




Keller, R. (2020): The Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse. New York: Springer 2020


Leipold, S./ Feindt P./ Winkel G./ Keller, R. (eds.) (2019): Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning: Volume 21, 2019 - Issue 5: Special Issue: Discourse, power and environmental policy: discursive policy analysis revisited.?


Keller, R./Hornidge, A.-K./Schünemann, W. J. (eds.)(2018): The Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse. Investigating the Politics of Knowledge and Meaning-making. London & New York: Routledge


Keller, R.: The Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse. New York: Springer 2015 (coming soon)


Keller, R. (2013): Doing Discourse Research. An Introduction for Social Scientists. London: Sage 2013?(available for purchase here)


Keller, R. (2012):?Entering Discourses: A New Agenda for Qualitative Research and Sociology of Knowledge.?In: Qualitative Sociology Review 2012, Vol. VIII Issue 2, pp. 46-55


Keller, R. (2011): The Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse (SKAD), in: Human Studies 2011, 34 (1) pp. 43-65(preview available here)


Keller, R. (2005):?Analysing Discourse. An Approach from the Sociology of Knowledge.?In: Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Volume 6, No. 3, Art. 32 – September 2005




  • Herzig, C./Moon. J. (2013):?Discourses on corporate social ir/responsibility in the financial sector. In: Journal of Business Research, Volume 66, Issue 10, 1870-1880
  • Holmgren, Sara (2013):?REDD+ in the making: Orders of knowledge in the climate-deforestation nexus. In: Environmental Science & Policy 33, 369-377.
  • Hornidge, Anna-Katharina (submitted): Discourses of Knowledge: Normative, Factual, Hegemonic, Habilitation in Development Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bonn
  • Hornidge, Anna-Katharina, Lisa Oberkircher, Anisiya Kudryavtseva (2013): “Boundary Management and the Discursive Sphere – Negotiating ‘Realities’ in Khorezm, Uzbekistan”, Geoforum, 45, pp. 266–274.
  • Hornidge, Anna-Katharina (2013): ?‘Knowledge’, ‘Knowledge Society’ & ‘Knowledge for Development’. Studying Discourses of Knowledge in an International Context”, in: Reiner Keller and Inga Truschkat (eds.) Methodologie und Praxis der Wissenssoziologischen Diskursanalyse, Band 1: Interdisziplin?re Perspektiven, Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag, pp. 397-424.?


The Discursive Construction of Reality VI

Conference at the University of Augsburg, Germany | March 27th – 28th, 2025

Over the last decades, the research program outlined by the Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse (SKAD) has spread to many disciplines in social science. SKAD discourse research, drawing upon Michel Foucault’s work, symbolic interactionism and sociology of knowledge, is interested in exploring processes of ‘discursive construction of reality’, social relations of knowledge and knowing, and politics of knowledge and knowing – the manifold ways of discursive meaning making. Bearing these core tenets in mind, the original approach has nonetheless been successfully amended, expanded, and occasionally modified to meet the demands of different fields of study and forms of data. Corresponding studies may be found in sociology, but also in neighbouring disciplines such as cultural studies, political science, historical science, educational science, theology, linguistics, and criminology among many others.

Following the series of Augsburg conferences in 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2023 on interpretive and sociology of knowledge discourse research with over 120 participants and 40contributions from different disciplines each year, the upcoming conference will continue in the spirit of an interdisciplinary discussion about the foundations and applications of SKAD and SKAD-inspired discourse research, as well as related perspectives (such as subjectivation research, situational analysis, ethnography of discourses and dispositifs).



The conference will use German and English language. In addition, online access for presentations and participations will be available for those who do not have the possibility to travel to Germany. Please send your submissions to in the form of an abstract (max. 3,000 characters, including title, your name and affiliation, E-Mail and indication for the thematic cluster 1-5 you would like to present in). Deadline for submissions is October 15th, 2024. Responses about acceptance and a preliminary program will be send by October 31, 2024. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. E-Mail:

There are no fees. There will be an opportunity to access cold and hot drinks on site for a small contribution towards expenses. For further information please download the following Call:


Social Events at the conference
Besides an optional dinner with traditional Swabian and Bavarian cuisine on the first day of the conference we invite you to our closing party on March 28th after the end of the conference in a local club location.


Organisation: Prof. Dr. Reiner Keller, Martin Blessinger, Claudia Foltyn, Amira Malik

SKAD Summer School (in English)

The next?Summer School SKAD (held in English) takes place on July 29-31, 2024 at the University of Augsburg.?


The Summer School SKAD?builds on the broad international interest in SKAD and introduces core issues of the concrete doing and practice of SKAD based discourse research. It addresses colleagues from the social sciences and the broad range of the humanities who are interested in learning about SKAD and its profile within the field of discourse studies as well as in doing SKAD research/using SKAD methodologies in their own discourse-oriented research.


It will discuss the following topics:

  • What is at stake when using SKAD in discourse research?
  • SKAD theory: discourses & dispositifs – and how to conceptualise them
  • Research questions and conceptual tools in SKAD
  • The methodology of interpretive analytics
  • Getting into the field: methods of data collection and analysing data
  • Getting out of the field: from data analysis to comprehensive diagnostics
  • Discussion of participants’ research
  • Special interest sessions (optional): SKAD applications in sociology and the humanities & SKAD application in political science
To find out more about the Summer School SKAD and to register, please click
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Reiner Keller


? University of Augsburg


The network meets regularly to discuss SKAD-based projects. Ongoing dissertations and projects are discussed and empirical material is used.



Information on the network's activities, events, publications and more can be found in the network's newsletter.


Organisation: Noemi Trucco & Tessa-Marie Menzel

Research Lab

The two-hour meeting of the SKAD Research Lab takes place every first Thursday of the month from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Please get in touch with the organisers for more information.


Organisers: Julia Lenz & Noemi Trucco





The SKAD network uses the "Slack" platform for mutual exchange. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to receive the invitation link.


? Interested? ?



