ingo Kollar
  • Participating researchers: Tugce ?zbek, Julia Hornstein, Laura Spang, Benjamin Kücherer, Dr. Christina Wekerle
The main aim of the KodiLL project is to support students in acquiring professional skills by redesigning and further developing digital, authentic, problem-based teaching and learning scenarios in conjunction with adaptive feedback, to systematically implement these scenarios in the various university courses and IT structures and to transfer them beyond the University of Augsburg. The project builds on existing digital teaching initiatives, utilises research findings on digital teaching and learning and implements them in new and further developments of media technology and didactic innovations. The Department of Psychology m.b.B.d. Educational Psychology is part of two of the four sub-projects (sub-projects 2 and 3). In these two sub-projects, generic plug-ins are being developed to promote group learning processes (‘coLearn!’) on the one hand and student feedback skills (‘getFeedback!’) on the other.



Empirical findings on computer-supported cooperative learning show that unstructured collaboration between students is often less effective than individual learning. Significantly more positive effects can be achieved through computer-supported cooperation scripts that organise compatible cooperation roles in small groups and use prompts to encourage students to demonstrate genuinely interactive processes in their roles. A generic plugin is therefore being developed and provided with subject-specific content, which enables lecturers to form online groups, assign different but compatible and effective roles to individual students with regard to the acquired competences and prompt suitable learning activities. The resulting collaborative scripts will be used to structure written or video conference-based online discussions on authentic, discipline-specific case studies presented in a classroom context or online.




Many courses suffer from low cognitive activation of the students. This can be countered with exercises that students work on in and/or between sessions. However, especially in larger courses, it is hardly possible to give all students adaptive, elaborate and process-related feedback on the completion of the tasks efficiently. A generic Stud.IP plugin is therefore being developed that enables structured forms of feedback from tutors (including lecturers) and peers. Based on findings from feedback research, lecturers should be able to use the plugin to determine (a) who gives whom feedback on which task, (b) which criteria should be taken into account and (c) how the feedback should be further processed by the recipients. Subject-specific catalogues of effective feedback are developed as text modules that enable efficient feedback presentation and are also conducive to a favourable error culture.



Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre



Hornstein, J., Greisel, M., Ott, J., Weidenbacher, A., & Kollar, I. (2023). Promoting evidence-informed reasoning in student teachers through peer feedback [Paper presentation]. Vortrag auf der?20th Biennial EARLI Conference in Thessaloniki, Griechenland.?


Hornstein, J., Greisel, M., Weidenbacher, A., Ott, J., & Kollar, I. (2023). F?rderung evidenzorientierten Denkens von Lehramtsstudierenden durch Peer Feedback. Effekte von Feedbackgabe- und Feedbackintegrationsprompts. Vortrag auf der 10. GEBF-Tagung in Essen, Deutschland.?


Hornstein, J., Greisel, M., Kollar, I. (2023, September). Peer Feedback zur Unterstützung des evidenzorientierten Denkens von Lehramtsstudierenden: Effekte von Feedbackgabe und Feedbackintegrationsprompts [Paper Presentation]. Vortrag auf der 19. Fachgruppentagung P?dagogische Psychologie (PAEPS) der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Kiel.


?zbek, T., M?mke, T., Roshany, A., & Kollar, I. (2023). Friends or Feedback? – Computer Science Students’ Goals and Their Intention to Use a Feedback-Tool [Poster]. Building knowledge and sustaining our community, International Society of the Learning Sciences, Montréal, Canada, June 2023 & Vortrag auf der?20th Biennial EARLI Conference in Thessaloniki, Griechenland.?
